My Gamestop Haul today And rude associates

I used to work at GS and EB...and I currently work at a GE factory and I hate my GS and EB in town.

But let me just say one thing, these people work for like minimum wage and they (Like anyone else) get benefits for working there. Who the hell would want to put up with the absolute shit of a job as working for GS or EB if you didn’t get some benefits?

These people get paid like 6 bucks and hour, no medical bennies and all they get is a measly rare game once in a while and the assholes who know about the hold drawer come in and strut their shit to be able to get them to cough up games.

When I worked at EB, I would cough up a game if someone asked for it. But some people just come in asking for a said list of games hoping to have a store assoc help them hit jackpot.

The fact that you got your games, good for you...the fact that you had your girl go in and get more, you're a dick.

You bitch about them hording, and then you do the same. These people didn’t take this shit job because they hate games and themselves.... they took it to get a cool game or two.

I get so tired of people coming on here and getting EB and GS (new employees) to price match shit, when either store price matches, or finding out the hold drawer and cleaning it out, or trading in 18 PS2 seek and destroys.

A lot of people on here think this site is called, that's the real tragedy. Not some guy holding a rare game or two.
[quote name='diaeresis']Oh boy. Web dictionaries! Okay, I'll make you a deal; that's a "fallacy" if your used game section is a "placebo", and anyone who ever spoke English meaningfully can just go a-rolling in their grave.

I don't recall arguing that when you buy stuff from a store, you're not a customer. Read what I said. This will be such a common theme in this reply that I'll abbreviate it to RWIS. That stands for "Read what I said", if you didn't catch it. After all, it is late. Or, "latté," in your case.

I didn't know that, but you're only digging yourself into a hole. The differences I listed between you and other customers are obvious, inarguable, and ... gleefully unaddressed. RWIS.

This has nothing to do with what I said. RWIS. This "others may do it, but I don't" theme runs throughout your posts, too, which is all the more reason this "perk" needs to be announced, regulated, and enforced.

Holy equivocation. I was not saying you, as a person, could not be both a gamer and work at a game store, any more than I would argue that a man with a sex drive couldn't be a gynecologist in my later analogy.

Yep. It's an analogy. An analogy by definition has a point where it's not analogous. That's what keeps it from being an "example", but distinctions appear lost on you. Maybe it'll be better in the morning. btw, I'm on the East Coast. How late is it for you again?

I'll let it slide because you can't yet follow analogies. You'll be accountable after this post. Yes, it's illegal. It's also largely done in New York, and you're not in New York. It's also done by guys who tend to be involved in the stock market, and that begins with an "s", and not retail assistants, which begins with an "r". None of those were why I brought it up. Here's the question: exactly what is it that makes it unethical enough to be illegal? Hint: it's not the amount of money involved. Once you get to that principle, apply it here, and watch what happens.

1. You're only in the store because you're working there as an employee, but I sufficiently dealt with this in the first post. I've seen people pull ignoratio elenchi before, but not in direct response to the rebuttal. Maybe you need to write in the morning.

2. And even this example goes to pot when you consider employees who hold the game for themselves as soon as it comes in (when they're working as an employee), for later when they buy it as a CUSTOMER, which is now in all caps, apparently. It's this ambigous switching of hats that's the problem.

While we're on fallacy education, you seem to love the strawman, you love him all night long. RWIS. I never mentioned you *playing* the games, heh, so how I could've argued this is beyond me.

The rest is blatant fluff, so I guess I'll see you in the morning.[/QUOTE]

You're rebuttals are sad. But you do succeed in trying to sound smart, just next time...try not to sound like your trying too hard.
[quote name='mr_pollock']I want to work at EB so I can lie to customers!

Your manager did the right thing.

[/end of story][/QUOTE]

Tell the customer you're holding it and you get into a debate on if you should be allow to do that with them.

Thank god I dont work at a gamestore anymore, but honestly....gamers are asshole customers.

Most of them, are the sad type...Shitty job, no girlfriend, shitty life....most of these people need a bullet in the head in the worst way.

These guys will fight to the bitter end to get that Gitaroo Man in the back because they saw it on the website.

