Moore Allies Hezbollah Offer Support for Farenheit 9/11.


I don't think I could ever really make this stuff up. Elements of the Iranian sponsored Hezbollah terrorist group have offered to help support the exhibition of Farenheit 9/11 in the United Arab Emirates. Now, when terrorist elements themselves are supporting this project we're supposed to believe this is nothing more than a "documentary" why?

Full text and link provided.

Fahrenheit 9/11 gets help offer from Hezbollah

Samantha Ellis
Thursday June 17, 2004
The Guardian

The controversy over Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 just won't go away. The film, which is being advertised with the strapline "Controversy? What controversy?", has been rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America, meaning no one under 17 can see it. Distributors Lions Gate Films and IFC Films, opening the film next week, are appealing against the decision. The rating came partly because the film shows images of US soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners, images Moore says he had long before the scandal erupted. He told Associated Press he kept quiet because he thought he'd be accused of "just putting this out for publicity for my movie".

Anger at Moore is building up, too. Pro-military lobby group Move America Forward is campaigning to "Stop Michael Moore from profiting in his attacks on America and our military"; Michael Wilson is making a documentary called Michael Moore Hates America; and the website is out "to expose America's fakest pseudo-muckraker".

Meanwhile, in the United Arab Emirates, the film is being offered the kind of support it doesn't need. According to Screen International, the UAE-based distributor Front Row Entertainment has been contacted by organisations related to the Hezbollah in Lebanon with offers of help. All in all, Tony Blair must be relieved that Moore is not going to make a film about him; Moore rebuffed the rumour in a message on his website headlined: "Sorry to scare you, Tony. Michael Moore was just kidding.",12589,1240819,00.html
I enjoyed his work in Star Wars and Return of the Jedi.

I'm waiting for his next movie: Kilogram 500.

I'm here all week, thank you, you've been great.
I've hated this guy since we were forced to watch Roger and Me in my college composition class. I ended up writting my term paper on his lies in the movie. I can't wait till people start saying that "oh its not his fault that terrorists support him."
It's a freaking movie, get the hell over it. You don't see this kind of apolectic fury from the left wing when Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Ann Coulter come out with something new.

Here's a thought--if you don't like the movie, DON'T GO TO SEE IT.
yeah guys it's just a movie. So you like Bush big freakin deal. Go help him campaign and volenter. No one is telling you to see the movie. It's america and we should be glad that people can make the movies they want.
[quote name='KingDox']yeah guys it's just a movie. So you like Bush big freakin deal. Go help him campaign and volenter. No one is telling you to see the movie. It's america and we should be glad that people can make the movies they want.[/quote]

I personally never said I like Bush, I just hate Michael Moore with a passion.
It's a freaking movie, get the hell over it. You don't see this kind of apolectic fury from the left wing when Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Ann Coulter come out with something new.

Dear Putz,

No one is saying he doesn't have the right to release this movie. No one is saying it shouldn't be shown. The point being made is terrorist groups are trying to support its exhibition in the Arab world.

Now, Brainiac, what would be said about a Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Ann Coulture book that was openly embraced and supported by the Ku Klux Klan, the American Nazi Party, Aryan Nation or oh, I don't know.... Hamas? It would be front page shaq fu'ing news. You don't see the problem here? You don't see why this is just a bit suspicous?

Well, no one in this country ever became poor underestimating the stupidity of the American population. I guess someone, somewhere, someday is going to put an addition on their home from your stupidity alone.

Don't like what I say? Have a heaping helping of PAD brand STFU.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']
It's a freaking movie, get the hell over it. You don't see this kind of apolectic fury from the left wing when Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Ann Coulter come out with something new.

Dear Putz,

No one is saying he doesn't have the right to release this movie. No one is saying it shouldn't be shown. The point being made is terrorist groups are trying to support its exhibition in the Arab world.

Now, Brainiac, what would be said about a Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Ann Coulture book that was openly embraced and supported by the Ku Klux Klan, the American Nazi Party, Aryan Nation or oh, I don't know.... Hamas? It would be front page shaq fu'ing news. You don't see the problem here? You don't see why this is just a bit suspicous?

Well, no one in this country ever became poor underestimating the stupidity of the American population. I guess someone, somewhere, someday is going to put an addition on their home from your stupidity alone.

Don't like what I say? Have a heaping helping of PAD brand STFU.[/quote]

Good one.

[quote name='StealthySeal']haha i had to watch roger and me in my movie crit class and i absolutly despise it. errr its sooo boring.[/quote]

I watched it in a college Econ class with a non-tenured professor. Personally, I'm not at all surprised she wasn't hired full time. Sure, every college professor in the world love's Moore but come on, nobody thinks Roger and Me is solid Economics.

I too loathe the guy. He can make all the lie-based movies he wants but does he have to constantly whine and play the victim?

