Modern Warfare 2 CAG Clan - Wednesday/Friday @ 7PST/10EST


Can you make an announcement that I am recruiting for a clan match? I need about two - four more to make a full team for ground wars.

I have a douche clan challenging me. I tried to play against and with them. They got pretty jealous when I was constantly on top of the leader board.

They hated that I was talking shit too.

What I would like to do is get most of the team together to play some ground wars this week and next. Get familiar with each other and come up with a strategy.

You don't have to be awesome or anything... I just need two to four people that will contribute as a team. I'm mostly worried about domination. They suck at TDM.

Here is a screenshot of my first game against them a few weeks back:
$15 for three new maps and a couple copies of CoD4... Act can go F-themselves! I didn't buy the map pack for the first MW till it hit the $5 mark. I'll be damned if I'm paying 3x that for shit that most other games would give out for free to help keep the community alive. God bless Unreal Tournament III!

If you guys are doing donations via paypal or what not for the share, i would be glad to contribute. Not sure if ill partake in the action (still on the fence about game sharing's morality) but when the company is going for highway-robbery...
ottoman, I would be up for joining the clan challenge. if we can keep kefka alive to get the nuke every time, then more power to us... woot.

I have a 5.1 surround sound setup (could go 7.1, but living room is not big enough). I use hdmi for video, and toslink for audio. I changed the settings on the PS3. I crank the volume up so I can hear everything, and chat is through my bluetooth so its not too loud (if my bluetooth is off, I mute everyone).
Hey Kefka, I found Panty Sniffer's partner in crime.

Otto just schedule a date and I'll toss my hat in if time permits. I may be a little rusty but that should come right off after my move is finished.
[quote name='Mad39er']Hey Kefka, I found Panty Sniffer's partner in crime.

Otto just schedule a date and I'll toss my hat in if time permits. I may be a little rusty but that should come right off after my move is finished.[/QUOTE]

I've played with Pantydropper once and I remember because his name made me This game is starting to frustrate me. Every single game there is that retard with a n00btuber and then starts talking shit at the end of the game because he got first place. Not only that, I always get kicked out when the host changes and if I don't, it will lag a bit but it still gets really annoying. I'll probably only play with you guys on clan nights.
[quote name='Jmclark']Would anyone be up for playing an hour earlier than usual tonight?[/QUOTE]I will be getting on pretty soon, so I will throw you an invite when you get on.

[quote name='snakelda']I've played with Pantydropper once and I remember because his name made me This game is starting to frustrate me. Every single game there is that retard with a n00btuber and then starts talking shit at the end of the game because he got first place. Not only that, I always get kicked out when the host changes and if I don't, it will lag a bit but it still gets really annoying. I'll probably only play with you guys on clan nights.[/QUOTE]Yeah, it really is disappointing when not playing with a group of CAGs.

Snake, you interested in any other FPSs that are already out, or that are coming out in the future (MoH..etc...)
[quote name='nakanenui']ottoman, I would be up for joining the clan challenge. if we can keep kefka alive to get the nuke every time, then more power to us... woot.

I have a 5.1 surround sound setup (could go 7.1, but living room is not big enough). I use hdmi for video, and toslink for audio. I changed the settings on the PS3. I crank the volume up so I can hear everything, and chat is through my bluetooth so its not too loud (if my bluetooth is off, I mute everyone).[/QUOTE]

I use the same setup in my room. 1080p via HDMI to the panasonic plasma and 5.1 optical audio to my receiver for true surround.

In the future though you should consider getting a receiver that can decode all the lossless audio of Blu-Ray. We have a setup for it upstairs in the living room at my house and it's a HUGE difference. Remember when watching a DVD then watching in high def? it's the same upgrade when going from 5.1 optical to lossless DTS/Dolby via HDMI. The clarity is UNREAL!!!!
Yep...the 7.1 setup in the basement is the bomb. I just cannot crank it up as high as I like once the boy is in bed....even though I did sound proof it fairly well, something about that bass thumping things......I'll still never forget the first time I played with it an annoyed my wife...she could feel it outside the house....forget whether that was Jerryactric Park or the first fly-by in Star Wars.
[quote name='LordKefka06']I will be getting on pretty soon, so I will throw you an invite when you get on.

