Muslims possibly facing extra checks when traveling

One half of my family is primarily Muslim, so while I think profiling or this kind of thing is wrong, I can't get myself to say I disagree with it. It's a misconception that all muslims hate america or are terrorists or whatever, statistically, its more likely that a muslim going through is a terrorist than some fat black lady.

Overall, I really can't determine my stance on the issue...
"I was going to make a very long response to Veritas1204's post, but it's so fucking retarded and baseless that there's no real point to doing so. All the points within have also been addressed by myke already, too. But hey, my ignore list gets a new member!"

well, It's nice to see that the intellectual heavyweights can simply write me off as racist and continue their little circle jerk.

and by nice I mean completely f u c k i n g pathetic.

And don't worry about me guys; somehow I will fight through the pain of knowing that I was redlined by someone so childish that they can't even tolerate opinions contrary to theirs.

Just keep telling yourself you are right, evanft.

I mean, why bother actually opening your f u c k i n g ears and respecting someone else's opinion when you can say "I was going to write a worthy response, but I'm afraid I'll look like a fool. Instead, I think I'll spew some ad hominem and pretend like I know what the fuck he was saying."

But again, let me express my heartfelt sorrow for being yet another addition to your "I don't agree with you, so I'll shut my ears and make you magically disappear" club.

Just don't be suprised next time when someone balks at you trying to pass yourself off as open minded, or progressive. (or pro-America)

and to sum my arguement up, I want you all to remember one thing:

the nazis had ignore lists that they put the jews on.

now, back to the circle jerk and deeply informative "dude, cool avatar" exchange

Y'know, without looking at the other post (right above mine here), Veritas does make some interesting points about people's (in this case liberals') willingness to capitulate and inconvenience themselves for the sake of another person/group (in this case Muslims).

I still hold steadfast that, by visually profiling those people who most closely resemble what we expect "the enemy" to look like, we will leave ourselves vulnerable to attack by making the characteristics for extra screening and less screening quite clear to those people who would harm us.

I'm not going to try to dodge the point that all terrorist attacks in the United States in the past several years (and attempted attacks) have been enacted by people of Muslim descent. Sure, it's an oversimplification of a broad group of people whom, I believe, outnumber Christians globally. It also ignores the immense disgust that Muslim groups have towards each other (Sunnis and Shias, for example), as well as other conflicts not directed at us (Muslims and Hindis in India, for example). It's using a broad, broad, broad brush to paint over a very diverse people; moreover, we're not only doing Muslims a disservice by placing them all under one roof, but ourselves as well, by willfully ignoring the various and sundry groups who might be recognizably causal in orchestrating terrorist attacks.

A comparable example might be attacking/profiling/interning every last Christian because of what Randall Terry and Operation Rescue did at abortion clinics or the homes of physicians who work at clinics, or because of what Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist
Church do.

So, yes, yes, a thousand times yes, these are Muslims who want to attack, and have attacked us. If I feel any guilt in any debate, it's this notion that liberals (including myself) seem to want to avoid such a blatant truism. It certainly is that.

At any rate, to deny that is absurd. However, I still stick by my contention that we must screen everybody. Airport security is still pretty tight, and the new liquid problems may lead to some new methods of screening. However, the fundamental problem is this: the number of would-be terrorists who want to hijack or blow up planes is so small to the number of overall passengers in planes, that nothing short of screening everybody would suffice. Obviously, if there's less than a 1 in 100,000 chance (let me be quite clear that the ratio of terrorists to regular passengers is FAR higher than that, as I'm sure you know), then random searches are an exercise in futility. But another problem is this: so are selected searches (those that focus on a small proportion of the population as a result of profiling). The chance of finding a terrorist boarding a plane is so infinitesimally small that I wouldn't trust anything short of 100% coverage.

