Modern Warfare 2 CAG Clan - Wednesday/Friday @ 7PST/10EST

[quote name='langdon_alger']I had a fun time....played for absolute crap, but had fun nonetheless. I don't know if it's the matchmaking or what, but I ALWAYS play better by myself than with other CAGs (I'm really not as terrible as I often seem); but I love the CAG nights for the bonus xp it gets me for wins.[/QUOTE]

This is true because you are getting matched with people of higher rankings due to the rest of us. I think you were lvl 24 so normally by yourself you would be matched with somewhat same lvl players, instead you get lvl 50-70s because that is where some of us are. And also due to some of our prestige amounts, you get more of those to play against too.

The good thing about playing with kefka is that it forces the rest of us to get better if we want kills, lol. The learning curve gets easier if you can remember the maps and how to flank the other team.

I was getting pissed at the spawn campers last night during our demo matches. One guy killed me 3 times in a row on invasion before I lobbed a grenade over the whole structure and got him once. Then he was bitching after the game about me using a grenade. M*TH#R F*CK#R, dont B*TCH if you have a 4 bar ping to my 3 bar ping, kill me more times, and that I ruined your kill streak, haha, that 1 bar difference is huge especially if the 3 bar has the jump, fires first, and still dies.
We won a lot more than we lost and that's all that matters.

I'm also coming off a mini-hiatus so getting used to shooting was hot and cold.
After my ps3 broke this is the only game out of the 30 that I own, that i don't miss playing at all. The game sucks balls and I am kind of emberassed it's the only special edition I have.
Just ordered a new Dualshock. I'll definitely miss tomorrow's session, but I'll probably be there on Wednesday next week.

New idea: Put a pillow next to the ground when I'm gaming, throw controller at that lol.
Madder - sorry I had to skip last night....the hydrocodone had a good effect on my concentration (not to mention aiming & tendency to fall asleep). I should be on tomorrow night.
[quote name='jmbreci']Madder - sorry I had to skip last night....the hydrocodone had a good effect on my concentration (not to mention aiming & tendency to fall asleep). I should be on tomorrow night.[/QUOTE]
No problem, meng. I know exactly what vicodin does when I accidentally took my second dose too early in the workday after my wrist surgery. I never was so high so quickly

We only lost 2 games out of the bunch that we played, so we really didn't do badly at all considering all in all. Honestly in Demo we only really lost because we didn't co-ordinate enough, but that's to be expected since Kefka usually directs us and I'm a bit more laid back as of late since every Prestige forces me to work on leveling rather than team playing for the initial 30 or so levels.
fuck it, I am caving for Bad Company 2.

When I get home in 10 hours, I will be ordering it from their site for a total of $40 with FS.

Here is the CAG link to that promo.

Who else here picked up BC2?


MW2, BC2, & WoW should hold me over till either C2, MoH, or GH:FS.
Not cheap enough for me and I'm not sure I want to learn another multiplayer shooter at the moment. I definitely have to play GoW3 after FFXIII and trade or buy Heavy Rain and Just Cause 2 then there's Splinter Cell: Conviction, SSFIV and 3D Dot Game Heroes.
I picked up BC2, but man o man I hoped they fixed the leveling issues. Haven't touched the game since i lost an entire level lol Fun game wouldn't mind playing with other CAGs as long there is only 3 people online......
Sorry I didn't join in tonight. I was already with some other friends. and all I can do is knife, not shoot, so I figured I wouldn't be much help to everyone else lol.
I have an opened but unplayed Bad Company 2 Limited Edition just waiting for me to strike up the urge to play it.

I'll be on later today as well, I'm just have to move the last of our stuff out of the old place today, I intend to make today a very lazy MW2 day if anybody sees me on, feel free to invite.

Hit me up when you're on Kefka, I've got some leveling to do and you're probably rusty, so we can bang out two things at once :)
[quote name='LordKefka06']Weird. As snakelda mentioned, I am not even on the leaderboards. But I still have everything else.[/QUOTE]

That's what I was gonna ask you.
Looks like my stats just came back online. Does not really even matter though, I lost interest in stats awhile ago.


Was on for 40 minutes, but nobody else was playing MW2, so I just hopped off. If anybody else gets on, post in the thread, and I will jump on.
[quote name='Jmclark']Heh, Kefka was in a video on Machinima. Noticed his name at 6:27 and it made me lol.

