My studio's game, Real Heroes: Firefighter, released! Good reviews so far!


3 (100%)
Hello fellow CAGS,

As many of you know, I co-founded a game developer about 2 and a half years ago. Spent most of the previous 5 years or so working mostly on the Call of Duty franchise from the production side at Activision.

Well, we just released our first retail game this week nationwide, called Real Heroes: Firefighter for the Nintendo Wii. I know, I think the name is stupid. Well, it kinda is, but naming things is actually pretty damn hard, and twice as hard when you have to pay lawyers and wait around 5-6 months for clearance.

Anyway, so far the game has gotten some pretty good reviews:

and we just got a very nice 7.7 from IGN an hour or so ago

This was an absolute labor of love for myself and the entire team. We had 16 people working on it at its peak, which if you know much about development, is a skeleton crew. Saying our resources were limited is an understatement, but we're really proud of what we were able to do.

With Real Heroes: Firefighter, our goal was quite simple. We wanted to create a high-action game but without any of the violence normally associated with the first-person shooter genre. While there are so many minigame collections and waggle-fests, we wanted to create a game where the player has real obstacles to overcome in order to reach their goal. In short, our goal was to not make a fun Wii game…it was to make a fun game that happened to be on the Wii.

We fully acknowledge that we’re not a graphical powerhouse. One of the downsides of being a small, independent studio is that our budgets are generally smaller than anyone would like to admit. We decided to put these limited resources into the overall player experience, on the fire system and the various encounters within this world. We created a very unique, and in many ways, quite experimental enemy in our thinking fire technology. Enemies in action games are often simply implemented: these nazis will stream from the bunker, the swordsmen will wait until the player gets near before attacking, the police won't open fire until the player attacks them, etc. With Firefighter, our enemy is not something that we just spawn in and direct until it's killed. It has a really unique knows where it is in an environment, it knows what surfaces it can move across faster or slower, it knows that it'll travel across a floor, up a wall and across a ceiling. If a player accidentally knocks a burning chair into a wall, that wall will soon catch fire and the player just created an entirely new opponent to deal with. Throughout development, this was a unique challenge as we just never knew what the fire was going to do. And with a control scheme that was heavily inspired by Metroid Prime 3’s (with plenty of options to tailor to the player’s liking), we gave the players the tools to get the job done against this unique beast.

We've got a really fun geeky cast to do our VO, including James Marsters, John DiMaggio, Jack McGee, Jaime Kennedy, Michael Jace and my personal favorite, Jenette Goldstein. She played Pvt. Vasquez in Aliens, and here she plays a firefighter named Ezzy Vasquez, and she was thrilled to essentially recreate one of my favorite sci-fi characters!

We've also partnered up with a fantastic charity called Firefighter Cancer Support Network ( who do an amazing service. I had no idea until I started researching for this game, but firefighters's cancer rates are ridiculously high just due to the stuff they are constantly surrounded by. These men and women not only risk their lives by running into burning buildings to save our families and our property, but they also risk their long term health while doing it. Anyway, we're really proud to be working with the FCSN and donating a portion of our proceeds to them. We're firm believers that it doesn't take much to do the right thing.

Finally, we're coming in at a CAG-friendly price of $30. We're a new IP, and really, a rather new concept for the Wii, and we wanted to try and take as much risk off the gamer as possible. We've got multiple difficulty levels: on Easy, most 8 year olds should be able to get through it. On Hard, I'd challenge even the most hardcore of gamers. That fire spreads like a bitch!

Now, of course since this is CAG, you'd all wait until it hits that $10 sweet spot. I know how it is (Hello Target clearance!). But if this is something you were interested in, I could really use your help.

Since our publisher is Conspiracy, I'm sure you guys all know the reputation they have. Well, they had nothing to do with this game but help pay for it. In fact, they've been the best publisher I've ever worked with as they entirely let us make the game we wanted to make. Hell, my studio was even able to keep the rights to the IP, which is pretty unheard of for a start-up developer. Anyway, a lot of retailers are wary of most Conspiracy titles so they aren't taking huge orders yet.

Best Buy is on the verge of making a big order if they see solid numbers before Monday. If you were planning on buying it shortly, please go through them, either online or in stores.

Otherwise, the other retailer we're trying to get into is Walmart. They are still deciding on whether or not to carry it in-store, so by ordering it through their online, it sends a message that they should. Walmart generally accounts for over 25% of all game sales, so you can imagine how important this is to us.

