Must Have ps3 games


I am purchasing a PS3 for x-mas. I have a 15 year old boy a 13 year old boy and 10 year old twins (boy and girl). What are some must have games?
We cuirrently own the Wii and Xbox360 but I a, looking for ps3 games. They enjoy roleplaying games, sport games, and action games like FPS. I plan to purchase on black friday so if you know any deals, let me know. I am kicking myself for missing the walmart $100 gift card of a few days ago. I heard about it too late. thanks in advance.
Uncharted was great.

Grave danger may be something to look into.. its coop with up to 4 players, and a bunch of mini games.
Do not forget the Playstation Network Gift Cards for the stocking stuffers. Plenty of age appropriate titles ( Pain, Elefunk, Pixel Junk Eden, Pixel Junk Monsters) the family will enjoy.

Check maybe goozex.coma nd search for most demanded games, or most offered games.. that will also give you an idea of what games have been popular.
I would definately say Little big planet, uncharted, warhawk, and metal gear solid 4 for the 15 and 13 year old, ratchet and clank for the younger ones and Rock Band 2 for the entire family. maybe Buzz the Quiz show also
I second the recommendation for PSN games. Join a gamesharing group and get lots of gaming for cheap. That said, I think a game like Folklore for the RPG lovers would be good. It's not rated "M" like many RPGs on the PS3 are so it's suitable for your kids.
[quote name='DarkKenpachi']I would definately say Little big planet, uncharted, warhawk, and metal gear solid 4 for the 15 and 13 year old, ratchet and clank for the younger ones and Rock Band 2 for the entire family. maybe Buzz the Quiz show also[/quote]
MGS4 for the 13 year old? Dude, it's a rated M game. I know kids play rated M games, but I think 13 is just too young for them.
mgs4 will honestly bore your kids to death

Uncharted is good but you kill people with guns which might be a sticking point

My reccomendations would be (for your kids):

Ratchet and clank
Rock band
Guitar hero
Psn games
I'm reluctant to name Disgaea 3, but it's the only RPG on the PS3 that I can recommend if you really enjoy them. It's a tactical RPG similar to Final Fantasy Tactics. It's not a must get and people would probably name Oblivion as a better RPG - I guess I wanted to spread the word on this possible "cult classic" since it's not known for great graphics, just it's gameplay.

When I was around my teens, I was in a curious phase and figuring strategies for a game was great fun.
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My picks (Not taking sensitivity to violence ofcourse ;-) )

Resistance (Original is still a good FPS)
Resistance 2
Mirror's Edge (Demo is available via PSN, you should try it, its pretty good)

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (Demo also available via PSN)
Metal Gear Solid 4 (More for you than your kids)
Dead Space (Sci-Fi Horror, it will scare the crap out of your kids though)

Overal Good Family Fun Games (Didn't know what other category to put)
Rachet and Clank
Little Big Planet
Rock Band 2 (or GH: World Tour)
[quote name='torifile']MGS4 for the 13 year old? Dude, it's a rated M game. I know kids play rated M games, but I think 13 is just too young for them.[/quote]

so true. I was going to mention bioshock but the 13 year old made me mention metal gear instead. Honestly though it is nothing different in concept than what we played when we were younger, it is just that it looks more realistic now. that being said let me change my picks for ratings approval

For everybody
Rock Band 1 or 2, Guitar Hero World Tour
Little Big Planet
Ratchet and Clank

For the Older Crowd
Metal Gear Solid 4
Resistance 1 and 2

as a bonus Folklore and Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm(no doubt the kids watch naruto already)
A lot of people dislike Lair because of the control scheme but I wonder if maybe a younger kid would enjoy it? Steering a dragon around and all..
Everyone mentioned some pretty good things. One thing I didn't see anyone mention was Buzz Quiz TV. Its a great multiplayer game.
The PSN games will be by far your best bang for the buck. Pixel Junk Monsters is what like $5-10 and it'll have more replay value than a lot of the games that'll run you $45+.
[quote name='stmiller13']I am purchasing a PS3 for x-mas. I have a 15 year old boy a 13 year old boy and 10 year old twins (boy and girl). What are some must have games?
We cuirrently own the Wii and Xbox360 but I a, looking for ps3 games. They enjoy roleplaying games, sport games, and action games like FPS. I plan to purchase on black friday so if you know any deals, let me know. I am kicking myself for missing the walmart $100 gift card of a few days ago. I heard about it too late. thanks in advance.[/quote]

A couple of questions before I name what my picks would be:

1. Do you let your kids play M rated games?
2. Do you let your kids play online games?

If you answer yes to both of those, then I'd suggest the following:

Grand Theft Auto IV(the online modes are fun as hell, as is the Free Mode)
Conan(think God Of War, but with Hellboy's voice, since Ron Perlman does his voice)
Godfather: Don's Edition-this was the last project Marlon Brando did before he died. The violence level IS over the top on it though, as you can strangle enemies and with a Dual Shock 3 controller, you can feel their heartbeat slow and stop

Most of those can be had pretty cheap used. Like, for example, GTA IV is either $24.99 or $29.99 @ Blockbuster currently.

As far as games for the rest of the family to enjoy, I have at least ONE suggestion(which has been mentioned already a couple times):

Little Big Planet

The online mode for this game is extremely fun, although it is rather buggy right now. There are some really noticable framerate issues and a LOT of lag.