Beyond that, of course, is the problem with visual profiling and identification. Since the terrorists adapted to the new security measures put in place after 9/11, they will certainly try to adapt to profiling measures and catch us off guard. Medical technology is certainly capable of making people look "not muslim" enough to avoid scrutiny. It would be dreadful to permit another terrorist attack because we rely so much on visual notions of who could or could not be a terrorist.

Lastly, the notion of capitulation that Veritas brings up an interesting point about inherited privilege in life. I'm a firm believer that there is a great social benefit inscribed with being white (though some may argue that we're heading towards a "black/nonblack" divide, with outsourcing moving towards India and ethnic Muslims as terrorists, we may have avoided such a divide for quite some number of decades). At any rate, to truly live appropriately, in my opinion, one must disarm themselves of such built-in privileges. It's damned hard, if not impossible, since many times we aren't in control of our privilege (e.g., not being followed in a store, or other situations where privilege is defined by something that we *don't* experience, like "driving while black"). I do find that I feel better if I know I've gone out of my way to deny or dampen the impact that my race has on how far I get in life.

It's also nice because, to some very minute degree, I can be certain that my achievements in life are less (though not completely free) the consequence of who I was born as than a conseuqence of who I am.

Of course, "easier said than done" doesn't even begin to describe that, and I'm sure that some people will have a field day deriding my darwinian self-defeat. Those will be, without a doubt, those people whose success in life is constantly doubted by themselves as being the result of their hard work and skills, and more likely the result of race, sex, and wealth privilege. But that's alright, this is just my opinion, so hurl the "bleeding heart" and/or "pinko" epithets my way. That's fine with me. (I'm not necessarily referring to Veritas here).
Fine Veritas1204, a honest response, sigh...

The first few issues:

As I recall 'religion' is not listed on your passport, an if it were, lying would be kinda easy. How will you tell the muslims from the non-muslims? Many Africans are muslim and some are terrorists (see: Kobar Towers), will you search all them too? Will Dave Chapelle be pulled from a line and strip searched? He fits your profile, he's young, muslim, and dark skinned. How will you discern Iranian Christians from Iranian Muslims? Will you sew yellow crescents on their clothing?

Your idea that all muslims are harboring terrorists is bizarre. If there are say, 20,000 terrorists on the planet, and 2 billion muslims, that's 1 in 100,000. So every muslim would have to know 100,000 people to statistically know one (1) terrorist. So let's say each terrorist knows 10 people that know they are a terrorist. That's still one in 10,000 muslims knows someone, that knows someone, that's a terrorist. Let's even go so nuts as to say that 10 people know one of those 10 who knows someone who knows someone who is a terrorist. That's still 1 in 1,000. And that's just knows them, not even knows them well enough to know their three times removed friends.

Then you spoke of capitulation, what the hell are you talking about? We invaded two of their countries and killed over 100,000 of their people, that's capitulation?

That's just the tip of your paranoid iceberg.

Planes hijacked since 9/11: 0
Planes blown up since 9/11: 0

Whatever you're so scared of doesn't seem to be very successful, and whatever we're doing in airports now seems to be very successful. But you want to go further, you want to:

Now we are forced to make all Muslims lives so miserable that they may finally understand we will not tolerate their silence and allow them to keep harboring and nursing the jihadists among them while still claiming victim status. Soon they will understand that they either need to help us stop the real terrorists, or be subjected to intense scrutiny and disbelief that they want anything more than to leech off our society while silently rooting for their terrorist brothers to kill us all.

There's so much seething fear and hatred in that post that it scares me to think that there are more of you out there. I'm sorry if you didn't know it before, but be sure of it now, you're what the rest of us call a racist. Maybe not a hood wearing clansman or Aryan Nation type, but a racist none the less.

It's not that we don't understand or can't comprehend your reasoning that we disregard you a racist, it's the fact that you're seemingly so scared of brown people that you are willing to infringe on a third of the planets rights to make you feel safer. Thing is, it won't. It won't make you safer, and more importantly I'm willing to bet it wouldn't make you feel safer either, you rant with such foam and fervor you come across as pathological. Arguing any point with you would be pointless, you'd never change your mind.

