my killer Wii deal off coworker...


5 (100%)
I was on break when my friend says "im about to make you the deal of the century"

He offered [and i accepted] the following:

1 Wii complete in box, barely played
1 copy of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
1 copy of Resident Evil 4 for cube
1 Copy of Super Smash Brothers for Cube
1 Gamecube memory card
3 Gamecube Controllers

all this for $250. He said "I'm just tired of it, the novelty has worn off" and he went on to say that he really didnt want to get bent over by gamestop and he knew i was looking for one

I'm watching my brother play Wii Sports ATM and i plan to hitup some Zelda after while.

Really not bad since i only intended to buy a DS this weekend "unless i lucked into a Wii" i was tellin folks

The novelty had worn off yet he barely played it? Im confused, especially considering the only game he has is Zelda, which cdoesn't fall anywhere remotely near the realm of novelty games. It plays pretty much like you are just using a normal controller. Great deal for you.
He could have easily ebayed it for twice as much...oh well. Props to you for jumping on that deal.
Does your friend wear a helmet and ride a short bus? Wow, you seriously lucked out and he made a big mistake. Do you feel like you maybe owe him something for giving you such a great deal? I know I would.
[quote name='Redeema']Does your friend wear a helmet and ride a short bus?[/quote]

:applause: Nice. Very, Very Nice. :applause:
You sure someone didn't hit him upside the head with a "Slugger" before he offered this deal :rofl: Great score and enjoy. I recommend Red Steel if you're looking for a new title to pick up.
I don't really know specifics as to why he sold it...but it feels virtually untouched. *shrugs* knowing him he may wind up repurchasing after the holidays

still though, Zelda kicks ass and wii sports is nuts when you're with other i just need a wireless router
thats awesome. some people are weird.
ive got a fried that bought a 20gb ps3 and said he wants the 60gb, offered his 20gb to me for $300. i have no idea why he didnt just return it. more for us i guess =)
I'm just curious why everyone is ragging on the OP's friend for giving him a deal? I mean "Does he ride the short bus" and crap like that.

Just going by the OP, his friend knew what he had and what it was worth just by saying "I'm going to make you the deal of the century".

It just sounds like OP's friend dosen't care for Ebay, and wanted to make the OP an awesome deal. I give my friends awesome deals on my games all the time... it dosen't make me retarded, just a good friend.
Thanks Roufuss. The guy isn't slow, he dosent like ebay and didnt want to get bent over by trading the thing into gamestop. Probibly got more out of it by sellin it to me at $250 than he wouldve by goin to the gamestore. It's a win win situation for us both...i get a wii, he got cash.

now if he would only by and get tired of a ps3, i'd be set ;)
[quote name='DantheApe']...he went on to say that he really didnt want to get bent over by gamestop...[/quote]?
[quote name='eau']?[/quote]

what's not to understand? he either was going to receive much less money from Gamestop, or was going to receive close to the same amount, but would rather give such a deal to a friend than a faceless, uncaring corporation. pretty simple, really.
bread's done