Yeah, it really is disappointing when not playing with a group of CAGs.

Snake, you interested in any other FPSs that are already out, or that are coming out in the future (MoH..etc...)[/QUOTE]I have been playing Battlefield bad company 2 and it's a really good game. I'm looking forward to Rock Band 3 and the Greenday Rockband
I'll participate in the clan match as a backup/alt if that's cool. I work random shifts each week but if I'm home and you guys need another guy, count me in.
Lol, just went to play some demolition, and got this. It was so fun.

Also, probably gonna finally get to prestige tomorrow. Maybe while we're having our CAG night. :)
[quote name='LordKefka06']Mad, are you behind the "SNAKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" comment in this thread? Haha.[/QUOTE]
LOL. No, but I was keeping track of that thread and the stupidity coming from it. I realized when the guy was focusing on all his gaming in standard def and he wanted better "game play" without any regard to HD content, I kinda said to myself "There is a guy that would benefit from a 42" 1080p plasma tv".

I will however be behind the margarita shortage that will happen start Friday(today) and end somewhere early Monday morning.
IGN interview, with Robert Bowling, on the 'Stimulus Package'.

IGN: What kind of rotation are the Stimulus maps going to take in the general playlists?

Robert Bowling: I think when we first launch, we're not going to put them in the rotation of the standard playlists at all. Simply because, you know, we don't want to segment the community. If you didn't buy the map packs, we didn't want you to join a game and not be able to play with somebody because they bought the map packs. So, we're going to separate them into the dedicated playlists for a little bit when we first launch. Once we look into play data and see the numbers rising, if the vast majority of the users are playing on the new maps then we may start filtering them into the other playlists.

IGN: So it'd be fair to say that the introduction of those maps into the general playlists will depend on adoption rate.

Robert Bowling: Yeah.
Look at the first 5 pictures for screenshots of the stimulus maps.

Stimulus package trailer.

So no Special Ops DLC?

In an interview with GamesRadar Robert Bowling tells the community why Infinity Ward chose not to go with Special Ops DLC:
Source: »
Spec-Ops was great, but right now we’re focusing all our DLC efforts on the multiplayer, just because, you know, we looked at the numbers and we have twenty-five million unique players in Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer, and that’s an insane amount of people dedicating an insane amount of time to the game. And we just really wanted to make sure that we were focusing our efforts on getting the most content to the biggest part of our audience that’s playing every day. And that just happens to be multiplayer.

Is the pricing something that you guys at Infinity Ward have a lot to do with, or is it all decided between Activision and Microsoft?
Yeah, all pricing is handled by Activision outside of Infinity Ward. We really focus on all the creative content and let them handle all the business.

They just had too....:drool:

You experience them in a totally different way, because you've never played capture-the-flag on Crash before. You've never played demolition on Overgrown.
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Meh, not sure about how I like the possibility of the maps not being included in standard playlists. I'm assuming lots of people will buy them, and it won't be a problem, but if I end up having to play "Stimulus" every time I want to play those maps, I'll feel ripped off. Especially considering how it's like Mosh Pit, you don't know what mode you'll get.
I actually like that they won't be included in standard playlists initially. It'll give me time to learn it at my own pace rather than be forced to learn a map before I'm ready to. Here's hoping it won't be like W@W since MW2 beats the pants off World at War. I was playing it at my bosses house, remarking that he had an impressively bad kill to death ratio(.14 with 300 deaths and only 43 kills) and every time I ended up with a map from the map pack, it just dumped me out of the match right as it started. For our CAG nights that would seriously suck if randomly it just started happening rather than us being prepared or specifically choosing those maps.

I foresee a few hours invested in a private match with Kefka as we play around with the new maps more than anything else. He's usually pretty good at showing people the ropes with the map and I don't think this will be any exception.
I'll be on around 8-830 tonight. Been a bit and need to play!

