Modern Warfare 2 CAG Clan - Wednesday/Friday @ 7PST/10EST

[quote name='Jmclark']Well, if it's good for everyone else. I just don't want to be the only one that wants it moved. :(
But Fridays at 10 are okay for me.[/QUOTE]Doesn't really matter. It would actually be better to have 1 night offset. Either way, just add some of the people you see me playing with & most of us play on a normal basis.

[quote name='jmbreci']I may be on a little earlier....depends when my monster goes to bed.

I am wondering several things....why am I trying to play with the ACR - besides getting the bonus points? Much better with SCAR and AUG. Also, I suck at terminal in a free-4-all...although it does help me warming up.

My nigh in free-4-all....scrapyard 13k-15d, afgan 15-4 (think I spawn on the other side of the map every time I died), terminal 3-10, underpass 18-10 (after starting 0-6)...last game was 2 of us running around and camping snipers for everyone else....they hated me turning the tables and then my predator & precision air strike all in the 2 minutes. :)

One question for Madder, Kefka, and anyone else playing a lot of MP - what are your favorite equipment/perk loadouts?

I mean, I have
1. scar/whatever secondary with marathon pro, lightweight pro, and commando pro for CTF runs
2. scar or aug w/silencer & javalin with scavenger pro (possibly marathon or OMA depending upon game type), cold blooded (no pro yet), and ninja pro for stealth
3. the pinnapple express (scar w/grenades, thumper and danger close) load for those who choose to play that (or if we get wasteland in GW)

Actually been running without the 3rd one most of the time recently, but I will resort to the grenadier class if need be.[/QUOTE]My go to gun is for sure the AK-47. If you have horrible aim & can't tolerate high recoil guns, it is absolutely not for you.

My ultimate class setup is:

AK-47 with a silencer.
Rangers akimbo
Smoke (a must have for demo, and CTF to some extent.)
Sleight of Hand
Stopping Power (really need it to make up for the long range shots with a silencer)
Ninja PRO (I can not play without it. It is required to get the full effectiveness out of my headphones)



AK-47 Silenced
Rangers akimbo
Throwing knife
Ninja PRO

I'm also starting to use the Javelin now, for fun.

[quote name='langdon_alger']Wow, I'm really starting to realize why I'll never be great at this game. Foolishly, I thought it was point-at-person-you-want-dead and fire, end of story. But with so many loadouts and classes and perk choices and modes and different loadouts for different modes and, christ, even your connection speed matters; and that's all before you even start playing! So I spend 45 minutes trying to create some manageable classes, get into a game, try to move around like there's death lurking around every corner, spot someone, move in and :twoguns::twoguns::twoguns: dead, dead, dead. I feel like Danny Glover:oldman: I'm gettin' too old for this $h!t.[/QUOTE]Yeah, best advice I can give you, is to take it slow. Not necessarily camping.

Always stay in closed areas, like never running out in the open, only if it's necessary. If you have trouble staying alive with enemies around you, stay on our side of the map when playing demo/ctf. You'll have teammates backing you, so you'll have a sense of security.

Another good thing to watch for are the white skulls that appear on your screen, above recently killed allies. If you look in the kill log & it says that your teammate was knifed, you then know exactly where he was. I learned this trick from playing a lot of S&D, since silence is everything in that mode.

It is also good to learn the choke points on the map. Like on Rundown, it's a good idea to just stay back on our side and constantly keep switching bridges to watch for enemies to come across. Or on Underpass, there are 3 funnel points that are the only way to get out of your spawn. Use those effectively. Like get a kill or 2, then move onto the next funnel point. Try to not stay at 1 after you have killed 2 people, or they will get smart and pick you off faster than you can see them.

I will be calling out really good spots to alternate between, while I am playing with you guys.

Another cheap tactic to use, is looking at 'their' minimap while watching a killcam. If you go the the menu (where you can see the mini-map), it'll show exactly where their teammates are (your enemies) at the time of you being killed.


