My friend bought a DS and I spent a lot of time playing it.

Rabid Mammal Wax

I don't see the appeal. It's just like...friggin'...GCN/GBA connectivity's so gimmicky. At first, it was really novel, but then it just gets annoying. Especially Metroid Prime--FPSs need analogue sticks, I mean, I'd like to adjust my view WHILE moving. I play this, and I think the Revolution will just be yet another gimmick...what's the appeal?
[quote name='Rabid Mammal Wax']I don't see the appeal. It's just like...friggin'...GCN/GBA connectivity's so gimmicky. At first, it was really novel, but then it just gets annoying. Especially Metroid Prime--FPSs need analogue sticks, I mean, I'd like to adjust my view WHILE moving. I play this, and I think the Revolution will just be yet another gimmick...what's the appeal?[/quote]

So you played a demo and outright know the system?
use the thumb stylus on the strap when you play Metroid Hunters. Works like an analog stick and you can move and adjust the view at the same time.
I love nintendo, most of my favorite games of all time are on Nintendo systems, but I have to admit, the DS looks craptastic and if Nintendo wastes their next-gen system on a gimmick someone who's CAG screen name starts with an sma and ends with an lien1 will be pissed off.
I really want a ds, but my opinion on the system changed. I used to think it was crappy and had no games, but I think as time goes on, some new things will come of the system that will make it worth buying. Right now, in my opinion, its just pointless.
[quote name='flybrione']Who are you?[/quote]

That sums up the topic pretty well. Now that the main point has been made, time to lock the topic. :wink:
Wow, so you played Metroid for a few minutes and determined 'it sucked'? Wow! You seem like a great canidate for Game Pro magazine! That's 4 whole sentences and SUCH a great review!
[quote name='gizmogc']Wow, so you played Metroid for a few minutes and determined 'it sucked'? Wow! You seem like a great canidate for Game Pro magazine! That's 4 whole sentences and SUCH a great review![/quote]

Unfortunately my blue haired pal, I don't even think it is a gamepro worthy review. Hell, even a pimply faced 12 year old blogger could do better. If I can find it, I'll repost my PSP DS head to head review.
[quote name='Rabid Mammal Wax']I don't see the appeal. It's just like...friggin'...GCN/GBA connectivity's so gimmicky. At first, it was really novel, but then it just gets annoying. Especially Metroid Prime--FPSs need analogue sticks, I mean, I'd like to adjust my view WHILE moving. I play this, and I think the Revolution will just be yet another gimmick...what's the appeal?[/quote]

So you spent all that time playing it, and you don't know what the appeal is...? :roll:

Maybe you need help.. dude... specail help...
Hey, guys, you're calling me a an idiot, basing my opinions on little or now information.

Let me repeat something:

I mentioned I played his DS EXTENSIVELY. I mentioned Metroid Prime because it was hyped. It wasn't meant as a review, I was just saying that I felt the system is gimmicky.

I don't see what's to like about it, the second screen seems completely superfluous. If you disagree, and like playing it, all the more power to you, but if your judging my character based on my opinion, then you're a jackass.

I'm referring to you, people whose screen name rhyme with:


I'm not buying a PSP either, not for a long time anyway, however, I feel that Sony has the right idea about videogames. They can't innovate completely, so they don't bother. Sony has never claimed to be the bastion of innovation--yet they've brought us that camera thing, one of the first backwards compatible consoles, and one of the greatest gaming libraries ever, including such innovative gems as ICO. Nintendo, who touts to be the great inovator of the industry, brings us taiko-drum master ripoff (granted it's fun), and the ability to connect our GBA to our GCN....yay. I own a GBA, I own a GCN, and I play them, they're great. But they're by no means innovative, and neither is the DS.

Playing with a stylus sucks, and let me reemphasize this is MY opinion, games like Mario 64 have turned to crap, WarioWare is still fun, but the system has little else to offer. All of you keep saying, "Look at the PSP, nothing but ports!" And the DS is coming out with Mario 64, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, etc. The PSP has, what? GT4, which was a simultaneous release with GT4 PS2 in Japan (calling it a port is a stretch) and a revised version of MediEvil is coming out...eventually.

I think, again, in my opinion, all of you calling me an idiot for not liking the DS are just trying to reassure yourself that that $150 went to the right place.
[quote name='Rabid Mammal Wax']Hey, guys, you're calling me a an idiot, basing my opinions on little or now information.

Let me repeat something:

I mentioned I played his DS EXTENSIVELY. I mentioned Metroid Prime because it was hyped. It wasn't meant as a review, I was just saying that I felt the system is gimmicky.

I don't see what's to like about it, the second screen seems completely superfluous. If you disagree, and like playing it, all the more power to you, but if your judging my character based on my opinion, then you're a jackass.

