Mortal Kombat on Blu-Ray $13 @ Amazon! Annihilation is $14. Both include PS3 DLC!


92 (100%)


The two Mortal Kombat movies are finally coming to Blu-Ray on April 19.
Mortal Kombat 1 (aka the good MK movie) includes Mortal Kombat: The Journey Begins as a bonus feature. It's this direct-to-video cartoon that came out alongside the movie back in 1995. The Journey Begins, objectively, is terrible, but it's also awesome and a great bonus.

Plus! Both movies come with a code of Jade's Klassic costume and fatality for the PS3 version of the new game. This DLC will be sold separately on 360 somewhere down the line, or it might be unlockable in-game.

Blu-Ray Reviews

Here's a couple of Mortal Kombat CDs while we're at it.
The actual movie soundtracks (both of which are great) are running way too much for new copies at Amazon.
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They aren't kidding about "Destroy All Expectations" as the tagline for MK: A. No matter how low they are, they aren't low enough. That movie is an affront to everything good and decent in this world.
That and the plot is about a hundred times better. Also Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa did a far, far better job as Shang Tsung than Brian Thompson's skinny, whiny Shao Kahn in part 2. Oh, and Christopher Lambert was way better as Rayden (even if an Asian actor would have made the most sense).
[quote name='Masterkyo']I may buy it if i can get them both under $10 ;)[/QUOTE]

Just go to the welfare office already. The only thing you ever post about is how you'll buy things only when you can get them for a penny and a handful of spit. It was old a year ago.
OP you should also mention that both movies come with a code of Jade's Klassic costume and fatality for the PS3 version of the new game.
Warning to those who last watched the first movie when they were a teenager or younger, like me--it has NOT aged well, IMO. Rewatching it via rental might be wise before you buy the BD.
[quote name='KingGondo']Warning to those who last watched the first movie when they were a teenager or younger, like me--it has NOT aged well, IMO. Rewatching it via rental might be wise before you buy the BD.[/QUOTE]

dude, sooooooooooo not true. the first one seems to almost have gotten BETTER with time. the second..... not so much
So, I don't want to spread misinformation, but Boon has said on twitter that alternate kostumes (k's > c's, right?) will be unlockable via the Krypt (you earn tokens in-game then buy extras from the Krypt). I'm not sure if this excludes the klassic kostumes though. But if this is also one of those costumes he was talking about, the unlock code might just be an early unlock. All speculation from this twitter post:

Ed Boon's Twitter said:
RT @Cloak007 @noobde Will we have to purchase alternate costumes SF4 style? =( PLEASE reply!.. Thanks Noobde: No, they are in the Krypt!

But seeing as they did say that the code is only for PS3, maybe it is a download only...
Part one might merit a first day purchase... The second movie would have to be in the bargin bin for me to even remotely pick up.
I already have both on DVD so it's a tough sell for me... Also, yeah, the first movie is still awesome, while the second isn't even awesomely bad.
[quote name='eastx']The code is only for the PS3 version??![/QUOTE]

Yeah; I would've bought MK1 if it wasn't, but I guess they figure you're getting a Blu-Ray, you're getting the game on PS3. WRONG!

It was talked about in the MK thread in the 360 section in greater detail if you wanna check it out
Why would anyone who has a PS3 buy the 360 version? I can understand if you have a standalone blu-ray player but if you can get the PS3 version, it's obviously superior.
How is that? From the looks of things as of right now all the PS3 has on the 360 version is one extra character that isn't even from MK and the alt Jade costume. Hell the Jade costume might just be an early unlock code. Nothing has been said about the 360 and I think it would be funny if that ends up being the better edition. I am however getting it on the PS3.

EDIT: Also planning to pick the first movie up over that weekend. I could not really stand the second one. To bad the old cartoon isnt coming out on DVD or Blu.
[quote name='KingGondo']Warning to those who last watched the first movie when they were a teenager or younger, like me--it has NOT aged well, IMO. Rewatching it via rental might be wise before you buy the BD.[/QUOTE]

I absolutely 100% agree. I have the original on DVD and watched it just a week ago and boy oh boy is it so damn cheesy! It's still good cheeseball fun but man it's not quite as "awesome" as I once thought back in 95!
[quote name='sendme']How is that? From the looks of things as of right now all the PS3 has on the 360 version is one extra character that isn't even from MK and the alt Jade costume. Hell the Jade costume might just be an early unlock code. Nothing has been said about the 360 and I think it would be funny if that ends up being the better edition. I am however getting it on the PS3.