With set spawns, offense (spawn controlling) is my way to go. Since I know exactly where they will spawn if I am standing in a certain area. So I will get 2-3 kills on 1 spawn spot, then I will run there and push it to another one and get a few more kills. Once I get my 5 kills for the predator, I will run back to safety to drop it. Which gets me my harrier, which gets me my 11th KSR.
[quote name='langdon_alger']Wow, I'm really starting to realize why I'll never be great at this game. Foolishly, I thought it was point-at-person-you-want-dead and fire, end of story. But with so many loadouts and classes and perk choices and modes and different loadouts for different modes and, christ, even your connection speed matters; and that's all before you even start playing! So I spend 45 minutes trying to create some manageable classes, get into a game, try to move around like there's death lurking around every corner, spot someone, move in and :twoguns::twoguns::twoguns: dead, dead, dead. I feel like Danny Glover:oldman: I'm gettin' too old for this $h!t.[/QUOTE]

I honestly think the best approach to have to this game, and it's the one I came into this game with since day 1, is just to have fun. I got majorly t-bagged in one Free For All kill cam I was in and the guy was like 'You've got to be pissed!' so I just flipped on my mic and let him know that it was a fun kill cam to watch. He had some style, I haven't seen anybody t-bag a person before they kill them with a throwing knife since. I really should have friended him. I want to say that was right before I started playing with CAG.
I try to think of it like a round of golf: You play an absolutely horrendous round, but that one perfect shot you make is what keeps you coming back.
[quote name='LordKefka06']

With set spawns, offense (spawn controlling) is my way to go. Since I know exactly where they will spawn if I am standing in a certain area. So I will get 2-3 kills on 1 spawn spot, then I will run there and push it to another one and get a few more kills. Once I get my 5 kills for the predator, I will run back to safety to drop it. Which gets me my harrier, which gets me my 11th KSR.[/QUOTE]

Could you teach us this sometime. I think I was in a demo match against some spawn campers on Rundown, cause they were camping near the hut with the straw bales, and would rack up the kills when we tried to run towards the "B" bomb from the two story building way in the back.
[quote name='Hostile']After a lot of SPAS whoring, I might give the Ranger a try soon.[/QUOTE]

I gave them a try when I first unlocked them because my friend was going around, killing like a boss. But they honestly weren't that great. I still like the SPAS as my favorite shotgun (not sure about the models, but I haven't unlocked them yet).
[quote name='nakanenui']Could you teach us this sometime. I think I was in a demo match against some spawn campers on Rundown, cause they were camping near the hut with the straw bales, and would rack up the kills when we tried to run towards the "B" bomb from the two story building way in the back.[/QUOTE]If/when I do get a capture card, I will post video tutorials for all the maps. But for now, you'll just have to follow me in Demo maps & I'll try to point them out.
[quote name='nakanenui']Could you teach us this sometime. I think I was in a demo match against some spawn campers on Rundown, cause they were camping near the hut with the straw bales, and would rack up the kills when we tried to run towards the "B" bomb from the two story building way in the back.[/QUOTE]

In all fairness, if you want to achieve greatness in Demo... play with me when I'm piss drunk, disorderly and crunching on some cheetos.
Game night? I'll be in sometime between 930-1000pm CDT...depends on how quickly my night of debauchery gets over. It is usually around that time I join.
[quote name='pogipinoy27']lol I like how you threw in the suicide at the very end.[/QUOTE]
That'd be why I sometimes call him Noobkill.
[quote name='snakelda']Do you live in Salinas,Ca?lol at shitlinas.[/QUOTE]

Yup I do live in this violent hell hole.

[quote name='LordKefka06']@ Pocari - What is your recording setup for that?[/QUOTE]

I use a DVD-recorder.
My favs from last night..of course I left a little early:

Snake p!ssing off Kefka on Afgan TDM and "stealing" the Nuke. It was hilarious. I'm not sure what was better during the night....the trash talking from Kefka then or the trash talking from all of the opponents and seeing them drop out after CAG mopped the floor with them.

Best kill....I'm trying to remember whether it was Skidrow or Quarry where Kefka C4'd the end game kill. Beyond the fact that they were trying to snipe the whole time (leads me to believe Quarry) - they were talking major trash on how they were going to wipe us before it started.

