Muslims possibly facing extra checks when traveling

[quote name='Mookyjooky']But in the end, we have to make due with what we have. Business isnt exactly booming for the plane industry, and the Govt. only regulates it so much, and people dont want a 10% tax increase to fund it anyways.[/QUOTE]

So, instead of ensuring greater protections for all travellers, let's focus on the camel jockeys because Americans are whining about how *inconvenient* it is to get searched. It takes a righteous prat to say something like that - how many airline dollars is the difference between making sure your ass - or mine - is safe, and them not giving a fuck?

You know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that one day, a terrorist strike will happen, and the perpetrators are gonna have names like "James" or "Nick," and they're not gonna look like the sand niggers you all seem to think that the scrutinization of is the difference between safety and imminent doom. You're going to be wrong about focusing solely on brown folks, and how much damage, how many deaths, how many bland statistics will you list in a message board posts when that happens? It *will* happen, of that I can assure you.

Never forget: they are smarter than you, pal. You may like to think they're sheep, and pathological - but there's no denying their savvy, unless you want to willfully ignore the immense amount of planning that goes into an attack. I don't feel like dying because it makes you feel comfortable to focus solely on visibly identifiable characteristics that form the boundary between "us" and "them"; it's intellectually simplistic, halfhearted effort to make you feel comfortable without accomplishing anything, and it makes, quite public, precisely what kind of criteria one must have in order to avoid such scrutiny. And if you think that a terrorist won't try to falsify those things that will circumvent such scrutiny, then I regret that you have the right to vote and choose out national leaders.

EDIT: You guys are the kind of motherfuckers that would get fooled time and time again by a running back faking right and then cutting left.
NOBODY IS SAYING ONLY FOCUS ON MIDDLE EASTERNERS!!!! Other people are still going to be searched. It's not like they get a free pass on to a plane. At this point in time Middle Easterners need to be the ones really focused on in depth searches. That doesn't mean everyone else walks on without any checks or nobody who is white gets really checked out. Come on now. You are smarter than that.

You might say they are smarter than us (i 100% disagree) but ill say GW and Tony Blair (among countless others) have done one hell of a job so far protecting us from another one, though something is bound to eventually happen. I guess in your mind they don't deserve any credit.

At this point it seems you are posting just to be disagreeable, or you just have a complete lack of common sense.
[quote name='schuerm26']NOBODY IS SAYING ONLY FOCUS ON MIDDLE EASTERNERS!!!! Other people are still going to be searched. It's not like they get a free pass on to a plane. At this point in time Middle Easterners need to be the ones really focused on in depth searches. That doesn't mean everyone else walks on without any checks or nobody who is white gets really checked out. Come on now. You are smarter than that.[/QUOTE]

So ... why wouldn't we be searching everybody to the utmost, exactly? Why not search EVERYONE like you're suggesting we target the muslims? Sure, it'll take resources, but shit: we fought two wars so we could be safe from terra. We can't devote a fraction of that to keep us from getting blowed up right here?

[quote name='schuerm26']You might say they are smarter than us (i 100% disagree) but ill say GW and Tony Blair (among countless others) have done one hell of a job so far protecting us from another one, though something is bound to eventually happen. I guess in your mind they don't deserve any credit.[/QUOTE]

He might say that. He didn't ... but I guess he might. And what the hell does that have to do with anything, anyway?
[quote name='schuerm26']NOBODY IS SAYING ONLY FOCUS ON MIDDLE EASTERNERS!!!! Other people are still going to be searched. It's not like they get a free pass on to a plane. At this point in time Middle Easterners need to be the ones really focused on in depth searches. That doesn't mean everyone else walks on without any checks or nobody who is white gets really checked out. Come on now. You are smarter than that.[/quote]