I'm referring to you, people whose screen name rhyme with:


I'm not buying a PSP either, not for a long time anyway, however, I feel that Sony has the right idea about videogames. They can't innovate completely, so they don't bother. Sony has never claimed to be the bastion of innovation--yet they've brought us that camera thing, one of the first backwards compatible consoles, and one of the greatest gaming libraries ever, including such innovative gems as ICO. Nintendo, who touts to be the great inovator of the industry, brings us taiko-drum master ripoff (granted it's fun), and the ability to connect our GBA to our GCN....yay. I own a GBA, I own a GCN, and I play them, they're great. But they're by no means innovative, and neither is the DS.

Playing with a stylus sucks, and let me reemphasize this is MY opinion, games like Mario 64 have turned to crap, WarioWare is still fun, but the system has little else to offer. All of you keep saying, "Look at the PSP, nothing but ports!" And the DS is coming out with Mario 64, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, etc. The PSP has, what? GT4, which was a simultaneous release with GT4 PS2 in Japan (calling it a port is a stretch) and a revised version of MediEvil is coming out...eventually.

I think, again, in my opinion, all of you calling me an idiot for not liking the DS are just trying to reassure yourself that that $150 went to the right place.[/quote]

You know that cameras, backwards compatibilty and other "innovative" things were all done by Nintendo before sony. The thing is, it's not the opinion that is the probelm, more power to you for having your own. The problem was how nonsensically you stated it. Why don't you like it. It sucks is not an acceptibale. Make your points clear, concise, and most importantly thoughtful. Other CAGers will respond in a much better fashion if you do.
First of all:

Cameras were available, but never before on a home console, moreover, what Nintendo system had a camera?
Nintendo only had backwards compatability on their gameboy, not on any home console.

Also, you seem to believe that I'm obligated to construct my opinion in a concise way. Guess what? I'm not. This isn't a term paper or the debate team, the entire point of this threat was: DS, gimmick or not? Why you felt you had to turn this into a psuedo-flamewar is beyond me.
[quote name='Rabid Mammal Wax']First of all:

Cameras were available, but never before on a home console, moreover, what Nintendo system had a camera?
Nintendo only had backwards compatability on their gameboy, not on any home console.

Also, you seem to believe that I'm obligated to construct my opinion in a concise way. Guess what? I'm not. This isn't a term paper or the debate team, the entire point of this threat was: DS, gimmick or not? Why you felt you had to turn this into a psuedo-flamewar is beyond me.[/quote]

I'm not turning it into a flame war. I don't care enough to flame. The GB, N64, and GC all had cameras. Though I doubt anyone has even been in the same room as the ones for N64 and GC as the N64 ones were used for the DD and the GC one was used in the now probably dead stage debut.

It's very annoying when people spew opinions and they don't explain why. for example what if I start posting "Bush sucks! The war sucks!" but I don't explain why. It just starts senseless banter that is based on someones personal opinion that seems to be based on nothing. This ain't GameFAQs. I cannot stress this enough.
Gameboy Camera was not a video-camera and did not destinguish people from background.

You can say "Bush sucks!" or whatever you like, IT'S YOUR GOD-GIVEN RIGHT. There should be no reason that you have to back it when not discussing THAT point. I wasn't discussing whether it sucked or not, I said it was GIMMICKY. Whether it sucks or not is not the focus of this thread, or was not intended to be.
[quote name='Rabid Mammal Wax']Gameboy Camera was not a video-camera and did not destinguish people from background.

You can say "Bush sucks!" or whatever you like, IT'S YOUR GOD-GIVEN RIGHT. There should be no reason that you have to back it when not discussing THAT point. I wasn't discussing whether it sucked or not, I said it was GIMMICKY. Whether it sucks or not is not the focus of this thread, or was not intended to be.[/quote]

Playing with a stylus sucks...

Yawn. Don't come and post a 4 sentence reveiw of 'Why DS sucks" and expect NOT to get flamed. MAYBE if you had posted your other statements FIRST, this would have been a bit different.

Also, do you understand just because a GAME is on a system, dosn't mean the SYSTEM made it, right? Taiko Drum Master was not made by Sony, therefore its not 'there' invention. Donkey Konga IS made by Nintendo, and came out MONTHS before Taiko hit the USA. Same with ICO, which was NOT made by Sony. Get some of your facts straight.

Mario 64 is 'crap'. Wow. Do you know how many games pretty much 'stole' from the awesomeness that is Mario 64? Crash Bandicoot, Rayman,Jak...Alot of those game may not have been around if it wasn't for the success of the first true almost perfect 3D translated game (Meaning a game went from a 2D jump to 3D WITH success). Thats it, im done. I'm just enjoying all your 'facts'. Wait, are you gonna tell me Sony has an analog stick before Nintendo?
Just a small head up, Mario Kart, Wario Ware, and Animal Crossing are NOT ports. They are SEQUELS. All three of those games are DIFFERENT from there originals (No, not just added mini-games, totally different games).