Props to Michael Eisner for refusing to support his drivel.
[quote name='Scrubking'][/quote]

Good site. Shows how big of a fabricator, and jackass, Moore really is.
I can understand why some people don't like Michael Moore - he's loud, obnoxious, persistent to a fault - but he cares about people unlike Bush who only cares about the people who give him money,

The Hezbollah thing says nothing about Moore. He can't control who supports his film. It doesn't say anywhere in that article that he sought out their support. I bet they would support any film that was critical of the US becasue we aren't theire best friend right now as long as we support Israel.

And Move America Forward (a Republican front group) is trying to keep Farenheit 9/11 from being shown. They have an active campaign on their website to discourage theaters from showing it.

You can say whatever you want to about Moore, but this movie has the White House's panties all in a bunch. I can't wait to see it.

And if you want to call Michael Moore a liar, I hope you look at the current administration just as fairly.
[quote name='BigNick']I'll get the ultimate revenge. Im just gonna download the movie.[/quote]

I'll get the ultimate, ultimate revenge. Find Moore, knock him down, and while he is trying to roll his lard ass back up, I'll piss in his baseball cap.
[quote name='Squirms'][quote name='BigNick']I'll get the ultimate revenge. Im just gonna download the movie.[/quote]

I'll get the ultimate, ultimate revenge. Find Moore, knock him down, and while he is trying to roll his lard ass back up, I'll piss in his baseball cap.[/quote]

Hah hah.
[quote name='MrBadExample']

The Hezbollah thing says nothing about Moore. He can't control who supports his film. It doesn't say anywhere in that article that he sought out their support. I bet they would support any film that was critical of the US becasue we aren't theire best friend right now as long as we support Israel.

Yes, someone said it! I knew I wouldn't have to wait long. For all you who don't like Michael Moore check out a movie made by another Michael in the style of Roger and Me. [url] I'm actually proud that this guy ...another Minnesotan in the media (Al Franken).
Did you know he lists his movies under fiction? he just does all this shit to make money off us and tries to get followers in the meantime.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']
It's a freaking movie, get the hell over it. You don't see this kind of apolectic fury from the left wing when Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity or Ann Coulter come out with something new.

Dear Putz,

No one is saying he doesn't have the right to release this movie. No one is saying it shouldn't be shown. The point being made is terrorist groups are trying to support its exhibition in the Arab world.

Now, Brainiac, what would be said about a Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Ann Coulture book that was openly embraced and supported by the Ku Klux Klan, the American Nazi Party, Aryan Nation or oh, I don't know.... Hamas? It would be front page shaq fu'ing news. You don't see the problem here? You don't see why this is just a bit suspicous?

Well, no one in this country ever became poor underestimating the stupidity of the American population. I guess someone, somewhere, someday is going to put an addition on their home from your stupidity alone.

Don't like what I say? Have a heaping helping of PAD brand STFU.[/quote]

Dear Bigger Putz,

Did you there was another movie in the Arab world that got a lot of excitement this year, The Passion of Christ. They were happy with the way it portrayed Jews. So are we to believe that Mel Gibson is in cahoots with Islamic terrorists just because they were looking forward to his movie. You gotta realized Moore has no control over who endorses his movie, he only makes it. Right wingers are just hypocrits, like how O'reilly attacked Ludacris for being a sponsor of Pepsi because of his sex charged lyrics, but then he writes books that are filled with smut and he still has tons of sponsors. You are probably going to say Mel has no connection with any terrorist Org but then you would be a hypocrit too.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']HAHAHA You don't get my point. I haven't made any judgements about Farenheit 911 yet, all I've said is that I can't stand Michawl Moore.[/quote]

I wasn't commenting on you per se, just the people who want to get the film blocked from distribution having never seen it.

And I do appreciate the irony/hypocracy of those who claim that Moore exaggerates everything yet think Michael Moore Hates America is an appropriate title.

Lesson learned - If you disagree with the GOP you're unpatriotic, goddammit!
[quote name='kev']Props to Michael Eisner for refusing to support his drivel.[/quote]

Yeah, he's gotta protect Jeb Bush and his Disney-friendly policies. It's total BS that they say they don't want to support such a partisan film when they syndicate plenty of right-wing radio hosts.

What's with these threads lately? Is the GameFAQs "War on Terror" board leaking?
I'm constantly amazed by the vitriol that greets any bit of media that doesn't follow the hard-right Limbaugh/Coulter/O'Reilly/Hannity playbook. You want to talk about inaccuracies, half-truths and outright lies, go to and take a look at some of the bulldada those guys spew on a regular basis.

Moore is providing information that no mainstream news source seems to be capable of providing, and I'm glad he's out there doing it. Maybe you folks denigrating this film without even having seen it should step back and think about what you're being fed on a daily basis by what amounts to a pack of liars.