Yes, yes I am. And you're deliberately misreading me, or a fool to think that I'm somehow insinuating that nobody will go through standard TSA screening. Your posts seem to indicate that you're perfectly content with any and all protection measures above and beyond TSA protocol, if they focus solely on "middle easterners" (which, I assure you, is a far more amorphous concept than you'd like to think). So don't try this strawman nonsense with me. My point is that one day a terrorist will either not be your Limbaughian "Islamo-fascist," or will be one who learned to play by the rules and "pass as white" sufficient to avoid the scrutiny that you laud as exemplary. I'm not being disagreeable for the sake of it - I'm pointing out that you are praising a plan that is shortsighted, intellectually spells out precisely what would-be terrorists need to do to circumvent it, and plays on racial/ethnic stereotypes of people who are strictly not "us" based on little more than physical appearance. You're a fool to believe that different kinds of people, including terrorists, are always and always will be discernible by vision alone.

You might say they are smarter than us (i 100% disagree) but ill say GW and Tony Blair (among countless others) have done one hell of a job so far protecting us from another one, though something is bound to eventually happen. I guess in your mind they don't deserve any credit.

Well, for the few rules they have followed in monitoring groups, they did apprehend (well, the Brits anyway) 24 potential terrorists last week who were planning to fly on the very morning I was flying out of the country last week, so something is going according to plan. They deserve credit for that; of course, for all the things they deserve a slap in the face for, that would be bare minimum three more threads - misdirecting the war against al-qaeda into a nation where they never were to begin with, and subsequently causing a civil war by bringing down their totalitarian government via preemptive war to prevent further terror attacks is a technique along the lines of going to North Dakota to help Hurricane Katrina victims.

At this point it seems you are posting just to be disagreeable, or you just have a complete lack of common sense.

You're the one who thinks that our government (who you inherently distrust as a right-winger, right?) will always and consistently remain one step ahead of the terrorists, and who is so simple-minded as to buy into some bullshit argument that they aren't smart (as if a pack of trained monkeys could have pulled off 9/11 in much the same way they wrote the entire works of Shakespeare). Somehow, you refuse to humanize the enemy as capable of surprising you and your nation, despite evidence to the contrary (for a not-very-concise-and-often-redundant list, consult Mookyjooky's thread on this very page), and yet *I'm* the one who lacks common sense? Because I perceive terrorists as people who are willing to adapt to the protective environment created in the United States, I lack common sense? Let me tell you something, shecky, if terrorists were as dumb as you want to think they are, they would have tried to walk through TSA with shanks again, just like they did on 9/11. Guess what? They tried to disguise Gatorade bottles as explosives, because they *GASP* reacted to their environment! Amazing! If you don't think they'll do it again, that's your right to remain naive; after all, you're the one denying the empirical reality of last week's planned attacks by thinking that terrorists won't change their methods based upon new security measures. :roll:

Besides, I thought you were done with this thread - something about you not being able to see the forest because of all the brown people you were monitoring.
[quote name='schuerm26']He did to say it. Read his post.[/QUOTE]

I did. He said they were smarter than YOU. Not us.
[quote name='mykevermin']So, instead of ensuring greater protections for all travellers, let's focus on the camel jockeys because Americans are whining about how *inconvenient* it is to get searched. It takes a righteous prat to say something like that - how many airline dollars is the difference between making sure your ass - or mine - is safe, and them not giving a fuck?

You know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that one day, a terrorist strike will happen, and the perpetrators are gonna have names like "James" or "Nick," and they're not gonna look like the sand niggers you all seem to think that the scrutinization of is the difference between safety and imminent doom. You're going to be wrong about focusing solely on brown folks, and how much damage, how many deaths, how many bland statistics will you list in a message board posts when that happens? It *will* happen, of that I can assure you.

Never forget: they are smarter than you, pal. You may like to think they're sheep, and pathological - but there's no denying their savvy, unless you want to willfully ignore the immense amount of planning that goes into an attack. I don't feel like dying because it makes you feel comfortable to focus solely on visibly identifiable characteristics that form the boundary between "us" and "them"; it's intellectually simplistic, halfhearted effort to make you feel comfortable without accomplishing anything, and it makes, quite public, precisely what kind of criteria one must have in order to avoid such scrutiny. And if you think that a terrorist won't try to falsify those things that will circumvent such scrutiny, then I regret that you have the right to vote and choose out national leaders.

