More Backwards Compatibility Updates?


I got a dozen XBox games at an FYE clearance today, and 3 of them (Gunvalkyrie, The Warriors, and Xmen Legends II) turned out to be incompatible with the 360. No big deal, the 3 only cost $10 total, but having not heard about a BC update in a while, I was wondering if anyone has heard if there's one coming up, or if they finally abandoned the bloody project.
Yeah, I think they're done. It sucks, and Microsoft will tell you they have "over-delivered" on that (fuck right off), but at least they did stick with it for a few years.

Still have my XBox hooked up though, I guess that's not going to change.
Bah. Perhaps I can pick an original XBox up one of these days when they're down to $20-$30 or so - It'd be nice to play JSRF without the slowdown anyway.
Even time somebody posts that they are done with updates, an update comes out a few months later.

I'd say they have 2-3 more updates left but I doubt they will ever get Gunvalkyrie working.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Yeah, I think they're done. It sucks, and Microsoft will tell you they have "over-delivered" on that (fuck right off), but at least they did stick with it for a few years.

Still have my XBox hooked up though, I guess that's not going to change.[/quote]


I also still have the XBlox hooked up.

MS will claim they have hundreds of BC games, but soo many of them are shit. Why would they waste even one minute or one dollar making an old sports game BC?

Soo many great games I can't play on my 360, but thank god I can still play NFL Blitz 2003, 2004, and 2005. :roll:
[quote name='Puffa469']QFT

I also still have the XBlox hooked up.

MS will claim they have hundreds of BC games, but soo many of them are shit. Why would they waste even one minute or one dollar making an old sports game BC?

Soo many great games I can't play on my 360, but thank god I can still play NFL Blitz 2003, 2004, and 2005. :roll:[/QUOTE]
When they spend the money to make one top-tier game work, often times many others become compatible as well due to similarities in game engines, programming, libraries, etc.
A shame to since there are still some great games that are MIA like Riddick, Beyond Good & Evil, & Prince of Persia: SoT. I'd still like to see Top Spin on the list since 2 isn't nearly as fun and 3 is getting mediocre reviews.
Only 2 games I have that I want compatible are Midtown Madness 3 and Castlevania: Curse of Darkness. I'll forgive them if they don't make MM3 backwards compatible if they make MM4. And I will own you on some Hunter.
[quote name='KillJoi99']MS has stated they are done with these. Here is an article(back from January). I know theres some that go further in depth, just search around a little.[/QUOTE]

They also said that back in January 2006

Nobody is concerned anymore about backwards compatibility. We under promised and over delivered on that. It’s a very complicated thing… very complex work. I’m just stunned that we have hundreds of games that are backwards compatible. […] More are coming, but at some point, you just go, there’s enough, let’s move on, or people aren’t as worried about a game being backwards compatible - and I like to think we’ve upheld our end of the bargain in making at least two or maybe three hundred games backwards compat.
bread's done