This one time, this guy came in looking for Puzzle Fighter II X for the PS1. I said "I'm sorry, we sold the only one we had 30 mins ago."...he called me a liar right out....I was like "Excuse me??". The Customer says "You're lying, tell me where the game is...I saw it on the website". I say to him "We dont have it, the website it wrong...I sold it 30mins, it might not be updated yet."

Long story short, I had to show him every drawer and help him look on the shelves, when he said, "Lets look on the shelves in the back" I told him to get the hell out of the store, and that he was banned.

This guy was a pain in the ass, he was also a renter...and even though I treated him with respect as a customer, I can only get pushed to far.

Some people as gamers, push way to fucking far...If I was working at that game store (OP) - I would of banned your ass for playing the employees against each other.
I've only encountered the 'stash' twice in two seperate stores. I came in looking for Tactics Ogre and the employee said they thought they might have it and went to check in the back as opposed to the PS1 drawer where all the other games are held. 2 minutes later they returned with a mint copy of Ogre Battle, says 'sorry thought it was the other', told them no prob and bought it on the spot. Then asked why it was in the back and was told it was where the more 'sought after' titles were held...

The other instance was at another GS store. I saw online that the store had a copy of Tales of Destiny 2, drove down there, looked around, couldn't find it. Asked the one of the store employees and he looked in the 'reserve' drawer and saw it but didn't see who it was being held for. He asked the other employee about it, the other guy said 'the manager was holding it and was going to pick it up in a couple weeks'. I said I'd buy it right then and there, so the employee called the manager at home asked him about the game. Manager was nice and said 'well if someone wants it now, let him have it'. Only thing that sucks is the store is way too far away otherwise they would get all my home business after doing something like that...

Outside of that, I've had a few instances of walking into a store and picking up a title and have the employees say 'If I knew we had that I would've reserved it/checked it out'...
I work at gamestop. we're not allowed to have a stash, or sell stuff from the store on ebay.
That was a bit hard to read, but I'd say that you should report the guy. And for the record, I "dident" know about this hidden stash.
Damn... I went to GS myself the other day looking for the Playgear pocket (PSP case). Their website said they had "1-3" in stock. I checked about 10 at night, and went the next morning around 12. I was told they were out of stock, and the guy wouldn't even look me in the eye as he was telling me this (I realized this now).

Those bastards probably had them stashed away. Although its possible that the cases could've been bought up so quickly, I don't think its very likely.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']

Some people as gamers, push way too **** far...If I was working at that game store (OP) - I would of banned your ass for playing the employees against each other.[/QUOTE]

The problem is - Gamestop employees have brought this on themselves. What other store do you go to where you have to beg or plead to buy something there? When was the last time you went to the flower shop for your girlfriend/wife and they said "No, we don't have any roses" but really (tee hee hee) they had a dozen roses hiding behind the counter for themselves?

Or when was the last time you went to McDonald's to order a Big Mac and they told you they were out - but really, there was a stack of them on the "secret grill" in the back for the employees who wanted them for themselves? But go into a Gamestop or EB and not only are you fighting other customers to find what you're looking for, but you have to fight the employees also. I think it's too bad that people come in and treat the employees like crap, but it's hard to blame them - GS employees have created a business environment in which the only way to get what you're looking for is to challenge the employees for it.

Customers have EVERY reason to believe that employees are being untruthful when they say a game is not there, as evidenced by this entire thread. The fact that they come in to do battle with you sucks, but your fellow GS employees are to blame. You have all brought it on yourselves...
Truthfully, I have no problem with employees holding something for themselves, as long as they are going to purchase it at the end of their shift. I've worked retail, and people don't do it because the money's great. One of the benefits is being able to get a discount, first grabs, what have you. My BIG issue is employees holding things for weeks at a time (see my post on page one).

And I know GS transmits everything daily, it's a computerized system for goodness sakes. At most, weekend transactions may not be posted until Monday. Things don't screw up for weeks at a time or take that long to transmit.

