MSNBC's Mika Brazinski: My favorite founder was Lincoln

[quote name='deathscythehe']Atleast MSNBC is being consistent with their quality of content. They wouldn't want to start providing facts or anything but fluff, or it might confuse and turn off their 5 person audience.[/QUOTE]

I call up from the depths of hell zombie liberal thrust and zombie liberal UncleBob to immediately disavow your derogatory comments about a media outlet. They do so enjoy going on and on about it.

whoTF is Mika whatever and why should I care? Besides, Nixon was the greatest founder. Everyone knows that.
If Palin wants to be taken seriously in the political arena, she needs to put on some big boy pants and stop giving the "everything" answer all the time.

Also, I can't really tell what Mika Brzezinski is saying other than "mumble mumble Lincoln". If she truly is saying her favorite founder was Abe Lincoln, then it's a great contrast between that and her "Wow. I just need to...let me just process" response to the video.
[quote name='myl0r']If Palin wants to be taken seriously in the political arena, she needs to put on some big boy pants and stop giving the "everything" answer all the time.

Also, I can't really tell what Mika Brzezinski is saying other than "mumble mumble Lincoln". If she truly is saying her favorite founder was Abe Lincoln, then it's a great contrast between that and her "Wow. I just need to...let me just process" response to the video.[/QUOTE]
I don't even like Palin(I think she's vastly overrated by many conservatives), but I'm sick of people who are total idiots trying to act like they're somehow smarter then her.
The exact quote of Mika was "Me, Lin-Lincoln but ok" in response to Buchanan saying he liked Hamilton, which is another story in itself. It's funny how many of the supposed mainstream conservatives love progressives. It's the reason why the republican party is in the crapper, not because they aren't leftist enough for
[quote name='deathscythehe']I don't even like Palin(I think she's vastly overrated by many conservatives), but I'm sick of people who are total idiots trying to act like they're somehow smarter then her.
The exact quote of Mika was "Me, Lin-Lincoln but ok" in response to Buchanan saying he liked Hamilton, which is another story in itself. It's funny how many of the supposed mainstream conservatives love progressives. It's the reason why the republican party is in the crapper, not because they aren't leftist enough for[/QUOTE]
Not speaking about political stances, because as a conservative, Palin obviously is much closer to me than Obama. But as speakers, I view Palin and Obama similarly. I think Palin gave great speeches on the campaign trail. Obama is obviously an excellent public speaker. However, take the teleprompter away from them, or the pre-written and practiced speech, and both take a serious tumble.
To be fair, Obama is still much better than Palin at answering questions and such.

Also, I have to agree whole-heartedly with your assessment of the Republican Party. There needs to be a party-wide shift back to the conservative ideals it's founded upon. Unfortunately, right now there doesn't seem to be a clear-cut front runner to be the leader. I'm hoping they find one by 2012.
[quote name='deathscythehe']Buchanan saying he liked Hamilton, which is another story in itself[/QUOTE]
I read that and thought there's no fucking way you meant Pat Buchanan. You meant Pat Buchanan.

That's an ultra-WTF.
[quote name='speedracer']Zing!

I call up from the depths of hell zombie liberal thrust and zombie liberal UncleBob to immediately disavow your derogatory comments about a media outlet. They do so enjoy going on and on about it.[/QUOTE]

I'm not really one to defend mainstream media outlets. In fact, I believe I've mentioned on several occasions that I don't watch 'em on any kind of regular basis.
[quote name='speedracer']I read that and thought there's no fucking way you meant Pat Buchanan. You meant Pat Buchanan.

That's an ultra-WTF.[/QUOTE]

Not really. Buchanan is protectionist and a bit of an interventionist. I think the bigger issue is that Hamilton, who we know was for a strong central government, would be absolutely appalled by what the government has become now. Not everyone who is for limited government can or should be minarchists.
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