Mortal Kombat movie test shoot and it looks... awesome?

[quote name='musha666']Good news. This looks like the first GOOD video game-based movie ever.[/QUOTE]

Remember, this isn't necessarily the final form of this project. This is a test shoot, not a trailer.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']You idiots who think there is any possibility of this being fan/amateur made can please shut the fuck up now:

This was a test short made by commission at Warner Bros, as a pitch for funding a full-fledged Mortal Kombat film reboot. It was directed by Kevin Tancharoen, with fight choreography by Larnell Stovall, and featured an all-pro cast or actors and martial artists including Michael Jai White, Jeri Ryan, Lateef Crowder, Ian Anthony Dale, Matt Mullins.[/QUOTE]

Awesome if it's true I'm all for it, but relax this is discussion after all.

Also I don't know if anyone noticed but there was a quick flashback of Sub-zero at mark 7:11. It definitely looks like it comes from an upcoming game maybe to tie in with the movie?

[quote name='tcrash247']The second time I watched it I realized it's not as great as I thought at first. They just took away everything that made MK awesome. There's no fantasy left. Are they even going to have super powers? Does Outland exist? Is anything in this supernatural? This is the problem with The Dark Knight, now everyone thinks all movies have to be gritty real world shit and not fun special effects filled fantasies.[/QUOTE]

Every Marvel movie that has been released since TDK has been kiddie oriented.
One thing that makes me love a game is Cheesy Live Action Cut Scenes. I like to see what the game is actually going to look like.
I don't see what was wrong with the first movie. Also when I first saw this i thought it might have to do with a new game as for a movie it looks like crap. I thought it was some sort of promo like they did with MK vs. DC.
Watched this earlier after a friend linked me. Being a huge MK fan myself I absolutely loved it. I'm a fan of the first two movies as well though, even if they get a lot of hate from everyone else I still love them. :razz:

But yea, hoping this turns out to be something for a new movie! As much as I'd love it to be for a game as well, MK9 has already been confirmed and is being made so I'd rather have this lead to something new like a movie rather than something that's already in production.
If this is actually a theater movie, I'm definitely interested - looks ALOT better then that last video game movie, Legend of Chun-Li turd that came out.
I really hate when people insist that Dead End is on-par with a big-budget Hollywood movie. It's a hell of a fan-flick, but there is no mistaking it for a big-budget film unless you're kind of a moron. Now, sure, you might confuse it for a direct-to-DVD, low-budget movie, but, that's a given.

[quote name='tcrash247']This is the problem with The Dark Knight, now everyone thinks all movies have to be gritty real world shit and not fun special effects filled fantasies.[/QUOTE]
Did you see how much money, say, Avatar, Alice in Wonderland, and Iron Man II have made? The Dark Knight did not kill the "fun" movies.

[quote name='shigster']If this is actually a theater movie, I'm definitely interested - looks ALOT better then that last video game movie, Legend of Chun-Li turd that came out.[/QUOTE]
Legend of Chun-Li isn't the most recent videogame movie. Prince of Persia is.
I liked the first MK a lot, Goro's death aside. Cary Hiroyuki Tagawa was an awesome Shang Tsung. Didn't realize he was also playing Heihachi in the Tekken movie.
[quote name='Interstella 5555']lol at your ignorance. You do know that Batman Dead End was made 7 years ago right? I think it's comparable given it's age, so wipe your drool off the floor.[/QUOTE]

Wow you are a complete dumbass. I dare you to find any big budget movies from 2003 that look anything like that. Just because I can see the difference between low budget and an actual budget I'm ignorant? I cannot express in words how retarded you are.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Legend of Chun-Li isn't the most recent videogame movie. Prince of Persia is.[/QUOTE]

As long as we're arguing semantics, it's Bloodrayne 3.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Every Marvel movie that has been released since TDK has been kiddie oriented.[/QUOTE]

I'm speaking new, non-established movies or reboots. Fantastic Four is going TDK route and Spiderman is sounding more grounded unlike the first 3, at least in my opinion. And Avatar was in production long before TDK, so they obviously weren't going to change Avatar into TDK and just because TDK was so good, it didn't make people not want to see anything else. But you have to attribute this change in format to TDK, I seriously doubt MK would go this route had TDK never come out.
And Avatar was in production long before TDK, so they obviously weren't going to change Avatar into TDK and just because TDK was so good, it didn't make people not want to see anything else.
But Avatar wasn't the biggest movie in history when TDK came out.

What I'm saying, is it's not like there haven't been any successful "non-dark-n-gritty" movies since TDK, or like that's literally all people want. Just look how well Iron Man II has done. They can all happily coexist.