Some will say stores with larger volumes take longer to update. Malarky, It is obvious where games are in demand. For instance, I work in a predominantly Black neighborhood, and I shop at the GSs there. The older, rarer PS 1s just aren't as big there. as some other games. The store I'm thinking of is quite large, does a serious amount of business, but I can ALWAYS count on if rare PS 1 games show up on the website, they're there, unless it's the weekend when shopping is heavier. Much of that is because since there isn't much call for the games, the employees aren't as familiar with them. I bought a Suikoden II there, and the employees wondered why in the world a PS 1 game would be 59.99. "Is it rare?" I was asked by the guy who remembered taking in the trade.

Now in the neighborhood I live, think late 30s and up, mainly white, where the rarer PS 1 games go better, something is on the website for 3 WEEKS as being there, but the employees don't have it? Then suddenly it disappears? I think not.
Im a dick for not letting the guy lie to me right in front of my face and over charge me (Verbally till I corrected him). I encountered Many good hearted honest GS and EB employee's all the time but their is a few like in every profession. I do and still will shop at GS no matter what, just at a different location. I agree stash should only be help for a day or two at most, buit not for 2 weeks, thats 2 paychecks passed by.

But they have a crappy job only making 6/hour and have to deal with jackass customers?

Welcome to the real world, if their job so crappy, head to the unemployment line loook in the add's for a new job, but dont hoard and due in injustice to customers. I like the guy's point about them bringing it onto theirself, they beg you to take stuff out of theirstore, trying to sell anything and everything to you. Keep in mind they stift you everytime you trade in a game, because they turn around and give you 12$ credit and sell it for 30$+.

for the record I have had many good exp in EB and GS(EB has though been a much better for me) from what I know EB that I go to does not have a stash, because the manager hooks me up everytime I go their
[quote name='8ballGuy']
Keep in mind they stift you everytime you trade in a game, because they turn around and give you 12$ credit and sell it for 30$+.

If you can find a trade-in place that DOESN'T do that, I'd love to know about it!
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Tell the customer you're holding it and you get into a debate on if you should be allow to do that with them.

Thank god I dont work at a gamestore anymore, but honestly....gamers are asshole customers.

Most of them, are the sad type...Shitty job, no girlfriend, shitty life....most of these people need a bullet in the head in the worst way.

These guys will fight to the bitter end to get that Gitaroo Man in the back because they saw it on the website.

This one time, this guy came in looking for Puzzle Fighter II X for the PS1. I said "I'm sorry, we sold the only one we had 30 mins ago."...he called me a liar right out....I was like "Excuse me??". The Customer says "You're lying, tell me where the game is...I saw it on the website". I say to him "We dont have it, the website it wrong...I sold it 30mins, it might not be updated yet."

Long story short, I had to show him every drawer and help him look on the shelves, when he said, "Lets look on the shelves in the back" I told him to get the hell out of the store, and that he was banned.

This guy was a pain in the ass, he was also a renter...and even though I treated him with respect as a customer, I can only get pushed to far.

Some people as gamers, push way to fucking far...If I was working at that game store (OP) - I would of banned your ass for playing the employees against each other.[/QUOTE]

Banned me for a employee actually caring about customer service and doing his job, but yea that would be very strange for GS employee right? dude if you think I should be banned for getting a game that a employee been trying to hoard and hide for 2 weeks, then your wrong, but what ever float your boat
[quote name='mr_pollock']I want to work at EB so I can lie to customers!

Your manager did the right thing.

[/end of story][/QUOTE]

If another customer is holding a game, we tell other customers that the game is not in stock if they ask. So because I get work there, I don't get that privilege?

And it's not that easy to find a good paying job; this is my second job aside from the work-study one I hold on campus. I applied everywhere, but it's hard to find a job that is willing to work around your class times; most places would rather just hire someone who's not going to college despite my credentials (tons of experience, graduated from HS with a 4.25 GPA, etc...). Most of the people I work with are really cool and depend on their job at EB to pay for rent/food/etc. (yeah, they're also losers but that's beside the point) but are treated like crap by customers who would love to fire us just because we don't accept returns for games that were opened two months earlier. I disagree with the GS employees who keep stuff in a drawer for the sake of having a drawer of rare games, but I do agree that employees should have a right to hold games for themselves as customers are also entitled to that right. Just because you get paid $7 per hour to be treated like crap at the game store does not mean that you lose privileges to that store.
Truthfully, I have no problem with employees holding something for themselves, as long as they are going to purchase it at the end of their shift. I've worked retail, and people don't do it because the money's great. One of the benefits is being able to get a discount, first grabs, what have you. My BIG issue is employees holding things for weeks at a time (see my post on page one).