I was watching that hd thread also. If you own a ps3 and aren't in hd why even own one. I bought a ps3 cheap from a kid who hated it because he said it looked like crap (it was hooked up to a small tube tv). I promptly went home and hooked it up to the 42" and love it.
[quote name='Mad39er']I foresee a few hours invested in a private match with Kefka as we play around with the new maps more than anything else. He's usually pretty good at showing people the ropes with the map and I don't think this will be any exception.[/QUOTE]

Let me articulate this better....these usually start out with Kefka trying to C4 / frag / Javelin all of us at the beginning...then the fun begins. :cool:

Sorry....couldn't resist that...hopefully I have my Tritton set up and ready before playing tonight.
I won't be around tonight, I'm moving all my games, including MW2 into the new place but my PS3 and tv will get moved tomorrow sometime. I also won't be posting until FiOS is installed as I have to have a computer there for tomorrow, so more than likely this one will be packed and ready to go for first thing tomorrow.
Ugh...I'll be on...disappointed at the moment...Tritton mic works, no audio....tried it on both PS3's....hmmmmm...this isn't quantum physics....and the new model has only 1 power supply with two connectors. Nice that you don't need 2 plugs now.
  1. You plug the optical cable into both the PS3 & the hub?
  2. You connect the USB cable to both the PS3 & the hub?
  3. You have the headset plugged into the hub? ;)
  4. You go into the PS3 Settings > Accessory Settings . Audio Device Settings, and set both the input and output to "C-Media USB Audio Device."
  5. You make sure to change the audio outputs to be optical out / Dolby 5.1 / PCM 44.1 (Make sure DTS is unchecked, as this will disable output of some games).
Test connections by powering on the PS3 & the Hub, watch to ensure "Dolby Digital" light on the hub illuminates.

Last of all, MAKE SURE THE PROTECTIVE CAPS ON THE ENDS OF THE OPTICAL CABLES ARE REMOVED. That is what got me when setting it up.


To turn off the dongle by itself, you just have to hold the "FRONT" & "MUTE" button in at the same time.


  • The DRC (Dynamic Range Control) option is to make movies had a more balanced volume level. As in it tones down the action parts, and amplifies the love/dialogue moments. I find that it is best turned off for gaming.

  • The PL (Dobly Pro Logic) converts 2 channel audio into 5.1. They recommend this for listening to music, but I have not personally tested it.

To setup the recommended time delay.

  1. Slide the switch (on the hub) to the "TD/DRC" side.
  2. Slide the "TIME DELAY" switch to the "SUR" side
  3. Push the volume/TD+ about 15 times.
  4. Slide the "TIME DELAY" switch to the other side ("CTR")
  5. Push the volume/TD- about 15 times.

Max the volume on the Hub, so all you have to control the volume with, is the dongle.

  1. Slide the switch (on the hub) to the "VOL/PL" side.
  2. Slide the "TIME DELAY" switch to either side.
  3. Push the "VOL/TD+" about 15 times.
  4. Repeat 2-3, but with the other side selected.

That should get you setup. Now just get it burned in, through about 15-20 hours of play time.


For Modern Warfare 2, I recommend clicking the Sub channel down 1-2. Since the bass is a little bit overwhelming at first.
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Yep...think there is a problem with the box. Plugged it into both PS3's and the stand alone BR player and cannot get the digital signal light to come on. Power light and DRC light come on, nothing else. Validated the PS3 works with optical out (& the cable) by plugging that into my receiver...also validated the BR player and another stand alone DVD player.

Some choice words are going through my head at the moment.

Ugh...just opened a ticket with support. Headphones work fine via analog to the PC. Leaves the control unit as the only thing not functioning properly. Very disappointing.
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I am set up sorta at the new place. The majority of the big stuff is in. PS3 is set up and DMZ'd. I'm just going to do a speedtest and figure out stuff, maybe host a game before passing out.
Looks like I get varying upload speeds. I've gotten 13-15 and peaked at 20 megabits at night. I may have to poke and prod Verizon if I want to reach my 25 megabit upload speed. I'm definitely going to DMZ my PC and run another speedtest. However, MW2 looks gorgeous with a high speed connection, so smooth, it's like going from SD to HD all over again. I noticed my lag spikes and such but I never realized how much they affected graphical performance, but that may also have to do with the updated outlets and better wiring in this place vs the old apartment.

This move left me so rusty, my first game back was on my favorite Hardcore sniper map(Underpass) that I did 10 and 0 which left me feeling mighty fine and raised me high enough to knock me back down to reality when the next match I pulled 4 and 16 on Terminal. Might have also been from using a Sixaxis instead of my DS3 but there is no doubting the rust that's there.

