My road rage story for the day

[quote name='advanced']The guy still has a point though. The right lane is the slow lane, the left is the passing lane. Someone going faster than you, you should get over, let them pass and re-enter the lane.

As for you, learn to use your damn signal. People like you cause accidents.[/QUOTE]

I wasn't the one arguing with him about getting over for faster traffic.....

But i'll go ahead and quote this for you from:

Speeding is one of the most prevalent factors contributing to traffic crashes. The
economic cost to society of speeding-related crashes is estimated by NHTSA to be
$40.4 billion per year. In 2004, speeding was a contributing factor in 30 percent of
all fatal crashes, and 13,192 lives were lost in speeding-related crashes.
Motor vehicle crashes cost society an estimated $7,300 per second. The total
economic cost of crashes was estimated at $230.6 billion in 2000. In 2000, the
cost of speeding-related crashes was estimated to be $40.4 billion — $76,865 per
minute or $1,281 per second.

If the speed limit is 55, and I am going 65, you are going 55 and were both paying attention to what the hell we're doing, no danger at all.

and rarely tailgate (only to inconsiderate slow drivers in the left lane; this is tongue in cheek, fellas, don't get upset).

So when this guy driving 55 in the left lane slams on breaks and you're going 65 coming up on him and tail gating theres no danger involved right? Well lets look at this quote from:

Response time: Individual braking response times make tailgating a dangerous proposition. At any speed, if the driver in front brakes hard, the following driver has to react first, then depend on his or her own vehicle to stop before hitting the one in front. In an emergency, the tailgater often has no chance at all to apply the brakes, let alone stop.

Individual vehicle braking capabilities: Braking distances from 60 miles per hour can vary between automobiles by 36 feet and more. Therefore, if the lead car can stop in a shorter distance than the tailgating car, the tailgater will hit the lead car even if the two drivers stepped on their brakes at exactly the same time.

And of course it's ok to speed because if cops see you doing it they don't pull you over therefore theres no wrong in it from your argument. I'm fairly sure if a cop passed me the other day and saw i didn't have a blinker on i wouldn't have gotten a ticket, yet it was clearly wrong.

I'm agreeing that i was wrong in this situation, and in this one situation i screwed up and didn't use my blinker. You're admitting that you purposely drive 10 mph above the speed limit everytime you drive, and claim that it is ok because cops don't stop you and because you feel you're in control of the situation.
[quote name='mission42']You were clearly in the wrong. You were right and I was with you on the whole story till I read you didn't use your blinker. Of course girl was close to you because she probably figured you were going straight and was going to speed up. When you slowed down and came to a stop without giving a blinker she was probably a bit pissed. As for dude not turning out, you didn't have a signal one so if he would have started turning out and you run into him, he's at fault. Without a signal he has no idea where your going or what the fuck your doing. Use your fucking signals and don't be a douche at people who honk at you for stopping in the middle of the road without any notice.

The only thing that pisses me off more than people who can't drive are people who bitch about the way other people drive when they are the ones in the wrong.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. I wouldn't start swearing at someone, but if I was cruising down the road at 30mph and suddenly some jackass stops in front of me, I certainly would lay on the horn. That's what a horn is for - to snap people back into reality when they don't realize they are being a jackass. If someone, on the other hand, was in front of me with either their hazard lights or turn blinker on I might think they were a moron for doing it on a small two lane road, but at least I could know what they were doing and thus look up ahead to see if there was any on coming traffic preventing me from passing without stopping behind the douche. In most places, it's illegal to unnecessarily hinder traffic. This would be such a situation, just like pulling out onto a 50mph road, putt-putting along right in front of a car that is heading down the road at full speed. It's illegal and people who do it should drive themselves right off the nearest cliff. Use your damned blinker and don't slow others down.
[quote name='Cracka']I'm not denying i should've used my blinker. But then again the guy turning didnt have his blinker on and the girl behind me was tailgating.

I can fully understand somebody honking at me for stopping, thats not the issue here. If somebody just stops in front of me i might even honk the horn at them, granted i probably would atleast wait a few seconds to see what they were doing before honking. The issue is the fact that i stopped and the girl didnt just honk the horn she went apeshit on the horn honking over and over and over and over. Any way you look at it she over reacted. Do you think if i turned my blinker on she would instantly be soothed and just quietly sit there behind me? I think not. Either way you look at it she was road raging whether I was wrong about the blinker or not.

