Most Overrated Games of 2008

[quote name='ninja dog']Famitsu gave Haze over an 8, I think. :lol:[/quote]

Free Radical went out of bussiness because they paid of famitsu.

Get this on Kotaku.
I thought Free Radical went out of business because their game sucked so hard. And if they were to pay off a review site then why the hell would they pay off Famitsu? Thier reviews are terrible.
[quote name='silent h3ro']I thought Free Radical went out of business because their game sucked so hard. And if they were to pay off a review site then why the hell would they pay off Famitsu? Thier reviews are terrible.[/QUOTE]

To get American weeaboos to love Haze while they wait for JRPGs on the PS3.

'cause if there's one thing Sony has accomplished this gen, it's converting JRPG fans to FPS fans.
Add another one for GTAIV.
San Andreas had way more diversity to it (from characters to locations). Even though I finished it, it was not the game everyone made it seem to be. Most of all, it wasn't fun (many blogs on cag point that out with Saints Row 2 being the better alternative).

Maybe I would have felt different if I waited and got it real cheap last month?

I think I'll replay it just to get hyped for the dlc next month. I got the 360 version primarily for this reason, so I might as well.
PixelJunk Eden (abstract platformer, ay?)
Patapon (gets real frustrating..less intuitive)
Mario Kart Wii (might have to replay it, but MKDS was superior on all fronts - 'rubberband' ai is at its worst here)
I'd go with crackdown as the GTA alternative of choice. I don't see why a dev would build a whole city...and then confine the player to the laws of the land and the laws of gravity/the natural world. :lol: It's a video game, make it fun, not oscar-worthy.
POP, ENDwar (Why has nobody else mentioned this)? GTAIV (played about 6 minutes of GTAIV (strangely I haven't sold it back yet though). Mirror's Edge. SCIV (I never had issuess with SC3 glitching or anything liked it alot).
CODwaw is that even overrated everybody I knew was like treyarch don't buy where do you get it being overrated and stuff.

I think CODwaw is actually good, graphics from 4, 4 player split screen with big maps. I just don't like the fact they don't know who actually used what weapons (sometimes Soviets had German guns and stuff) get your weapons correct COD!
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Army of Two
Devil May Cry 4
Mirror's Edge
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Too Human (just because it's got too much drama and flaming before launch date)
Wii Fit
[quote name='ninja dog']I'd go with crackdown as the GTA alternative of choice. I don't see why a dev would build a whole city...and then confine the player to the laws of the land and the laws of gravity/the natural world. :lol: It's a video game, make it fun, not oscar-worthy.[/quote]

If Crackdown and Saints Row had a love child, it is what Grand Theft Auto 4 should have been. While Vice City was the last Grand Theft Auto game I enjoyed, I actually prefer the 2D Grand Theft Auto games because they were fun. Grand Theft Auto 4 was not fun. It was a chore.
Add me to the list of GTAIV and MGS4 being overrated.

The missions were repetitive in GTAIV and the world wasn't as interactive and huge as San Andreas.

As for MGS4 it had way too many cutscenes. I know the story was great and all but what makes a game enjoyable isn't so much the plot or graphics but the game play.
I agree with the whole crack down was more fun thing. I used to love GTAIII and playing Crackdown got me in the mood to retry it. I quit in the first half hour after trying to jump over a curb and finding that my character couldn't do it. Its kind of hard to go back to not being able to hop over a freaking curb after I have jumped over buildings. My only complaint with Crackdown was it ended too damn soon. First off it just felt too short, but second off the place they cut the game off was the perfect time for it to have gotten kicked up a notch.
[quote name='leveskikesko']The first month that this came out the levels were pretty bland, but honestly what do you expect? The creativity takes time. With that said, the singeplayer was always great.

Ever since December hit there have been some incredible levels, and the best thing about the game is that it can only get better as the community grows. I think in a couple of months more and more gamers will catch on.

Have you played it recently?[/QUOTE]

Two weeks ago. You can't take the boring out of the game. It seems everyone is trying to come up with a cute theme level, but with the basic gameplay being dull, it ends up being me terminally agitated in different settings.
Reality's Fringe;5328959]Two weeks ago. You can't take the boring out of the game. It seems everyone is trying to come up with a cute theme level said:
You know whats really sad too is all these publications falling over each other to give these games these awards they dont deserve will sometime in the coming years create a list of most overrated games or games that didnt live up to the hype or some such list.....and they will name these same god damn games.
Tie between Fallout 3 and Gears of War 2.

Gears had an unpolished campaign and still has broken online.

Fallout 3. It's no more of a sequel than Tactics or Brotherhood of Steel were. It's a spinoff with gaudy RPG elements that just made me appreciate old cRPGs more.
[quote name='darthbudge']Spore.