I'll do my best to get myself set up properly since Kefka is away but I think we can manage a decent CAG night on Wednesday, just add me as a friend if you don't have me already and I should be able to keep us fairly stable.

[quote name='Jmclark']Ugh, been doing so bad since I prestiged. Don't know why, but I've just sucked.[/QUOTE]
After my first Prestige I absolutely did horrible. I attributed it down to losing my familiarity with higher leveled weapons, the UMP is an awesome fallback right after a Prestige for me so I just fall back to a familiar early starting gun.
Map pack will be released tomorrow for the X360.

I will post videos about all of them, along with all the new info on the patch.


EDIT: Just finished making my Final Fantasy playlist, for the 8-10 hour drive from San Diego to Brian head, Utah.
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[quote name='Mad39er']

After my first Prestige I absolutely did horrible. I attributed it down to losing my familiarity with higher leveled weapons, the UMP is an awesome fallback right after a Prestige for me so I just fall back to a familiar early starting gun.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I was just getting used to the M16 before I prestiged. Also I need to hurry up and get the P90 back. But I just couldn't get used to the MP5K, FAMMAS, or SCAR again for some reason, but I just tried the UMP today and that's working out. Thanks for the suggestion.

I think this is gonna be the only time I prestige. I don't need more than 6 classes, so other than the titles, it's stupid. I just wanted to prestige once so that I could get those challenges/titles.
UMP will fuck anything in it's path.

Also, give the TAR a whirl. That is what I used the most before I got 10th 70, and settled down with the AK.

Now I just rock the AK silenced for most maps. And the ACR for the bigger maps.
[quote name='LordKefka06']UMP will fuck anything in it's path.

Also, give the TAR a whirl. That is what I used the most before I got 10th 70, and settled down with the AK.

Now I just rock the AK silenced for most maps. And the ACR for the bigger maps.[/QUOTE]

I've never tried the TAR, might give it a try. Right now I'm working on mastering the L86 (sick gun lol), UMP, Barret and FAMMAS. Also maybe the MP5K
TAR with a silencer and Stopping Power = ungodly, otherwise it's kinda crappy with the recoil. You'll need to plink with it rather than spray, it will ruin the day of whomever is on the receiving end however. Can spray a whole lot better when the silencer is on.

TAR is definitely the go-to gun early on if you're not FAMAS noobing in terms of assault rifles. The SCAR doesn't get good until you've gotten the extended mags for it. If you do decide to use a low cap gun like it, get Scavenger Pro as quick as possible.

MP5K has a piss ton of recoil, it's a sprayer, consider using Steady Aim and a runner set up. Even with a silencer it's not very accurate, never mind with Rapid Fire.
[quote name='Mad39er']TAR with a silencer and Stopping Power = ungodly, otherwise it's kinda crappy with the recoil. You'll need to plink with it rather than spray, it will ruin the day of whomever is on the receiving end however. Can spray a whole lot better when the silencer is on.

TAR is definitely the go-to gun early on if you're not FAMAS noobing in terms of assault rifles. The SCAR doesn't get good until you've gotten the extended mags for it. If you do decide to use a low cap gun like it, get Scavenger Pro as quick as possible.

MP5K has a piss ton of recoil, it's a sprayer, consider using Steady Aim and a runner set up. Even with a silencer it's not very accurate, never mind with Rapid Fire.[/QUOTE]

Personally, I think the MP5K with and Steady Aim isn't that bad. That combo with Marathon and Lightweight in CTF just rapes, that's probably how I'm gonna master it. As for Rapid Fire, I like that too.

I'll definitely give the TAR a try tomorrow. As for the SCAR, I like it with Scavenger Pro a lot better than with Extended Mags. Since I already have Scavenger Pro, I'll probably just use that later on, after I've mastered the other guns on my to-do list.
I'll definitely host tonight. I think I have most of you guys but Kefka had more, so if I'm missing anybody, send me a friend request and I'll add promptly. I'll aim to be on around 9 but if I'm not in until 10 EST it's not because I forgot. I've got to jump my car and bring her to the new place tonight and move a couple of more things but I'm aiming to do that way before game time.