But you have to attribute this change in format to TDK, I seriously doubt MK would go this route had TDK never come out.
Is this really that much like TDK? Seriously? The styling seems more like a torture porn movie mixed with martial arts, to me.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']I really hate when people insist that Dead End is on-par with a big-budget Hollywood movie. It's a hell of a fan-flick, but there is no mistaking it for a big-budget film unless you're kind of a moron. Now, sure, you might confuse it for a direct-to-DVD, low-budget movie, but, that's a given.

[quote name='DV8']Wow you are a complete dumbass. I dare you to find any big budget movies from 2003 that look anything like that. Just because I can see the difference between low budget and an actual budget I'm ignorant? I cannot express in words how retarded you are.[/QUOTE]

Wow I'm just being ganged up today aren't I? In my defense I just felt that the two were similar in substance quality, it created that same feeling for me. With the drastic changes this MK movie made it was so far off the original set up I can't help but think this was made out some fan's crazy fantasy. That's what I felt they had in common, can you guys fathom that?. And honestly the video doesn't scream big-budget to me. But if I'm a moron or so much of a retard you can't express into words, whatever. Get over it.

Kotaku has the first look at the Mortal Kombat movie test video shot for Warner Brothers to get funding for a full blown hard 'R' MK Movie
Oh lookie it turns out it was a test video all along. It looks like I'm not that far off at all.
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That's not what I'm saying either. I'm saying it seems like new movies and reboots are going that direction, not that people only want that. Yes, light-hearted CG heavy movies are going to make a lot of money, but studios are pushing more for a TDK feel rather than a Spiderman 2 or Iron Man feel because TDK made a lot more money than the alternatives.

And I say it is like TDK because of the gritty realism. Sure, you could say it's torture porn but I don't think Hostel or Seven inspired them to make it that way. That's what it looks like to me, that's all.
Really? Does everything have to go with the dark realistic feel? It works for some things but not everything and I'm not sure about this from the little I've seen. This'll probably be in Imax 3d too. Where's the dark and gritty Fantasia?
It definatly has a "Seven" type feel to it. But really a hard R movie is going to go that way or over the top bloody Evil Dead style. Otherwise there is no point in going with an R rating when a PG-13 gets you plenty of violence and kids can watch it.

I think the footage looks great, I'm not too shocked to hear it's a kind of proof of concept footage. But its strange to release it it so close to E3. I hope there is a new video game based on a real world take on the MK universe.
And I say it is like TDK because of the gritty realism. Sure, you could say it's torture porn but I don't think Hostel or Seven inspired them to make it that way. That's what it looks like to me, that's all.

"Realism"? Did we watch the same video? Because I didn't really see anything particularly "realistic" going on. I say a 30-year-old with harlequin ichthyosis and a man with giant blades in his arms and a dude with backwards eyes.
I too, am confused with regards to the purpose of this video. It conveniently dropped a week before E3... so there might be something there. Either way, I think there's gotta be some type of corporate backing to this. Because to get union actors of that kind of name recognition would cost a bit.

Well, it is internet-only for now... so maybe it wouldn't cost that much to hire them.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']"Realism"? Did we watch the same video? Because I didn't really see anything particularly "realistic" going on. I say a 30-year-old with harlequin ichthyosis and a man with giant blades in his arms and a dude with backwards eyes.[/QUOTE]

Either you don't understand what I'm saying or your attempting to troll me. I'm guessing the latter.
[quote name='WanderingAesir']I too, am confused with regards to the purpose of this video. It conveniently dropped a week before E3... so there might be something there. Either way, I think there's gotta be some type of corporate backing to this. Because to get union actors of that kind of name recognition would cost a bit.[/QUOTE]

Read the thread. I explained what this is, back on page 3:
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']

This was a test short made by commission at Warner Bros, as a pitch for funding a full-fledged Mortal Kombat film reboot. It was directed by Kevin Tancharoen, with fight choreography by Larnell Stovall, and featured an all-pro cast or actors and martial artists including Michael Jai White, Jeri Ryan, Lateef Crowder, Ian Anthony Dale, Matt Mullins.

