My relationship has ended after 7+ years; any suggestion?


I am currently on hiatis with my fiance after we have been going out for over 7 years. Our wedding is less than three months away and we (or should I say she) has decided to postpone the wedding because of relationship issues. I am still in love with her and am very distraught by my present situation. I have frequently offered words of wisdom/support for fellow CAGs in similar situations and now I am forced to elict similar help from those who have been unfortunate enough to have gone through the same thing. Any thoughts are kindly appreciated. Thanks
I feel a ton of sympathy for you.

Though I offer no suggestions, I do offer my support.

[quote name='Chris in Cali']Why are you guys having problems?[/quote]

Because he's the kind of guy who asks relationship advice from a video game messageboard. :p :cool:
[quote name='pdat2003']The reason I was given was a decline in the passion of our relationship[/quote]

Sit down and try to think of all the things that she asked you to do but you never got around to doing. Then do them.

Show up at her door dressed nice and with flowers. Make sure you have reservations at a nice restaurant already made. Sweep her off her feet and take her out. While you're at the restaurant talk things out with her.

Sitting around on the Laz-e-boy won't get you anywhere. Take control of the situation.

If that doesn't work, then she's found another pony. But cross yer fingers.
[quote name='pdat2003']The reason I was given was a decline in the passion of our relationship[/quote]

you stopped buying her flowers, didn't u ... u cheapbastard! :wink:

seriously though buy her flowers. woo the f outta her. make her feel special again and if that doesn't work it's time to move on. unless u want to duct tape her to a chair and cag .. err i mean gag her.
Here we go again :roll: I'm not trying to come across as an asshole and I sympathize with your situation but seriously enough is enough. These "ZOMG MY RELATIONSHIP IS OVAR HELP1111" topics are really starting to get annoying and unneccessary.
Hmm...your mad that he considers us good enough people to give him advice that he really needs. Dont troll and bitch about topics that are worth a damn. Go find a thread about how DS sucks or something of that nature to troll and thread-crap on.
[quote name='doodle777_98']i know, everyone in cag seems to be having girl problems.[/quote]

If your having girl problems I feel bad for you son....

Wait.. who am I to talk... :oops:
Start lifting weights, maybe get a few sessons in at a tanning salon. Get your testosterone going, call her up and take her out to dinner. Give her flowers, compliment her. Never take your eyes off of her, and portray nothing but confidence. Take her home, and get the job done in the bedroom. If she smokes light her ciggarette. Give her a bath, light candles, rub her back. Let her know this isn't a one time thing, and that you've always felt so strongly for her.

If that doesn't work, don't waste your time. You're better than that, and there are other fish in the see. I've had my heart broken twice, and I thought I'd never be able to get over it. I was so depressed, I couldn't think in school, and I didn't eat. I had nightmares when I slept, when I was able to sleep that is. Looking back now, I can't even believe I let me whole world come down over people that I couldn't care less about now. If she doesn't respect your attempts to mend whatever problems you're having, then she either does want you anymore, or she's not worth your time.
[quote name='karmapolice']Hmm...your mad that he considers us good enough people to give him advice that he really needs. Dont troll and bitch about topics that are worth a damn. Go find a thread about how DS sucks or something of that nature to troll and thread-crap on.[/quote]

and uh yeah I'll try to troll as many DS threads as I can chief :?
[quote name='karmapolice']Hmm...your mad that he considers us good enough people to give him advice that he really needs. Dont troll and bitch about topics that are worth a damn. Go find a thread about how DS sucks or something of that nature to troll and thread-crap on.[/quote]

karmapolice = topicpolice?

[quote name='WhipSmartBanky'][quote name='karmapolice']Hmm...your mad that he considers us good enough people to give him advice that he really needs. Dont troll and bitch about topics that are worth a damn. Go find a thread about how DS sucks or something of that nature to troll and thread-crap on.[/quote]

karmapolice = topicpolice?