So that's about it in a nutshell. I know we have a lot to overcome with this game (its title, its publisher, its graphics), but so far the gaming press likes it, and the nearly 5,000 members of our Facebook page ( absolutely love it. If you're interested, I'd really appreciate the support.

Thanks guys!

edit: I did a pretty fun interview on the GameCritics podcast this week. They call it candid, I call it bullshit free. So if you're interested in some industry behind-the-scenes, check it out:

edit 2: someone feel free to CheapyD the links so he gets his kickback!
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Congrats Roland, I was thinking about this game just the other day.
As much as I hate Wal-Mart, I'll order it from their online store in support.
Hey guys, thanks for the support! Very much appreciated!

And dallow, thank you very much for the purchase. Trust me, I hate pushing Walmart on people, it brings me no pleasure. I wouldn't have done it if it wasn't important.

Thanks guys!!!
Jenette Goldstein, I remember her most for

Hey, Janelle, what's wrong with Wolfy? I can hear him barking. Is he okay?

Wolfy's fine, honey. Where are you?

Spike, Bender and Malibu's most wanted is a pretty recognizable voice cast for a low budget title.
I guess Wal-Mart must have made an order because I noticed a few copies at Sam's Club recently. For anyone who doesn't know, SC is a bulk wholesale store (like Costco and BJs) that is under the Wal-Mart umbrella.
[quote name='roland13x']Jenette Goldstein. She played Pvt. Vasquez in Aliens, and here she plays a firefighter named Ezzy Vasquez, and she was thrilled to essentially recreate one of my favorite sci-fi characters![/QUOTE]


I loved the Sega arcade firefighting game, Brave Firefighters, so I think this would be right up my alley. It would have been over 9000 times better with a multiplayer mode, though, I think. ;) But from what I can understand, it's not on rails like Brave Firefighters, so it would have cost a lot more time and $$$ to implement.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Sold.

I loved the Sega arcade firefighting game, Brave Firefighters, so I think this would be right up my alley. It would have been over 9000 times better with a multiplayer mode, though, I think. ;) But from what I can understand, it's not on rails like Brave Firefighters, so it would have cost a lot more time and $$$ to implement.[/QUOTE]

Brave Firefighters was indeed an awesome game. We pitched our game to Sega about 20 months ago, and I was actually quite surprised that they didn't take much interest in the project to brand it their own. Their loss!

You are correct though, Real Heroes: Firefighter is a full FPS without the shooting, not on rails at all. It's much more in line with Call of Duty than it is a lightgun game.

And if our sales are good, we'll have the opportunity to make a sequel that includes multiplayer. Trust me, I've got some fantastic places I want to bring this game to. Imagine an open-world city where you and 7 others meet up at the fire station, and get sent out on missions as the alarm goes off. Driving your trucks, positioning the ladders, some guys are attackers, some are rescuers, etc. My fingers are crossed.

Thanks for the support!
You should consider 8+ for an IGN review to be good, but nice job none the less, I can't wait until I start making games.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I am busy as fuck this weekend. I plan on picking it up at Best Buy Monday, if it's not too late for you.[/QUOTE]

Hopefully good busy!

And yeah, Monday will still be a big help. Thanks DoK, and good luck with your weekend.
Picked it up today at Best Buy. They have 2 copies left at my store. I probably won't have time to play it for a while (studying for the CPA exam!) but I wanted to help a brotha out. Hope the game does well!
Joystiq talked about the game during their last podcast and had good things to say about it.

It's definitely a great idea for a Wii game. Hope it does well.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Picked it up today at Best Buy. They have 2 copies left at my store. I probably won't have time to play it for a while (studying for the CPA exam!) but I wanted to help a brotha out. Hope the game does well![/QUOTE]

Thanks DoK! I really hope you have fun with it!

And good luck with the CPA exam. Those types of tests are ALWAYS fun.
[quote name='roland13x']There's always someone who will piss in the pool. That was our first score below a 7. Eh, can't win them all.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but GameTrailers has a big audience and maybe some watching the review will find the game appealing and purchase it.
Hey Roland , not sure if your still responding to posts from this thread , but at this point in time , would it make a difference whether I ordered this game from Best Buy or Wal-Mart?
[quote name='Scorch']I had someone calling my store looking for this a week or so ago! Congrats.[/QUOTE]

Hey Scorch, thanks for that's always good to hear. So, did you actually have it in stock? Where is your store located? We're still having trouble with our distributor, which is really annoying.