EDIT: You guys are the kind of motherfuckers that would get fooled time and time again by a running back faking right and then cutting left.[/quote]

Whats funny, is that we're racist, yet you've said Sand Niggers and Brown People in most of your posts. Way to go the extreme.

If you would of read my post, you would see that money is a big issue here and that in a perfect world... we could spend the Billions of dollars to do what you think is right for the sake of PC...but in a perfect world, we wouldnt even have to deal with this...

Hell, why not just ban all air travel altogether? That way we dont have to make Arabs feel bad. If it took 5 hours to get through security, no one would probably go anyways unless it was required.

The airline industry is falling in the toilet, and you're proposing a Billion dollar expenditure to make Airlines more secure.

How about this? Its a private business, and if you dont like it, you dont have to buy it?

mykevermin, stop being a whiny douche who just wants to be right about everything on the internet. If all you can see is racism and political correctness of black and white, right and wrongs... then that would be a reason your not running for office.

If the majority of people feel safer at the expense of a few, then that a decision that has to be made sometimes. Its not always right and wrong, and just because they're getting checked doesnt mean we're racist. In the end, this is probably nothing more than a publicity stunt to get people flying again.

Life sucks, and too bad we dont have a limitless amount of money and time to devote to perfecting the nation. I swear dude, you're like a communist.
[quote name='trq']I did. He said they were smarter than YOU. Not us.[/quote]

Wow, that hurts. Typical lib stuff. Think illogically and when people call you out and prove to be correct call them names. Great stuff. That's why you guys don't and won't run the country for a long time. You can't run on your ideas because they are absolutely absurd.
The word, Mooky, is *hyperbole*.

Anyway, you've done an outstanding job, in the absence of any evidence whatsoever (financial or logistics, for starters) in declaring better planning that scrutinizes all air passengers. It just doesn't sound logically feasible to you, and somehow your gut feeling about it is a perfectly acceptable substitue for actual data telling me otherwise.

Now, as for air travel being a private business, you're right. TSA, on ther other hand, is yours and my tax dollars, baby. That's a gub'ment organization, separate from Delta and United. Perhaps I'm proposing a billion dollar measure, but if it's only a billion, that's 0.000011% of our national debt. A billion dollars is only 6 days of Iraq War expenditures; in comparison, that ain't much for some widespread comfort and certainty that we aren't letting terrorists on board.

I'm very disappointed in those of you who insist on attacking me, and continue to consciously ignore the damn-near certainty that eventually a terrorist will not look like what you think they ought to look like, and that yours and my eyesight vision of what a terrorist "looks like" is not a sound method for employing protection measures. Someone step up to the g'damn plate!

Yes, hominems...overgeneralizing accusations...more baseless that out of the way. Alright, lovely. You really like to lay in on me, for whatever reason. Ain't no thing by me. If'n that's how you get your kicks, go right ahead and bring those internet criticisms on down. I can take it.

I'm sorry that you feel the need to respond to my points with accusations about my character, and your gut feelings as evidence refuting a more streamlined and still more thorough measure of screening. Perhaps you would be better off in the OTT?

EDIT: Schuer, the hell did you ever call me out on successfully?
[quote name='Mookyjooky']But none of those "White Guys" caused this.

Yeah, I kinda remember about that, almost as if I were there... But I also remember that blaming an entire culture for the actions of a few radicals is abhorrent, not to mention logistically difficult.

Oh, and a FBI spokesman said the 'explosive' liquids in Schuerm's link were alcohol based face creams. Damn those middle easterners and their evil Oil of Olay!
[quote name='schuerm26']Wow, that hurts. Typical lib stuff. Think illogically and when people call you out and prove to be correct call them names. Great stuff. That's why you guys don't and won't run the country for a long time. You can't run on your ideas because they are absolutely absurd.[/QUOTE]

Odd, what you call 'liberals' ran congress and the white house for about 40 years. Funny how civil liberties used to be a republican owned issue, back when there were liberal republicans.
[quote name='schuerm26']...Think illogically...[/QUOTE]

Whu? Seriously? SERIOUSLY?