The other issue is the fact that the guy who sat there blocking the entrance the whole time looked at me as if i was an idiot for stopping to turn in. Considering we all 3 had our windows down and he undoubtedly heard me yelling at the girl that i couldn't turn in cause the jackass was blocking the entrance, you'd think he would then realize what my intentions were. But no he still just sat there in the entrance and in the end what did he do? Instead of pulling out and leaving he backs up and lets me pull in... which makes no damn sense.

So i'll pose the question again, should the girl have gone crazy and started repeatedly honking the horn over and over instantly when she stopped behind me?[/QUOTE]
I felt bad the other day when I read this thread because everyone was ripping on you, so I didn't post. But you are now just going on, defending yourself when you were clearly not thinking either when you were driving or when you were posting this thread. The fact that you are so wrongly trying to justify yourself is why I'm posting now.

How do you know he was turning anywhere? You yourself said he backed up to let you in. Maybe he was waiting in the parking lot for a friend to come out and hop in. And how could that girl be tailgating? Tailgating implies forward motion. There was none here. That was the problem. You said that after you stopped without your blinker on, she pulled up behind you. You're giving two versions of the story here.

Like I said above, yeah, I would honk at you. Yeah, turning on your blinker would have been a signal to me (the purpose of blinkers) that you were stopped for a legitimate reason and I needed to look ahead to try and get past you. So no, I would not have honked at you if you had had your mind on driving instead of whatever you were doing.

Again you are trying to force people to read your mind and also trying to say what other people do or do not know. You can't do that. All you know is what you know. You know that you were in the middle of the street and not giving either of the other two parties any notification of what you intentions were. I'm not saying the guy in the parking lot was right by any means. If he was turning out, he should have had his blinker on. If he was waiting for a friend, he should have been in a parking stall and not blocking traffic. But you can't do anything about him. All you can do is take care of yourself and make sure you are doing the right thing. The lady shouldn't have yelled at you, but you did wrongfully hinder her and you didn't use your blinker to inform her she would be hindered and then you tried to justify yourself after people pointed out your folly. And now you are claiming what others knew or should have known. That is why everyone is against you. The only legal way anyone could be held accountable for knowing what you were doing is if you had a blinker on. Staring someone down, yelling at them or giving the finger are not acceptable forms of driver communication. There is a reason everyone in the state has to take the same test to drive. So that everyone studies/reads up on the same rules. Your blinker wasn't on, so legally and logically no one knew your intentions. Honestly, I am not going to put my car in front of the driver of another vehicle whom I don't know their intentions. That's a good way to die.

Now about some others' comments about city driving: I would much rather drive in the big city than in a small city or even a town. Sure there are more people and more traffic, but I would estimate that probably 90+% of the people at least know how to drive, whereas close to 0% of people know how to drive in smaller cities and rural areas. People think drivers in big cities are rude. I'm sure there are some that are. But mostly it's just that they know what they are doing and where they are going and they follow the laws to get there. Drivers here in Utah suck so much. It ticks me off when you're in the far left lane of the freeway, trucking along and either some whore in front of you is going 10-15 mph below the speed limit and doesn't move over or when someone in the next lane over pulls in front of you right when you approach them so they can go around someone instead of waiting until the big gap that is right behind you. Either way slows you down, wastes your gas, causes unnecessary wear on your car and is illegal. But for some reason, people just can't realize what they are doing. They are too stupid. Or like I mentioned before when someone pulls into traffic going way too slow or when someone intends to turn and instead of getting into the turn lane (left or right) before braking they slow down and decelerate almost completely in the travel lane before moving over or when you pull up to a 4-way stop at the same time as another car and they are on the right but they wave you through... uh-uh! There is no way in hell I am putting my body or my car in front of your vehicle if you are too stupid to know that the person on the right goes first. I have seen so many near accidents when the person on the right waves the other person through and the other person hesitates because they know going first breaks the law and then they go and by that time the person on the right has decided the other one isn't going to go and starts to roll forward too. It's so nice to visit S. Cal or Vegas (my home) or Phoenix or wherever and be able to drive in the fast lane without slamming on your breaks or be able to come to a 4-way stop and expect that the person on the right will move first.

