Most Disappointing game you thought would be incredibly fun?


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I recently played FF crystal chronicles for the GC with my friend and man.. that game just plain sucked.. and it was boring.

so my question is .. What has been the most disappointing game that you thought would be the most fun that you have played recently?
Soul Calibur Legends... while I didn't think it would be incredibly fun, I at least expected it to be a solid entertaining beat em up (ala MK Shaolin Monks) and it wasn't even that.
Dead Rising

One of the reasons I got a 360 and one of the first games I got for it. I was very very disappinted in the game.
Devil May Cry 4.

Got the same feeling with this game that I always get when I play a Final Fantasy game. A lot of people foam at the mouth over this stuff, but I can just never get into them.
Super Smash Brothers Melee - Not my thing.

Nintendogs - Ditto.

Animal Crossing - Ditto.

Super Mario Sunshine - Just couldn't get into it.

Mario Kart Double Dash - Okay, but having all the circuits and classes unlocked from the start sucked a lot of the motivation away from me.

GTA: San Andreas - Loved III and Vice City but I burnt out on San Andreas maybe 30% in for some reason.

Manhunt - Absolutely hated this one. No idea what people see in it.
Smash Bros is pretty disappointing all on its own.. my friends swear by it.. but I just couldn't get into it even though I really should (I love fighters, I love games that mix all kinds of different games)
i couldnt get into State of Emergency, after a few minutes into it, i felt sad that i was excited about the damn thing.

i also didnt get too much into GTA San Andreas.. after Vice City, i felt like i was playing the same game with a different character and he could do more tricks.. i played it for about 3 days and gave it a rest.

The Bouncer.. i hated this game and i wanted to punch someone from squaresoft because of it. too much hype for a game that really sucked ass.. it was my very first Ps2 game!!
[quote name='mrelusive']Devil May Cry 4.

Got the same feeling with this game that I always get when I play a Final Fantasy game. A lot of people foam at the mouth over this stuff, but I can just never get into them.[/quote]

I just rented this... and played it for three hours over a total of seven days. My first and last DMC game. I guess it isn't my type of game. The cut scenes were cool though.
Viewtiful Joe, I really love the art style and the approach to combat, but I just couldn't motivate myself to continue playing it. Some of the puzzles and bosses are just frustrating; repeating a level over and over was just to much. It's a great game, but it's just not my cup of tea.
Can't believe anyones hasnt said this yet...


Yup, I hated it. I played the crap out of Halo 2, but after Halo 3 came out i just never got into it....I just disliked how it played...
gears of war. the multiplayer is pretty cool, but i just cant really play it for a long time. like short bursts are fine, but its not the same for me as tf2. i can play that for hours.
Ocarina of Time(to be fair, I didn't play it very far. But it didn't make me want to esp after ...)

Wind Waker

but most recently, Kingdom Hearts 2.

Are they horrible games? No. But I had high expectations and was hugely dissappointed with the lack of fun.
I'm gonna say Halo 3 also. I played Halo 2 all the time and I was so hyped about 3 coming out.
It felt just like Halo 2 to me. After TF2 and COD4 came out, i never really went back to Halo 3.
I usually don't reign on peoples parade but what the hell
Ocarina of Time?!?
Oh my God...

How about most any Phantasy Star game after the Genesis console. How about Star Fox 64- How about any fricken crappy broken buggy game that comes out on release day (*cough, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.,*cough, Never Winter Nights 2,*cough, Battlefield 2)

Come on Ocarina Of Time>!?!

But everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Kingdom Hearts 2 was a big letdown for me. Not near the class as one which seems like an oxymoron!

Edit: Surprisingly enough I didn't find Mass Effect buggy and liked the game =P
[quote name='CriscoKidd']Ocarina of Time(to be fair, I didn't play it very far. But it didn't make me want to esp after ...)

