Murkowski concedes to Joe Miller. Did Sarah Palin rig the system?



Sorry but it's simply impossible that this unknown racist dumb teabagger would defeat Murkowski who had over 20 point lead in all the polls. Not to mention Sarah Palin is very hated in Alaska, so her endorsement was a kiss-of-death. It's quite obvious this illiterate, dumb lying women had the shamelessness to rig the system for her Joe Miller to win like the Republican party did back in 2004. There better be numerous investigation into this in the coming weeks. It just pisses me off that this women might get away with her evil scheme.

Sarah Palin endorsed Joe Miller. Not Murkowski. There was no kiss-of-death. After the endorsement, the Alaskan voters then picked Joe Miller as the GOP nominee for state senate. How was it rigged?

One of the worst OPs I have ever seen.
[quote name='tivo']???

Sarah Palin endorsed Joe Miller. Not Murkowski. There was no kiss-of-death. After the endorsement, the Alaskan voters then picked Joe Miller as the GOP nominee for state senate. How was it rigged?

One of the worst OPs I have ever seen.[/QUOTE]

One of the worst fails I have seen.
Y'all are aware that he's yet to make a post in Vs that isn't trolling, yeah?

Though this is the first time in a long time he hasn't brought up race, so, hey, there's that.
I heard the reason he won is because there was an anti-choice measure on the ballot and it got anti-choicers out in droves.

Makes me kiiinda optimistic about CA race, but I can't be too sure.
[quote name='IRHari']I heard the reason he won is because there was an anti-choice measure on the ballot and it got anti-choicers out in droves.

Makes me kiiinda optimistic about CA race, but I can't be too sure.[/QUOTE]

remember that episode of the simpsons, where all the stoners forget to vote...
Also know that Alaska has a closed primary (something the GOP has sued numerous times in the state to keep closed). I'm glad Lisa's gone. I never cared for Lisa Senator Thanks, Dad.

However I don't see anyone beating Miller in the general election. The AK dems haven't ran a viable canidate (pre-Begich and that one was close) in years.
Then they should go all out elder. The problem is he's probably pulling his punches. Be real to what people want to hear, common sense I mean, and people might be surprised.
[quote name='Sarang01']Then they should go all out elder. The problem is he's probably pulling his punches. Be real to what people want to hear, common sense I mean, and people might be surprised.[/QUOTE]

In Alaska? Don't bet on it.

Besides, they need to be vigilant against communism. You can see Russia from the capital.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']remember that episode of the simpsons, where all the stoners forget to vote...[/QUOTE]

I forgot about that episode
Murkowski will run as an independent write-in candidate. But the best part of her announcement was this:

"They tell me that this can't be done, that this is a futile effort," she said. "Well, maybe this is one time that they have met one Republican woman who won't quit on Alaska."
[quote name='IRHari']Murkowski will run as an independent write-in candidate. But the best part of her announcement was this:[/QUOTE]

come on...Can anybody honestly say they would remain a governor rather than take a payday?
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2010 21:13:06 -0800
Subject: Fwd: Sarahs letter
From: [Joe Miller]
To: [Aides]

Just found this in my inbox. This is what we're dealing with. Note the date and the complete misconstruction of what I said.

Holy cow.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 10:45 AM
Subject: Sarahs letter
To: Tim Crawford, Joe Miller , Thomas V. Van Flein

Joe and Tim,

Hold off on any letter for Joe. Sarah put her ass on the line for Joe and yet he can't answer a simple question " is Sarah Palin Qualified to be President". I DON'T KNOW IF SHE IS.

Joe, please explain how this endorsement stuff works, is it to be completely one sided.

Sarah spent all morning working on a Facebook post for Joe, she won't use it, not now.

Put yourself in her shoe's Joe for one day.


Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
Does anyone follow local Alaskan politics closely enough to know if the Alaskan conservative candidates for ____ have ever been asked if they are for getting rid of the sharing of state oil revenues with Alaskan citizens?
::related to my previous post::

Bill Maher: "You mess with Todd Palin, you could wake up with a horse's ass in your bed, like he does every day"
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Does anyone follow local Alaskan politics closely enough to know if the Alaskan conservative candidates for ____ have ever been asked if they are for getting rid of the sharing of state oil revenues with Alaskan citizens?[/QUOTE]

I lived up there for about 17 years. Usually every election cycle each side accuses the other of wanting to tap the Permanent Fund Reserve (the state oil revenues of which the interest is invested and returns given back to each citizen. It's complicated).
Wow, I wish I could say I'm surprised by how the security acted but I'm not. Security always acts like they have some sort of official police powers. The one guy looked like some cold war era bond villain.
bread's done