I can't tell you this is a great movie because I haven't seen it. But I do plan to see it.
Did you there was another movie in the Arab world that got a lot of excitement this year, The Passion of Christ. They were happy with the way it portrayed Jews. So are we to believe that Mel Gibson is in cahoots with Islamic terrorists just because they were looking forward to his movie. You gotta realized Moore has no control over who endorses his movie, he only makes it. Right wingers are just hypocrits, like how O'reilly attacked Ludacris for being a sponsor of Pepsi because of his sex charged lyrics, but then he writes books that are filled with smut and he still has tons of sponsors. You are probably going to say Mel has no connection with any terrorist Org but then you would be a hypocrit too.


Oh you are so right on the money, you put me in my place! YOU CLEVER CLEVER BOY! I said nothing about any kind of politics except I found it ironic that Hezbollah found this movie worth getting behind.

Did I say Moore was a terrorist? Did I say he supported them? Um.... no. I just found it incredibly ironic that the American, this "patriot" who only wants to "question his government" has his work deemed worthy of terrorist support. You really stretch for the sake of stretching don't you.

Oh and if you're going to use the word repeatedly... learn to spell HYPOCRITE. I can only assume your vacuous reasoning is a result of half baked logic and reading comprehension brought about by a full 12 years of American public school education.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']
Did you there was another movie in the Arab world that got a lot of excitement this year, The Passion of Christ. They were happy with the way it portrayed Jews. So are we to believe that Mel Gibson is in cahoots with Islamic terrorists just because they were looking forward to his movie. You gotta realized Moore has no control over who endorses his movie, he only makes it. Right wingers are just hypocrits, like how O'reilly attacked Ludacris for being a sponsor of Pepsi because of his sex charged lyrics, but then he writes books that are filled with smut and he still has tons of sponsors. You are probably going to say Mel has no connection with any terrorist Org but then you would be a hypocrit too.


Oh you are so right on the money, you put me in my place! YOU CLEVER CLEVER BOY! I said nothing about any kind of politics except I found it ironic that Hezbollah found this movie worth getting behind.

Did I say Moore was a terrorist? Did I say he supported them? Um.... no. I just found it incredibly ironic that the American, this "patriot" who only wants to "question his government" has his work deemed worthy of terrorist support. You really stretch for the sake of stretching don't you.

Oh and if you're going to use the word repeatedly... learn to spell HYPOCRITE. I can only assume your vacuous reasoning is a result of half baked logic and reading comprehension brought about by a full 12 years of American public school education.[/quote]

Vacuous? Good to know you're getting use out of your word a day calendar, though it's too bad this discussion isn't being made in August. You could have used "specious," then. It would have sounded better that way.

Also, it's not ironic at all. It's just coincidence that terrorists are praising the film. It would be ironic if he were praising them.

edit: spelling correction.
What I love is how anyone who dislikes Moore must of necessity be a Bush supporter. I don't understand this leap in logic. I like neither one as I find that both obfuscate the truth is pursuit of their own agendas.

Moore is providing information that no mainstream news source seems to be capable of providing, and I'm glad he's out there doing it.
I would be too, except that he's just as guilty of spewing half-truths as everyone else you pointed out.
A lot of people are making up their minds without much information. I would suggest you check out the trailer at
I am under the impression that a lot of the most uncomfortable moments come from the unnerving actions and words our current president. As someone who makes under 200K, I was personally insulted by the words taken from his banquet speech. making under 200K I mean a lot less than 200K. So I feel insulted when Bush calls the 'Elite' (haves and have mores) his base.
[quote name='queegqueeg']A lot of people are making up their minds without much information. I would suggest you check out the trailer at

I am under the impression that a lot of the most uncomfortable moments come from the unnerving actions and words our current president. As someone who makes under 200K, I was personally insulted by the words taken from his banquet speech.[/quote]

I think your info is on that link or something, ****? Id fix that if I were u
[quote name='Scrubking'][/quote]

i only read one part of that website, the section about the marilyn manson interview. it seems like the writer is insistant on blaming manson, even though it came out that the two kids didn't even like manson (at least not very much). if memory serves correctly they liked rammstein, which means they committed two crimes: they shot a bunch of kids at their school AND they liked a crappy band from germany.

seriously, though, i think this website does a better job explaining the faults of the movie:
"Now, Brainiac, what would be said about a Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or Ann Coulture book that was openly embraced and supported by the Ku Klux Klan, the American Nazi Party, Aryan Nation or oh, I don't know.... Hamas? It would be front page shaq fu'ing news. You don't see the problem here? You don't see why this is just a bit suspicous?"

This shows what a brainiac you are. Nobody who matters gives two tick turds what these three idiots have to say or who supports their drivel.
bread's done