Movies you must see to be a man.

actully i like sixteen candles more than pretty in pink. but i dont own it, i just looked over to my video collection.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']Ok, there are a few movies I've always found necessary to see if you consider yourself a man.. anyone else have anything to add to the list?

So far:
Dirty Dozen
Guns of Navarone
Bridge Over the River Kwai
Godfather (both 1 and 2)
True Grit
The Maltese Falcon
The Great Escape
Twelve Angry Men
A Few Good Men
The Untouchables
Sands of Iwo Jima

Ummmm, yeah... I'll stick to my own defintion of being a man because I'm not remotely interested in any of these for the most part. A Few Good Men is the only one I've even seen more than 5 minutes of, and I wasn't impressed. However, I must admit I should get around to seeing the Godfather's one day.
LA Confidential
Escape from New York
The Good,the Bad, and the Ugly
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
The Punisher
The Usual Suspects
Leon The Professional
15 Minutes
Bourne Identity/Supremacy
Evil Dead
Enemy at the Gates
Taxi Driver
Terminator 2
Way of the Gun
The Untouchables
[quote name='Renzokuken']LA Confidential
Escape from New York
The Good,the Bad, and the Ugly
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
The Punisher
The Usual Suspects
Leon The Professional
15 Minutes
Bourne Identity/Supremacy
Evil Dead
Enemy at the Gates
Taxi Driver
Terminator 2
Way of the Gun
The Untouchables

Tell me your joking. The Punisher was the worst movie I had seen in ages.
I can't believe that out of all that has been said, these movies aren't on the main list let alone any user has posted:

Blazing Saddles
Star Wars
and one that definently should be on the list, Saving Private Ryan.
[quote name='nneace']boondock saints!!!!!![/quote]

That and Star Wars...Also throw in Terminator 1 & 2 and Top Gun.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']Ok, there are a few movies I've always found necessary to see if you consider yourself a man.. anyone else have anything to add to the list?

So far:
Dirty Dozen
Guns of Navarone
Bridge Over the River Kwai
Godfather (both 1 and 2)
True Grit
The Maltese Falcon
The Great Escape
Twelve Angry Men
A Few Good Men
The Untouchables
Sands of Iwo Jima

Honorable Mentions:
Cat Balou
Ben Hur
Conan: the Barbarian
2001: A Space Odyssey
Reservoir Dogs[/quote]

seen none of them. Desire to see none of them.
[quote name='captainofindustry']Wait a minute, was Apocolypse Now forgotten? If so... that's insane.[/quote]

Wow.. you have a point.. I think the movies on that list are trash but Apocalypse Now is at least an entertaining movie similar enough to the movie style of the rest of that list.
[quote name='DenisDFat'][quote name='Cornfedwb']Ok, there are a few movies I've always found necessary to see if you consider yourself a man.. anyone else have anything to add to the list?

So far:
Dirty Dozen
Guns of Navarone
Bridge Over the River Kwai
Godfather (both 1 and 2)
True Grit
The Maltese Falcon
The Great Escape
Twelve Angry Men
A Few Good Men
The Untouchables
Sands of Iwo Jima

Honorable Mentions:
Cat Balou
Ben Hur
Conan: the Barbarian
2001: A Space Odyssey
Reservoir Dogs[/quote]

seen none of them. Desire to see none of them.[/quote]

i really suggest you see 12 angry men, its truley a great movie.
Hmm...out of movies not yet mentioned, I'm going to say Braveheart and Master and Commander. Since you seem to have a penchant for war movies, while it technically isn't a movie, I'm going to have to say Band of Brothers because it is effectively one giant movie that kicks ass.
Wow I must not be a man... Personally I hate war movies and anything that has to do with the mob generally(read scarface, godfather, and the sopranos). That said some favorite "Guy" movies of mine are: Equilibrium, Con Air, Robocop, The Last Samurai, Hero, Fight Club
For the sensitive guys out there, there's High Fidelity. The only relationship movie that guys can relate to.
[quote name='6669']For the sensitive guys out there, there's High Fidelity. The only relationship movie that guys can relate to.[/quote]

eternal sunshine
[quote name='punqsux'][quote name='6669']For the sensitive guys out there, there's High Fidelity. The only relationship movie that guys can relate to.[/quote]

eternal sunshine[/quote]

Never seen that one. I gotta check it out now.
[quote name='Cornfedwb']Ok, there are a few movies I've always found necessary to see if you consider yourself a man.. anyone else have anything to add to the list?

So far:
Dirty Dozen
Guns of Navarone
Bridge Over the River Kwai
Godfather (both 1 and 2)
True Grit
The Maltese Falcon
The Great Escape
Twelve Angry Men
A Few Good Men
The Untouchables
Sands of Iwo Jima

Honorable Mentions:
Cat Balou
Ben Hur
Conan: the Barbarian
2001: A Space Odyssey
Reservoir Dogs[/quote]

tsk tsk cornfed..... thought you were above this.... I didn't realize that watching a special movie made me a man or not.
[quote name='6669'][quote name='punqsux'][quote name='6669']For the sensitive guys out there, there's High Fidelity. The only relationship movie that guys can relate to.[/quote]

eternal sunshine[/quote]

Never seen that one. I gotta check it out now.[/quote]

well according to this post, im definetly not a man, but i love that movie so much.
Very nice list. All essentials movies for people who like movies. I've seen all but 3, which I guess I have to run out and find ASAP. Not sure how well they measure your manliness though.
[quote name='beerguy961']Never seen any of those movies, so I must not be a man... :roll:

I gotta second High Fidelity. The crap we go through...[/quote]
None of them? Head to the video store ASAP. They're all very good movies, but as I said before, not required to be considered a man.
[quote name='yeldarb367']None of them? Head to the video store ASAP. They're all very good movies, but as I said before, not required to be considered a man.[/quote]

Okay, looking over the list more closely, I have seen A Few Good Men and a couple of the other movies not in the essential list. Maybe I am a man...

And where is Fight Club on this list. If that doesn't get your testosterone pumping, you must just like watching Brad Pitt... (Get it? No. Maybe so?)
I've looked at everyones list. A lot of these movies are very violent. I have nothing against violent movies but here are some films that all of you missed.

1. Old Yeller - There is no greater love than a boy and his dog
2. North by Northwest - Cary Grant is the smoothest son-of-a-bitch on the Silver screen, bar none!
3. To Kill a Mockingbird - Gregory Peck puts his career and his balls on the line to defend a black man against a town where racism runs high.
4. High Noon - The ultimate guy movie. One man vs. Many. This is the template which so many movies are copied from.
This thread reeks of insecurity. If you need a list of movies to reassure you that your crucial equipment is still firmly attached, then I'm afraid you have severe issues. Nonetheless, there are some great movies on the list, but also several...not-so-great ones.
Cheers to Eternal Sunshine! What a spectacular film--but then again, Charlie Kaufmann is nothing short of brilliant. If you haven't seen this, you need to.
Also, to all the homophobic preteens posting: remember, homoeroticism was a key component of the majority of '80s action flicks.
let me see, i think it was back in the fifth grade, or even sixth grade. noisy projector in the back of the class showing how 'things' worked. girls began to seem different after that.

okay okay, back to the lists. great movies mentioned. i like them war movies, and mob/gangster movies. when realistic violence is portrayed, then it means something. example: Blackhawk Down (nobody mentioned it, yet)
bread's done