Seriously, I think the only one with the anger management problem is him.
It goes without saying-but must be said anyone else the very fabric of the internet would cleave itself in two-that what you most want at this point is a happy, healthy marriage with this person for the rest of your life.
And that very well may still happen. But, it is FAR better for this to happen now than after the wedding, or if a family is involved. Passion can mean a lot of things, all the more confusingly because it may not be passion at all, sometimes it could be just about anything- a dream, a comment by a friend or family member, even a tv or movie.
She may very well be worth whatever you have to do now to gently guide her back into a marriage, but (as hard, or as undesirable as it might be), this could be a good time for you to try *try* to step back and think if this is the person you really want to be with to.
It is always possible to overthink, overtalk, overfeel and above all overreact. The emotional and the rational are always in conflict.
Best of luck and take your mind off things with something light (i suggest Old School).
Keep on truckin.
This ought to help you out:

women.....they get mad at you for not asking them to marry you after being with them for so long and they get mad when the wedding is near....sheesh
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I wonder if there's a connection between being a CAG and broken relationships...[/quote]

The average age is CAGs appears coincident with the age in which a person calls up a friend at 1:00 AM on a weekday with fifths whiskey and premium ice cream at hand and moans until dawn at their victim, "It's over! What will I do? How will I go on?"

This is best done if the victim was chosen on the basis of a good will message in a high school senior yearbook and has rarely if ever encountered the caller since that day.
The best way to get "over" a woman is to get "under" another.

Sounds childish....but its true.

Who knows? She could be enjoying your best friend's cock right you should have a one night stand least for pride!
[quote name='karmapolice']not topicpolice...more of a...sickofpeoplebitchingaboutstuffthatdoesntmattersotheycanraiseapostcountpolice[/quote]
[quote name='karmapolice']not topicpolice...more of a...sickofpeoplebitchingaboutstuffthatdoesntmattersotheycanraiseapostcountpolice[/quote]

Stuff that doesn't matter..... isn't this the off-topic section?
Hey man dont fret it, my gf always tells me im not romantic anymore. All i can say is fuck it! Does she go dress up and put make up on for you? Does she have on something sexy when you come home from work to grab your attention? If she does then, I dont see why there is a lack of passion. Its not your job to keep things romantic and dont trick her into thinking things will be romantic when they arent. Marriage is about love, unconditional love not lust. If she needs a break give it to her, if she wants to leave you after her break or cheats on you, well then be glad you only wasted 7 years and not your whole life with her
[quote name='Chris in Cali'][quote name='karmapolice']not topicpolice...more of a...sickofpeoplebitchingaboutstuffthatdoesntmattersotheycanraiseapostcountpolice[/quote]

Stuff that doesn't matter..... isn't this the off-topic section?[/quote]

I was refering to my response to Msia's threadcrap
[quote name='karmapolice'][quote name='Chris in Cali'][quote name='karmapolice']not topicpolice...more of a...sickofpeoplebitchingaboutstuffthatdoesntmattersotheycanraiseapostcountpolice[/quote]

Stuff that doesn't matter..... isn't this the off-topic section?[/quote]

I was refering to my response to Msia's threadcrap[/quote]
I think you're one to talk about raising post counts. 2000+ posts in one year, interesting. I'm sure all 2117 of these posts were all very intelligent with complex thoughts and contained lots of words in them.
[quote name='karmapolice'][quote name='Chris in Cali'][quote name='karmapolice']not topicpolice...more of a...sickofpeoplebitchingaboutstuffthatdoesntmattersotheycanraiseapostcountpolice[/quote]

Stuff that doesn't matter..... isn't this the off-topic section?[/quote]

I was refering to my response to Msia's threadcrap[/quote]

I used to post quite often on many different topics every day . I have since stopped posting alot because of school, work, and girlfriend dont give me much time to post. I like to think most were intelligent, and im sure I have never thread-crapped.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']The best way to get "over" a woman is to get "under" another.[/quote]

A wise man once said...

Remember Daniel San..."Wax on Wax off..."
bread's done