I take it you didn't read that link I posted, from that last bastion of liberal reporting, the Daily News. You know, the one where one of our foremost experts on counter-terrorism, former NYPD commish Ray Kelly called profling "nuts" and "inneffective," or where those dirty liberals at the Cato Institute said profiling has fallen out of favor with law enforcement, not because of "political correctness," but because it just doesn't work. You know. That link.

I also notice you had nothing to say when I asked why we wouldn't be searching everybody to the utmost, just to be safe. Just jumped right to "he did to [sic] say that." So you're not exactly Mr. Spock with the logic here. That's fine.

Let's rock it like this:

If I were head of a terrorist cell, I'd be looking for as many non-stereotypes to pull off my attacks as possible. There are 20 million chinese muslims. A third of formerly-Yugoslavia is muslim. There's Jose Padilla, and John Walker Lindh, and the jamaicans in London. Those are all people who would be less scrutinized with your plan. Maybe we'd still catch them. Maybe not. Why take the chance? We have the money. Again, WHY TAKE THE CHANCE?

So go for it, Captain Logic: what's the rebuttal?
[quote name='DeathDealer']most of those groups arent gonna get on a plane and blow themselves up. muslims, different story. thats like the most holy thing they can do or some shit.[/quote]why don't you go and, you know, LEARN about what Islam is all about before making idiotic statements like that?

Cheese and Mykevermin, I just want to give you both a huge THANK YOU for your posts in this thread. I'm an American-Muslim and I can't believe some of blatantly racist and ignorant comments that can come out of people's mouth. It's nice that there are still people out there who actually think. Again, thanks.
Im no expert but I believe I know what jihad means. Im sure you could probably find something so show me a link to something about a suicide bomber who wasnt muslim or some middle eastern decent.
[quote name='LiquidNight']why don't you go and, you know, LEARN about what Islam is all about before making idiotic statements like that?

Cheese and Mykevermin, I just want to give you both a huge THANK YOU for your posts in this thread. I'm an American-Muslim and I can't believe some of blatantly racist and ignorant comments that can come out of people's mouth. It's nice that there are still people out there who actually think. Again, thanks.[/quote]

It's not racism at all. Until someone can prove (or we find out through intelligence) a non middle eastern muslim is trying to blow up our planes, they should be the ones targeted. You are the one that isn't thinking.
israel has been racially profiling for years at their airports, and they are considered the safest in the world. of course you have to get there 5 hours in advanced in case they opt for the full body cavity search, but hey at least its safe.
[quote name='gaelan']israel has been racially profiling for years at their airports, and they are considered the safest in the world. of course you have to get there 5 hours in advanced in case they opt for the full body cavity search, but hey at least its safe.[/QUOTE]

How many of our ideals are you willing to sell down the river out of fear? I'd like to hear you say, "Hey, at least we're safe!" when you've got some TSA employee with his finger up your daughter's vagina. You three talk as if every plane already has one suicide bomber on it. Just how scared are you? Now, I am aware St. Louis, Plano and wherever gaelan's from are hot terrorist targets, but you'll just have to suffer through. Seeing that (as I quoted earlier) DHS Secretary Tom Ridge says airport searches have never caught anyone, it stands to reason that what ever they've been doing has been good enough so far without having to violate anyone's civil liberties.

Oh, and the first report of a plot to use planes as missiles was in 1995, called 'Oplan Bojinka' was put together by Ramsi Youseff who was operating out of the Philippines and was to use Filipino muslims. On a side note, the Columbine kids were also plotting to hijack a plane and fly it into Times Square long before 9/11.
Your a genius when it comes to knowledgable posts, makes me feel good you are on the other side. Thanks evan.

