My hand fits in a Pringles can


I was eating some Pringles today when I made that discovery. It got me
thinking about people with hands bigger than my own. They would never be
able to fit thier hand into the Pringles can. They would have to pour out
thier chips to eat. And I then realized how much of an advantage I have.
People who pour out thier chips must tilt the can in the most precise
fashion lest they pour out too many chips or too few. They have to make
this estimate everytime they wanted more. I, on the otherhand, take as I
go. It's kind of like that new wireless plan where you pay as you go at a
flat rate of 10 cents a minute. Big-handed people are forced into the
equivalent of a prepaid plan with no rollover and high charges for using
past their monthly minute limit. I can't imagine living life, not being
able to stick my hand into the Pringles can. I am so damn fortunate.

I also noticed that the seal on the Pringles can advertises the fact that
Pringles has absolutely no trans fat. Ironically, the saturated fat
content per serving is a whooping 3 grams. Seeing as though I easily eat
4-6 servings per sitting, I don't think I'm being very healthy. But hey,
at least there's no trans fat. God, I'm so lucky.
I fully support any initiative from the Bush adminstration to further the development of more Pringles flavors.
[quote name='evanft']I fully support any initiative from the Bush adminstration to further the development of more Pringles flavors.[/QUOTE]

I agree. It's high time this nation puts importance on its ability to lead the world in continued development of flavored potato based snacks.
Also, I demand an congressional investigation (independant, of course - none of this 'bipartisan' crap) as to why the "Sweet Mesquite" Pringles flavor has been discontinued, replaced with plain old (blech) barbaque. How can be call America the greatest nation in the world when the best Pringles flavor is no longer available, and has been replaced with a vastly inferior substitute?
[quote name='Sequoia']I was eating some Pringles today when I made that discovery. It got me
thinking about people with hands bigger than my own. They would never be
able to fit thier hand into the Pringles can. They would have to pour out
thier chips to eat. And I then realized how much of an advantage I have.
People who pour out thier chips must tilt the can in the most precise
fashion lest they pour out too many chips or too few. They have to make
this estimate everytime they wanted more. I, on the otherhand, take as I
go. It's kind of like that new wireless plan where you pay as you go at a
flat rate of 10 cents a minute. Big-handed people are forced into the
equivalent of a prepaid plan with no rollover and high charges for using
past their monthly minute limit. I can't imagine living life, not being
able to stick my hand into the Pringles can. I am so damn fortunate.

I also noticed that the seal on the Pringles can advertises the fact that
Pringles has absolutely no trans fat. Ironically, the saturated fat
content per serving is a whooping 3 grams. Seeing as though I easily eat
4-6 servings per sitting, I don't think I'm being very healthy. But hey,
at least there's no trans fat. God, I'm so lucky.[/QUOTE]


come on...

for a kid that's pretty fucking good

coulda spent more time on the can but at least he got the face right
Small pringles cans is the white mans way of keeping the black man down. They need the larger hands to manage their larger wangs... Its a trade off.
bread's done