Multi-console owners: Which system do you/will you primarily buy for?


CAG Veteran
It's starting to get irritating having both a 360 and PS3 because I can never decide which system to buy my games for. There's so many pros and very little cons to decide between.

You could say you buy 360 versions for achievements but with the addition of Home for the PS3 coming soon, that could change things.

With 360 games ported to PS3, you could say that the 360 versions look a little better, however now that developers are starting to develop multi platform games from the ground up on both consoles, things could change. Personally I like the look of the PS3 exclusive titles over 360 exclusives/ports.

And of course there's the fact that many of your friends are either on XBL or PSN.

For me, FPS games pretty much go on my 360. Fighters HAVE to go on PS3, I can't stand using the 360 controller for fighting games. R6:Vegas 2 will probably go on my 360, but GTA IV i'll get for PS3 just for the fact of that's where Grand Theft Auto belongs.

So, which console is your primary and for what reasons?
If there's no big difference between two versions I go for the PS3 version for a few reasons. Namely the system doesn't sound like a jet and the odds of the system breaking are significantly lower than having a 360 break.

For online games I go with the version that has the people I want to play with.
I became a PS3 owner on DEC07 and a 360 owner on JAN08. I have really come to like achievements. So much that I sold my PS3 version of CoD4 and bought it for 360 (I actually made some money off that). Home, or more importantly trophies/accomplishments, are not out yet so I'll stick to 360 versions for now. All Sony has to do is mention older games (like CoD4, Uncharted) can still get accomplishments and I'm there but they haven't yet.
MP game: Xbox 360
SP game: PS3.

For example, Burnout Paradise and DMC 4 I would buy for ps3 because I like the controller better and it runs quieter and I am not afraid of it blowing up.

COD 4, I Would buy for the 360 because that games MP is awesome and Xbox Live is better and thats what all my friends play.
Exclusives on ps3 Anything else on 360. The friends list being available at all times is nice. I also don't like installing games and demos especially when its just a rental.

SIXAXIS, you drop the thing and the movie skips 20 mins ahead. The shape, build quality, triggers, all top of the line :)

btw op should get a stick(and how did markman not say it first)
In that order. 90% of everything that is multiplatform I will buy for the XBox 360. With the exception of games like DMC4. due to the fact I think those games should remain with their roots.
PS3 is my primary system, and the 360 is my secondary.

This decision was made before either system was released. I prefer the PS3 because I prefer the controller. I think that the PS3 controller design is best for a wider variety of games. [The 360 controller does feel good for shooting/ FPS, 3rd person games] But i could never see myself playing basic fighting games on the 360.

Since my decision was made to use the PS3 as the primary system there's some things that have reinforced my decision.

Xbox 360 hardware reliability - I'm not going to allow myself to use a system that I know is defective to be my main console.

Online Services - In the past I wasn't into going online and playing games. I just went online to get roster downloads. I don't want to have to pay a montly fee, just to go online to get roster downloads. So PSN has been more valuable to me since its free. Plus since PSN is free I have found myself playing more games online. But imo when paying for the service there's so much pressure (self imposed) to actually use it. When I'm not on PSN, there's no pressure because I'm not losing money.

Variety - Since having my PS3, I've eliminated by DVD player. I got a good picture viewer/slideshow, I can play my MP3 collection which I have burned onto various DVDs, and some stored on an external hard drive. Internet viewer, plus blu ray.

Everyone has to make decisions that best fit them, and for having the PS3 as my primary console has me very satisfied.

for the record - PS3 games look just as good as 360 games... change your RGB to full, the natural setting is Limited. It makes a BIG difference
normally for FPS i buy it for the ps3 since I have a lot of friends on my list
on the xbox i'll buy their exclusives and whatever game that will be getting exclusive DLC (i.e. GTA IV). I also think about what games I would want to play my own music in. Even though I have been playing the dynasty warriors series on the ps systems I bought the newest one for the xbox so I could play my own tracks.

generally speaking I prefer gaming on the ps3 because I have more friends on there and I like the sixaxis/dual shock 3 more than the xbox controller.
I don't own a PS3 (yet), but would still buy the multiplatform games for the 360, because of Achievements.
Unless it's a rare game that uses the D-pad for primary controls (which is HORRENDOUS on the 360), 360 for everything. The controller is just so much more comfortable, and the sticks seem more sensitive to minor changes in direction/angle. Achievements and XBL are just icing on the cake.