EDIT: Also planning to pick the first movie up over that weekend. I could not really stand the second one. To bad the old cartoon isnt coming out on DVD or Blu.[/QUOTE]

I can't think of a fighting game that has ever been better on 360 than PS3 ... plus I'd say one character is definitely a reason to buy that version. Everything I've read so far tells me the PS3 version is the way to go and unless they're just planning on some sort of amazing surprise for 360 users (which I really don't think they are, otherwise it would have been announced by now) then I'm keeping my money on the PS3 version.
Just a heads up to anyone in this thread who is interested in buying the movie solely (or mostly) for the Jade Klassic outfit...

There is a VERY strong chance that all of these Klassic outfits that are being offered through various retailers (Sub-Zero for Best Buy, Scorpion for Gamestop, Reptile for Amazon, Mileena for Wal-Mart and Jade for buying either Blu-ray movie) are actually already included in the game. All these codes will do is most likely unlock them for use immediately instead of unlocking them by playing through the game. There are two main reasons I (and a lot of other people) believe this:

#1: The Gamestop commercial
This is the commercial Gamestop is airing about pre-ordering the game:

If you notice they're showing off not only Scorpion's Klassic outfit, but Mileena's as well. The problem with this is that Mileena's Klassic outfit is supposedly an exclusive Wal-Mart pre-order bonus. Why would they advertise both their bonus AND Wal-Mart's? They're not partners from what I know. The only plausible explanation is that both costumes are already hidden in the game and just need to be unlocked.

#2: The Challenge Tower
This is the video they released where they talked about the game's Challenge Tower mode:

Look at the :40 second mark. It shows both Sub-Zero AND Scorpion in their Klassic outfits, and the name of the Challenge is called RETRO REINCARNATION. Why would they have at least one Challenge Tower level completely dedicated to fighting in, and against, an opponent in the Klassic outfits if they weren't included in the game?

I could very well be wrong about all of this, but these seem like strong indicators that all of these Klassic outfits will in fact be unlockable in the game to everyone, and that the pre-order bonuses simply unlock them right away for players instead of forcing them to play through and find them themselves. I'm not saying none of you should bother buying the Blu-Rays (...well, maybe you shouldn't buy Annihilation, that movie was awful), I just wanted to mention this to anyone who was going to buy them because of the included costume bonus. Oh, and if this has been posted and/or discussed before I apologize. :)
[quote name='etcrane']I can't think of a fighting game that has ever been better on 360 than PS3 ... plus I'd say one character is definitely a reason to buy that version. Everything I've read so far tells me the PS3 version is the way to go and unless they're just planning on some sort of amazing surprise for 360 users (which I really don't think they are, otherwise it would have been announced by now) then I'm keeping my money on the PS3 version.[/QUOTE]
You must have missed it - if the rumors about the exclusive 360 content are true, then I'd say the 360 version is definitely the way to go. I'll gladly take a free DLC character + extra stage + Puzzle Kombat over 1 extra character & 3D support.

If it turns out that it's just some avatar support stuff and the reports are not true, then the PS3 is the one to stick with.

[quote name='KingGondo']Warning to those who last watched the first movie when they were a teenager or younger, like me--it has NOT aged well, IMO. Rewatching it via rental might be wise before you buy the BD.[/QUOTE]
Bullshit. MK1 is still a mindless ton of fun. Awesome visuals and music that will hopefully be represented well on this disc.
[quote name='etcrane']I can't think of a fighting game that has ever been better on 360 than PS3 ... plus I'd say one character is definitely a reason to buy that version. Everything I've read so far tells me the PS3 version is the way to go and unless they're just planning on some sort of amazing surprise for 360 users (which I really don't think they are, otherwise it would have been announced by now) then I'm keeping my money on the PS3 version.[/QUOTE]

Other than the controllers on both systems what makes the PS3 better? After having SFIV on both I really have not seen anything that is different other than the controller with it. I just have never seen anything better on the PS3 other than the controller from what little I have read or seen of fighters on both systems.
[quote name='KaneRobot']You must have missed it - if the rumors about the exclusive 360 content are true, then I'd say the 360 version is definitely the way to go. I'll gladly take a free DLC character + extra stage + Puzzle Kombat over 1 extra character & 3D support.

