Monk Season 4 Disc 1


CAG Veteran
1 (100%)
I ordered Monk season 4 off EBay. Disc 1 is scratched and my ps2 wont let me play 3 episodes on it because of "Malfunction." Where can I gret Season 4 disc 1 (And only disc 1, the rest of the dvds are fine.) Does anyone have it for sale or anything?
Do you have another DVD player?

I know this doesn't apply to your DVDs, but one of my Dark Angel Season 2 discs did not work in my PS2, but I tried it in two other stand alone DVD players (not in a computer) and they played fine.

Also find out who distributes the DVD and see if they will replace it. With 20th Century Fox, you have to send the whole set back, but they will replace it for you.
Or just try to resurface it.

And let that be a lesson for you not to buy used dvds off ebay.
ps2 can read poorer then other dvd players so try it on any other dvd players you have around. Clean it with windex and see if that helps. Often just cleaning the dvd will help. What about contacting the seller as well? Its his responsbility that it works.
[quote name='crawdd']Where can I gret Season 4 disc 1 (And only disc 1, the rest of the dvds are fine.) Does anyone have it for sale or anything?[/QUOTE]
Honestly, the only chance you MIGHT have of finding it would be to try going to a video store. Occasionally, Blockbuster and Hollywood Video and the like sell their extra copies, and I've seen shows like Desperate Housewives sold off as individual discs before.

Other than that, you're probably screwed.

Moral of the story, as Leggo said, is to not buy used discs from eBay. If you can't look at it in person before buying it, it's not worth the risk.
ah, i've bought 100s of used dvds off ebay with few if any problems. The savings for buying them on ebay more then makes up for the occassional dud you can get the seller to refund or you can get resurfaced
My PS2 sometimes doesn't read discs that appear to be perfect. Try on another dvd player and if that's not possible/doesn't work get the disc resurfaced. If that doesn't work you're screwed.

Monk rules btw.
Try Brasso and Pledge.

Get a rag, put some Brasso on it and rub it onto the disk and led it dry until it's cloud and then rub it off. Finish it off with a coat of Pledge and give it a try. It's worked wonders for me.
bread's done