Are they horrible games? No. But I had high expectations and was hugely dissappointed with the lack of fun.[/quote]

same here. i played LoZ:TP on GC and loved it (first Zelda i've played). then tried OoT for the first time recently... and yeah i should have played OoT when it first came out years ago.

another one is Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria. i was excited for that game and was pretty dissapointed. i really didn't like the exploration, the crystal puzzles, the battles, the cutscenes, the voice actors, the plot... stopped several hours in
As with many games time is not kind and playing dated titles tend to skew an honest play of the game due to what we expect from games today. In its time it was amazing.

I do admit I wouldn't play it through today but it was fun.
Im going to have to say ultra beas RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE!!!!t.....ah opps sorry Bumped my head.

I am going to say spiderman 3. Played it for all of 10 minutes. Its spiderman 2 with a different number.

Smackdown 2008
Double Dash=the worst;)
Metroid Prime Hunters=cheapness and not enough good action:whistle2:#
State of Emergency was OK but very dissapointing.:booty:
Windwaker=I don't like beating a game for the first time without dieing:cold:
New Supermario brosand yoshis island 2= a bit generic:roll:

Metal Slug 4 and 5:cry:
[quote name='phear3d']

The Bouncer.. i hated this game and i wanted to punch someone from squaresoft because of it. too much hype for a game that really sucked ass.. it was my very first Ps2 game!![/quote]

lol, The Bouncer was my first ps2 game also and it didn't live up to my expectations.

Most biggest disappoint for me was State of Emergency. So much hype, but did not deliver
List of'em:

Assassin's Creed
Eye of Judgement
Unreal Tournament III
Ninja Gaiden Sigma
Rainbow Six: Vegas

All hyped, all pretty disappointing. (Un)suprisingly, they're all next-gen.
Halo 3
State Of Emergency
Ace Combat 6
Katamari Damacy
Shenmue 2
Jet Set Radio Future
Killer Instinct 2
Rez HD
Guitar Hero III
Quake 4
Project IGI 2
No One Lives Forever
Mario Kart DS
Star Fox DS
Resistance Fall Of Man
Turning Point Fall of Liberty
Team Fortress 2
Metal Gear Solid 3
Head Hunter
Every Extend Extra Extreme
Space Giraffe
Lumines Live
Small Arms
Pro Race Driver
Kane & Lynch
Nintendo Wii
Hellgate: London and Shadowrun

I was hoping for basically Diablo 3 with Hellgate and at least some single player story with Shadowrun.

[quote name='the_punisher']Oh yeah, XBLA how could i forget you: Metal Slug 3 and Rez HD[/quote]
Since both are basically ports, were you hoping for more updates and enhancements, or was it your first time playing them and you were disappointed with the games overall?
Kane and Lynch - I remember reading about this bastard and was so excited for it, espc with the multiplayer aspect that seemed unique. What a load of shit this game turned out to be.

There's others, but the most glaring is Star Wars on the NES

I remember when I was younger and I was so amped for this bastard and it was just utterly disappointing.
[quote name='blueaurora']As with many games time is not kind and playing dated titles tend to skew an honest play of the game due to what we expect from games today. In its time it was amazing.[/quote]
some age well, and alot of them dont. im not particularly a fan of the zelda series but through the years of the NES it was one of the titles i played. until now i still have not played any zelda games after the nes, though i do own pretty much all of it thinking i would play it one day.

i also think that media hype ruins the game experience. if you keep reading/hearing the same thing over and over again some people will end up wanting to play it. only to be disappointed thereafter. or some just buys it because its a series/franchise they love (like Final Fantasy or Zelda).
Another for State of Emergency.

Also, Project Eden was extremely disappointing. I remember reading pretty crap reviews for it, but it was one of the only 4 player co-op FPSs on the PS2, so I thought I'd give it a shot. I'm a sucker for multiplayer, so I figured even a crappy game could be somewhat fun with some friends. Should have listened to reviews.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. FFT is my favorite Square title hands down, and FFTA sharted all over it. I was sooo psyched to have a handheld tactics, and not only did it not live up to its lineage, it wasn't even a good game in its own right.

