My eBay SNES haul!


23 (100%)
First of all, sorry if I'm posting in the wrong place, this is my first "bragging" post. Mostly, I just want to see what you guys thought of this deal I took advantage of on eBay.

Basically, I was looking for an SNES for my brother for Christmas. We both grew up on the system, and now he has two kids almost old enough to start playing and enjoying games, so I thought it would be cool to get him and his fam one for "old time's sake".

Anyway, I stumbled across this gem. Basically for $100 bucks (plus about 35 in shipping... ugh) I got the system, controllers, hookups, etc... and the best part: about 65 games! Many boxed. :hot:

Some things I'm keeping for me (as a Christmas present to myself):
Illusion of Gaia (boxed)
Secret of Mana (boxed)
Castlevania IV (boxed)
Sim City (boxed)
Mario RPG (unboxed)
Donkey Kong Country (boxed)
TMNT 4: Turtles in Time (unboxed)

So what do you guys think? Good haul? Or did I let the best of my nostalgia get the better of me and I just overpaid for some stuff?
There are quite a few crap games in there, but a few gems. Seeing as its for your brother's kids, they will surely enjoy it. That makes it worth it right there, and you get to keep the games you want as a bonus. I say it was a good purchase with great intentions.
[quote name='addicted2games']There are quite a few crap games in there, but a few gems. Seeing as its for your brother's kids, they will surely enjoy it. That makes it worth it right there, and you get to keep the games you want as a bonus. I say it was a good purchase with great intentions.[/quote]

Agreed about the crap part. There are certainly some stinkers thrown in. However like you said, it's just more gift fodder for Christmas so it's all good.
So much of my childhood is in that auction. Kirby's Avalanche FTW! Really, it's just a Kirby-skinned PuyoPop, but me and my friends were addicted to that game for months. We'd spend at least 3 hours a day after school trading off for about an entire semester.
Glad to see the deal is getting a good response. I wrestled with the decision for about 20 minutes or so, hoping nobody else would find it and buy it.

Honestly, I haven't priced SNES games since I bought my N64... which seems like about a million years ago!
I think you should give me The Tick, otherwise its a bad deal. :O

Seriously though, gratz. I'd kill for a deal like that, I'm never lucky on eBay.
Wow, that's an amazing haul. Although, I don't know why so many people liked Illusion of Gaia. It was one of the very few games that made me want to cut myself.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']Wow, that's an amazing haul. Although, I don't know why so many people liked Illusion of Gaia. It was one of the very few games that made me want to cut myself.[/quote]

When I was a kid, I *Loved* it, I went back to try to replay it recently and couldn't stand it. I have no idea.
That is one sweet deal. Problem is, are you sure the kids will like it? My kids (the youngest being 4yo) are use to the 360, and would look at me like I'm insane if I gave them that.
[quote name='horrido']That is one sweet deal. Problem is, are you sure the kids will like it? My kids (the youngest being 4yo) are use to the 360, and would look at me like I'm insane if I gave them that.[/QUOTE]

I honestly think it's great of OP to start his kids at the older games. Most of today's kids can't appreciate the classics (no offense to your kids and anyone's kids here- just saying in general)... they don't know shit about real games and they don't know how to appreciate how far gaming has come. Now they all talk about it like they're the shit and know everything.:roll:

It's amazing, one of my younger cousins (6 years old) recently wanted to play my NES. My eyes lit up when he asked me that.:lol:
[quote name='horrido']That is one sweet deal. Problem is, are you sure the kids will like it? My kids (the youngest being 4yo) are use to the 360, and would look at me like I'm insane if I gave them that.[/quote]

Well my brother has a NES, and his kids just LOVE it. Of course they're not QUITE old enough to really and truely know the difference yet, as I don't think they've ever played a 360 or even PS2.

Though they were over this evening and instead of wanting to play Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii, they opted for Super Mario All Stars on the SNES. So I'm pretty sure this will go over well.
[quote name='jshackles']Well my brother has a NES, and his kids just LOVE it. Of course they're not QUITE old enough to really and truely know the difference yet, as I don't think they've ever played a 360 or even PS2.

Though they were over this evening and instead of wanting to play Super Mario Galaxy on the Wii, they opted for Super Mario All Stars on the SNES. So I'm pretty sure this will go over well.[/quote]

REAL gamers in the making. Sounds great, good deal. Nice to see some kids starting with the classics rather than moving straight into the new overpriced garbage.
[quote name='Vinny']Oh... my... fucking... god.

You sir, have hit the jackpot.:applause:[/QUOTE]

The systems in working order go for 30-50 all day still don't they? I meant his is great.

That lister needs to rethink their titles...

This goes to show the good deals can still be had on ebay.

Great job..

let us know when/if it arrives!
A boxed SoM in good condition can get you about $40-$50, a cart SMRPG can get $20-$35. There are also some really great games in there overall (*DKC, Illusion of Gaia etc.) So I think $100 is damn good.

I miss being a kid sometimes...then I remember how fat I was.
Well everything arrived yesterday, and I spent the better part of the evening just unboxing it all, etc.

There were even a few games EXTRA that were not mentioned in the eBay listing! Most notably, a boxed copy of Secret of Evermore! :hot:

Now as for the quality itself, some of these boxes are not in the best of shape. Considering their age though, I think they've been held on to responsibly. One thing that really kind of hacked me off was the seller put scotch tape on both sides of the boxes to presumably "re-seal" them. Ugh :wall:

Notably though, the boxes for Secret of Mana, Secret of Evermore, Illusion of Gaia, Castlevania, Super Star Wars (IV, V, and VI), and Donkey Kong Country are probably the best looking boxes in the bunch.

Also notable was that when they guy said it included instructions, he wasn't kidding around. ALL of the games (except 1 :evil:) have ALL of the manuals and MAPS, POSTERS, etc. The only exception is DKC, which has everything but the front cover is missing from instruction manual.

Overall, I'd say I think it was a pretty good haul.
bread's done