Mr. Shen's Weekly Giveaway - Super Mushroom Edition (4/14/2008)


6 (100%)
Mr. Shen here with another free weekly giveaway!

Shannon F. from Alameda, CA won last week's prize!

On to week #7!

Mr. Shen's Weekly Giveaway
Super Mushroom Edition (04/14/2008)

1x Super Mushroom Plush

To enter, go to my personal site: and click the giveaway button!

You have until Friday, April 18th to enter!

Frequently Asked Questions
How will I know if I've won?
You will be notified via e-mail if you've won. I will request your shipping address so I can send you the prize. Congrats for winning, by the way.

Will you SPAM my e-mail box?
I hate SPAM e-mail (I love the fake meat) as much as you. So rest assured that the day I start sending SPAM is the day my hands fall off and I have to play Rock Band with my face.

So... what's your angle?
Basically, I want to give a little more hope to the internet. I'm just a guy who thinks that it's good to be generous to a community that he loves being a part of.

No, really. What's your angle?
Seriously! I just had this idea one day while I was driving to work that there aren't any sites that offer a totally no strings attached giveaway that would appeal to gamers and comickers like myself. Then I figured what's a few bucks out of my pocket per week to help get someone something they actually want?

Is it really free?
Shipping and everything.

Who can enter?
Right now, for the sake of saving money on shipping, I'm only accepting entries from the US. If you enter and I find out that you're not from the US, I'll have to redraw another winner.

If I enter multiple times, will I have a better chance of winning?
No. Your chances will actually equal zero if you enter multiple times. When can you participate again? I have no idea. I'll have to roll a d20 to figure that one out.

How often is this updated?
New giveaways will appear Monday mornings. Contest entry will end on Fridays. I'll contact the winner over the weekend. The contest starts again the following Monday. And so the quest continues.
bread's done