In that respect, its kinda like every Mana game after the first. So sad that some studios within Squenixare purely one-hit wonders.
Recently, Assassin's Creed.

There could be so much more done with it but the missions get so repetitive.

I still liked it but not as much as I wished.
[quote name='Malik112099']Halo 3
State Of Emergency
Crysis To an extent, but seriously pretty beautiful
Ace Combat 6
Katamari Damacy The game is fun
Shenmue 2
Jet Set Radio Future Again fun game
Killer Instinct 2 Definitely
Rez HD I'm not to sure how THIS let you down but no the original?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Became way better with patches
Guitar Hero III
Quake 4
Project IGI 2
No One Lives Forever Your insane
MDK 2 Even more insane
Mario Kart DS
Star Fox DS
Resistance Fall Of Man Crazy
Turning Point Fall of Liberty
Team Fortress 2 Not sure if you like men
Metal Gear Solid 3 Are you for real?
Head Hunter
Every Extend Extra Extreme I was addicted to it
Space Giraffe
Lumines Live Go cut your wrists
Small Arms
Yourself!Fitness Just the fact that you have this in here destroys your opinion
Pro Race Driver ?
Kane & Lynch
Nintendo Wii[/quote]

Your one picky mother fucker. (although some of those games are bad)

Lets goooooo wwaaaaayyyyy back.

Civilization II: Call To power (UUUUGGGGHhhhhhhh can only describe this)
Empire Earth III (how and the hell)
Lair (unfortunate, hopefully the long rumored "analog" controls will fix this)
Need For Speed (everything since Hot Pursuit has sucked asshole, with the exception of Most Wanted)
Halo 1 (I understand the guys on this site who are younger than some of us older guys and gals think this game is the holy grail, but its not. With a shallow story and nothing special I am amazed how this became such a phenomena)
Halo 2 (see above)
Halo 3 (seriously you would think after 3 they would get it right. Thank God the Orange Box came out on 360 so you guys can experience what Halo was trying very very very hard to be.)
Bouncer ( OH GOD you guys remember this game! MAN o MAN I do, I remember being SO excited for Bouncer and ohhhhhhhhhhhhh man did it suck asshole)
Beyond the Beyond (remember this? The first Playstation RPG and it also licked its fair amount of butt)
Defcon 5 (terrible)
Super Mario Sunshine ( you know it wasn't what you were hoping for. Not a terrible game at all I like it now, but it was SORTA a letdown)
The Nintendo Wii ( just is right now. A garbage dump for games with some cool pieces of shit in the trash)
Turning Point: Fall of Liberty (how do you take such a cool premis and fuck it up that bad?)

No FFVII remake, nay no FF remakes at all. Granted there are the remakes for PS and DS and etc etc, I would love to see them redone in a 3D fashion. I was thinking about how awesome Metal Gear would be remade into all PS3/360 games.

I think my overall biggest let down would probably be Duke Nukem Forever. When they first announced Duke I was in Junior high (I think) and I was so stoked for it. My buddies and I were long time fans of Duke 3D and I still have levels that we made together, so the promise of a new Duke Nukem was so extremely awesome. It is sad that it has become the biggest joke in the gaming world, but hopefully someday it will come out and make us proud.
Metroid Prime

I bought it on release, played it for 10 hours and hated it, sold it, bought it again, got about 7 hours in and hated it, sold it, bought it one more time and it is still sitting there waiting for me to hate a third time. I can't understand for the life of me why people like this game so much, but I'll be damned if I don't finish it.
Oblivion. I like RPGs and wanted to go away from turn based but I guess sand box type games are not my thing.
NG: Sigma: Just way too difficult
Beast Wars: I was 10 :)
Lego Star Wars: Just got bored with it for some reason.
bread's done