I briefly saw the CAG next to your name the first time and I had to rewind the video to make sure I saw that correctly. I can't wait for my schedule to calm down so I can be able to join up with the CAG clan again.
I'm in a weird state of skill. The first match when I came back I went 10 and 0 on Hardcore TDM, yesterday on a normal TDM I went 10 and 0 and somewhere inbetween I've just been floating between breaking even or getting my ass handed to me. It's really not fair, I'm honestly believing that I need claymores and C4 to even me out now that I've gotten the hang of everything. Without Cold Blooded or Ninja I was just very sad, having Cold Blooded makes me a bit happier but I have no Stingers to get me to Pro so it's just meh.

The only plus side is I've been rocking the M4 and it's really not bad at all with Stopping Power and a Silencer, my TAR does blow it out of the water entirely however. I did end up ganking somebodies M16 and didn't do too badly with that, maybe my aversion to 3RB guns is going away for a better, cheaper kill.
Snagged some CAG peeps for a few games, namely Mercanary, Kaiser, Snakelda(Snaaaaake!), Cyrus and Fred. We had a good group, I thought for sure when I started talking trash to 5 guys with NYC tags and 3 10th prestiges it was going to be a tough match. I told them all they must be from the Village because they were a bunch of :censored: and after we kicked their asses I told them not to rep NYC which made them all leave the lobby, go figure. I think Empire State of Mind put me in the mood to talk trash to the pansies that I have to share my city with, even if I rock the 718, it's not like I put myself out there as somebody to represent my city, you have to be great to rep all of NYC and these kids didn't even come close to having it.

Always fun playing with you guys, top notch crew.
Our first bunch of games last night was awesome. Us 4 were destroying teams in CTF. I think the best game was 15 flags to 1? Playing defense really helps get those kills up, but somehow Mad and Fred were 30+ kills made me a little envious, but 16-0 K/D is great.

Still getting used to LMG and long shots = no bueno.
While nowhere near the expert, LMGs are not bad with long shots - and there is nowhere near the recoil of the ARs or SMGs. I still like the AUG for a LMG. AUG + grip = dead on (it is my hit % that is the problem). The AUG is good w/o scope for long distance kills just due to accuracy (IMO).

Now, not as good as a sniper rifle (I really suck at that) or the ACR on hardcore / with stopping power, but decent and accurate.

Ugh...I need to get on Wed & next Wed because I'll probably be out the remainder of the month with work, weddings, etc....all the stuff that makes me want to play.
Great, the controller I bought doesn't work. The right stick moves right, even when I'm not touching it. And Ebay won't let me file a dispute yet. Great, just great.
[quote name='nakanenui']Our first bunch of games last night was awesome. Us 4 were destroying teams in CTF. I think the best game was 15 flags to 1? Playing defense really helps get those kills up, but somehow Mad and Fred were 30+ kills made me a little envious, but 16-0 K/D is great.

Still getting used to LMG and long shots = no bueno.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='jmbreci']While nowhere near the expert, LMGs are not bad with long shots - and there is nowhere near the recoil of the ARs or SMGs. I still like the AUG for a LMG. AUG + grip = dead on (it is my hit % that is the problem). The AUG is good w/o scope for long distance kills just due to accuracy (IMO).

Now, not as good as a sniper rifle (I really suck at that) or the ACR on hardcore / with stopping power, but decent and accurate.[/QUOTE]

I've desperately needed silencers to get the recoil down on most assault rifles down to manageable levels. Basically the silencer doubles as an accuracy upgrade for almost all submachine guns and assault rifles. You lose a bit on range but the headshot count and smaller shot grouping lead to better results. I think I'm channeling Kefka's skill, so expect him to blow goats whenever he plays :lol:
[quote name='Mad39er']I've desperately needed silencers to get the recoil down on most assault rifles down to manageable levels. Basically the silencer doubles as an accuracy upgrade for almost all submachine guns and assault rifles. You lose a bit on range but the headshot count and smaller shot grouping lead to better results. I think I'm channeling Kefka's skill, so expect him to blow goats whenever he plays :lol:[/QUOTE]

I want some kefka skill!
[quote name='pogipinoy27']I want some kefka skill![/QUOTE]

Nah, not after last nights performance... I kid I kid.

I might be on a bit later tonight due to a family dinner. Hope to catch up with you guys.
The noob tube TDM at the end was was better listening to that kid whine in that match on how he could take down anyone on our team 1-on-1. That last kill (for our loss) on there was sucky....might as well let commando pro knife you halfway across the map. Kefka kept saying "I got the end kill." I am just annoyed that my thumper hit just above the window instead of through it....that would've ended it as well.