Anyway, driving isn't a right it's a privilege. And those who can't be damned by adhering to the rules of the road, don't deserve a license. Drivers tests definitely need to be more strict than they are. I turn 29 tomorrow. The first time I was in an accident is two months ago when some guy in a Camaro hit the gas so hard when backing out of a stall that he drove over the front of my car. He immediately admitted fault because he said he had backed into someone else just the week before and both times he didn't look before backing up (idiot). I also have never been pulled over. There is a reason I have such a perfect record. I know the damn law and I follow it.
[quote name='Moxio']Exactly.

People take driving "too seriously" (for lack of a better term). Why the fuck would you think weaving carelessly through traffic is worth it when you'll probably only take yourself about 30 seconds in the end? Then again, I've never ever seen the need to get so mad about driving to just give someone the finger or anything lame like that.[/QUOTE]

Driving can't be taken serious enough. Weaving is not taking driving serious. It's being an ass that is going to get someone killed (unfortunately not likely the one doing it either). If everyone took driving seriously, there would be few to no accidents and traffic would flow almost seamlessly most of the time.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I like the assholes behind you in a hurry, so they pass you and you wind up at a red light anyway.

I never pass anyone. I get in the lane I need to turn from later and stay in it. I figure if you are weaving around between lanes you'll just wind up getting blocked out of the lane you need to be in when it's time to turn, this is what causes "asshole moments" on the road, the dickhead that has to drive all fancy and gets offended when people don't give them every courtesy. Anyone who wants to pass me, go right the fuck ahead. I'd rather they pass than ride my ass like I'm slowing them up, when I'm already going 10 over just to get some space between me and the fucktard behind me in case I have to slam on my breaks if a deer or stray infant runs out in the road.

I wish somebody would just invent teleporters. I hate driving.[/QUOTE]

Don't speed up just to please other drivers (unless you are in the fast lane of the freeway - speed up or get out). If they rear end you, it's their fault.
[quote name='Dawgs00']Whether they're assholes or not, you should move to the right lane as soon as it's safe to do so instead of forcing them to pass on the right. You are aware the law states that slower traffic keep right? It doesn't matter if you're going 20 miles over the speed limit; you should still move to the right for someone who wants to go even faster. Let the police deal with those assholes. The left lane is considered the passing lane. If someone is going faster than you, you are required by law to yield that lane to them. Just like speeders are breaking the law, so are people who camp in the left lane and refuse to move out of the way (no matter what speed they're going).

I tend to drive 10 mph faster than the speed limit, which is faster than most. If I'm in the left lane and I see someone approaching in my rear-view, I always yield the left lane to them just as I expect slower traffic in front of me to yield to me. I'm not the police, so it's not my job to regulate the road. Besides, it safer to just let them be on their way instead of causing road rage by blocking them. And, I'll repeat, it's also the law.[/QUOTE]

I disagree. I'm not going to get on anyone's case for speeding (a little) on the freeway or open desert highways as long as they are a safe driver. I see someone coming, I'm a gonna move either forward or to the right and let them pass without a second thought. But speeding on surface roads is not acceptable. Too many lights and pedestrians and opportunities for vehicles to pull out in front of you and other distractions. If someone is going to drive 30 on a 45 road, that is one thing. They need to take another road or not drive at all. But if I am going 45 in a 45 and I see you coming up behind me at 55, well I'm not going to move into your lane to block you or anything, but I'm certainly not going to move into another lane to let you by when I'm already in the lane I need to be in. I have never heard someone refer to the lanes of surface streets as passing or fast lanes until now. And the reason is I'm pretty sure that you're dead wrong with your opinion there. Highways and freeways are governed by those rules. But regular city streets certainly are not. And it is dangerous to act like they are.
[quote name='Dawgs00']I'm not riding your ass about failing to use a blinker. I merely mentioned that you were at fault in this particular case. As for my speeding, I am comfortable driving at the speed I do, and apparently the police are fine with it also. There are countless times that I've been driving my 10+ in the right lane because some other guy wants to go even faster, only to see him slam on his brakes because of a cop. I continue moving along at my 10+ speed, and the cop doesn't bat an eye at me.

I've spoken with quite a few cops and an attorney about this, and the police will not bother you for driving 10 over the limit so long as you aren't pulling dangerous manuevers. I always use my blinkers, make full stops at stop signs, never weave, very rarely answer my cell phone in the car, and rarely tailgate (only to inconsiderate slow drivers in the left lane; this is tongue in cheek, fellas, don't get upset). I am a safer driver than most. Speeding is not necessarily dangerous. It is when there are vast differences between 2 drivers on the road.

