My old 360 just died. Should I buy a new one?

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CAG Veteran
Okay, here's my story:

I bought my 360 in September of '05, and for three wonderful, glorious years, I never, NEVER had a problem. I guess you could say, I was one of the lucky ones.

Sadly, however, two days ago my luck ran out. My old core system lost the fight to the RROD. And just as luck or the lack there-of would have it, my warranty has expired, meaning I can't send it back in to M$.

So, I thought, what are my options? The cheapest, most reasonable one I came across was a guy I found here in town who fixes them for relatively cheap. I gave him my system today, went to work, came back, and he had it done. We powered it up there at his place, and it seemed to work fine. Took it back home, however, and after an hour it RR'd again. :bomb:

I immediately phoned him up and told him the situation, and he said to bring it by tomorrow so he can take a look at it. At this point it's possible he could get it up and running again, but in all honesty, I'm not holding my breath.

So that brings me to my question at hand: Is it a wise decision at ALL for me to go out right now and buy an arcade system for $199? I know it's a lot more money than I had hoped to spend, but at least I'll get the 3-year warranty again. Gamestop is right around the corner from my house, and I still have an hour and 15 minutes before they close. I have to admit, not having a working 360 in my room makes me feel really..... uncomfortable. :cry:

Or should I just wait until tomorrow, try my luck with the repair guy, and see if I can get a few more months out of my old dinosaur?

Ladies and gentlemen of the forum, I implore you:

If you were in MY shoes, what would YOU do?
How can you have gotten a 360 in September of 2005? Did the Mountain Dew ones go out that early?

EDIT - Regardless, I'd see if MS will still fix it for free. Maybe they don't know how long you've had it. Yeah, it sucks not having a 360 around but it beats spending at least $200 that you might not have to.
Well, unfortunately, the free-fix ship has sailed. I had that guy open the box and try to fix it himself, which unfortunately didn't work. If I decide to buy a new one tonight, I'm thinking of taking the old one to him and saying, "Here. Let me have my cash back, and you can have this one. If you can fix it, great. If not, use it for parts or something."

Too bad I was so foolish and impatient to see if M$ would fix it for free anyway.
Ooooooh yeah. I forgot about that.

EDIT again - I'd probably let the neighborhood guy try and fix it and save up for the inevitable future RRoD.
Well, I just talked to the guy, and he said he was willing to give me my $40 back for my old system. So that breaks me even, at least.

So... I guess I'm off to Gamestop then.....

I hope to God I get a Jasper system. *crosses fingers*
Yeah, I had a launch system and it recently bit the dust this month, thought mine was special too.

I would definitely go for an arcade system that's hopefully a Jasper.
Well, I did it. I went to Gamestop and bought a new arcade system.

And guess what? IT'S A JASPER!!!! :D:D:lol::lol::):):applause::applause::applause::bouncy::bouncy:

So anyway, I've got another question to run past you guys:

When I bought my first system, it didn't have the frikkin' AV cables in it. So instead I bought some Pelican cables with the S-Video input.

Now that I've got my new system and the factory AV's, I've got a decision to make:

Should I keep the old Pelicans? They're an off-brand, BUT they have an S-Video input.

Or should I use the factory AV's, simply because they're factory?

I have to give one set to the guy I'm trading my old system to. I'm leaning towards keeping the Pelicans, but I want your opinion on the matter.
[quote name='SpacemanHardy']Well, I did it. I went to Gamestop and bought a new arcade system.

And guess what? IT'S A JASPER!!!! :D:D:lol::lol::):):applause::applause::applause::bouncy::bouncy:

So anyway, I've got another question to run past you guys:

When I bought my first system, it didn't have the frikkin' AV cables in it. So instead I bought some Pelican cables with the S-Video input.

Now that I've got my new system and the factory AV's, I've got a decision to make:

Should I keep the old Pelicans? They're an off-brand, BUT they have an S-Video input.

Or should I use the factory AV's, simply because they're factory?

I have to give one set to the guy I'm trading my old system to. I'm leaning towards keeping the Pelicans, but I want your opinion on the matter.[/quote]
If the off brand cables are working for you, may as well just keep those and continue using them. You can always pick up a set of nicer cables later on if you get a new TV that can use HDMI or something.
[quote name='Danil ACE']Wow it only took you an hour from making this thread to go out and buy a new 360.[/quote]

Well, patience was never really my strong point.

The fact that my 360 was broken just.... bothered me. So, I fixed the problem. Despite the fact that it cost me over two-hundred dollars.
you could probably get $100-120 for it on eBay...

i was in the same boat until 2 days ago, and i had a friend from work fix and mod mine since it was OOW anyway...
[quote name='SpacemanHardy']Well, patience was never really my strong point.

The fact that my 360 was broken just.... bothered me. So, I fixed the problem. Despite the fact that it cost me over two-hundred dollars.[/QUOTE]

lol! i almost did the same, not gonna lie
[quote name='klingon666']How do you know it is a Jasper???????[/quote]

Several different reasons:

1.) The power supply brick is 150 watt instead of 175.
2.) The manufacturer date was after 10/23/08.
3.) The lot number was after 0843x.
4.) The team listing was FDOU.
5.) There is "12=12,1A" printed on the security sticker on the back of the box.

If your system meets all these requirements, you've got a Jasper, my friend! ;)
[quote name='SpacemanHardy']

Ladies and gentlemen of the forum, I implore you:

If you were in MY shoes, what would YOU do?[/quote]

I would fix it myself. or you can just give it to me. there are some good tuts at xbox-scene for fixing xboxs
[quote name='greyzieoriental']Lies! You should open it up and see if its really a jasper.[/quote]

Yeaaaahhhhh..... NO.

That's not gonna happen.

From everything I've checked online, all the info I've read has lead me to believe that my system is, indeed, a Jasper.

However, just in case it's NOT, I'd be a complete and utter IDIOT to open the box anytime within the next three years and void my warranty.

I mean come on, how dumb do you take me for? :roll:

I do know this for sure, though: Even with a game disc or DVD in it, it runs a LOT quieter and produces a LOT less heat than my old one. I had it running for going on 5 hours tonight, and when I turned it off, the top and bottom were cool as ice. Only the vents near the back were warm, and even they weren't bad.
Couldn't you test a Jasper by not plugging your HDD, booting up your console, and see if it will update to the NXE? Or is a HDD required for Live?
I thought that the Jasper consoles came with NXE already pre-loaded? It'd be really easy to figure out if you had one or not if that was the case.

Anyways though, all this Jasper/Falcon chipset talk is nothing but garbage. As long as you have a 360 manufactured after they fixed the heat sink issue, you're good.
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