What a god awful game.[/quote]

I thought so too, at first, but remember this is "over rated" games. Spore was never over rated, just over hyped.
[quote name='eswat']
Fallout 3. It's no more of a sequel than Tactics or Brotherhood of Steel were. It's a spinoff with gaudy RPG elements that just made me appreciate old cRPGs more.[/quote]
My vote goes to GTA4, but high-fucking-five for this
GTAIV - and I am so glad to see so many people agree with that. The crappy thing is that I am now on this kick wanting to actually beat all of the games I've started so I popped in GTAIV the other day. That game is still monotonous, I really want to love it, and I did at first. But the game has become more of a chore than it is enjoyable.

Spore - Will Wright = Over Hyped. 'Nuff said.

Left 4 Dead - Played it, it was just ok. Actually my roomate and I bought it on the same day. We got home and he opened his copy and we tried it out on his Xbox. After 2 or 3 more sessions I brought my copy back to the store. I played as much as I felt I needed to.

Those are the main ones I can think of.
[quote name='Zenjiro']Gonna have to say Tales of Vesperia...sorry.[/quote]
To be fair, its only an 81 at Metacritic. Its also the highest rated JRPG on the 360. That means it beat out the following games in the same genre.

Lost Odyssey
Last Remnant
Spectral Force 3
Operation Darkness
Blue Dragon
Enchanted Arms

I say its a pretty fair rating.
Just for the sake of discussion, is the lack of posts featuring Wii games due to those games being as good as expected, or because expectations were low?
[quote name='Chase']Just for the sake of discussion, is the lack of posts featuring Wii games due to those games being as good as expected, or because expectations were low?[/quote]

I'd attribute it to a lack of hyped games this year. Over-hyped games tend to be over rated as well.
[quote name='Chambered']I thought so too, at first, but remember this is "over rated" games. Spore was never over rated, just over hyped.[/quote]

good point
The World Ends With You- It had a good premise, but that battle system is quite annoying. I am sorry but I don't have the skill to control 2 people using both the d pad and the buttons at the same time using two screens.

Every Nintendo released game on Wii this year except for Wario Land (never played Animal Crossing, so leave that one out of my list).
[quote name='Chase']Just for the sake of discussion, is the lack of posts featuring Wii games due to those games being as good as expected, or because expectations were low?[/quote]

IMO there have been no Wii games that I really dug. I bought Mario Galaxy, Smash Brothers, and Mario Kart with excitement. After a few plays on each title I had no desire to go back and play again.
[quote name='Xevious']Burnout Paradise FTW[/QUOTE]

You must be in the wrong thread, let me direct you out of here... ;)

I definitely think GTAIV takes the cake for most overrated this year. It's not as good as any review or such thing says.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - Got bored of it after a day of playing it...passed up every chance to ever play it again.

Spore - Hyped to be this massive, complex and groundbreaking game...ends up being a deep but extremely unappealing character creation system stringed together by some stripped down minigames.

Gears of War 2 - Single player is as awesome as ever, but the versus mode is STILL horrible. Horde mode is fun once or twice then gets boring in comparison to something like Left 4 Dead or Resistance 2 co-op.
prince of persia, besides looking fucking amazing. the game itself feels way bland for me, every fight is the same, the orb collecting...not that fun.. im struggling to finish it because there's so many more awesome games out there.....
GTA4 - I'm so tired of hearing about that game.

Gears 2 - I don't get why people love it so much. Sure it has blood/gore, but the controls suck.
Most if not all of the games I played in 2008 came out in 2007, and I enjoyed every one of them.

I tried the demo for Mirror's Edge and hated it, so here you go.
I would love to see more games adopt multiple play styles or add in features that give the gameplay replayability. Look at how many of us are saying crack down was awesome and how many of us say our fav part of the old GTAs was using cheat codes to drop tanks from the sky and run around causing havoc. Now imagine GTA IV was the same game it is now(preffarbly with decent controls)but then they added in cheat codes to do that same kind of stuff as in the past GTAs such as reduced gravity, but also added in a cheat code that let you jump like you do in crackdown or have super human punches.

It would be really nice to be able to play a game in multiple ways vs just the 1 set way.
You know what game was WAY better than GTAIV? Saint's Row 2.

If the guys at volition teamed up with the tech people and writing staff at Rockstar....damn, that game would rock.
I'll have to also add Soul Calibur 4. Very disappointing. I guess I can agree with GTAIV if it did universally get 10s from every magazine and site. While it was fun for a bit, it was great. Probably should've scored a solid 8.5 or so.
bread's done