My PS3 folds 164 hours/week, and plays Blu-Rays the other 4. :) So does my father-in-law's (which I paid for) and my mom's (which I didn't). Though my mom does occasionally play Tetris Plus (PS1) on hers as well. But the attach rate in our family is 0.33--Heavenly Sword/3 systems.
I buy for the 360, although whenever Im am shopping for games I usually end up checking out the PS2 and PSP section also!!
I've been a 360 owner for a little over a year now and just recently got a PS3 and now I find myself really struggling with this question lately. I didn't like paying for live because I felt like I had to play online a lot to get my money's worth instead of just playing every now and then when I felt like it. Plus I really don't like many games that are big on multi player anyway (I don't really like FPS). However a good friend recently got a PS3 and it's been really fun playing online with him, especially since it's free. So now anything that's multi player I'll probably get on the PS3 just to play with him. In fact the more I think about it, it really seems like there is no point to buy any multi platform game for the 360 instead of the PS3. I think the 360 will mainly be used for Microsoft exclusives from now on unless one version of the game is significantly better or cheaper on the 360 then PS3.

GTA4 does bring a dilemma though, I think the episodic DLC is 360 exclusive, however I'll want to play multi player with my friend on the PS3 so I'm torn at the moment.
This thread needs more poll.

I own a 360 and a Wii and it's 360 first (would be even if I had a PS3) for the cheesemints.

I'd buy local multi-player games that I could play with mixed company (or stuff like Guitar Hero) probably for the Wii first because it's in a more convienent spot at my place.
i own everything except a Wii. i buy all on ps3 and exclusives that i like on 360. it used to be vise versa but thats when i used to care about achievements. but eh, they are a waste of time so i sold them and bought the ps3 versions instead.
LOL nice topic I just wanted to comment on the achievements.... It seems like people will buy and play any old crap game on the 360 just for achievements and a gamerscore that really does not add up to anything that really benefits you for paying $$ on a crap game.

Ah well at least they figured out a good way to get people to spend $60 even though the masses deemed a game bad..
Does the DS count? So far, it's the console I've spent the most time with (and will undoubtedly pick up the most games for) this year.

As far as the current gen goes, we have a Wii and recently got a 360. Out of those two, the Wii gets (and will likely continue to get) most of my attention.
Any and all next gen consoles are welcome in this thread.

In general, with multi-platform we/I general think 360 and PS3 but there are those that came out for Wii as well (Rock Band, etc.). So post which console YOU buy for most.

I wanted to make this into a poll but I couldn't figure out how at 2:30 in the morning. :roll:
The 360 controller is vastly superior for me for almost all game types, especially those involving the triggers (FPS, Racing, etc.). Xbox Live is a selling point too, though I don't play online real well.

That being said, I'll be getting SF2HD and SF4 for the PS3 since the d-pad isn't horrid.
If it's a FPS, usually 360. Anything else I would rather get on PS3 because I like the controller better (I have a DS3) than the 360 controller and I'm pretty confident that my PS3 won't die on me.
I typically go for the 360 version first, because Xbox live is much better for multiplayer.

I have yet to buy a PS3 game (I have it just for blu-ray)

and the Wii, I usually only buy games that are Wii exclusive, unless the Wii controls add a lot to the gameplay (like The Bigs for example)
I have a PS3 and a Wii. I buy for both equally. Same for the DS and PSP. I will not ever own a 360 so my choice is made easy.
I'll buy the 360 version of a game over PS3. I mainly bought my PS3 for to watch blu ray movies. I'll buy the PS3 exclusive games if I'm interested in them. One thing I've noticed about the PS3 is that they are hardly any games on sale. I've been waiting for Ratchet and Clank and that Drakes game to drop but they never do, not below 50 bucks anyway! It seems like the 360 games go on sale every now and then and you can pick up a $60 game for like $35 or $37.99
depends on the game.

Mostly PC because of being cheaper, and not having the same problems consoles have.

That's where I buy the majority of my multi-platform games for, and the reasons are:
-For multi-player games, I'm really close to my friends on PSN and I love buying games to play with them. Also, since I do not have XBL Gold right now (I'll get back on eventually), I can only play PS3 games with multi-player.

-For the most part, I do prefer the PlayStation controller. Been a fan of it for years and still like it. The only thing I'm not as big into are the triggers, but I'll take the triggers over the D-pad/bumper buttons from another console (which I'm not a big fan of, but the controller is still nice).