If the speed limit is 55, and I am going 65, you are going 55 and were both paying attention to what the hell we're doing, no danger at all. If I am going 85 and you are going 55, then we have a problem, just like we'd have a problem if I was going 55 and you were going 25. I am completely aware of my surroundings while I'm driving.[/QUOTE]

You are on crack, boy!

I don't care how many cops/lawyers/judges/POTUS's you have talked to about the situation. It isn't a situation set in stone. It all depends upon the particular mood of said cop that day. I have known people being pulled over for 2-3 over. I myself have been in a pack of cars that approaches a traveling police/highway patrol car. Everyone except me slows down and I sail right on past (w/i the speed limit) and there becomes a clog in the road behind me until the cop either speeds up or turns off the road. People are too paranoid or try to figure out how to cheat the rules when the only clear answer to being safe is following the law. If a cop is going 25 in a 35, I don't understand why everyone slows down to 25. Just the same, I don't understand why everyone thinks they on't be pulled over for going 5/10 over. It's sheer stupidity.

And differences of speed don't make things dangerous if everyone pays attention. I've been in a car where the driver is going down an open highway at over the speed limit and passes a car going 50 or below. No harm, no foul. The problem is with dangerous drivers or slow drivers who think they own the left lane. But again, none of this pertains to driving on city streets.
[quote name='Cracka']And of course it's ok to speed because if cops see you doing it they don't pull you over therefore theres no wrong in it from your argument. I'm fairly sure if a cop passed me the other day and saw i didn't have a blinker on i wouldn't have gotten a ticket, yet it was clearly wrong.

I'm agreeing that i was wrong in this situation, and in this one situation i screwed up and didn't use my blinker. You're admitting that you purposely drive 10 mph above the speed limit everytime you drive, and claim that it is ok because cops don't stop you and because you feel you're in control of the situation.[/QUOTE]

Actually, if anything I think the speeder would get a ticket way before someone who doesn't signal. I personally have never heard of someone being ticketed for neglecting to signal (although it obviously happens). Doesn't mean either is any less bad. In fact, non-signalers tick me off more than (safe) speeders. And I agree that when you tailgate at any speed, you are 0% in control. But I just wanted to point out that Dawg is justifying/rationalizing just as much as you have been.

Breaking the law is breaking the law. Let's all just not do it.
I felt bad the other day when I read this thread because everyone was ripping on you, so I didn't post. But you are now just going on, defending yourself when you were clearly not thinking either when you were driving or when you were posting this thread. The fact that you are so wrongly trying to justify yourself is why I'm posting now.

No i definitely didn't realize the blinker situation as it was occurring, and didn't realize it till after I made the thread. And once i did realize i did admit that i was wrong for not using it. The thing i am defending is my claim that the girl did over react.

Like i said theres a difference in honking your horn to get somebody's attention and get the situation moving, and honking your horn excessively to the point where it makes the situation worse. It's the same sort of situation as if i were driving and accidentally left my brights on so a car passing me turns theirs on instead of flipping them on and off to let me know mine are on. The difference is one is meant to help the situation, and one is done out of anger towards the other driver. That was the point i am defending, not my driving and my lack of using a blinker.

Had i realized i hadn't used my blinker i wouldn't have made the thread because i didn't see where i was at fault. After realizing i was wrong i'm still defending the fact that she over-reacted though.
[quote name='MorPhiend']I disagree. I'm not going to get on anyone's case for speeding (a little) on the freeway or open desert highways as long as they are a safe driver. I see someone coming, I'm a gonna move either forward or to the right and let them pass without a second thought. But speeding on surface roads is not acceptable. Too many lights and pedestrians and opportunities for vehicles to pull out in front of you and other distractions. If someone is going to drive 30 on a 45 road, that is one thing. They need to take another road or not drive at all. But if I am going 45 in a 45 and I see you coming up behind me at 55, well I'm not going to move into your lane to block you or anything, but I'm certainly not going to move into another lane to let you by when I'm already in the lane I need to be in. I have never heard someone refer to the lanes of surface streets as passing or fast lanes until now. And the reason is I'm pretty sure that you're dead wrong with your opinion there. Highways and freeways are governed by those rules. But regular city streets certainly are not. And it is dangerous to act like they are.
[/QUOTE]I completely agree with MorPiend. I've never heard of the slower-traffic-in-right-lane rule applied to non-freeway streets, and it seems dangerous to do so. In local traffic, I drive very similarly to crunchb3rry.
He is wrong, not to mention that traffic laws vary by state.

