MS Points - in NY, want no tax, no s&h


Looking at 1600

Amazon disappoints here
*Their shipped version *doesn't* tax but adds S&H unless I find filler
*Their digital version appears to tax =b
*Exploting Asshats ruined the ECA code deal
Only exception here is if I go over 1600pts, little cheaper/no tax/free s&h
*Gotta wait that route though

Newegg probably is best for me
*Full retail but no tax no ship
*Gotta wait...

So not a cheap buy but probably the best bet online.
Are local B&M not charging tax on this now, even in NY?

Anything I'm missing? Thanks!
Where in NY? If you travel to Westbery, Long Island- go to Micro Center. They sell 1600 points card for approx 12.99 + tax. For me, it is the best deal around.
Newegg is your best bet in terms of no tax and shipping and to be honest, it doesnt even take that long to get your points.
flame, when were you there last? i tried last week and they were sold out! do they restock often? i will buy a few cards if they have them. perhaps i'll try tonight or tomorrow. thanks

i really wanna buy some maps on COD:W@W and the Borderlands DLC. :(
Thanks for all the thoughts, as far as local though I should have mentioned I'm in western NY lol (around Buffalo)

A thread on the Deals forum though mentions BB rewards 10% with a coupon so I'll probably try that B&M
bread's done