Have a nice day.
[quote name='Veritas1204']and to sum my arguement up, I want you all to remember one thing:

the nazis had ignore lists that they put the jews on.


I'm sorry ... what?

I'm pretty sure six million jews didn't die because of inattention.
[quote name='trq']I'm sorry ... what?

I'm pretty sure six million jews didn't die because of inattention.[/QUOTE]

He is attempting to be funny by stealing a line from Office Space
wow shawne, I'm suprised you took time away from jerking off cheese to notice something that suttle.


Now, you better get back to work; your man cheese needs some "release" if he's to spew the talking points correctly.
Actually my stance on this topic tends to be more Thomas Paine or Jeffersonain then anything either modern party would put into a talking point. At least, that's what I use as my moral standard.
[quote name='Veritas1204']wow shawne, I'm suprised you took time away from jerking off cheese to notice something that suttle.


Now, you better get back to work; your man cheese needs some "release" if he's to spew the talking points correctly.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps you meant "subtle"?

Bag him and tag him, he is just another moronic rushbot.
I'll say that I would be offended if I was checked extra because of my race/assumption of my religion. It would cause me to dislike US policy even more, or should I say fucking conservative policy. The democratic way in all issues lately would make me a happier US citizen in almost every issue. If every issue was handled democratically, then the terrorists wouldn't even HAVE a reason to be hostile to the US (except conservative mistakes of the past). Just treat them like everyone else, and show love, spread education and assistance but not forcefully.

Like myk mentioned, getting past security merely by appearance/id theft would be very easy for someone as dedicated as to give their life. Couldn't the airports simply double or triple the amount of checkpoints to reduce slowdown? That would make everyone happy (well maybe not conservatives).
yes, mslut, because we all know the true sign of partisan hackery is ...GASP....misspelling words on a fucking internet forum.

You sure got me there.

Seriously, do you have anything of fucking value to add to any conversation besides retarded one line responses that a six year old wouldn't even claim?

Or do you really believe that fellating the resident liberal poster du jure without adding a centilla of anything that can be construed as an original thought is enough to get people to even pay attention to anything you say?

But you keep on truckin, mslut; It looks like you've found the one place where correcting someone's grammar and calling them a rushbot (wow, how fucking original; never heard that before...) can pass for adult intellectual debate, and weakly worded one-line put downs that were old when we were 6 pass for complex analysis.

Just don't go thinking for a second that you can get away with that weak ass shit in the real world; you'll get your ass handed to you in a way that will make your grandkids ashamed.

(oh, and feel free to spellcheck my post for errors, and post another pathetic generalization about my political affiliation based on this "expert" analysis).

[quote name='Abdullah2'] If every issue was handled democratically, then the terrorists wouldn't even HAVE a reason to be hostile to the US (except conservative mistakes of the past).


One big reason that there is so much resentment from them is because they think we are immoral. Americans with the porn, homosexuality, and abortion must be killed or converted to Islam. I don't think holding their hand and singing songs is going to work the way you think it will.
If that was the main issue then they'd be going after countries like Sweden. The issue is, and has always been, the relation between us and the middle east and muslims. They don't get recruits simply because of our morality in our own country.
[quote name='rodeojones903']One big reason that there is so much resentment from them is because they think we are immoral. Americans with the porn, homosexuality, and abortion must be killed or converted to Islam. I don't think holding their hand and singing songs is going to work the way you think it will.[/QUOTE]

Funny, I thought that the 9/11 hijackers were known to frequent Gentlemen's Clubs while they were training for their mission. U.S. policy in the Middle East is a lot more responsible for them hating us than the porn stash under my bed.
[quote name='Veritas1204']wow shawne, I'm suprised you took time away from jerking off cheese to notice something that suttle.