I don't think it's been brought up, but i swear bike riders are the worst drivers on the planet. Every time i see one on the road i know they'll soon be speeding by me or cutting me off. In fact, just about an hour ago on my way home, some guy and girl on a bike cut out from behind me and pulled out in front of the car in the other lane. Then they swerved back in my lane to get around me. For those who will bitch, i was in the right lane at the time and going the speed limit, which is 45 in that area. They had to have been doing at least 60 by the time they got around me.

So this douche bag not only endangered the lives other people on the road, but also the girl who was on the back of the bike.
[quote name='Cracka']No i definitely didn't realize the blinker situation as it was occurring, and didn't realize it till after I made the thread. And once i did realize i did admit that i was wrong for not using it. The thing i am defending is my claim that the girl did over react.

Like i said theres a difference in honking your horn to get somebody's attention and get the situation moving, and honking your horn excessively to the point where it makes the situation worse. It's the same sort of situation as if i were driving and accidentally left my brights on so a car passing me turns theirs on instead of flipping them on and off to let me know mine are on. The difference is one is meant to help the situation, and one is done out of anger towards the other driver. That was the point i am defending, not my driving and my lack of using a blinker.

Had i realized i hadn't used my blinker i wouldn't have made the thread because i didn't see where i was at fault. After realizing i was wrong i'm still defending the fact that she over-reacted though.[/QUOTE]

Well, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt then. I just feel that too many people either don't follow rules because they think rules are for everyone else or that people just don't make rules important enough to remember. Like I said before, if people took driving as serious of an activity as it is, there would be few to no accidents out there. That is why I think driving courses and tests should be much more rigorous. I don't think someone should be the laughing stock for failing a driver's test. Failing should just mean that you didn't study/practice hard/long enough, not that you're an idiot (no offense to those who have failed a driver's test). Again, driving is a privilege.

And people on bikes can be dumb. But so can everyone else. I drive a scooter more often than I drive my Accord. The only reason I am still alive is because of my awareness of the cars/trucks/SUVs around me. Not because I'm a bad driver and people in cars are constantly frustrated by my driving. I'll actually follow someone to a red light who almost killed me on the road and pull up beside them and as non-threatening as possible let them know that they should watch better for people on scooters/motorcycles. The only person who has ever been apologetic for almost killing me I'm pretty sure was an illegal alien driving his little landscaping truck. The rest of the people have always been belligerent and/or vulgar towards me. Needless to say, the probable illegal had compassion from me. The others got police reports made about their reckless driving.
[quote name='JolietJake']He is wrong, not to mention that traffic laws vary by state.

I don't think it's been brought up, but i swear bike riders are the worst drivers on the planet. Every time i see one on the road i know they'll soon be speeding by me or cutting me off. In fact, just about an hour ago on my way home, some guy and girl on a bike cut out from behind me and pulled out in front of the car in the other lane. Then they swerved back in my lane to get around me. For those who will bitch, i was in the right lane at the time and going the speed limit, which is 45 in that area. They had to have been doing at least 60 by the time they got around me.

So this douche bag not only endangered the lives other people on the road, but also the girl who was on the back of the bike.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. 90% of bikers are completely oblivious when driving. And then about half just plain drive like assholes to show off.

You always see stickers around here "Motorcycles are everywhere! Drive safe!"

It's bullshit. It's not my responsibility to cater my driving to some schmuck who wants to drive like a lunatic on a bike. Stickers should say "Cars everywhere! Stop trying to impress the slut on the back of your bike!"
[quote name='MorPhiend']Actually, if anything I think the speeder would get a ticket way before someone who doesn't signal. I personally have never heard of someone being ticketed for neglecting to signal (although it obviously happens). Doesn't mean either is any less bad. In fact, non-signalers tick me off more than (safe) speeders. And I agree that when you tailgate at any speed, you are 0% in control. But I just wanted to point out that Dawg is justifying/rationalizing just as much as you have been.[/QUOTE]

What is all your guys obsession with signal lights... ? I don't even pay attention to drivers that break. Ex: I'm driving on a road and someone breaks in the slow lane for no reason... then the driver in the next lane over freaks out OH NOES HE'S BREAKING and it snow balls over into the fast lane where I am.