I've managed to host a game or two and I blew away several other hosts, so if I end up hosting we'll be pretty solid. Host selection is a little random initially but if we migrate to me we'll be fine the rest of the match.
fuck this game. Won't be able to make it tonight, because I broke another controller in rage. And now I'm broke, so I can't afford another one.

I really need to stop playing this game.
[quote name='Jmclark']fuck this game. Won't be able to make it tonight, because I broke another controller in rage. And now I'm broke, so I can't afford another one.

I really need to stop playing this game.[/QUOTE]

Sorry...but that's the best line of the day....some day you will laugh at it as well. Can you humor us some more and tell us exactly how you destroyed it?

When I usually get annoyed it is either (a) LAG (b) getting knifed realizing someone was running Commando Pro (Seinfeld) while I was using Ninja Pro (c) my suck skills and shooting them in the foot...although that somehow always kills me. :)

Don't you get older you eventually realize that breaking controllers is not much fun (unless it is one of those old 2600 joysticks). I got an eyeful once when my best friend growing up punched an old-school CRT and broke his hand while playing Skate or Die (does that carbon date me?).

At least you are not saying you put your controller through a LCD or Plasma screen.

Going to try and get on...depends on the hydrocodone and myself and how we interact tonight.
[quote name='jmbreci']Sorry...but that's the best line of the day....some day you will laugh at it as well. Can you humor us some more and tell us exactly how you destroyed it?

When I usually get annoyed it is either (a) LAG (b) getting knifed realizing someone was running Commando Pro (Seinfeld) while I was using Ninja Pro (c) my suck skills and shooting them in the foot...although that somehow always kills me. :)

Don't you get older you eventually realize that breaking controllers is not much fun (unless it is one of those old 2600 joysticks). I got an eyeful once when my best friend growing up punched an old-school CRT and broke his hand while playing Skate or Die (does that carbon date me?).

At least you are not saying you put your controller through a LCD or Plasma screen.

Going to try and get on...depends on the hydrocodone and myself and how we interact tonight.[/QUOTE]

Commando was really pissing me off, that's how I broke my other controller. I was on a roll with my tac knife and Ninja Pro, but then a bunch of guys with Commando come in and rape me. That perk is such a freaking joke.

But this one was all the damn campers. I'd either go into a room on Sub Base and get raped, or spawn and get raped. All freaking match. I flip out easily over little things like that, and I just needed to get my anger out so I threw it on the ground. At least it wasn't my laptop, which was right in front of me lol.
[quote name='Jmclark']fuck this game. Won't be able to make it tonight, because I broke another controller in rage. And now I'm broke, so I can't afford another one.

I really need to stop playing this game.[/QUOTE]
LOL, I was running late and didn't get on til 9:45. I guess fortune had it's way with you while I was flying down Hylan blvd. Youse got to learn to throw soft stuff or punch a teddy bear or something.

Not a bad turn out, we had 9 players for most of the night. Felt a little unbalanced without Kefka and me being rusty/underleveled doesn't help but you guys picked up the slack for me, considering I had a couple crappy spells. A couple of shitty hosts but only really needed to end up hosting one game and we didn't lose that many people so that was great. When it switches to me as the Host it looks like the game shuts down because the screen goes black for like 5 seconds, so I'm still getting used to that. Running into that 'Opened a lobby but did not have enough room for 8 players' error threw me through a loop too, go figure.

Thanks for putting up with me, I last time I tried hosting I had a DSL connection that just didn't let me have a party really of more than 3 so I gave up on trying to organize people. Hopefully we'll be able to get a decent turn out for Friday. Just so everybody is aware, I have zero organizational skills, that is my ADD and you'll have to bear with me as I struggle somewhat to fill Kefka's Buster Brown shoes
I had a fun time....played for absolute crap, but had fun nonetheless. I don't know if it's the matchmaking or what, but I ALWAYS play better by myself than with other CAGs (I'm really not as terrible as I often seem); but I love the CAG nights for the bonus xp it gets me for wins.
last night was pretty fun. i got on late-ish (around 10:45 EST), but we still had about 8-9 people for a while. our team played pretty well in ground wars, i don't think we lost a game, but then we started getting powned in demo.
bread's done