Note that this is not a trailer for this hypothetical film. It's a test short. The final movie may not have anything to do with this short.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='ninjalunchbox79']A reboot is just what this series needs . . whether this vid is for a game/movie or hell why not both!!! I'm down for it :applause: looks promising[/QUOTE]

Hopefully they won't market it along with 'Mortal Kombat: The Movie: The Game'... We all know how that turned out for Street Fighter. ;)
I don't care if this is "fake" or "real." It was a great short flick and shows promise if, whoever created this, wants to continue it whether it's via a movie, game, or short video series.
[quote name='Interstella 5555']Wow I'm just being ganged up today aren't I? In my defense I just felt that the two were similar in substance quality, it created that same feeling for me. With the drastic changes this MK movie made it was so far off the original set up I can't help but think this was made out some fan's crazy fantasy. That's what I felt they had in common, can you guys fathom that?. And honestly the video doesn't scream big-budget to me. But if I'm a moron or so much of a retard you can't express into words, whatever. Get over it.

Oh lookie it turns out it was a test video all along. It looks like I'm not that far off at all.[/QUOTE]

Really, really? Test film kind of equals fan-film? Lol give us a call when WB Commissions you to make the next superman. Because I'm sure that they're not going to give you a budget and let you produce it yourself. Oh and you should totally call Scarlett Johanesson to tell her about your fan film because I'm sure she'll want to be in it.

If substance = dialog I'll agree with you. If substance = filming/actors/editing/locations/costume design/etc then you have a terrible sense of value. Oh btw I have a picasso in my basement if you would like to buy it.
[quote name='freakyzeeky']Hopefully they won't market it along with 'Mortal Kombat: The Movie: The Game'... We all know how that turned out for Street Fighter. ;)[/QUOTE]
As long as Jeri Ryan is in a skin tight Sonya Blade outfit(ala her 7 of 9 outfit from Voyager)to the point where you might be able to glimpse some cameltoe, I'm sure all of the male fans will buy the game/go see the movie in a second.;)
[quote name='sendme']I don't see what was wrong with the first movie. Also when I first saw this i thought it might have to do with a new game as for a movie it looks like crap. I thought it was some sort of promo like they did with MK vs. DC.[/QUOTE]

You thought the first movie was good and you thought this looked like crap? Wow
I think if anyone involved does actually get to make the rest of this, they need to either cut the creatures and nicknames or go full on with them. A doctor who sharpened his teeth and put swords in his arms, then "codenamed" himself Baraka? Get real, folks. You're either doing silly mutant creatures with funny names, or you're not. Stop trying to make them something they're not.

[quote name='Trakan']Shut up, stupid.

Michael Jai White and Jeri Ryan aren't just going to star in a fan made movie for Youtube.

It might be a series of videos to hype up a new MK game or something, but I'm sure it's legit.[/QUOTE]

Y'know, you're right. Their careers are both soaring right now, so why would they be caught dead in this stuff if it were a fan video?

Well, it is a fan video. Just a well funded one. Latino Review got the skinny, it's a sizzle reel for the guy who directed the Fame remake. Doesn't mean he or anyone else involved is doing anything even remotely Mortal Kombat related, he just made it to show studios what he can do. Not licensed, not "legit" in the way anyone else is thinking of it.
[quote name='yesiamaplant']Well, it is a fan video. Just a well funded one. Latino Review got the skinny, it's a sizzle reel for the guy who directed the Fame remake. Doesn't mean he or anyone else involved is doing anything even remotely Mortal Kombat related, he just made it to show studios what he can do. Not licensed, not "legit" in the way anyone else is thinking of it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's been mentioned on page 3. The article says it's a test video shot for Warner Brothers.

Do you know what fan made means?
[quote name='yesiamaplant']I think if anyone involved does actually get to make the rest of this, they need to either cut the creatures and nicknames or go full on with them. A doctor who sharpened his teeth and put swords in his arms, then "codenamed" himself Baraka? Get real, folks. You're either doing silly mutant creatures with funny names, or you're not. Stop trying to make them something they're not.

Y'know, you're right. Their careers are both soaring right now, so why would they be caught dead in this stuff if it were a fan video?

Well, it is a fan video. Just a well funded one. Latino Review got the skinny, it's a sizzle reel for the guy who directed the Fame remake. Doesn't mean he or anyone else involved is doing anything even remotely Mortal Kombat related, he just made it to show studios what he can do. Not licensed, not "legit" in the way anyone else is thinking of it.[/QUOTE]

actually even doing b movies and other crap types fils you can make pretty sweet paper. ice t did an interview years ago about how he as getting all these diff movies roles for diff parts and was aking 50 to 60,000 per role which considering how little or big his roles were in the films was alot for not so much work.

im sure hed get alot more now due to his stint on law and order svu but even in shit films if you have a known name or had one you can make good money.
I'm on the fence about the realistic approach. Mortal Kombat contains moves that aren't meant to be real (the whole time during that fight I wanted to see Johnny Cage use his shadow kick). That being said, I am still interested in seeing where they go with this. Considering the Saw movies that have come around in the past few years, gore won't be hard to pull off!
So, Michael Jai White's reps said that he believed this whole thing was a "marketing component for the game." While Jeri Ryan said that, yeah, it's a test video for a new film. Maybe it's both.