Now, you better get back to work; your man cheese needs some "release" if he's to spew the talking points correctly.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Veritas1204']
Seriously, do you have anything of fucking value to add to any conversation besides retarded one line responses that a six year old wouldn't even claim?

Or do you really believe that fellating the resident liberal poster du jure without adding a centilla of anything that can be construed as an original thought is enough to get people to even pay attention to anything you say?[/QUOTE]

One of these things is not like the others,
One of these things just doesn't belong,
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?
[quote name='Veritas1204']yes, mslut, because we all know the true sign of partisan hackery is ...GASP....misspelling words on a fucking internet forum[/QUOTE]

No that is merely evidence of your idiocy, the rushbot part is when you imply those who reply to you hate America.

P.s. I was not shooting for originality, merely accuracy.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']Funny, I thought that the 9/11 hijackers were known to frequent Gentlemen's Clubs while they were training for their mission. U.S. policy in the Middle East is a lot more responsible for them hating us than the porn stash under my bed.[/quote]

All the same, their perfect world is one where porn, homos, abortion, and free speech would be abolished.
[quote name='Veritas1204']yes, mslut, because we all know the true sign of partisan hackery is ...GASP....misspelling words on a fucking internet forum.

You sure got me there.

Seriously, do you have anything of fucking value to add to any conversation besides retarded one line responses that a six year old wouldn't even claim?

Or do you really believe that fellating the resident liberal poster du jure without adding a centilla of anything that can be construed as an original thought is enough to get people to even pay attention to anything you say?

But you keep on truckin, mslut; It looks like you've found the one place where correcting someone's grammar and calling them a rushbot (wow, how fucking original; never heard that before...) can pass for adult intellectual debate, and weakly worded one-line put downs that were old when we were 6 pass for complex analysis.

Just don't go thinking for a second that you can get away with that weak ass shit in the real world; you'll get your ass handed to you in a way that will make your grandkids ashamed.

(oh, and feel free to spellcheck my post for errors, and post another pathetic generalization about my political affiliation based on this "expert" analysis).


You really should stop it with the bully routine, you're not very good at it and it contributes nothing to the conversation.


*techno music*




Look everybody! It's Diamond Dave!!!!






[quote name='Abdullah2']I'll say that I would be offended if I was checked extra because of my race/assumption of my religion. It would cause me to dislike US policy even more, or should I say fucking conservative policy. The democratic way in all issues lately would make me a happier US citizen in almost every issue. If every issue was handled democratically, then the terrorists wouldn't even HAVE a reason to be hostile to the US (except conservative mistakes of the past). Just treat them like everyone else, and show love, spread education and assistance but not forcefully.

Like myk mentioned, getting past security merely by appearance/id theft would be very easy for someone as dedicated as to give their life. Couldn't the airports simply double or triple the amount of checkpoints to reduce slowdown? That would make everyone happy (well maybe not conservatives).[/quote]

All i can say is wow. You are a very naive little man.
"If every issue was handled democratically, then the terrorists wouldn't even HAVE a reason to be hostile to the US (except conservative mistakes of the past). Just treat them like everyone else, and show love, spread education and assistance but not forcefully."

That's all the detail that is needed. You can't possibly think they won't attack if we do this. This is a religious war. We either convert or die (fox news reporters). Treating them like everyone else unfortunately won't work.
You can't truly believe that it boils down to nothing more than religion. There are hundreds of other countries that fit that criteria that don't run the risk of being attacked by Muslim extremists.

I'm curious what you think of those Fox News captives, since they converted to be released.
If that's what it took to save my life, i would have done the exact same thing. Im not a hardcore religious person so i don't know how they would react. I would think most people would have done that when it really boils down to it )even extremely religious). Any extremely religious people here have feelings on what the fox news reporter and the kidnapped camera man did?
Thanks for being honest. A few conservative pundits have lambasted them for capitulating for the sake of saving their lives, and I hoped that such a mentality was few and far between.
bread's done