I hear you, but it depends on the market. Analogies are difficult for game store employees, so I'll keep this simple for their benefit. A variant of this debate erupts when a new console is released. Putting aside the question of how Gamestop only has PSPs for those who have at least as much sex as their employees, which I guess is the new excuse (and we all know how hot those irregular goatees are ... to say nothing of the guys working there), while Best Buy re-engineers their store around the Four Pillars of PSPs they constructed out of boredom, how much priority should an employee get?

Remember, game stores aren't like most retail. If Sears gets a bunch of Kenmore Ovens with Talking Sensor and Autoclave and it's really cool, no one's going to be upset with 4 employees getting first dibs on a shipment of 20. For that matter, I doubt people were very upset with Best Buy employees picking out of the PSP citadel, either, so maybe it does come down to quantity on hand. But Gamestop has this funny "pre-pay" thing going on where you have to buy your console 3-9 months in advance. Now if the employees of the store get to pick from the stock of sold consoles, there's something seriously wrong. Otherwise, well, I guess it happens, and if a store wants to allocate all 3 (unsold) consoles to employees, that should eventually reflect on their business.

So all of that said, I agree with the principle you put forward here.

But remember, we're talking about used games, some of which are very hard to find. The store is supposed to be facilitating this market. That's what a store does. The employees are there to serve customers. This includes allowing access to the inventory. But they cannot separate being an employee from being a customer themselves, and openly consider themselves privileged customers because they have to work such a "lousy" job, with complaints in this thread on par with the kid who can't get the scroll wheel on his iPod to click right as easily. Many have already pointed out that that's what the paycheck covers, and I agree. And I've also been open to additional perks, so long as they're stated and regulated, etc. They aren't.

If a card store existed during Magic: The Gathering's heyday where the employees locked up all the desirable cards that were traded in and fought over them during their private orgies, wouldn't people stop going there? You get store credit for anything you trade in at Gamestop, not cash. The practice of hoarding ultimately reduces the value of your credit, because rather than having access to the full inventory, like the "customer, just like you" behind the counter, you're stuck choosing between Madden 2008 or a used copy of Elmo's Secret Encounter.

So stop shopping there. Use EBay or CAG forums. You either get money, worth just as much as everyone else's, or the games you actually want. If enough people do it and say why, Gamestop will be forced to revise their policy, and hopefully you can get a sales clerk that's there for you instead of being your privileged competition.
Q: What's worse than a game store employee complaining about their job?

A: Some jackass complaining about them complaining about their job.

Don't forget - 'i' before 'e' except after 'c' or when sounding like 'a' as in neighbor or weigh. Grammar lessons rule!

And for the record.... what does this analogy mean?
But they cannot separate being an employee from being a customer themselves, and openly consider themselves privileged customers because they have to work such a "lousy" job, with complaints in this thread on par with the kid who can't get the scroll wheel on his iPod to click right as easily.
[quote name='8ballGuy']Banned me for a employee actually caring about customer service and doing his job, but yea that would be very strange for GS employee right? dude if you think I should be banned for getting a game that a employee been trying to hoard and hide for 2 weeks, then your wrong, but what ever float your boat[/QUOTE]

So you know, for a fact...that he's been hording it for 2 weeks. That the one you saw, was the EXACT same one you bought later and not another one that was turned in later.

If so, I agree...employees shouldnt horde....if you're just slightly sure though, Shut the fuck up and go on with your life.