Anyways, I enjoyed that video a bunch. I hope it turns into something more.

[quote name='batman1939']"He is a former electrician that went crazy after getting too much power at the electric company."[/QUOTE]

That made me laugh.
[quote name='slickkill77']You thought the first movie was good and you thought this looked like crap? Wow[/QUOTE]

I was 10 when the first one came out and a big Mortal Kombat fan. As for this one it started out well then I thought it went to shit when it came to Baraka. If they make a new movie and it is like this I will give it a chance but I don't have high hopes for it now. The start of the video I thought that it was good and then it all just went down hill for me.
[quote name='yesiamaplant']Y'know, you're right. Their careers are both soaring right now, so why would they be caught dead in this stuff if it were a fan video?[/QUOTE]

Probably because it isn't a simple "fan video" or "fan film." At worst, it's a professional director calling in favors from friends to help him make a pitch to direct a Mortal Kombat film. It seems more than that, though, according to the story. Apparently he was working with WB to show what he could do with the license (which probably included a small stipend from them to fund the shoot). So no, not a fan film.

As for Jeri Ryan, her career is hardly hurting at the moment. She may not be an A-lister, but she has worked consistently on mainstream fare ever since she did Star Trek. That's more than 99% of the people in Hollywood can say.

People, it's fine if you didn't like it, but please just keep your mouth shut if you have no idea what you're talking about. Go back to discussing the best Pokemon.
[quote name='thirdrose']So, Michael Jai White's reps said that he believed this whole thing was a "marketing component for the game." While Jeri Ryan said that, yeah, it's a test video for a new film. Maybe it's both.[/QUOTE]

It's a possibility. After all, Warner Bros. bought the rights to Mortal Kombat (along with other IPs) when Midway went into to bankruptcy.
[quote name='batman1939']I agree. How the hell are they going to do Raiden? "He is a former electrician that went crazy after getting too much power at the electric company." Goro "He was born a siamese twin till his brother stole his cookie. He killed him but kept his arms." Liu Kang "Our agents tell us he is Asian."

:applause:This made me laugh. A lot.

Actress Jeri Ryan of Star Trek: Voyage fame appears as Sonya Blade in a Mortal Kombat trailer dubbed "Mortal Kombat: Rebirth" that popped up online. Is it a game trailer? A movie trailer? Tell us, Jeri, tell us!

"Okay, so... Mortal Kombat," she tweets. "It's not a game trailer. Actually was made for the director to sell WB on his vision for a reimagined MK film."

Ryan said she did her role as a favor to a friend. "No idea yet what WB's reaction to it was," she adds. I can tell you what my reaction was: stoked.

While a Mortal Kombat film was directed by Paul W.S. Anderson (of Resident Evil movie fame) in 1995, an updated take on the franchise has been languishing in development hell. However, a lawsuit has been filed by the development partner of the original film as it signed a contract in 2006 to do a sequel.

The Mortal Kombat: Rebirth short was helmed by Kevin Tancharoen. He directed last year's Fame remake.

I really hope this goes somewhere.
I agree. How the hell are they going to do Raiden? "He is a former electrician that went crazy after getting too much power at the electric company." Goro "He was born a siamese twin till his brother stole his cookie. He killed him but kept his arms." Liu Kang "Our agents tell us he is Asian."

That had me laughing my ass off
[quote name='yesiamaplant']Y'know, you're right. Their careers are both soaring right now, so why would they be caught dead in this stuff if it were a fan video?[/quote]
They're both union actors, and I'm pretty sure there are some sort of regulations against doing that sort of thing, for union members.

Well, it is a fan video. Just a well funded one. Latino Review got the skinny, it's a sizzle reel for the guy who directed the Fame remake. Doesn't mean he or anyone else involved is doing anything even remotely Mortal Kombat related, he just made it to show studios what he can do. Not licensed, not "legit" in the way anyone else is thinking of it.
It's "licensed" and "legit," in that it was produced by and for Warner Bros, who own the entire Mortal Kombat IP.

Test shorts are a fairly common Hollywood practice. Many, many movies start out with quick test shoots, that are presented in funding pitches. They aren't "fan films." They're part of the Hollywood system.
bread's done