My fiance left my 360 on for 8 days straight!

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We were going on vacation to Florida and I was driving down from Harrisburg, PA and she was going to fly down from Pittsburgh two days later to meet me.

The night before she left she threw a dvd in my 360 and was planning to watch it but got distracted finishing up packing.

Sure enough, after returning from our week long vacation I come home to find my 360 humming away. Am I lucky to have a still functional 360? How many days do you think this has taken away from the life expectancy of my xbox? Thank goodness it still works, I was so relieved.

Now she is not allowed to touch it, ever. I was livid!:bomb: I also don't let her play with my Wii anymore either. (
[quote name='pittpizza']I also don't let her play with my Wii anymore either. [/QUOTE]

I don't know why you'd reward her with that, and hurt yourself in the same stroke.
[quote name='Strell']I don't know why you'd reward her with that, and hurt yourself in the same stroke.[/quote]

:lol: :applause: :lol: :applause: Oh, nicely done!:lol: :applause: :lol: :applause:
I would guess your 360 lost eight days off its lifespan, if not less. (Bootup is more strenuous on the hardware than leaving it on.)

Do you worry about it dieing every time you play it? Honestly, as long as its not covered with garbage and decently ventilated (and/or standing verticallly) I don't see what the problem is?
[quote name='whoknows']I think you're more lucky it didn't set your house on fire.[/quote]

Thats where the red rings come into play. See Microsoft knew that some people would not be able to turn their majestic 360's off so they made a failsafe known as the red rings of death.

Good ol Microsoft, thinking one step ahead of our time.

Also OP, don't be a bitch if she's good to you. Grow up, its just a vidya game.
[quote name='Theduck']Thats where the red rings come into play. See

Also OP, don't be a bitch if she's good to you. Grow up, its just a vidya game.[/quote]

*clap clap*:applause:
[quote name='yak']I would guess your 360 lost eight days off its lifespan, if not less. (Bootup is more strenuous on the hardware than leaving it on.)

Do you worry about it dieing every time you play it? Honestly, as long as its not covered with garbage and decently ventilated (and/or standing verticallly) I don't see what the problem is?[/quote]

Honestly the answer to your question about worrying about it dieing is: kind of. I hear so many horror stories about RROD and defective 360s, and I love mine so much (big dork i know) that I do worry it will break. Not every time i turn it on but generally i worry about it breaking, especially since i bought it used and am unsure of the warranty on it.

I guess this "test" proves it is well ventilated or it probably wouldnt still be functional. I cut out the cardboard on the back of my entertainment stand to get better airflow. I have it horizontal and I keep my Wii horizontally on top of it (but the wii weighs like a pound and it is not covering any vents).

Man I was so pissed off at her b/c I am sort of anal (
There's an "auto-off" feature for a reason.

That being said my older brother did the same thing with my 360 the other night after watching a DVD.[quote name='yak']I would guess your 360 lost eight days off its lifespan, if not less. (Bootup is more strenuous on the hardware than leaving it on.)[/QUOTE]
Then you don't know much about the Xbox 360.

RRoD is caused by playing the 360 for extended periods of time. So is disk sratching. As long as you play your 360 for short periods, you are far less likely to wind up with a broken 360. Heat builds up over time, proper ventilation only delays heat build-up temporarily.

To pittpizza: if you were really anal about your equipment you'd take your Wii off your 360.
If you have a warranty you shouldn't care that much about it anyways. Hell, if you don't have a warranty it's going to die and you're going to be screwed eventually anyways so why care about it then, either?
Really, if the red rings of death are going to hit, this likely won't have anythign to do with it. If anything, maybe it'll be a blessing, where it'll die in the warrenty period.

If with you on not having sympathy for people who mistreat their stuff. Yet, leaving this on, though not recommended, really isn't the worst thing in the world. If you're that worried about it, let it stay off for a few hours (maybe a day) to cool off, then continue playing.

So, I'd get over bitching at the future wife. Remember, once you're married, she's going to own you (like it or hate it, it's how it is). You're gaming time (unless you want to fight constantly) will be dictated by how much she let's you play. Taking away a system that she can play is only going to make her hate gaming.

So, bite the bullet, you yelled at her, now be over it and get on with life (and honestly, if you're system dies, it would have died anyway, and not that much further in the future, you didn't lose 10 years of play because of this).
[quote name='PyroGamer']If you have a warranty you shouldn't care that much about it anyways. Hell, if you don't have a warranty it's going to die and you're going to be screwed eventually anyways so why care about it then, either?[/quote]

uhh...I care about my 360 because I love it and love playing videogames on it.

I don't know if I have a warranty on it or not because I bought it used on craigslist (I am a CAG after all) this past March. I think he said it was a few months old. I guess it probably is still under warranty even though I am not the original owner since it is fairly new, but I could be wrong and really don't want to have to find out.

As to taking the Wii off from the top of it, if it had vent. issues I would probably have found out by now right? The Wii is so small and light, plus it does not cover any vents. I mean an 8-day test is a pretty good indication or am I wrong?
[quote name='pittpizza'] I mean an 8-day test is a pretty good indication or am I wrong?[/quote]

Indeed it is, back in the day it was reccommeded that you leave a new computer on for 24 hours or so when you buy it so if there is a flaw in the chip that overheating would create then you would be able to return the computer for another one.