People like you make me so fucking happy I dont work for a game store anymore. You sound like such a whiney bitch.
I do not understand why would the employees not buy the games the SECOND their shifts were over? It makes no sense to leave a stash like that...
[quote name='Jeoff']I do not understand why would the employees not buy the games the SECOND their shifts were over? It makes no sense to leave a stash like that...[/QUOTE]

Because they don't always have the money at that particular moment. I've always tried to get stuff the moment I see it, but that doesn't always happen. I'll ask my manager if he doesn't mind me setting it aside, and he'll give me a timeframe to pay for it. If I don't within that period, it goes back out.
Come on people! Gamestop isn't the only store to attack here. What about EB's tacking on the $3 charge for a replacement game without asking u if you want it? They're not supposed to do that, but the worst employees take advantage of little kids this way who may not fully understand tax and what things come out to.

Bottom line, a moron is a moron. Doesn't matter if he's a know it all at Gamestop or a know it all at Suncoast video. I'm sure we all have our stories.

For example...

I once sold a gamestop employee a game of mine over the counter in plain sight of the manager. "We're not supposed to do this but I really want it."

A gamestop employee called me a liar for having played RE 4 last May. Umm...because I was at E3. "You're lying! Where's your proof?" LOL Geez guy...calm down. Take it dowwwnnn a notch! ;)

Hmmm...that's a shame...all my bad store experiences are with Gamestop! All I know is these stores need to invest in some air fresheners! Game stores tend to smell in human funky. lol

Get this...these EB employees at this one mall were suspected of stealing the powers that be transfered them to another store!!! Not only have they moved the guys I enjoy talking to, but they're trying to "smack some sense" into these new ppl by putting them with a new manager! them!! lol

I would totally take advantage of perks. Forget that my paycheck would be put back into the store. lol If I saw a game that I wanted (and if i worked for a game store), I'd put it aside. I bet if I go to Gamestop and ask for Panzer Dragoon Saga...I bet it's right under the counter!!! Scoundrels!!!
Hoarding is lame - but I see nothing wrong with priveledges. I can see the next paycheck time frame as being a reasonable one. I know that working at gamestop is a bitch - my brother worked at one. And he put up with kids who obviously were stealing shit and returning it, little kids yelling at the top of their lungs, or ones that would pay with all pennies. IMO, they deserve the perks as long as they don't abuse them.
[quote name='KingofGames']Your story is complete bullshit. There is no way an employee would charge you more for a game, or add 10% when you show them the discount card. They'd lose their job on the spot. Seriously, how long did it take you to come up with this story? I hope it was a "spur of the moment" kind of deal.[/QUOTE]

Something similar happened to me once. I was buying a used copy of MGS2: SOL which was marked dirt cheap on the price sticker on the case, like $4.99 IIRC. When they rang it up with my GS discount card it came up to be like 8 bucks. I had to ask them what was up and they gave me some BS story about how it shows a different price on their computer, but they'll "cut me a deal" and give me the game for $6.50.
I know my Gamestop has a big hold drawer. I saw Disgaea on the website and went in to get it but wasn't out on the shelf. So I go ask up front and they say Oh I don't think we have that but I can check. I saw them open the drawer with a ton of games in it and eventually find it. They sold it to me but didn't act too happy about it. Then this weekend I saw the Gamecube broadband adapter for $6 in stock and went to get it the next day. They said it was being held and magically the next day it was gone off the internet.
[quote name='cheapass Gundam']Something similar happened to me once. I was buying a used copy of MGS2: SOL which was marked dirt cheap on the price sticker on the case, like $4.99 IIRC. When they rang it up with my GS discount card it came up to be like 8 bucks. I had to ask them what was up and they gave me some BS story about how it shows a different price on their computer, but they'll "cut me a deal" and give me the game for $6.50.[/QUOTE]

You have to remember, game prices are up to date in the computer, not the sticker. So if someone pulls a game out of the back and it has an older sticker on it, don't rely on it.
[quote name='Kuros']You have to remember, game prices are up to date in the computer, not the sticker. So if someone pulls a game out of the back and it has an older sticker on it, don't rely on it.[/QUOTE]

I think he was saying that the displayed wall copy said $5 and they forgot to change the price, in which case he should have been charged no more than $5.