Aside from those games above, might I also suggest:

Uncharted-a Tomb Raider-esque action game, but with mature language

BTW, if you're looking for a way to get the PS3 even cheaper, might I suggest checking out your local Hollywood Video/Movie Gallery stores during the current $3.99 last gen game sale(PS2,Xbox,GC). There are many games which you can 'flip'(trade in) to Gamestop for ALOT more than $4 each. There's a whole thread on the HWV and Gamestop deals on here. Gamestop has a current 'trade 5 or more games, get 30% more in value for them' deal going on. Many current games(Lego Batman, Lego Indiana Jones)get over $10 each before bonuses in trade.
[quote name='yohsh']Everyone mentioned some pretty good things. One thing I didn't see anyone mention was Buzz Quiz TV. Its a great multiplayer game.[/quote]

[quote name='Malik112099']

My reccomendations would be (for your kids):

Ratchet and clank
Rock band
Guitar hero
Psn games[/quote]

i mentioned it...i am still debating whether or not to buy it myself
I dunno. Oblivion is rather, ummm, involved. I agree that it's a great game, but it may be too directionless for kids.

And, please, for the love of your kids, don't buy them GTA4. I won't allow *myself* to play it. No one that impressionable should play a game that sociopathic.
[quote name='torifile']I dunno. Oblivion is rather, ummm, involved. I agree that it's a great game, but it may be too directionless for kids.

And, please, for the love of your kids, don't buy them GTA4. I won't allow *myself* to play it. No one that impressionable should play a game that sociopathic.[/quote]

I was playing Mortal Kombat at age 15 or 16 and I turned out ok. Some of the stuff you see on the nightly news is far worse than some digitized violence, if you ask me.

But that's why I asked the OP if they let their kids play M rated games, since when it comes down to it, it is up to THEM to make that final decision.

I personally couldn't stand the storyline or controls, but the online modes are fun as hell for the game. The fact that the 'trophy' nonsense isn't backwards compatible with an old save game is kind of disheartening though, since I have no real intention on playing the game a second or third time unlike GTA Vice City and San Andreas.

As far as Oblivion goes, I prefer my RPG games to be action based, THIRD person experiences with a view ala Marvel Ultimate Alliance/Champions Of Norrath. Oblivion seemed unnatural when played in third person view and I disliked many of the motions you had to go through in the game. It was a rather tedious game.
MK is not sociopathic, just violent. I don't have a problem with violent games, per se, but the type of things you need to do in the GTA games is just disgusting. My 2¢. I don't want to get into a discussion of that here but coming from a dad and a psychologist, don't give that game to your kids.
I'm suprised nobody mentioned burnout, granted OP didn't mention racing games, but it's a must have.

And my two cents on the age appropriate thing: I've got a 13 year age gap between my 13 yr. bro and an 11yr. old bro. They play all the games. And I lost my virginity at 13 too, so I have a different view on what "M" means.

stray from GTA (for the young'ns and get resistence
The only PS3 exclusive I consider a must have so far is Uncharted. It's not really appropriate for kids though, but it's an incredible game.
Thanks for all the posts. I do allow the 15 year old to play M games as long as its rated M because of digital violence. I wont allow them to play if its because of sexual tones, or really adult situations like rape, well not that I know of games that show rape, thats more for movies.

I have heard a lot of buzz about Little Big Planet, but I dont really know what the game is about. Is it like a sims game?

Unchartered is on my list from the commercials that ran long ago. Also because my 15 year old sons name is Drake, so that game has kind of stuck with me.

Any good sport games? I know they were interested in MLB the Show but they couldnt get it on xbox360 is that worthwhile?
[quote name='stmiller13']Thanks for all the posts. I do allow the 15 year old to play M games as long as its rated M because of digital violence. I wont allow them to play if its because of sexual tones, or really adult situations like rape, well not that I know of games that show rape, thats more for movies.

Then the dominatrix scene at the beginning of GTA4 should help you make up your mind real quick on that one :)

I loved the game, but it's not for kids, or most teens for that matter.

If you don't have it on 360: Orange Box is plenty fun if you're looking for shooters, and Half Life 2 keeps the violence much more sci-fi oriented, plus it has an amazing story.
MLB 08 The Show is easily the best baseball game I've played. I haven't been able to move on to this year's NBA games since I'm still putting a lot of time into MLB 08. Most Targets have had it on clearance for a while so if you can find one, you can get it for cheap.
[quote name='torifile']MK is not sociopathic, just violent. I don't have a problem with violent games, per se, but the type of things you need to do in the GTA games is just disgusting. My 2¢. I don't want to get into a discussion of that here but coming from a dad and a psychologist, don't give that game to your kids.[/quote]

Not to continue this and derail the OP's topic, but my buddies' brother in law and sister let their kids play or watch them play the GTA games. It all depends on the kid's maturity level. If the child is ok with what they see on the screen, but need some explanation to help them understand it, then the game should be ok for them.

Even with the dominatrix scene at the very beginning of the game, I've seen and been shocked by more violent content on the nightly news or in the newspaper than anything in a game.

The world as a whole is a pretty violent and sick place and if you're going to coddle your kids and shield them from every little thing that you might deem offensive, they may grow up to be more likely to want to 'try it all' with disastrous results.

I've heard language from 10 year olds before that would make a drunken sailor blush, so many kids are already 'mature' in that respect. But it IS up to the parents to teach them what is good and bad and so on EARLY in life. Too many nowadays rely on others to do that FOR them.

That's why there's so many messed up kids out there, if you ask me.
bread's done