Movies you'd wish they'd make a sequel of


35 (100%)
Here's mine.

Cable Guy 2
This is probably my all-time favorite Jim Carrey movie. I've read that Ben Stiller and Jim have a script written for it and they have unfinished business with the storyline. I just hope this makes it.
Most movies I really like that don't have sequels really shouldn't have them in the first place... Office Space, Rushmore, Police Academy... oh wait scratch that last one...
One of my favorite movies that just doesn't seem to be a fav movie of a lot of people the Big Hit with Mark Wahlberg.
I would like to see the Unbreakable Trilogy finished.

Other then that there really isn't any movies I would like to see get sequels that didn't get them all ready.
[quote name='Rig']I want a Toy Story 3. The first two were incredible.[/quote]

They are making a Toy Story 3 and 4
sadly Pixar is NOT making them because Michael Eisner is a HUGE Dumb Ass and is not renewing the contract with Pixar. Disney is going to have their people make it. So sadly the movie is most likely going to be as crappy as Disney's other direct to video movie sequals.
[quote name='WAJedi']Boondock Saints. One of the best movies ever.[/quote]

They did make a sequel, its called All Saints Day, never seen it though
I liked Super Mario Bros. I'll agree it needs a sequal, hey now they could make Bowser look like Bowser.

They also need to get the New Mortal Kombat movie out the door. I've been waiting for that for 2 years now.
Star Wars. I'd like to see what happens after the fall of the Empire. Lucas is apparently considering it. Better yet, he said, if they do get made, he will NOT be writing or directing it!
There's also talk of a Pulp Fiction prequel. While I doubt it would match the first one, or even come close, the fact of the matter is, if it was playing near me, I'd go see it, if for no other reason than curiositie's sake.
I'd also like to see a sequel to Hoop Dreams.
[quote name='Supernothing']UHF

okay, maybe not so much a sequel but at least another movie by Wierd Al[/quote]

Hell yeah, I loved that movie and I would definitely like to see another Wierd Al movie.
[quote name='rebenns']Star Wars. I'd like to see what happens after the fall of the Empire. Lucas is apparently considering it. Better yet, he said, if they do get made, he will NOT be writing or directing it!
There's also talk of a Pulp Fiction prequel. While I doubt it would match the first one, or even come close, the fact of the matter is, if it was playing near me, I'd go see it, if for no other reason than curiositie's sake.
I'd also like to see a sequel to Hoop Dreams.[/quote]

I know nothing about the New Jedi Order stories, but I'd definitely watch movies based off of them.

And Pulp Fiction ... Would this be the same thing as the Vega brothers film Tarantino started talking about years ago? I always wondered what his solution to the age problem was.
The Goonies! Unforutnately, it would suck without the original actors. However...maybe it could be like the book It, where they have the adventure as kids, and then have to go back as adults...
Has no one said Gone with the Wind?? And I don't mean a remake people!!

Or Shawshank Redemption, you know where he gets convicted falsely AGAIN and then escapes AGAIN. That would be awesome.

Or how about Old Yeller? You know some sort of Pet Sematary type spin-off. Who wouldn't watch that?
Sky Captain
Boondock Saints 2 would be pretty cool. Didn't they have a script for it and all the actors had signed on but they haven't started filming yet?
Donnie Darko 2 would be interesting but I don't think that they could pull it off (i.e. check out the ending and you'll know why.)
Terminator 4
[quote name='evilmax17']The Matrix know, a good sequel.[/quote]

Maybe not a direct sequel but rather an extention of the Matrix universe kinda like Animatrix. I'd love to see a full length Second Rennisance or maybe a second collection of movie shorts.
[quote name='rebenns']Star Wars. I'd like to see what happens after the fall of the Empire. Lucas is apparently considering it. Better yet, he said, if they do get made, he will NOT be writing or directing it! [/quote]

Lucas has already said there will never be any more SW movies and he's locked up the rights so no one else can ever make them either... what an asshat.
Army of Darkness is the third film in the Evil Dead series...not sure if a sequel is needed, but t could be fun if done right

I would like to see:
The Ring (isn't there like 3 in Japan)
Big Trouble in Little Chine
Goonies would've been neat
Another JAWS

Also, a CLERKS sequel is in the works....that should be great.
[quote name='jshorr']Unbreakable 2. Supposedly he is considering it.[/quote]