But yes, if it was a copy that was behind the counter, sorry. You pay what is advertised.
The holding issue that you speak of is called understalking and inthe case of Wal-Mart is against company policy and they say it can even be a federal/law breaking event of some sort(how true this is, I do not know). Basically the principal of the event is the you are setting aside an item that you want as an employee and then cheating out that customer at a unfair and unequal opportunity to get that rare item or item at as great of a value. Also at walmart they have a policy that if I *myself* put that item on clearance I myself can not purchase that item for 24 - 48hrs, otherwise I can clearance a ton of games, then go buy them all for myself.
Moral of the story, don't understalk and cheat out a customer they are the Cheapasses that pay your salary so if your gonna cheat them out why should they buy anything from you??
Cheat them out? Keep in mind that the majority of our sales come from new releases and consoles. I highly doubt that Gamestop relies on it's "classic and rare" video games to bring in the bucks. If this were a black-and-white issue, I'd side with the consumer. Unfortunately, this is a very complicated issue. I'm sure that most customers who buy games like Suikoden II and the like buy them strictly to resell. Not only that, but most of the time, these games DON'T SELL. Believe me, I speak from experience. We had a complete copy of Suikoden II for $60 at work for over two weeks. It sat in a glass case for everyone to see, but no one picked it up. Finally, during a "buy 2 get 1 free" sale, I jumped on it. We constantly sit on PS1 rpgs, but often don't have the space to put them behind the glass case. So rather than put them out to be tampered with, we'll occassionaly put a few of the better RPGs aside in a drawer. This doesn't happen very often, as we very rarely get any rpgs traded in in the first place. In any case, if you want access to "the stash" just ask the employees for any particular games you are looking for and ask if anyone happens to have them on hold. I'm sure that if they do have the game and it is on hold, they'll find out if the employee truly wants it.
After reading every single post I've decided this is the only one that makes sense in the entire thread.

[quote name='MrMaddness'][/QUOTE]

No stash in my GS, any items put aside on hold are to be purchased at the earliest moment available. I've put things aside that I know I'm buying/ have been looking for, sure, just like I'll reserve a new game I want to not "horde" from potential walkups. BUT~ I pulled a traded in KH:CoM out of my "stash" twice after it first came out for customers who had asked for a new copy when I knew they had a discount card. (I got distracted by my psp, eventually I'll pick up a copy but for two days in a row i thought for sure i was destined not to get a hold of a cheap copy of this game, heh.). The thing is I don't mind emp's putting items on hold for the day, I'd rather do that then have them immediately buy it holding up the line.

I don't get what people are so freaked out about, GS/EB prices are no "steal" compared to online/ebay. And employees are not going to be able to 1) profit by selling on ebay, because it's their ass if they do. amd 2) "horde" the whole damn store, what kind of millionares do you think work at your local video game stores? What, they all don't have to pay rent and buy food? :lol:

I would treat any employee requests the same way I would treat a request from one of my customers, the odds of rare games popping up and someone asking for them in the same shift are miniscule, (no one trades suk 1 & 2 in here near the city, lol, and I only know one person who's even seen the disney DDR in person after years of employement) but if it happened I supposed it would have to be a case by case basis, if a customer gets there first there's sure as hell not going to be any lying on my shift. I've painfully sold a few games because I never knew they were traded in, and I've held RE 2 & 3's and other random rare stuff for customers for longer then I had to just to be nice...*shrug* i'm rambling and it doesn't matter, does it?

[quote name='Again, that link was...'][/QUOTE]
[quote name='Kuros']You have to remember, game prices are up to date in the computer, not the sticker. So if someone pulls a game out of the back and it has an older sticker on it, don't rely on it.[/QUOTE]

No, the sticker was on the empty case that was put on the display shelves. I think they pulled that higher price out of their ass... I mean off the price sticker on another case they pulled from the drawer that did not have an updated price sticker on it, instead of the computer as they claimed.
[quote name='tauruskatt']
what kind of millionares do you think work at your local video game stores? What, they all don't have to pay rent and buy food? :lol:

This reminds me of trying to get an app at Gamestop about two years ago, when I was between jobs and was trying to get something to pay the bills.