I did do a snake-type of run in Skidrow...trying to follow his lead. I knifed 4 back to back and may have had 7, after I got the 4th the other 3 in the area unloaded on me. Wish I would've had C4 then, because the semtex wasn't going to do the job. Ah, die and learn. ;)
Snake and I ended up finishing the CTF game, but when you guys left we got a bunch of idiots on our team who couldnt shoot down a chopper gunner (and by the time I shot it down it was too late) so we were winning 7 to 1 when of course the nuke came out.
[quote name='LordKefka06']Do you mind elaborating on your setup? Like the model of your recorder, along with the cables... etc....[/QUOTE]

It's a Toshiba D-KR10. Input thru S-video. Output thru HDMI to tv. No discernible lag as it captures. Pretty basic stuff. I had a bunch of CAG nite videos (other games) on youtube but my old account got terminated. :bomb:
kefka, sorry i couldn't join in last night. i tried to connect through your invite, but kept getting timed out or it was invalid.

on another note, i've switched to the tactical layout and my k/d have been climbing. i replayed the campaign on veteran with it and have not looked back. best match so far is 21-0 on favela FFA w/RPD-silenced/claymore/scavenger/cold blooded/ninja (all pro).

any advice on learning to snipe, using semtex/c4? i mainly play FFA.
[quote name='PocariSweat']It's a Toshiba D-KR10. Input thru S-video. Output thru HDMI to tv. No discernible lag as it captures. Pretty basic stuff. I had a bunch of CAG nite videos (other games) on youtube but my old account got terminated. :bomb:[/QUOTE]Record in SD / Play in HD?
in looking at the manual and based off of what was said, S-video into the Toshiba and HDMI out with upconversion turned on.

Ugh, my solution will not work for playing in HD - which sucks. I can capture in SD, but have to also live with playing in SD....not what I want to do. This may be a two part HDMI splitter + HDMI capture card...I just think I'd be stuck at 1080i....more research.
[quote name='jmbreci']in looking at the manual and based off of what was said, S-video into the Toshiba and HDMI out with upconversion turned on.

Ugh, my solution will not work for playing in HD - which sucks. I can capture in SD, but have to also live with playing in SD....not what I want to do. This may be a two part HDMI splitter + HDMI capture card...I just think I'd be stuck at 1080i....more research.[/QUOTE]Don't forget about HDCP. :rofl:

Pretty much, you can not record anything coming from an HDMI cable.....

I think I have finally came up with a solution to bypass it. I'll post it after this WoW instance.
[quote name='jmbreci']My favs from last night..of course I left a little early:

Snake p!ssing off Kefka on Afgan TDM and "stealing" the Nuke. It was hilarious. I'm not sure what was better during the night....the trash talking from Kefka then or the trash talking from all of the opponents and seeing them drop out after CAG mopped the floor with them.

that was pretty hilarious...also when Kefka noticed that we played a few matches with and against Fragget....and he wasn't even logged in at the time! dun-dun-DUNNNNN!!!!!
[quote name='LordKefka06']Don't forget about HDCP. :rofl:

Pretty much, you can not record anything coming from an HDMI cable.....

I think I have finally came up with a solution to bypass it. I'll post it after this WoW instance.[/QUOTE]

I know, I know and have not looked into it much. Laziness on my part says to get the Hauppauge HD PVR and utilize that....however, I'd have to go get component cables for the PS3 then. Still, I cannot tell any noticeable difference between 1080i/720p and 1080p in most things. Most PS3 games are not 1080p anyway and capturing at that frame rate is ugly.

Way off topic here.....I might be online in an hour or so if anyone else wants me to be cannon fodder.
Last night I was in the party lobby when I got kicked out of the psn network. The odd thing was I didn't get kicked from the lobby and could still hear you guys. After a game or two my ID suddenly signed out and signed in on its own again. That's when I joined your game and ended up playing against CAG in Invasion.

Not sure what happened, but apparently I was never offline even though I appeared offline :shock:
All I can say is: Expect to pay $130-180 to play in HD while recording in SD/HD.


I have officially ceased my studies into recording gameplay.

It all comes down to this happening (which it never will): Bugger. What about the idea of video sharing: in games like Halo 3 it has gone down quite well with the online community, have you considered implementing it in Modern Warfare 2?

TA: Yeah we looked at it... it’s not something we are going to do in the initial release. But it is definitely something we’ve looked at and thought about... we have it in our future to-do pile. Is it possible to implement a feature like that as DLC?