All i can say is thank god people who think like you guys aren't in power nor will be for a long time.
[quote name='Cheese'] On a side note, the Columbine kids were also plotting to hijack a plane and fly it into Times Square long before 9/11.[/quote]

Big difference in plotting and doing though. Personally I have no fear of a terrorist attack. I dont live in a place that would probably be the victim of an attack. you cant ignore the fact that almost all succesful terrorist attacks and suicide bombings are done by muslim/middle eastern people. thats not racism, thats fact my friend.
My reason for posting in this thread was just to say that I would agree to more strict searching of people who follow a religion that has a history of suicide bombings and other terrorist attacks against the US. Sure searching everyone would be that much better, but you cant honestly think that stricter searching of muslim/middle eastern people is a bad idea. sure its unfair, I agree and I wouldnt like it myself. But if we are at war with a country we have to at least be cautious of people from that country. Its alot better than refusing the flight. People do have the option of not flying as someone previously stated.
[quote name='DeathDealer']Big difference in plotting and doing though. Personally I have no fear of a terrorist attack. I dont live in a place that would probably be the victim of an attack. you cant ignore the fact that almost all succesful terrorist attacks and suicide bombings are done by muslim/middle eastern people. thats not racism, thats fact my friend.[/quote]

You also can't deny that almost all annoying intarnets posts are made by ignorant/overweight/redneck/14yo (circle all applicable) lower middle class rejects that lack the cognative ability to process the fact that even 20,000 in 1 billion is minute and all but untraceable fringe element.

Maybe ISPs should submit ignorant honkies to full cavity searches before giving them access to the internet.
[quote name='DeathDealer']Big difference in plotting and doing though. Personally I have no fear of a terrorist attack. I dont live in a place that would probably be the victim of an attack. [/quote]

But that was the charge against the guys this thread was started about. They weren't caught in the act, they were plotting. Same with the guys in FLorida a few months back. They were arrested for plotting. Which I have no problem with, although the evidence in both cases seems sketchy, but hey, I'll give the authorities the benefit of the doubt.

you cant ignore the fact that almost all succesful terrorist attacks and suicide bombings are done by muslim/middle eastern people. thats not racism, thats fact my friend.
My reason for posting in this thread was just to say that I would agree to more strict searching of people who follow a religion that has a history of suicide bombings and other terrorist attacks against the US. Sure searching everyone would be that much better, but you cant honestly think that stricter searching of muslim/middle eastern people is a bad idea. sure its unfair, I agree and I wouldnt like it myself. But if we are at war with a country we have to at least be cautious of people from that country. Its alot better than refusing the flight. People do have the option of not flying as someone previously stated.

You're sorta touching on my beef when you agree that it's unfair. My complaint comes from the idea that we're supposed to believe that all men are created equal, no matter their race, color or creed. With that belief comes a certain responsibility to each other that we stick to it, because there but the grace of god go I. Holding an entire culture in suspicion because of the actions of a few goes against that higher ideal. Equality trumps security. Security is important, for sure, but a free and equal society is more important. To put aside those ideals for a brief and ultimately false sense of security chips away at what fundamentally makes us who we are, or at least who we should strive to be.
Cheese I give you respect for responding with decent well thought arguments, but kayden you sir are a fool. you are trying to criticize me for making a generalization yet look what you are saying based solely on the fact that I am from Texas. You brought ignorant childish name calling to an otherwise good thread discussion. No one here was being a disrespectful ass. Sorry I dont agree with whatever you feel on this topic, but I wouldnt criticize you for disagreeing.
[quote name='DeathDealer']Cheese I give you respect for responding with decent well thought arguments, but kayden you sir are a fool. you are trying to criticize me for making a generalization yet look what you are saying based solely on the fact that I am from Texas. You brought ignorant childish name calling to an otherwise good thread discussion. No one here was being a disrespectful ass. Sorry I dont agree with whatever you feel on this topic, but I wouldnt criticize you for disagreeing.[/quote]
:lol: I didn't even notice you were from Texas. I was making a generalization that mocked yours. That was my only "goal". Honestly, "That, my friend, is fact." You're using the fact that a handful of Muslims attempted a terrorist attack to justify the subjugation of an entire religion with about 1 billion followers. However, it affects even more than that seeing how middle eastern and muslim are not the same.