The employee basacially told me to stay away, because even though he gets a great discount, he gets minimum wage and the customers shit all over him every day, and that he barely makes enough money there to pay his bills AND use his discount.

From reading this thread, I'm inclined to agree with him. I'm always exceptionally nice to game store employees when I go in, because a nice customer in that store is probably a rarity.
[quote name='cheapass Gundam']No, the sticker was on the empty case that was put on the display shelves. I think they pulled that higher price out of their ass... I mean off the price sticker on another case they pulled from the drawer that did not have an updated price sticker on it, instead of the computer as they claimed.[/QUOTE]

The question could easily be answered by looking at your reciept.
[quote name='Roufuss']This reminds me of trying to get an app at Gamestop about two years ago, when I was between jobs and was trying to get something to pay the bills.

The employee basacially told me to stay away, because even though he gets a great discount, he gets minimum wage and the customers shit all over him every day, and that he barely makes enough money there to pay his bills AND use his discount.

From reading this thread, I'm inclined to agree with him. I'm always exceptionally nice to game store employees when I go in, because a nice customer in that store is probably a rarity.[/QUOTE]

Not only that, but nice customers typically get better treatment (i.e. access to the stash). You'd be surprised what being friendly can do for you.
i dont really have a problem with gamestop workers keeping a stash set aside.

they make nothing at their jobs. I am pretty sure they make you sign something when you work there that you wont buy games to resell, as it would make it harder to do business if this sort of practice got out of hand.
im sucha noob. i didnt even know they get that stash thing. who cares what they do with it....most of them cant even afford half of things in their stash anyway and as one poster said before...the difference in ebay price compared to their prices arent much different. i mean add in all the fees and its really in the wash...of course there are those exceptions and i wont list those games because you guys know them already...
Had a really cool experience today... the Gamestop employees at a store 20 minutes away held two games (Stella Deus and King of Fighters 2002 / 2003 for ps2) for me through all of yesterday until this morning, when I could make it in.

The employee also commented on how I was lucky to get the last copy of both, and that she heard Stella Deus might get hard to find.

I guess all the Gamestop employees in Florida are just generally nice people?
Ahhh, love these people here on CAG. So, if you work in a gamestore, you shouldn't be able to hold anything? Customers should always have first dibs? LOL, not how it works. Just because you see the website shows they have a copy of the game in, and you go down and they don't, dosn't mean they are holding it for themselves. What if a customer asked to hold that for a day or two? What if its defective and needs to be sent out? Guess you don't always think about that, just 'they are hoarding it for themsevles!'. Just like the poster above with the Logitech PSP case. Yeah, I bet that employee is holding all of those for himself, lol.

At my store, we had a 'employee' drawer. We would stash anything we wanted, and buy it within a week or two. That's an advantage for working at a Videogame store. If you worked at a movie theater, and were able to get free movie posters, you would, right? You work at McDonalds and get a free lunch, everyone should as well? No. There are certain advantages, and working at a game store does have some. If anyone came into my store and demanded I sold them a game I had on hold, I would tell them to leave. Some of you are just such big whiny babies
[quote name='gizmogc']Ahhh, love these people here on CAG. So, if you work in a gamestore, you shouldn't be able to hold anything? Customers should always have first dibs? LOL, not how it works. Just because you see the website shows they have a copy of the game in, and you go down and they don't, dosn't mean they are holding it for themselves. What if a customer asked to hold that for a day or two? What if its defective and needs to be sent out? Guess you don't always think about that, just 'they are hoarding it for themsevles!'. Just like the poster above with the Logitech PSP case. Yeah, I bet that employee is holding all of those for himself, lol.