I suggest you call M$ and ask about an extened warantee, the cost vs need for repair makes is a good deal. I'm pretty sure you can talk them into letting you buy the extended warantee as long as it is currently working.

[quote name='umcthomas']Indeed it is, back in the day it was reccommeded that you leave a new computer on for 24 hours or so when you buy it so if there is a flaw in the chip that overheating would create then you would be able to return the computer for another one. [/quote]

Most people ran prime95 to rest cpu+ram. These days most people loop some 3dmark etc. instead to stress both the cpu and the video card also.
[quote name='PyroGamer']Then you don't know much about the Xbox 360.

RRoD is caused by playing the 360 for extended periods of time. So is disk sratching. As long as you play your 360 for short periods, you are far less likely to wind up with a broken 360. Heat builds up over time, proper ventilation only delays heat build-up temporarily.[/quote]
Um, the heat generated by sitting at the dash is negligible. And if you think playing a game 24/7 365 will turn your xbox into an ezbake oven you're mistaken. Thats not how thermodynamics combined with the HS/Fs works.

edit: Again, unless you've got your xbox in a closed container, smothered, or in any other way unventilated, in which case pretty much any piece of electronics will go outside their tolerable temperature range.
Someone told me their PSX started overheating because they didn't have a memory card, unlocked a whole bunch of shit in Gran Turismo, and didn't want to lose that. So they left it on all night and bought one the next day, and well, you know the rest of the story.

So this may cause a red ring of death soon due to overheating...
My friend leaves his elite 360 on always. I mean literally since he's had it. I can look at his gamertag anytime of the day or night and he's either playing, or it says he's away. He's never turned it off and never had a problem.

Wouldnt catch me doin that tho...
[quote name='Puffa469']My friend leaves his elite 360 on always. I mean literally since he's had it. I can look at his gamertag anytime of the day or night and he's either playing, or it says he's away. He's never turned it off and never had a problem.

Wouldnt catch me doin that tho...[/QUOTE]
His electricity bill must be pretty nice.
[quote name='SpitFire158']I am suprised that u haven't gotten the RRoD yet[/QUOTE]

Who? Me who left it on for 8 days or that guy who leaves his on ALWAYS.

Anyway mine is working fine now; this happened a while ago but at the time I was pretty pissed but thankful it was still working.

I can't imagine that leaving your 360 on all the time is good for it, but I suppose it is just like a computer and I knwo you can leave your computer on pretty much always. I really dont know enough to know exactly what about leaving it on all the time is so bad but I just can't see it being good for a computer or a 360.
[quote name='whoknows']I think you're more lucky it didn't set your house on fire.[/quote]
thats what i thought too...

anyways... if your getting married to this girl she must be worth more then your 360. i would have been pretty mad as well if my 360 or Wii was left on for 8 straight days, but wouldn't have said anything if my fiancee did something like that.

or to be devious... i would probably turn it around on her and be like "hey let's watch a movie" and when she'd go to turn it would already be on and she would be shocked.

and i'd be like "oh no.. its been on for 8 days!?!" and she'd be like "OMG i forgot to turn it off..i'm soo sorry!" and I'd be like "the important thing is that it didn't catch fire... all of our memories in this house are still intact and that's all that matters"

and not only would she think I'm the best, but I'd also be heavily rewarded :bouncy:
[quote name='pittpizza']

Now she is not allowed to touch it, ever. I was livid!:bomb: I also don't let her play with my Wii anymore either. (
If the 360 wasn't actually running a game, there probably won't be much of an issue. When the 360 is just on without the DVD, GPU, or processor running, it doesn't get all that hot. Most people believe that the RROD problem is caused by the motherboard becoming warped, which isn't likely to happen unless you are actually playing a game for an extend period in an area with poor ventilation.

I've gotten RROD a few times while playing games (I pretty sure it was just overheating a little), and it is always when I'm playing a game that takes a lot of processing power. Specifically, EDF seems to have issues when a lot of enemies get on the screen at the same time.
[quote name='doubledown']Punish your GF because you do not know about AUTO-OFF.....hmmm[/quote]Im with this guy...
More your mistake then hers...
Wow, not one person has recommended that you call off the engagement ... A shocking display of restraint!
Smack that bitch up.

No, seriously why didn't you have the auto-off feature enabled? First time I turned my 360 on I set that and various other settings right away.
If it had been sitting in a game there could be cause for concern. But just sitting in the dashboard / DVD player, there's hardly any heat generated there since none of the chips are in full-throttle.