What I do pay attention to is the car's behavior as well as looking AHEAD beyond the car in front of me. They also call that defensive driving. BTW, do you see race cars with signals or using them? no... granted yea they are professionals, but you still have to be aware at all times of everything around you.

[quote name='MorPhiend']Breaking the law is breaking the law. Let's all just not do it.[/QUOTE]

I don't totally agree with you on THE LAW IS THE LAW... Although I'm not making an excuse to break it either...
[quote name='VipFREAK']What is all your guys obsession with signal lights... ?[/QUOTE]

I think it's best to rule out that possibly having your right blinker on means that you may be turning right.

Sure we can be 110% attentive, but the blinker is there for a purpose.

Having drivers use it rules out one to three checks and I could focus on the motorcycle or kid and ball.

I use my blinker religiously, only because it can provide useful information to anyone else. I don't want another driver second guessing wrong whatever the fuck I'm doing.
It's pretty stupid it rely on the other driver in any decision on the road. Now in saying this I know that people will go and flame me and say who made you the best driver in the world? I may not be, but I'm sure as hell not going to play around when you have idiots aiming for me while on the road. I make a conscious effort to be a good driver whether it be knowing the road conditions before I get there like pot hole avoidance when commuting or situational events like merging which NO ONE gets around here... And they don't teach it either.

As for using the signals, yes there is an obvious place to use them, but like I said in an emergency? I ain't wasting time with that shit... I'm getting the hell out of there and avoiding becoming part of the pile up.

When you have idiots that have their right signal on and turn left from the right lane it's kinda useless to watch for turn signals.
[quote name='JolietJake']He is wrong, not to mention that traffic laws vary by state.

I don't think it's been brought up, but i swear bike riders are the worst drivers on the planet. Every time i see one on the road i know they'll soon be speeding by me or cutting me off. In fact, just about an hour ago on my way home, some guy and girl on a bike cut out from behind me and pulled out in front of the car in the other lane. Then they swerved back in my lane to get around me. For those who will bitch, i was in the right lane at the time and going the speed limit, which is 45 in that area. They had to have been doing at least 60 by the time they got around me.

So this douche bag not only endangered the lives other people on the road, but also the girl who was on the back of the bike.[/QUOTE]

It sounds like you're talking about motorcycle riders, but regular old bike riders can be a pain in the ass too. Not stopping at stop signs and red lights. Riding against traffic. Not using hand signals. They're supposed to be following the rules of motor vehicles when on the roads (I believe) yet they are selective with what, if any rules, they follow.
Yes, and by slow drivers that means people driving slower than the flow of traffic--regardless if that's speed limit or 20 over or whatever. There's one interstate near me that has a speed limit of 55, but outside of rushhour the traffic flow is always 75-80. There's only one state trooper who works it at any given time, and they only pull over people doing 20 or more over the limit (my former roommate was a dispatcher)--too much of a waste of time otherwise.

If you aren't going with the flow of traffic, then get in the far right lane. And by flow of traffic I mean that you have cars zipping by you on the right (or both sides if it's more than two lanes) and not just a couple assholes weaving in and out of traffic.
Agreed. Flow of traffic trumps the speed limit. Yes, we all know the speed limit is the law but if the majority of cars are doing 70 and someone insists on doing 55 they are a danger to themselves and everyone else driving around them. Any cop with any time on the job will tell you the same thing (off the record, of course; a cop would have to be pretty dumb to officially condone breaking any law).
[quote name='VipFREAK']What is all your guys obsession with signal lights... ? I don't even pay attention to drivers that break. Ex: I'm driving on a road and someone breaks in the slow lane for no reason... then the driver in the next lane over freaks out OH NOES HE'S BREAKING and it snow balls over into the fast lane where I am.

