My Wii Preorder Odyssey


For anyone who didnt know, Buffalo got hit by one of the worst snow storms in 100 years this past October...or more accurately the night before fucking EB/GS start taking Wii Pre orders. The accurate thing to assume would be that a) God fears Wii or b) God envys mortals who are able to possess Wii. Anyway I arrive on a frostbitten wind chilled Saturday morning at 8am at my local EB and meet the morning guy before he arrives at the store. He tells me the power outage fried their computer the night before, and that they will be receiving a new computer at some point that day. Considering i was there so early he agrees to take my name and info to give me the heads up on any happenings. I stand around for 20 minutes waiting for my ride home when....

A UPS truck pulls up and tosses a computer at the door.

"Awesome" I thought.

I stand outside, and gradually more people cme. The guy comes out again and tells everyone present that the store will open 30 minutes later than usual and they will take pre orders.

10:30am hits.

The door opens.

Jesus cartwheels out the door still on the cross followed by the store manager. Modem fried. Pre orders = Very no.

90% of the line disperses. Confused I am frozen, unwilling to give up my spot. My wife arrives with much much much needed sustenance, and a marvelous notion. If everyone in line chips in a few bucks, she would go to the Best Buy across the way and get a modem so they can take damn pre orders already and I can GET ON WITH MY LIFE!!!!

*ahem* We pitch our idea to the guys. They then inform us that they called their District Manager and tells us that he is gonna bring a spare modem from another store and see if they can do something. No guarantees.

So we wait, luckily I had a group of excellent people, shot the shit, verbally dissected and rebuilt Wii from the ground up.

2 pm hits. The d00d arrives. He walks into the store, knowing that the fate, nay the destiny of us poor be-wiitched mortals was in his well dressed hands.

30 minutes later. News. They are definitely going to pre order. They will let us in 3 at a time. I was 1st in the store. Alas thanks to the store running barely on dial up, and only one transaction being processed at a time, I only got #2. In my heart though, I am number 1. Hail to the 1 baby.

Fanboy got throught Act 1

Wii Paid for in full
Classic Controller Paid for in full
Zelda Paid for in full.
DBZ Paid for in full

Rank: fucking A
[quote name='Legendaryhedgehog06']The accurate thing to assume would be that a) God fears Wii or b) God envys mortals who are able to possess Wii.[/QUOTE]

Why not:
c) God hates just you
d) God hates Buffalo

Kidding aside, good story. I hope you feel your tenacity pays off; I sure wouldn't have done that.
Great story. Reminds me of the 360 13 hour camp out. Hopefully the Wii won't be in that short of supply.
A quick side not for anyone wondering, I only posted this now as I havent had any internet or cable for 3 weeks since the storm hit, and I pre ordered pretty much that long ago.
bread's done