Most overrated movie of the past year.


The title says it all. Just reply with what you think has been the movie that was most overrated.

Me, personally, I would have to go with Pirates of the Carribean. Don't get me wrong I thought it was a pretty good movie but it just wasn't the all out awesome movie that a lot of people make it out to be.
Return Of The King...hell...all of the LOTR movies.


Haha...but really, I think there are a lot of overrated films last year. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind got a lot of critical praise, but I didn't really enjoy it at all. Also, despite a few cool action sequences T3 was pretty disappointing.
T3 was bad I agree but it was given B's and C's by critics so I dont think it was overrated. My vote goes to Seabiscuit..nominated for best picture, what a joke.
T3 was ok, considering it was a new director and not the original, but it didn't turn out how I expected.

As for most overrated film of the past year, it's hard of hard to say. If something comes to my mind, I'll post it later.
Amen in brother ! I've never understood the hype around the Lord of the Ring movies there ok but not the masterpieces of film everone makes them out to be. Much like the pice of shit movie Lost in Translation.
Mystic River made a big splash among most people, but I was pretty bored. And Open Range kinda sucked. Finally, the Matrix sequels, particuarly the 3rd one, were pretty bad. I think some underrated movies were The Rundown and Elf (made alot of money but neglected by critics and awards).
Lost in Translation was the most overrated movie of 2003. not to say that it was bad, because i did enjoy it, to an extent. Bill Murray was great in it, but he's great in everything. Scarlett Johansson was good in it, too. there were just certain things about it that i didn't care for (i felt that many scenes were too long and drawn out, and others added nothing to the film). there was a lot in the movie that was good, but in the end it was just a good movie, not a great one.
[quote name='pimpinc333']House of the DEAD lol maybe the worst movie ever[/quote]

dude, that movie owned. a movie with boobs > movie without boobs.
I also think The Last Samurai needs more recognition. Tom Cruise did a wonderful job in that movie.

Oh, Lost in Translation also doesn't deserve to be up there.
[quote name='suprsaiyanMAX']
Return Of The King...hell...all of the LOTR movies.


Haha...but really, I think there are a lot of overrated films last year. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind got a lot of critical praise, but I didn't really enjoy it at all. Also, despite a few cool action sequences T3 was pretty disappointing.[/quote]

I'll second that. Confessions of a Dangerous Mind was extremely boring.....I was very disapointed. I'll also nominate Runaway Jury....with all of the talent they casted for that, it was soooooooo dull. I had to watch it in 2 parts because I fell asleep during my first attempt.

Also, for the record, I'll agree that American Splendor was great....this IS the most underrated movie of the year.
Yeah I have to admit as much of a matrix fan as I am, the two sequels didn't do a whole lot for me... some real cool seqeunces but that was about it
[quote name='extzed']Yeah I have to admit as much of a matrix fan as I am, the two sequels didn't do a whole lot for me... some real cool seqeunces but that was about it[/quote]

I agree. They got bad ratings, but I think they deserve even worse ones. I'll never get the time back spent watching those movies. Deep philosophy my ass...
Definitely Lost In Translation IMHO. It was alright, there was nothing wrong with it, but I just completely forgot about it as soon as the end credits started rolling, just nothing special, and then it gets nominated for Best picture, director, actor and screenplay!

As for underrated, I thought The Last Samurai was pretty good and deserved more Oscar attention, also really enjoyed Matchstick Men.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Return Of The King...hell...all of the LOTR movies.[/quote]

Quoted for truth.

Long movies + put out one after another + massive legion of fanboys != OMG best movie EVAR!!!!11
Yeah after reading some replies and seeing the Academy Awards on Sunday, I have to agree that Return of the King was overrated as well. I take that back it was highly overrated, a lot of people treat it like the best movie ever when in reality it was good but nothing spectacular.
I didn't see why everyone liked Finding Nemo, that movie bored the hell out of me, and I liked just about everything else from Pixar.
for me t3 was the biggest dissapointment since t2 was a movie i probally watched hundreds of times when i was a kid. t2 was awesome!!
I agree with the topic starter, Pirates of the, I still don't know what the hype was about or why Depp got nominated for an Oscar.
guys can't enjoy the pure art poetry that johnny depp had in that movie.. he was just... so... HOT! make-up hands down shouldve been theres.. whos to say that a 40 year old man looking like that .. johnny depp... i love you...and also it was a great movie. lost in translation was eh. mystic river was brilliant.
ROTK was great. don't see why everyone hates it so much. just because people like it doesn't mean u gotta put it down. it was a great movie i loved it. one of the best movies ive ever seen.

probly overrated. seabiscuit. heh, im making soo many enemies posting this because nothing i posted agrees w/ anyone. oh well. i can speak my mind and opinion, and thats mine for you, so don't flame me. or i'll be forced to put the smiley smack down on you, as metroidkiller has pronounced me with drunken power with smileys so i must live up to my hype. AH! a new post! i must be off *flies with cape with dramatic background music*

EDIT: the first matrix was ill, the absolute shit. the 2nd two didnt float my boat at all.. no sense at all and though pretty dazzling, they sucked. ass. 3rd was slightly better then 2nd, but thats about it.
Most over rated movie this year could not be matrix because nobody said it was all that good.
LOTR has my vote.
Yeah...all the homosexual undertones were a bit disturbing.

When Frodo and Sam were staring deep into each other's eyes, leaning in close...who didn't think they were about to kiss?

And the whole hobbits in bed thing...I don't even want to go there!
[quote name='btantra']I think Master of Commander doesn't really deserve its hype[/quote]

Worst movie I've ever spent 9.50 to fucking see. I walked out about half way through.

Long movies + put out one after another + massive legion of fanboys != OMG best movie EVAR!!!!11

No, long movies that come out anually and have a massive legion of fanboys, that are fucking spectacular movies = best series ever.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Matrix Revolutions and Return of the King; both were the worst films in their respective series.[/quote]

No way....Reloaded was far lamer, as was Fellowship
[quote name='x0thedeadzone0x']ROTK was great. don't see why everyone hates it so much. just because people like it doesn't mean u gotta put it down. it was a great movie i loved it. one of the best movies ive ever seen.[/quote]

I didn't say I didn't like ROTK I was just saying that it was kind of a let down after how great the series seemed to be going after Two Towers. I think a lot of people may feel the same but they just don't want to admit that Lord of the Rings wasn't perfect.

I'll just say that when there is a trilogy either the 1st and 3rd are really good or the 2nd one is really good, never all 3 though. That's just my opinion with most trilogies.
[quote name='VIP'][quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Matrix Revolutions and Return of the King; both were the worst films in their respective series.[/quote]

No way....Reloaded was far lamer, as was Fellowship[/quote]

Sing it. Also, Seabiscuit got fairly good reviews, but most people like to bang on it. I thought it was great. I thought I would have fallen asleep (I rented it with my grandparents) but it really intrigued me.
Terminator 3 was not overrated - most people thought it was slightly above average and nothing more. I enjoyed it, but I was not going in with high expectations.

The two Matrix sequels, again, were mostly given mediocre reviews, so they were not overrated either.

LOTR - ROTK is the most overrated, no question. It wasn't a BAD movie but it is probably not worthy of all the attention/awards it received.
Finding Nemo put me to sleep.

T3 made me cry (how can you ruin such a cool concept by only focusing on blowing shit up, I know its an action movie, but plot is crucial to any movie)

REloaded was also better than revolutions. The whole war scene drug on far too long for a movie that was supposed to be about Neo being the one.

Also the majority of people can't seem to end trilogies right(looks at Return of Jedi as one example)
bread's done