-Is the PS3 console itself because of it being quiet and reliable. I'm the type of person who is easily annoyed by noise (such as someone talking loudly outside, various devices, and so on. And with the PS3 being the quietest console I own, that does make it appealing to buy games on. Oh course being reliable is important too, since so far, the PS3 is the console to give me the least issues (My 360 RRoD, sometimes freezes, and the disc drive is shaky, while my Wii just won't read discs 10% of the time, give me an error, or not even load the sound in games. I'm debating about calling Nintendo, since I've only had my Wii for 3-4 months). Last gen for an example, I would never buy a CD based multi-platform game on PS2 (or rarely) because it annoyed me (even exclusive games on a CD, I rarely played due to annoying me). I originally bought my multi-platform games on Xbox, but after it breaking the 2nd to 3rd time (and still giving me issues), I decided to buy most of my games for PS2/GC (multi-platform stuff). Due to having very bad luck with MS products, that's the main reason I don't buy too many multi-platform games on 360 (Shockingly, I have owned a PS1, PSOne, PS2, PSP, PSP-2000, and PS3, and none of them have died and given me next to no issues, despite playing them a lot). If my 360 never did break (regardless to the problems I hear), I would probably buy a higher percentage of multi-platform games on 360 than I currently do (Actually, the day I decided to buy a PS3 was when my 360 was getting repaired). I'd hate to make a big investment in multi-platform games on a console, then not be able to play them due to the console being away often and/or just not having the money to repair (since I don't have a job and there are many times I'm broke, sometimes I would not be able to afford a console repair). Small portion of the reason is my PS3 is connected via HDMI (which my TV does well) and games do look really nice with my PS3 (compared to my 360 being on component and my Wii on composite hooked up to an SDTV).

Every once in a while there will be an exception so I'll buy a multi-platform game on another platform, but those are the main reasons (number 3, especially the reliable part, is 50% of the reason).
[quote name='The Mana Knight']

That's where I buy the majority of my multi-platform games for, and the reasons are:
-For multi-player games, I'm really close to my friends on PSN and I love buying games to play with them. Also, since I do not have XBL Gold right now (I'll get back on eventually), I can only play PS3 games with multi-player.

-For the most part, I do prefer the PlayStation controller. Been a fan of it for years and still like it. The only thing I'm not as big into are the triggers, but I'll take the triggers over the D-pad/bumper buttons from another console (which I'm not a big fan of, but the controller is still nice).

-Is the PS3 console itself because of it being quiet and reliable. I'm the type of person who is easily annoyed by noise (such as someone talking loudly outside, various devices, and so on. And with the PS3 being the quietest console I own, that does make it appealing to buy games on. Oh course being reliable is important too, since so far, the PS3 is the console to give me the least issues (My 360 RRoD, sometimes freezes, and the disc drive is shaky, while my Wii just won't read discs 10% of the time, give me an error, or not even load the sound in games. I'm debating about calling Nintendo, since I've only had my Wii for 3-4 months). Last gen for an example, I would never buy a CD based multi-platform game on PS2 (or rarely) because it annoyed me (even exclusive games on a CD, I rarely played due to annoying me). I originally bought my multi-platform games on Xbox, but after it breaking the 2nd to 3rd time (and still giving me issues), I decided to buy most of my games for PS2/GC (multi-platform stuff). Due to having very bad luck with MS products, that's the main reason I don't buy too many multi-platform games on 360 (Shockingly, I have owned a PS1, PSOne, PS2, PSP, PSP-2000, and PS3, and none of them have died and given me next to no issues, despite playing them a lot). If my 360 never did break (regardless to the problems I hear), I would probably buy a higher percentage of multi-platform games on 360 than I currently do (Actually, the day I decided to buy a PS3 was when my 360 was getting repaired). I'd hate to make a big investment in multi-platform games on a console, then not be able to play them due to the console being away often and/or just not having the money to repair (since I don't have a job and there are many times I'm broke, sometimes I would not be able to afford a console repair). Small portion of the reason is my PS3 is connected via HDMI (which my TV does well) and games do look really nice with my PS3 (compared to my 360 being on component and my Wii on composite hooked up to an SDTV).