There are white muslims that support the terroristic acts--even in nothing-hapens-here midwest! There was a group of soccer moms collecting cellphones to ship to terrorist cells. They were actually encouraging their kids to steal them from school.

On the flipside, there are middleeasterners that aren't Muslim. Add your logic of "it just makes sense because .00002% of the group did it" to the fact that a large majority couldn't tell the difference between a Pakastani and an Iranian and we get hundreds of thousands --if not millions -of people detained soley on the basis that they have brown skin and a beard.

Or did you have a plan where you'd fill in a check box if you were Muslim? "Check here for theological profiling!" :roll:

No sir, the childish ignorance was already here.
[quote name='schuerm26']


fuck you. I want YOUR thoughts first. Don't go fishing for other people to okay your racism first. Have some dignity and tell us what you think about it.

You damn well know what I think: you'd have done the same thing if it was a plane full of people like you, and therefore establishing two tiers of citizens hierarchically arranged. Once you advocate the subjugation of another group of people for any reason (the most loathesome of reasons being ascribed characteristics), you're living a life contrary to the notion of "freedom" you claim to want to protect.
[quote name='mykevermin']fuck you. I want YOUR thoughts first. Don't go fishing for other people to okay your racism first. Have some dignity and tell us what you think about it.


My thoughts are this:

You need anger management, a shot of common sense and a crash course in logic.
[quote name='DeathDealer']Cheese I give you respect for responding with decent well thought arguments, but kayden you sir are a fool. you are trying to criticize me for making a generalization yet look what you are saying based solely on the fact that I am from Texas. You brought ignorant childish name calling to an otherwise good thread discussion. No one here was being a disrespectful ass. Sorry I dont agree with whatever you feel on this topic, but I wouldnt criticize you for disagreeing.[/QUOTE]

I made no judgment or conclusion about you based on your being from Texas, I simply pointed out that Plano and St. Louis might not exactly be on the top of the terrorist hit list, meaning dollars to donuts you'll never have to experience or witness some of the things I sadly have, and perhaps some of your fears are overblown. There was no insult intended.
I know that cheese, thats why I was saying that even though you disagree I respect that you can have an arguement without trying to insult. like this other guy.
and for you kayden, im not the one who came up with the idea for the whole muslim search, I only say I wouldnt be standing around protesting it. I dont know that it would work, or how they would even do it for that matter. As Ive said about 4 times now, I would prefer that they search everyone the same and thorough. But if they want to start with these people I dont think its a bad idea. I know that all middle eastern people or muslims arent terrorists. In fact a small number, but that small number is the number of attempted attacks airports have had lately. Its just taking caution based on past events. When they catch a skinhead (or anyone else) with some sort of bomb, and a thread starts with the same topic only skinheads instead of muslim, I will be saying the same thing.
[quote name='schuerm26']My thoughts are this:

You need anger management, a shot of common sense and a crash course in logic.[/QUOTE]

You have a tendency to use sweeping statements like these (e.g., "you need logic," or "you liberals all _____") when you've nothing to add to the conversation, or when you find yourself incapable of responding to a substantive comment.

That's well and fine, but "you lack logic" is a useless comment. Point out where my flaws in logic are, if you're so astute as to see them. Why do I ask this? Because I don't believe you can see past your own nose, that's why.

I have noticed that you haven't posted your own reaction to the link you posted yet. That's well and good, and I understand. I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that we won't get an opinion out of you until sometime between 12-3PM on Monday. ;)
[quote name='schuerm26']


I think these people are chicken shit cowards. They threw two innocent men off a plane and they should be ashamed. Nothing makes me more disgusted than when a majority forces its will on the minority. If I were those two men I would sue the shit out of the airline for discrimination. This isnt the first time British assholes have done shit like this. Using the actions of a minority of a group to discriminate against the majority of them is prejudice in its most basic form. Actions like these only increase intolerance and errode the trust even further.
I like it when people post things that make absolutely no sense and add nothing to the topic, and then whine when someone insults them for being an idiot, saying THEY'RE the ones not adding to the topic.
[quote name='evanft']Ya ever notice how schuerm26 is a bit of an asswipe?