If it turns out that it's just some avatar support stuff and the reports are not true, then the PS3 is the one to stick with.[/QUOTE]

Per an article in Playstation magazine, Kratos is also supposed to have his own GoW themed level/stage (or whatever the hell you call it). So put the PS3 down for 1 extra character + extra stage + 3D support.
[quote name='Ratchet & CAG']Kratos.[/QUOTE]

I have to say I got the game on the PS3 for the fact that the Jade costume and Kratos are for it however the Jade costume seems to be just an early unlock code. The PS3 could have got any extra character and I would have got it on that. I still think it would be funny if the 360 got an extra character that was part of MK. I don't like the fact that Kratos is in the game and he may fit the universe however he is not part of it. I'm willing to bet that purests will get it on the 360 due to the fact that he is not part of it. I would rather tournaments use the 360 version due to him in it.
I just watched the first Mortal Kombat movie last year, and to be honest, it was a really bad movie. I wonder if everyone's positive feelings toward the first have been inflated because of its relative quality to the sequel.
I loved the first one as a kid however that was what 95 and I was 10. I have not seen the movie in a long time but I really hope it isn't shit. For 15 bucks it is worth it to me.
[quote name='rapsodist']I just watched the first Mortal Kombat movie last year, and to be honest, it was a really bad movie. I wonder if everyone's positive feelings toward the first have been inflated because of its relative quality to the sequel.[/QUOTE]

It was a fun movie back then. Video game film adaptation were pretty rare back then as well. Not to mention that this movie hasn't aged all that well. If you saw it back when it first released, it was a different experience.
I think the first movie holds up pretty well. It has an excellent soundtrack and great fight scenes. A lot of the actors do great jobs too.
Sure, the story is kind of simplistic (I want to smack Sonya Blade as she parrots "Where's Kano?" constantly) and the special effects have aged, but it's still a fairly accurate adaptation of the game (minus the gore) and enjoyable even to non-gaming audiences.

As for which console to buy the game on, IMO the smartest thing to do is buy the one your friends will be getting. For me, that's 360. As for Etcrane's assertion that PS3 fighting games are usually superior to 360 versions, that is nonsense. I expect better of ya, Etcrane. Still, in this case, the exclusive character is pretty compelling!
In most cases the PS3 controller is better suited for fighting games, LIVE might be a better option for multiplayer but it's not free. I've never found a good reason not to buy my fighting games on PS3, but specifically I'm buying MK9 on PS3 because it has exclusive content, already has a demo and plus I'm a bit weary in general about buying 'library' games for my 360, given the failure rate. I can see being able to play my PS3 games down the line on newer Sony consoles or even a ps3. We already know MS doesn't care as much about backwards compatability (granted newer ps3s don't play ps2 games) but I also don't have faith my 360 will be running in 5 years. So that's my reasoning behind sticking with the PS3 version. I only buy on 360 if it's exclusive or the better version (RDR, AC Brotherhood, etc)
IMO neither console's default controller is all that great for fighting games. A fightpad or arcade stick is the way to go, especially if you play lots of fighting games. I mean, there are great controllers/sticks for both consoles, so there's no reason to be saddled with the default, designed-for-FPS pads.

Bringing up backwards compatibility is silly since neither PS3 nor 360 is great in that area. But console bashing in any way is not fun and out of place in a movie discussion thread, so let's not bog the thread down with it.
You didn't think the first film sounded alright? They didn't lavish it with extras, but it's decent for an affordable catalog release, and I maintain that the Journey Begins is actually a cool bonus feature.
[quote name='eastx']You didn't think the first film sounded alright? They didn't lavish it with extras, but it's decent for an affordable catalog release, and I maintain that the Journey Begins is actually a cool bonus feature.[/QUOTE]

If the HD Video and Audio is average then I might as well keep my DVD copies, and just watch those.
bread's done