My Big Daddy (BIOSHOCK) sculpture

[quote name='iRandom']Thanks guys. I appreciate the great comments.
And help, what is kotaku? Id like it to make headline, just don't quite know how to make it happen though[/quote]

they are a video game blog/news website.
Nice work! I really like the details you put in it, and I think the paint job is good too!

Gotta say, that thing is fuckin' huge for a clay sculpture. Props man!
[quote name='help1']It is definitely a nice sculpture, but im not sure about the paint job.

Send this in to Kotaku, too. I bet it will make a newsheadline.[/quote]

And hey, maybe someone will ask you to commission their own piece, or other sculptures? Sometimes, it doesn't hurt to try. ;):D
[quote name='chasemurata']And hey, maybe someone will ask you to commission their own piece, or other sculptures? Sometimes, it doesn't hurt to try. ;):D[/quote]

people have actually been asking me to sculpt them something, but its just too much for me to handle right now besides, Im just a few days away from graduating high school

That is a really nice sculpture, you should be proud. What do you have planned for yourself after high school? Will art/sculpting be part of it?
[quote name='ZForce915']That is a really nice sculpture, you should be proud. What do you have planned for yourself after high school? Will art/sculpting be part of it?[/quote]

will it be necessary in order to become a great game designer? ;)
Im actually graduating tomorrow (High School).
After HS, Im planning on taking nursing classes for now and save up money and then take game designing courses....thats my plan

Damn, nice work. As some people here pointed out, it's not "exact" But still the idea that you made that with your own two hands and a lump of clay is pretty amazing.
Those are great sculptures. You should try selling them, you could do very well. A booth at a place like comicon could make you a fortune.
bread's done