I would have kicked off everyone BUT the two asian dudes just to be an asshole.

yes, someone like yourself. unless you consider those statements useful to the debate. great post. unlike yourself im not gonna disrespect/name call and think that it somehow supports my arguement. grow up man, maybe this topic is a little too mature for you.
[quote name='DeathDealer']yes, someone like yourself. unless you consider those statements useful to the debate. great post. unlike yourself im not gonna disrespect/name call and think that it somehow supports my arguement. grow up man, maybe this topic is a little too mature for you.[/QUOTE]

Considering that this thread is essentially schuerm26 making completely ridiculous arguments that have no merit nor any basis in logic, and then myke and everyone else ripping them up, I think I needed to lighten it up a little bit.
[quote name='DeathDealer']Big difference in plotting and doing though.[/QUOTE]

No prob: it's been done, too. One of the London bombers was Jamaican-born.
as a non muslim persian american (w/ dual citizenship) I have no problem with the heightened security. I traveled to Iran in the summer of 02 and did experience many "stops" or "random routine checks", but I completely understand the measures taken and respect the rules and regulations as long as I am not late for my flight.

When I went to the airport and presented our tickets (traveling with family and friends), me and my cousin (young mid-eastern males) were told to hand over both passports (american and Iranian) and we had to go into a separate line. My cousin was mad/embarrassed, but I was proud and full of laughs. It’s not a big deal and even the guys checking my bag and asking

me to remove my belt apologized for having to do it.

after the first check of bags and clothes we stood in line at the gate and were pulled out of line again into another separate "screening room" and rechecked. If it makes people on board feel safer I have no problem going through all of it as long as I am treated with respect (very key). In europe I had german shepherds "search" at me even though I did nothing wrong and was already checked at that stop (fuck-in dutch).another perk of being part of "suspicious nationality" (not saudi) is you get on the plane first.

the highlight of that whole trip was when I was in Tehran and the security guard singled me out and asked me to take off my shoes. I asked why and was told "you're from america, you could be a terrorist". So at least I know I get treated like a terror suspect no matter where I go, making it more of a norm.
The way I view it, I'm a VIP a Very Important Persian. At least that's how I keep my cool about it all.

Oh and real terrorism is having to pay for ketchup fuck-in europeans.
Stopping people due to ethnicity and stopping them due to where they're from or where they're going is, IMO, completely different.
[quote name='evanft']Stopping people due to ethnicity and stopping them due to where they're from or where they're going is, IMO, completely different.[/QUOTE]

Dude, Limbaugh's been on for SIX hours this week, and yet we've still not heard schuerm's opinion on this!?!?!

Hmm. Something's afoot. Maybe convicted white-collar bribe-taker (and subsequently ex-mayor) Roger Hedgecock, or Milton Friedman and Adam Smith loving, economist to the stars, token right-wing black person Walter Williams are substituting this week, leaving schuerm high and dry.
I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but what did you guys think was going to happen?

Did you think we were just going to let Muslims kills us, with only the smallest amount of help from you in stopping them, forever?

Did you think we would never decide "It is they who are causing the problem. It is they who should bear most of the inconvenience/'humiliation' from the problem"?

Whatthey've been taking as "weakness" and "stupidity" was just a naive, idealistic hope that if we treated them well enough they would stop. They didn't. The naivete and idealism are giving way to cold hard ugly realities forced upon us by non-terroristic muslims' soft support of terorism.

This was taken from a British Newspaper regarding the practice of profiling:
"THE Government is discussing with airport operators plans to introduce a screening system that allows security staff to focus on those passengers who pose the greatest risk. The passenger-profiling technique involves selecting people who are behaving suspiciously, have an unusual travel pattern or, most controversially, have a certain ethnic or religious background. The system would be much more sophisticated than simply picking out young men of Asian appearance. But it would cause outrage in the Muslim community because its members would be far more likely to be selected for extra checks. "
I'm not British, but my reserve of concern for "Muslim outrage" is quite tapped out.