[quote name='StarKnightX']Hey Roland , not sure if your still responding to posts from this thread , but at this point in time , would it make a difference whether I ordered this game from Best Buy or Wal-Mart?[/QUOTE]

StarKnightX....thanks for the interest and question! Seriously, it means a lot. Yes, those two retailers are still our most important to hit. Thank you!!
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']I have no problem picking up a game a fellow CAG made. Plus, you got Flexo's voice actor![/QUOTE]

[quote name='TC']I will swoop up a copy when I see it in store to support a fellow CAG. Best of luck Roland.[/QUOTE]

Thanks a lot Chairman_LMAO and TC. Very much appreciated! John Di Maggio is ridiculously fun to work with by the way. Dude is larger than life.
Nice write-up by Brad Gallaway at GameCritics.

With Real Heroes: Firefighter turning out so well on a shoestring, I'd love to see what Epicenter is capable of doing with more funding. Can someone please spare the studio a few million?

As a fire fighter I was amped when I heard about this game. Mentioned it to some of the gamers on my shift. I know of at least one who will be buying it. I hope it sells well and wish you the best. If a sequel is made add a vehicle cleaning level as well.
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[quote name='Allnatural']Nice write-up by Brad Gallaway at GameCritics.


GameCritics has been really good to us, and I like discussing games with them in general because, for a lack of a better way of explaining it, they try to look at games at a slightly deeper level than most other sites. I wish there were more legit gaming journalists like them out there.

And that quote is exactly what we were hoping for with reviews. Considering our budget and resource constraints, we probably should have, and most other developers would have, reigned in our overall scope significantly. Hell, a firefighter minigame collection probably would have sold more as a party game! But we wanted to make something that's fresh and fun for players that would also serve as a resume for some of the larger publisher who could provide more funding for future games. In other words "hey, look what we did for table scraps, imagine what we could do for your company with a real budget". So far so good, as the phone has been ringing...

[quote name='Fireshot']As a fire fighter I was amped when I heard about this game. Mentioned it to some of the gamers on my shift. I know of at least one who will be buying it. I hope it sells well and wish you the best. If a sequel is made add a vehicle cleaning level as well.[/QUOTE]

Thanks Fireshot. We were a bit concerned with how firefighters would respond to the game. Every station we visited we saw them playing Halo or Madden or Call of Duty...much more "core" games than what our game is. But I just came back from a fire chief convention in Dallas, and firefighters are absolutely loving the game. I think they get what we were trying to homage to their/your profession, and we did it with as much respect as possible (which is another reason why we are giving back to the Firefighter Cancer Support Network).

And without joking around, a vehicle cleaning sequence was absolutely on the initial drawing board, and will hopefully appear in a sequel.
Finally got off my lazy ass and played this game. Beat all the levels. I hate FPSes but this was more than playable for me. The controls were excellent and easy to get a hang of. I hate waggle and bullshit Wiimote mechanics, but the controls in this game actually felt natural and not gimmicky. It wasn't a very long game, making the budget price just right. The originality really won me over; there's literally nothing else like this game. I really loved
how you fight the dragon and finally, at the Mission Cleared screen, it says Dragons Defeated: 1
. :lol: There's a lot of little gags and references like that that I really enjoyed. You can tell you guys had fun making this game. I just wish it were a bit longer and that perhaps there was a more cohesive story, instead of just being mission-to-mission, though I know it was trying to mimic real life and there really aren't any epic storylines in a real life firefighting job. :lol: Definitely a great first effort and I hope you guys make more games. Keep us posted.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and did you really think that anyone would actually
try to get that dumb bitch's trophy at the news station? I know I didn't.
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Hahaha....Thanks for the mini-review DoK! That cracked me up!

Glad you enjoyed the game, really glad! The issues you brought up (overall length, cohesive storyline) are things we're actively working on for the sequel. Actually interesting your mentioning of the storyline. No one else had really dinged us for it, but it was something we wanted to change anyway. We essentially picked a bunch of levels we thought would be fun to play, then had the writers come in a create the story around it. This time, we're having the writers step in at a really early stage.

Thanks for picking it up, and really glad you enjoyed it!
The next game should be Real Heroes: Guy Who Volunteers At Pharmaceutical Companies To Try New Drugs

You get injected with stuff, then have to try to drive home while fighting off side-effects.
[quote name='ninja dog']The next game should be Real Heroes: Guy Who Volunteers At Pharmaceutical Companies To Try New Drugs

You get injected with stuff, then have to try to drive home while fighting off side-effects.[/QUOTE]

I'd be afraid it'd turn out like the "big hands/big lips" scene from the new Star Trek.
bread's done