At my store, we had a 'employee' drawer. We would stash anything we wanted, and buy it within a week or two. That's an advantage for working at a Videogame store. If you worked at a movie theater, and were able to get free movie posters, you would, right? You work at McDonalds and get a free lunch, everyone should as well? No. There are certain advantages, and working at a game store does have some. If anyone came into my store and demanded I sold them a game I had on hold, I would tell them to leave. Some of you are just such big whiny babies[/QUOTE]

My thoughts exactly. I also would like to note that there seem to be a lot of whiners on CAG at times.
I understand what CAG is about. People getting games cheap. But it amazes me how some people act in situations. Have they EVER worked retail in there life? Or are they just 15 year olds? I understand sometimes you can get mad at associates, and yes, some employees are just plain stupid, but c'mon. Stop walking around with a chip on your shoulder.
[quote name='gizmogc']You work at McDonalds and get a free lunch, everyone should as well? No. There are certain advantages, and working at a game store does have some. If anyone came into my store and demanded I sold them a game I had on hold, I would tell them to leave.[/quote]

Are you exempt from corporate policy? Doesn't that state you can hold it for 24 to 48 hours? The thing with McDonalds is that they can make whatever again. You can't sell a game again.. once it's gone, it's gone. McDonalds can always make an extra burger.

[quote name='gizmogc']Some of you are just such big whiny babies[/QUOTE]

Says the guy who started a thread where it's encouraged to bitch about customers
from my experience its not really a "stash". when i go in i ask if they have any other rpg's because all the ones on the display rack on the floor are ff games. i think they just keep it in the back to aviod people stealing the games. honestly, on a busy day, its soo easy to steal games from those ps1 racks.
I guess im good at being nice to employees of the game stores around here. I buy stuff at gamestop/eb all the time and have become friendly with all the guys that work at them. There have been many times ive went in to buy a lesser known release in which they only got in 1 copy and one of them put it on the side for themselves, but they sold it to me anyway.

"Are you exempt from corporate policy? Doesn't that state you can hold it for 24 to 48 hours?"

There is no corporate policy where I worked. I could hold games for years if I see fit.
"Says the guy who started a thread where it's encouraged to bitch about customers"

Yes I did. With over 500 posts, I assume some people may in fact agree with me.
[quote name='Scorch']Are you exempt from corporate policy? Doesn't that state you can hold it for 24 to 48 hours? The thing with McDonalds is that they can make whatever again. You can't sell a game again.. once it's gone, it's gone. McDonalds can always make an extra burger.

Says the guy who started a thread where it's encouraged to bitch about customers[/QUOTE]

If a game is on hold for someone, it's on hold for that person only. If it's not you, too bad, find the game else where. Not like they only made one copy of the game.
Man that guy was a dick, way to show him! There's only one type of person I truly hate in this world and that's dickhead store employies.
[quote name='gizmogc']"Are you exempt from corporate policy? Doesn't that state you can hold it for 24 to 48 hours?"

There is no corporate policy where I worked. I could hold games for years if I see fit.[/QUOTE]

Where do you work? From what I gathered, EBgames nor Gamestop would let their employies hold any games, at least not officially. Though I know managers sometime bend the rules.
I agree one to two weeks should be the limit. Seriously if you really want a game that badly just put it on your credit card. Pay it off with one of your friggin checks. *says the guy currently in the red but the point is still valid*.

There should NEVER be time for a big stash to accumulate. Those games should be on the shelves if they last that long without employees buying them. IMHO.
Hmm, I worked at clothing stores a few years ago. If we set something aside to buy later, and a customer asked specifically for what it was, we had to give it to them. I manage a resturant now. If we are running out of french fries for example, I can't save a couple orders of them for employees to eat with their meals. Its called customer service. If employees deny you an item that's been sitting in the "stash" for more than a week, thats just plain shitty. They should only be allowed to keep something "stashed" until 1 paycheck passes, then it can't be put back in there. But clearly not. They have a stash at mine as well. I found suikoden 1 today at mine, and SUPRISE SUPRISE, the real case that was out with manual and everything was just a "leftover" from previous sales. I offered to buy the case/manual by itself, and he refused me. Yeah, now that I know its not just me, but the corporate office doesn't train their managers properly, and thusly their employees get free reign. They'll be getting a complaint call very soon.
Ive worked for Game Crazy, and EB.

Kow, French Fries? C'mon. Most resturants tend to sell ALOT of french fries. Maybe as much as a soft drink. Its not like the games being held at videogame stores which 1 out of 500 people ask for. I'm not even going to touch your stupid scenario with a 20 foot pole.
bread's done