Oh well....Madder (he did come on after we quit) and I played a little hardcore team DM and didn't do horrible. I have to remember to take off my predator on there since smart people run with cold-blooded on HC. The last match was my battery died on my controller at the start....nothing like playing 18" away from a 47" LCD screen....sort of gives you a new perspective....think I was even or +1 on kills (Karachi).

Hopefully I can join tonight. I'm voting for some HC matches if we only have 6....I think we can rock that....just get everyone to use a silencer & a few with UAV. Of course, more than that implied Groundwars (probably TDM on

Kefka - I'll let you know about BC2...saving it until my headset returns.

I haven't seen Kefka in almost 2 weeks, he hasn't even posted to my trash talking. I sense a disturbance in the Force. WoW must have started eating at his soul leaving him a husk of a boy, .hack anybody?.
I think I'll be on tonight, even though all I can do is knife. The only time I play this game is when I'm in a party anyways, since otherwise it's not as fun.

So yeah, if anyone's on/getting on around like 9, send me an invite to join your party and I'll join.
evilwon, you should invest in the longer cable usb A to usb mini from as it is only a few bucks (~$2). I picked up 2 so that I can sit about 10 feet away and play while charging.
Are they really calling this 15 dollar map pack a stimulis package?
The game just gets gayer and gayer.
[quote name='nakanenui']evilwon, you should invest in the longer cable usb A to usb mini from as it is only a few bucks (~$2). I picked up 2 so that I can sit about 10 feet away and play while charging.[/QUOTE]

I have A to A extension cables *somewhere*...the problem was the match had already started, all of my other controllers were downstairs with my FAT PS3 - which is where the extension cable was. So, time was of the essence. I totally take the blame for (at least) not having another controller upstairs. It just made it a unique experience. :)

I'm am understanding why Kefka is getting frustrated...the noob-tuber nation is ruining this game - especially ground wars. The skidrow match with the team of them & the 1 guy with the riot shield was pure aggravation. I much prefer hardcore now.

Maybe my Tritton will show up tonight and I'll crack BC2.
Eh, didn't get to play any matches with you guys. Got in the party, then the game got fucked up and didn't put me in the same lobby as you guys. So then I'm like "okay, I'll wait until they are done, and play a FFA in the time". But the damn matchmaking wasn't working for me, so I gave up.

EDIT: Map pack is being released May 4th.

The Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package DLC will hit PS3 in North America on May 4th, everywhere else May 5th. PC gets it worldwide on May 4th
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Hey Kefka, get your necro-elf toga wearing self on. I need me a wingman for some practice. Provided you aren't on already since I'm just posting this blindly without checking.
KK, give me like 20 more mins.

EDIT: WOW takes top priority for today.... Sorry.
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Well yes and no....... Evil is right in that there is no AK47. There is the AEK-971 VINTOVKA which is the starting gun for assault class. Handles the same as the AK47 but not as powerful. Best guns for assault is M4 and the STG. M4 is better in BC2 than in MW2.
[quote name='LordKefka06']KK, give me like 20 more mins.

EDIT: WOW takes top priority for today.... Sorry.[/QUOTE]
You just earned an Etna "Punk!" for that. We had around 5 of us tonight, oh well, maybe next time.

I wish Kefka would give his bump, it's so much more official. I fell down some stairs at a customer's house and hurt myself a little. I'll be around provided nobody calls me out for service from now until game night is over.
[quote name='Mad39er']BFGN!

I wish Kefka would give his bump, it's so much more official. I fell down some stairs at a customer's house and hurt myself a little. I'll be around provided nobody calls me out for service from now until game night is over.[/QUOTE]

Man, that sucks. Sorry to hear that.

I didn't join yesterday cause I had a full team playing demolition... I think that is my new favorite game type.
:whee: BFGN! :whee:


Kotaku's has a good detailed review on the break-up/lawsuit happening over at AV/IW


More Infinity Ward Members Depart

After the departures of Jason West and Vince Zampella last month comes even more departures. Lead software engineer Francesco Gigliotti and the Multiplayer lead Todd Alderman have both left the studio. They have both worked at the studio for 7 and 8 years and have been key in the Multiplayer and single player aspects of Infinity Ward's games. Only time will tell if more staff decide to departure from the company, however it is believe that they would lose their rights to unpaid royalties.

fuck valve, but I want this.


For you WOW players, here is a link to some of the class changes coming in CC. They are also changing Rage & how Dispelling works.

Also here are 2 good links for all the other released CC info: Here & Here.
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bread's done