What I do pay attention to is the car's behavior as well as looking AHEAD beyond the car in front of me. They also call that defensive driving. BTW, do you see race cars with signals or using them? no... granted yea they are professionals, but you still have to be aware at all times of everything around you.[/QUOTE]

I don't know why everyone keeps talking about freeway rules and why you're talking about emergencies. This is a thread was about being stopped on a two lane residential street. Of course stupid people cause traffic jams on the freeway. But stupid people also kill other people. But since you insist on talking about busier roads, I'll humor you and let you know it is people like you who murder people and then blame everyone/thing but themselves. Sixteen months ago I watched a girl get plowed over by an a-hole who was doing exactly what you said - not slowing down when other lanes stop. The girl was crossing at a mid-block crosswalk and there are two lanes in each direction. Three lanes of cars had come to a complete stop for her. But she got to the lane that hadn't had any cars in it and some moron goes speeding through at 50+mph and hits her. He was going so fast that she goes over the entire car and he doesn't even get stopped and pulled over for almost an entire city block. She was just a bloody mess on the road and it was obvious she was dead on impact. His explanation was that he had no idea why everyone was stopping and there was an open slot so he was just gonna go around everybody. Sounds like your self-centered, murderous view. You behave like that and it is not defensive driving and you are not completely aware of your surroundings. Just like if you tailgate you cannot have control of things around you, if you are going to ignore what is happening around you the same applies. It's one thing to be a moron and stare at the carnage of an accident as you pass. But to not be aware that something potentially hazardous is causing other drivers problems is just as stupid.

And don't be an idiot. Race driving has nothing to do with normal driving.

And I have no idea what those videos are about because I don't have access to YouTube, but it matters not. Breaking the law is breaking the law, whether or not you like the law.

[quote name='VipFREAK']It's pretty stupid it rely on the other driver in any decision on the road. Now in saying this I know that people will go and flame me and say who made you the best driver in the world? I may not be, but I'm sure as hell not going to play around when you have idiots aiming for me while on the road. I make a conscious effort to be a good driver whether it be knowing the road conditions before I get there like pot hole avoidance when commuting or situational events like merging which NO ONE gets around here... And they don't teach it either.

As for using the signals, yes there is an obvious place to use them, but like I said in an emergency? I ain't wasting time with that shit... I'm getting the hell out of there and avoiding becoming part of the pile up.

When you have idiots that have their right signal on and turn left from the right lane it's kinda useless to watch for turn signals.[/QUOTE]

Where do you come up with this stuff? Of course you can't depend on knowing for a certainty what another is going to do. But you have a much better idea if people are following the laws.

Again, no one was talking about emergency maneuvers.

And where was anyone talking about this last example? If people do that where you live, then they deserve to never drive again and if I ever saw it more than once I would be moving far away from that location. Regardless, that is far from normal use of turn signals. And the fact remains that if you change lanes without signaling, no one knows what the hell you are doing. At least if you signal they have the opportunity to know the information you are trying to give them.

I understand that you may be at the age where it is cool to be non-conformist with what you arbitrarily regard as petty laws, but you really are just being stupid and pretty infantile with your nonsense comments. Does it really hurt you to just follow the laws? Because it sure as hell helps a lot of people out when you do.
Hmm... yeah. I never said you had to speed to be a defensive driver. Learn to read dOOd. I wasn't talking about the OP since everyone else seemed like they were off topic too.
[quote name='Cracka']So when this guy driving 55 in the left lane slams on breaks and you're going 65 coming up on him and tail gating theres no danger involved right?[/QUOTE]
I'd like to direct you to where I said that it was tongue in cheek when I tailgate. I've done it, sure, but very rarely. You make it seem like this is something I frequently do, which is absurd. If I come up on a guy going the speed limit, I wouldn't tailgate him. If he were going 10 below the speed limit, perhaps.

[quote name='MorPhiend']I disagree. I'm not going to get on anyone's case for speeding (a little) on the freeway or open desert highways as long as they are a safe driver. I see someone coming, I'm a gonna move either forward or to the right and let them pass without a second thought. But speeding on surface roads is not acceptable. Too many lights and pedestrians and opportunities for vehicles to pull out in front of you and other distractions. If someone is going to drive 30 on a 45 road, that is one thing. They need to take another road or not drive at all. But if I am going 45 in a 45 and I see you coming up behind me at 55, well I'm not going to move into your lane to block you or anything, but I'm certainly not going to move into another lane to let you by when I'm already in the lane I need to be in. I have never heard someone refer to the lanes of surface streets as passing or fast lanes until now. And the reason is I'm pretty sure that you're dead wrong with your opinion there. Highways and freeways are governed by those rules. But regular city streets certainly are not. And it is dangerous to act like they are.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I was talking about highways. When I had read that JolietJake likes to stay in the same lane, I immediately thought of him doing that on highways, which is a big no-no in my book. Surface streets are another story. Some guy may be intending to make a left, so the slower traffic keep right doesn't really apply there. Although I would like to think that some people who have no intention of turning left in the near future would be kind enough to yield anyway, but I won't fault them for not.