Every once in a while there will be an exception so I'll buy a multi-platform game on another platform, but those are the main reasons (number 3, especially the reliable part, is 50% of the reason).[/quote]

I agree with you there man. I've wanted a PS3 since before it's release, but when my 360 red ringed, that's what pushed me over the edge to just go get one. I looked at my stack of 360 games and thought of what a waste of cash that was if I don't have a console to play on. Now my 360 has been repaired once, but I'm still hesitant to buy new games for it because I know the solution has not been fully resolved.
[quote name='Mr.Pibb']I agree with you there man. I've wanted a PS3 since before it's release, but when my 360 red ringed, that's what pushed me over the edge to just go get one. I looked at my stack of 360 games and thought of what a waste of cash that was if I don't have a console to play on. Now my 360 has been repaired once, but I'm still hesitant to buy new games for it because I know the solution has not been fully resolved.[/QUOTE]Yeah. If there is any type of multi-platform game I would buy on 360, it would be FPS or heavily PC based games (which really don't translate well on PS3, such as The Orange Box). CoD4 I did buy on PS3, but it turned out really well on PS3 and many PS3 friends of mine got it. If I were to buy Vegas 2, it might go to 360 (unless both versions are near identical), but since I really don't like most FPS, I'm passing it up.

I do agree with your statement on fighters, because that's a big reason why I still got VF5 on PS3 although I figured the 360 one would go online (because of D-pad. I don't want to hear get a fighter stick because I prefer controllers, just because I haven't played much in the arcade over the years).
[quote name='daroga']The 360 controller is vastly superior for me for almost all game types, especially those involving the triggers (FPS, Racing, etc.). Xbox Live is a selling point too, though I don't play online real well.

That being said, I'll be getting SF2HD and SF4 for the PS3 since the d-pad isn't horrid.[/QUOTE]

Most FPS on PS3 don't use triggers.
1. 360
2. PS3
3. Wii

If the game is multi platform, then I usually go with 360 cause I like the 360 controller design the best and most of my friends own a 360 so I can play with them.
[quote name='62t']kind of shock that more people didnt say ps3 beause of uncompress audio in some games[/quote]It take a keen ear and/or a pretty nice setup to really determine a difference. There's probably a lot of people working with a budget HT system at best or at worst the TV speakers. I know I'm guilty of the former.
PS3. I just do not like the 360 as much as most people. I trust the company that has the superior product and that is Sony at the moment. Partly RROD but also the bluray player.
Like many have stated before:

Multiplayer = Xbox 360
Single Player = PS3
Every once in a while I may get something on Wii but not often because I mainly bought this for my girlfriend to play at her house.
Playstation 2. I mean, seriously, there's still 20 (mostly old, obviously) games I really want to get on that system whereas there's probably 5-10 games total for the 360/PS3/Wii that I want but don't have (or my brother doesn't have).:whistle2:|

So I guess PS3 by default. Oh, and because our 360 is about to die, too.
Almost all of the recent games I've gotten have come from Goozex and the line is generally much shorter for the PS3 version of a game than it is for the 360. Ergo I've played a lot of PS3 versions lately.

If I'm going MP, though, it's all 360 at the moment, because Live actually works rather well and the number of players at any given time dwarfs the number on PS3.

For upcoming games I just check specs, stats, reviews, etc. If a game runs smoother on one rather than the other, for example, I'll go with that one
mostly xbox 360..I love the controller...I love achievements...I would need to have a lot of extra stuff/play better/look a lot better on the ps3 in order for me to pick it up there.....I am not interested in home at all, that doesn't appeal to me...The trophies don't appeal to me either, now if they had some point system then maybe that will sway me
360 , I don't normally care what reviews say but when it comes to multiplatform games I do at least take them into account. But 360 games seem to drop a bit faster so the CAG in me jumps on them more.
It depends on a lot of factors.

FPS and RTS games I almost always buy for the PC, because of the better controls. I still don't like a control pad for aiming in FPS games, it just feels slow and cumbersome to me.

Any other game type I will pick up for the 360 or Wii. I will usually read some reviews and see if the motion controls make a difference. I picked up the Godfather for Wii because I read that the motion controls add some fun, and after looking at screenshots the graphics weren't anything special. I also picked up Tomb Raider Anniversary for the Wii, because I found the aiming in TR: Legend boring on the 360, but Anniversary is mostly exploration so I would have probably picked up the 360 version if I were to go back.
Well It goes like this for me. If the game is available for PC/360/Wii then...

PC: Will get if my friends don't care for the game and won't buy it for the 360 regardless.
360: Will buy if they have a high amount of interest, but if they don't then it goes to the PC.
Wii: I don't know of many games that come out for Wii/360/PC, but I severely doubt I would buy it on the Wii over the 360 and PC.

The 360 is still my main platform, but not by much. I have been buying more games on the PC as of late. Vegas I am getting for the 360 over the PC because all my friends are getting Vegas for the 360.
The only PS3 games I'll buy are the PS3 exclusives and fighting games since I much prefer that controller over the Xbox 360. Outside of those two scenarios I'll always get the 360 edition.
bread's done