Thats great Sony is releasing GT4 for PSP, but it really is just a port (which isn't a bad thing).
[quote name='gizmogc']
Also, do you understand just because a GAME is on a system, dosn't mean the SYSTEM made it, right? Taiko Drum Master was not made by Sony, therefore its not 'there' invention. Donkey Konga IS made by Nintendo, and came out MONTHS before Taiko hit the USA. Same with ICO, which was NOT made by Sony. Get some of your facts straight?[/quote]

Donkey Konga was developed by Namco. ICO was developed by Sony. Thanks.

[quote name='My Name Is BoB'][quote name='gizmogc']Uh-Oh, grammer police.[/quote]

Here comes the spelling police!


Yes, that was on purpose, :lol:
[quote name='epobirs']Does this mean we can't count on your attendance at the Church of DS Hootenanny next week?[/quote]

Well, I'm Jewish so.... 8-[
[quote name='sgxyay'][quote name='gizmogc']
Also, do you understand just because a GAME is on a system, dosn't mean the SYSTEM made it, right? Taiko Drum Master was not made by Sony, therefore its not 'there' invention. Donkey Konga IS made by Nintendo, and came out MONTHS before Taiko hit the USA. Same with ICO, which was NOT made by Sony. Get some of your facts straight?[/quote]

Donkey Konga was developed by Namco. ICO was developed by Sony. Thanks.


Taiko came out long before Donkey Konga was even on the drawing board. That's right, it's made by the same company too... Does anyone care when something comes out "first" in the US?
[quote name='gizmogc']Yawn. Don't come and post a 4 sentence reveiw of 'Why DS sucks" and expect NOT to get flamed. MAYBE if you had posted your other statements FIRST, this would have been a bit different.

Also, do you understand just because a GAME is on a system, dosn't mean the SYSTEM made it, right? Taiko Drum Master was not made by Sony, therefore its not 'there' invention. Donkey Konga IS made by Nintendo, and came out MONTHS before Taiko hit the USA. Same with ICO, which was NOT made by Sony. Get some of your facts straight.

Mario 64 is 'crap'. Wow. Do you know how many games pretty much 'stole' from the awesomeness that is Mario 64? Crash Bandicoot, Rayman,Jak...Alot of those game may not have been around if it wasn't for the success of the first true almost perfect 3D translated game (Meaning a game went from a 2D jump to 3D WITH success). Thats it, im done. I'm just enjoying all your 'facts'. Wait, are you gonna tell me Sony has an analog stick before Nintendo?[/quote]

I NEVER SAID TAIKO DRUM MASTER WAS MADE BY SONY. Christ, it's like talking to a point was Donkey Konga was NOT INNOVATIVE. Never ONCE did I imply that. And when I said Mario 64 was crap, you know damn well I was talking about the DS version. I was even TALKING ABOUT WHY I DIDN'T LIKE THE DS when I mentioned Mario. So stop questioning my 'facts' when you can't provide any 'arguments' to the contrary.
[quote name='gizmogc']Just a small head up, Mario Kart, Wario Ware, and Animal Crossing are NOT ports. They are SEQUELS. All three of those games are DIFFERENT from there originals (No, not just added mini-games, totally different games).

Thats great Sony is releasing GT4 for PSP, but it really is just a port (which isn't a bad thing).[/quote]

Mario Kart is a port, it's pretty much the N64 version with added tracks.
Animal Crossing now has wireless multiplayer function, but that's still it.
I didn't say Wario Ware was a port.

MK and AC are clearly just ports, seeing as their content is not largely different as to when they were initially released.
[quote name='Rabid Mammal Wax'][quote name='gizmogc']Just a small head up, Mario Kart, Wario Ware, and Animal Crossing are NOT ports. They are SEQUELS. All three of those games are DIFFERENT from there originals (No, not just added mini-games, totally different games).

Thats great Sony is releasing GT4 for PSP, but it really is just a port (which isn't a bad thing).[/quote]

Mario Kart is a port, it's pretty much the N64 version with added tracks.
Animal Crossing now has wireless multiplayer function, but that's still it.
I didn't say Wario Ware was a port.

MK and AC are clearly just ports, seeing as their content is not largely different as to when they were initially released.[/quote]

How can you say any of this? We have no idea what is going to be included in these games. Very little is known about the game beyond a few screen shots. Stop talking out of your ass.
Screen shots don't indicate otherwise, and I'm sure if they were TOTALLY original games there would be more to say on Nintendo's part, even a bit of hype somewhere.
[quote name='Rabid Mammal Wax']Screen shots don't indicate otherwise, and I'm sure if they were TOTALLY original games there would be more to say on Nintendo's part, even a bit of hype somewhere.[/quote]

Those are still demos. Look at how far MK on GC came. The very first screen shots looked like MK64 and then it became DD!!. Come on, you know it's true.
Wario Ware Touched uses the stylus and touch screen amazingly. It's worth owning the system alone for that game. It's so much fun.
bread's done