No worries. Apologize for getting mad at her. :)
[quote name='WiiGame']thats what i thought too...

anyways... if your getting married to this girl she must be worth more then your 360. i would have been pretty mad as well if my 360 or Wii was left on for 8 straight days, but wouldn't have said anything if my fiancee did something like that.

or to be devious... i would probably turn it around on her and be like "hey let's watch a movie" and when she'd go to turn it would already be on and she would be shocked.

and i'd be like "oh no.. its been on for 8 days!?!" and she'd be like "OMG i forgot to turn it off..i'm soo sorry!" and I'd be like "the important thing is that it didn't catch fire... all of our memories in this house are still intact and that's all that matters"

and not only would she think I'm the best, but I'd also be heavily rewarded :bouncy:[/quote]

this guy is a genius. I bet he gets all kinds of poon tang.
I know when I try to shut my 360 off with the remote, it sometimes turns back on. I think it's done it when I've ejected a DVD and then turned it off, too.

So maybe that's what happened here. The auto-off is there for a reason.
I just learned about auto-off the first time someone mentioned it in this thread.

This wasnt an instance of trying to turn it off and then it turned back on. Rather she was going to watch a movie and popped it in the 360. She then got side tracked and never even turned the tv on.

Alot of you seem to be making a bigger deal out of this than it was so maybe I was misleading a little bit in my original post. This happened months ago and at the time I was pissed but now its a memory.

As to not letting her play anything, she hates videogames so its not like I am taking anything away from her. We just got Wii-play and have been playing that a little bit.

I definitely have auto-off enabled now so thanks for enlightening me.
[quote name='pittpizza']This happened months ago and at the time I was pissed but now its a memory.

Then why did you just post a thread about it last Friday? :headache:
call off the wedding...

and really wont let her play wii??? system is pretty bad so far. at least letting her play it would give you the chance to play 360 nag free for a bit.

ive left my 360 on for very long periods of time, but ive also had 2 die on me.
[quote name='nonrandomhero']
and really wont let her play wii??? system is pretty bad so far. at least letting her play it would give you the chance to play 360 nag free for a bit.

Odds are that they're both hooked up to the same TV....
[quote name='nonrandomhero']oh good call.... i have both but multiple tvs.[/QUOTE]

Even having multiple TVs, all my consoles are hooked up to the 50" HD set. :D
All game systems is tested to last an extremely long amount of time. If a game system caps out it is not the fault of the system itself but unsanitary conditions.
Like I had a computer on the table in the kitchen for awhile and thanks to the atmosphere of the kitchen when turned on displayed abnormally and would restart from time to time.
[quote name='gamegal']All game systems is (are) tested to last an extremely long amount of time. If a game system c(r)aps out it is not the fault of the system itself but unsanitary conditions.
Like I had a computer on the table in the kitchen for awhile and thanks to the atmosphere of the kitchen when turned on (it) displayed abnormally and would restart from time to time.[/quote]


And what is this "atmosphere" that you speak of?
i dont know if this was said before, but dont forget MS has given a free 3 year extended warranty. because they know that all 360s before a certain date are destined to fail.
also there is an auto off feature... you could just turn that on and be safe...... 6 hours of inactivity and it shuts down...

and i only need my 360 hooked up to my HD set, like i said i have the wii on a different tv so i can play 360 while the wife plays wii, it doesnt run HD anyways, only ED...
I've got autooff fired up now. Thats a great feature that I had no clue about.

The following is completely fictional:
"So I came home from work yesterday and saw my fiance using my 360 as a stepping stool to reach a scarf she wanted for halloween (shes a hippie). She had it vertically and was tetering on top of it. I was like 'WTF!' and she said 'oh shit, im busted.' I was soo pissed off I pulled the console out from underneath her feet and smashed it in two over her head.
As you could imagine this enraged her and got me even more pissed off b/c i realized that the system might have been fine before I smashed it on her face. So she is now bleeding out of a 2" gash on her forehad, but has had enough training and adrenaline to get pissed off too. She grapped the charger USB cord that still had a controller pluged into one side of it and starts weilding it like a hybrid nunchuck/ball and chain. Sure enough, she catches me upside the head with one swing and wraps the friggin thing around my neck with the next.
I felt like cattle. Anyway to make things worse she is dragging me towards her neck first. Luckily, I had the self awareness to grab one of my wii remotes and stick it right through the tendon in her ankle. She goes down and I take the newly acquired Wii remote condom off it and stretch it over her entire head so as to asphyxiate her.
Too bad for me, but there was my halo 3 cd sitting right in front of her in an open case, so she snaps the cd in half and uses one of the sharp corners to cut herself a breathing hole. Horrible timing too because she was starting ot turn blue and was getting weak. She took the other half and popped my left eye right out. Conveniently I happen to be right handed so no biggie there. Long story short, Im out a 360, a halo 3 disc, and have a bloodied up wii remote and a sore neck. We've subseqently talked it out though and I sent both halves of my console to microsoft. I duck taped em together though and put a sticky not on it that said '3 rrod' so they should be cool with replacing it."
I'll see what I can do. I hafta ask permission first. I assume you want pics of the fiancy? Perhaps some sexy ones????

This is her myspace page:
My PS3 and 360 are powered on all of the time, because my almost 2 year old daughter loves the 360 and powers it on and sometimes the PS3 as well. I'll come home from work and they'll be on, and sometimes i'll have messages from people for games waiting its kinda funny but so far no RRoD and its a launch 360.
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