I always thought that Unbreakable would have made a great TV series. Of course, now that Shyamalan is on his way out, I doubt anything will ever be done with an Unbreakable 2. I'd say he has one chance to redeem himself, before he is forgotten.
[quote name='doubledown']Army of Darkness is the third film in the Evil Dead series...not sure if a sequel is needed, but t could be fun if done right

I would like to see:
The Ring (isn't there like 3 in Japan)
Big Trouble in Little Chine
Goonies would've been neat
Another JAWS

Also, a CLERKS sequel is in the works....that should be great.[/quote]

The Ring 2 is scheduled for some time next year. I think it is in post-development now. I agree that a sequel to Big Trouble in Little China would be sweet. Maybe Big Trouble in Little Italy? Little Tokyo?

I would like to see a Terminator 4, but one that goes in a new direction. Have it based completely in the future and deal witht e final battle between the huimans and Skynet. Or maybe even have a prequel set in the future that leads up to Kyle Resse going in the time portal. If they do another transport back to the future, chase me around blah blah blah, I think I will be sick.

An AQlien's v. Predator with more on each side would be nice as well.
I never really understood what people saw in Shyamalan. I haven't seen the Village but I thought Sixth Sense, Signs and Unbreakable were pretty mediocre.
[quote name='dcfox'][quote name='evilmax17']The Matrix know, a good sequel.[/quote]

Maybe not a direct sequel but rather an extention of the Matrix universe kinda like Animatrix. I'd love to see a full length Second Rennisance or maybe a second collection of movie shorts.[/quote]

Yeah, I rather enjoyed most of the animatrix. The best part about the matrix was the world they created, not the shitty philosophy, dialogue, or characters that populated it.
[quote name='doubledown']Wow, I never knew there were so many Unbreakable fans....I thought the movie sucked honestly.[/quote]

I don't see how anyone really enjoyed the movie... I found it to be trite, mundane and quite dumbed down throughout the film. The dialogue was terrible, the climax of the plot was non-existent.. the movie took forever to set up and then went nowhere. Basically a huge waste of my $7.
[quote name='doubledown']Wow, I never knew there were so many Unbreakable fans....I thought the movie sucked honestly.[/quote]

What did you expect??
These are the same people that have Halo lan parties 3 times a week and masturbate to half naked pictures of Princess Toadstool, and or Morgan Webb...
i.e. they don't have very good taste...
[quote name='Tromack'][quote name='dcfox'][quote name='evilmax17']The Matrix know, a good sequel.[/quote]

Maybe not a direct sequel but rather an extention of the Matrix universe kinda like Animatrix. I'd love to see a full length Second Rennisance or maybe a second collection of movie shorts.[/quote]

Yeah, I rather enjoyed most of the animatrix. The best part about the matrix was the world they created, not the shitty philosophy, dialogue, or characters that populated it.[/quote]

Yeah, they should go into the things that happen after the movies. If you check out what the plot of the Matrix Online is, you'll see what I mean. I'll look for an article if anyone wants to know the plot of TMO.
i'm hoping that i'll have my spaceballs sequel soon, as Mr. Brooks himself said he was writing it. also, i would like a fifth element sequel, as illogical as it may be, just so i can see milla jovovitch in her red/orange hair again :whistle2:D
I would like to see the Matrix world series capped with an actual ending but there is no way thats ever going to happen.
[quote name='javeryh'][quote name='rebenns']Star Wars. I'd like to see what happens after the fall of the Empire. Lucas is apparently considering it. Better yet, he said, if they do get made, he will NOT be writing or directing it! [/quote]

Lucas has already said there will never be any more SW movies and he's locked up the rights so no one else can ever make them either... what an asshat.[/quote]

Actually as of late he has been waffling on that point. He has left the door slightly open for another trilogy although he said he definetly wouldn't direct them
Well there is that new StarWars TV series coming out I think in 2 years.
I wonder if its going to take place before or after the movies?
I think they should make a sequel to Wild Things. Who cares about the plot, I just want to see more naked Denise Richards.
[quote name='greendj27']I think they should make a sequel to Wild Things. Who cares about the plot, I just want to see more naked Denise Richards.[/quote]

There is one, but no Denise :(
bread's done