[quote name='MorPhiend']You are on crack, boy!

I don't care how many cops/lawyers/judges/POTUS's you have talked to about the situation. It isn't a situation set in stone. It all depends upon the particular mood of said cop that day. I have known people being pulled over for 2-3 over. I myself have been in a pack of cars that approaches a traveling police/highway patrol car. Everyone except me slows down and I sail right on past (w/i the speed limit) and there becomes a clog in the road behind me until the cop either speeds up or turns off the road. People are too paranoid or try to figure out how to cheat the rules when the only clear answer to being safe is following the law. If a cop is going 25 in a 35, I don't understand why everyone slows down to 25. Just the same, I don't understand why everyone thinks they on't be pulled over for going 5/10 over. It's sheer stupidity.

And differences of speed don't make things dangerous if everyone pays attention. I've been in a car where the driver is going down an open highway at over the speed limit and passes a car going 50 or below. No harm, no foul. The problem is with dangerous drivers or slow drivers who think they own the left lane. But again, none of this pertains to driving on city streets.[/QUOTE]

Well, I guess I don't know about your state, but here in Georgia, you can't be pulled over for anything less than 10 over the limit. I train in an MMA gym, and there are several cops that I'm friends with from the gym. They have told me outright that there are boxes for them to check for speed over the limit, and there is no option for anything below 10 mph. They told me that they would get chewed out for pulling someone over for driving only 10 over. Sure that guy could get pulled over for other shit, but like I said, I don't do any of that other shit. My driving 10 over is not a danger. I'm nearly 31, and I've never experienced a time that my speed has caused me to not be aware of my surroundings nor has it caused an accident. Obviously all I have is my word here, but I really do know what the hell I'm doing behind the wheel. I always use my blinker without fail, I don't talk on the cell phone, and I come to complete stops at stop signs. These are 3 pet peeves of mine that many Georgia drivers fail to do. I would hope that most of you would consider those 3 things higher risk than speeders. And please note that when I say speeders, I'm not speaking of speeders who weave in and out of traffic tailgating and cutting off other drivers. That is a whole other form of asshole.

[quote name='mooshie78']Yes, and by slow drivers that means people driving slower than the flow of traffic--regardless if that's speed limit or 20 over or whatever. There's one interstate near me that has a speed limit of 55, but outside of rushhour the traffic flow is always 75-80. There's only one state trooper who works it at any given time, and they only pull over people doing 20 or more over the limit (my former roommate was a dispatcher)--too much of a waste of time otherwise.

If you aren't going with the flow of traffic, then get in the far right lane. And by flow of traffic I mean that you have cars zipping by you on the right (or both sides if it's more than two lanes) and not just a couple assholes weaving in and out of traffic.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='neocisco']Agreed. Flow of traffic trumps the speed limit. Yes, we all know the speed limit is the law but if the majority of cars are doing 70 and someone insists on doing 55 they are a danger to themselves and everyone else driving around them. Any cop with any time on the job will tell you the same thing (off the record, of course; a cop would have to be pretty dumb to officially condone breaking any law).[/QUOTE]

Exactly! These two quotes are what I meant when I brought up slower traffic keeping right. Sorry if I derailed the thread a bit, but when JolietJake mentioned that he didn't yeild to faster traffic, that was a hot button for me. Although I have something to add to what they said. I agree that flow of traffic trumps the speed limit, however, I also think that even if a guy is driving an insane speed over the limit, the slower driver should still pull to the right to let him pass. The law states slower traffic should keep right. It doesn't matter if the guy is driving 120 mph. Sure, he's an asshole driving a ridiculously dangerous speed, but I also feel that the driver that forces him to pass on the right escalates the danger. Unless you're a cop, do not try to police another driver's speed. Yield the left lane if you're in it, and let him be on his way. I'm not advocating driving at reckless speeds, but I'm also against the road regulators.
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