TA: Anything could be DLC right now, so yeah.
Or if Sony makes a capture software were you can record in-game gameplay on the PS3.
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I'm looking forward to my first nuke, yesterday I got close to it 3 times but only once I had the nuke equipped. Too bad they took out my chopper gunner, I really should OMA several classes to move between sniper, assault rifle and the special Chopper Gunner class using Danger Close Pro.
[quote name='Mad39er']I'm looking forward to my first nuke, yesterday I got close to it 3 times but only once I had the nuke equipped. Too bad they took out my chopper gunner, I really should OMA several classes to move between sniper, assault rifle and the special Chopper Gunner class using Danger Close Pro.[/QUOTE]*cough*noobtube*cough*?
[quote name='Mad39er']I'm looking forward to my first nuke, yesterday I got close to it 3 times but only once I had the nuke equipped. Too bad they took out my chopper gunner, I really should OMA several classes to move between sniper, assault rifle and the special Chopper Gunner class using Danger Close Pro.[/QUOTE]

Getting that first Nuke feels great. My adrenaline was pumping when I was a few kills off after my AC130 finished.
[quote name='Hostile']Getting that first Nuke feels great. My adrenaline was pumping when I was a few kills off after my AC130 finished.[/QUOTE]Haha, my hand were shaking the first time I got my nuke. My heart rate went up quite a lot.
[quote name='wildcpac']Is DLC ever coming out or is it 360 only?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's coming out for PS3 later on. I'm guessing late April.
Give or take a day on April 29.

Since the map packs are exclusive to XBL for 30 days, and it is hitting XBL March 30. That should mean the PSN will get it a month later.


Hardcore Mosh-pit was confirmed on the podcast. He said it will be released for free.

He also said to expect more game modes (GTNW?).

He also said that they will be posting videos/pictures on their official site.


CTF on Crash....:drool:

Too bad they are not bringing back Bloc.


Who here plans on getting the map pack ($15) for sure?
We got the keys officially and are considered "in" the apartment. Two weeks from now FiOS will be installed on Saturday hopefully and by then we should be mostly moved in. Locks need to be changed and one room sanded and painted along with some minor electrical outlet changing(from single to double outlet) should do the trick. Only thing left is picking out my wall mount for my 42" plasma. After that I just need a receiver for my surround sound and I'll be set, I may end up doing optical out rather than hdmi pass through, I don't really want to buy more HDMI cables, it should be possible I think.

Once that's all done at least we'll have a guaranteed host(that'd be me!) that won't rage quit on us.
SumOG = SoG-
Experience: Intermediate
Availablity: Sun/Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat (nights)
Timezone: EST
Mic: No

looking for teammates too
usually play ground wars...with my scar
people to watch my back while i capture a/b/c
and people to watch my back so i dont get gang-banged but vice versa
I must thank Madder for the slowdown comment...and I mean it. Did some Team DM last night and managed to knife 10 out of my 15 kills...too bad I still need to get a handgun to use the tactical knife. The best part was my run on almost everyone on the other team in Skidrow. Nothing like knifing a guy walking into a room and seeing another one standing facing away while two others were on the ground sniping...and I did that twice to the snipers.

GTNW...maybe I can launch my first.....
[quote name='jmbreci']I must thank Madder for the slowdown comment...and I mean it. Did some Team DM last night and managed to knife 10 out of my 15 kills...too bad I still need to get a handgun to use the tactical knife. The best part was my run on almost everyone on the other team in Skidrow. Nothing like knifing a guy walking into a room and seeing another one standing facing away while two others were on the ground sniping...and I did that twice to the snipers.

GTNW...maybe I can launch my first.....[/QUOTE]

Modern Warfare 2 is like driving stick in a turbo sports car, the hardest thing to do is learn how to go slow. I still think most guys starting out should hone their twitch skills but where do you go after that's done? What do you do once you're ready to play with your team after you figure out all the ropes? Kefka, Hito and Snakelda all make it look so fucking easy. It's frustrating when you're trying to figure out what sets them apart and it literally is how you pace yourself.

First thing I needed to do when I started playing Hardcore was slow down. That's why I knew as somebody who doesn't play Hardcore, it'd be the best advice to give you. Even if it makes no sense initially, slow it down and exert some control over the circumstances. It's one of those things that you take with you towards the rest of your games.
[quote name='LordKefka06']


CTF on Crash....:drool:

Too bad they are not bringing back Bloc.


Who here plans on getting the map pack ($15) for sure?[/QUOTE]

Oh snap they're bringing back Crash? Kefka do you know if they'll be bringing back any more cod4 maps? The bloc is a "meh" stage for me

I plan on getting the map pack, might be interested in gamesharing it if someone creates a group
if either of my 2 current gameshare groups don't get the maps (which they probably won't), I'd be up for gamesharing the maps...Hostile, I know we've worked together before.
bread's done