Muslim terrorists emptied the tank.

We no longer care so much about living in a tolerate, perfectly-equal multiethnic society.

We now care much more about living. Period.

Muslims (and most of you here) say, "Why should ALL middle eastern Muslims be inconvenienced or humiliated for the excesses of a few?"

And to that, I say, "Why should we be inconvenienced or humiliated for the excesses of Muslims, when they seem to be active or passive supporters of the Muslim terrorists causing all of the problems?"

It's coming to America, too, most likely.

The outrage the oft-referred to "billions of innocent muslims" should have been directed at the terrorists and terrorist-inciters and terrorist-supporters among them five years ago.

But it wasn't.

So now here we are.

How ya like them apples?

Muslims will plead that the incovenience and suspicion for the war on terror should be distributed equally and without regard to religion.

But why should that be so? The entire problem of terrorism is not distributed equally, nor without regard to religion. It is almost exclusively the fault of young Muslim men, in turn sheltered by the greater Muslim community.
Why should the hassle and inconvenience of this be borne by all equally when the likely perpetrators are nearly all young Muslim men, or Muslims generally?

It's a bit glib, but people's willingness to undergo inconvenience and embarrassment on behalf of sparing another person the same inconvenience and embarrassment is quite limited. Especially when that other is more capable of undoing the entire need for the inconvenience and embarrassment altogether, but chooses not to.

So, for all of you who mean to take up the cross that is the percieved indifference to the hordes of innocent muslims who are non-violent and their coming inconvenience at the passing of this new policy, bear in mind that all of your pet innocent muslims see fit to stonewall authorities seeking information on terrorist cells, harbor known terrorists and terror preaching imams in neighborhood mosques, (and the list goes on and on).

For them to on one hand feel empowered to subvert the authority of the government they live under by following the laws of their culture to the detriment of US law (and thousands of US lives), and on the other cry foul against the same government for imposing stricter sanctions on their group as a result of their unwillingness to even pretend like they care about anyone except those who believe like they do only makes their hypocricy shine that much brighter.

In short, while I tend to agree with mykevermin's assertation of the situation, (i.e. screening everyone as opposed to screening one group and then pretending like we are safer), I simply cannot feel sorry for a group of people who as a rule put their fear of not being seen as an outsider for speaking out against the preaching of violence at local mosques or the known harboring or planning of terrorists or terrorist activities above the very lives of everyone around them.

As I said before, we tried cowtowing to their every will, and they only used our capitulation as carte blanche to walk all over us and protect the real killers among them.

Now we are forced to make all Muslims lives so miserable that they may finally understand we will not tolerate their silence and allow them to keep harboring and nursing the jihadists among them while still claiming victim status. Soon they will understand that they either need to help us stop the real terrorists, or be subjected to intense scrutiny and disbelief that they want anything more than to leech off our society while silently rooting for their terrorist brothers to kill us all.

Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
I was going to make a very long response to Veritas1204's post, but it's so fucking retarded and baseless that there's no real point to doing so. All the points within have also been addressed by myke already, too. But hey, my ignore list gets a new member!
Wow, now there's some pure, straight from the tap, USDA prime racism. There are so many illogical conclusions and misconceptions in that screed that I don't even know where to begin, or even if it's worth it, I'm guessing not. I think I'll just let that one lie.
[quote name='Cheese']Wow, now there's some pure, straight from the tap, USDA prime racism. There are so many illogical conclusions and misconceptions in that screed that I don't even know where to begin, or even if it's worth it, I'm guessing not. I think I'll just let that one lie.[/QUOTE]

You changed your avatar! :cry:
[quote name='evanft']You changed your avatar! :cry:[/QUOTE]

I did, Richardson has more personality then the big retarded kid.

This was also a runner up...

bread's done