N64 game for 2.99 @Goodwill

Niiiiiiiiiice. Now find me Kirby 64. Just kidding. :)

Seriously, great find. The only good game I ever got at Goodwill was Sonic 2 on a random cheap ass run so long ago.
[quote name='urzishra14']girlfriend saw a copy of super mario RPG when she went ... we already have a copy so she passed.[/QUOTE]I also once found super mario rpg at the same goodwill I always go to, but unlike your gf I bought that sucker and sold it on ebay. I only paid 3.00 for it
[quote name='NesHavok']I also once found super mario rpg at the same goodwill I always go to, but unlike your gf I bought that sucker and sold it on ebay. I only paid 3.00 for it[/QUOTE]

sorry.. we don't buy for ebay sales no matter how good they are. She left it there for someone who has a SNES and wants to play an amazing game for an amazing price.
[quote name='urzishra14']sorry.. we don't buy for ebay sales no matter how good they are. She left it there for someone who has a SNES and wants to play an amazing game for an amazing price.[/QUOTE]you sir, are gay im done here....
[quote name='NesHavok']you sir, are gay im done here....[/QUOTE]

I was gonna compilment you on that awesome find, but after reading that I just hope the cart doesn't work, stops working or the battery dies.

urzishra14, you and your girl are cool in my book.
like i care what you think, you are a moron for not buying a valuable hard to find game and selling it. ok if I had a friend that wanted it I would have picked it up or them and only made them pay what i payed, i'm not heartless, but no one I knew wanted it so I sold it and made a profit. you would do the same if it was a valuable item. just because it was a video game you act like I did something wrong. It's called first come first serve. I'm not a video game owner-seller buying out clearanced video games at every store i can find. don't act like I am. I was at a freakin thrift store and spotted it. that's why ppl go to thrift stores. you are a big baby. Oh some poor chap could have had it if only I hadn't bought it and sold it. Yeah right!!! the person that would have bought if i hadn't woud have sold it too and you know it! I remember ppl on here countless times buying cheap games for other gamers and them selling to them on here, sure maybe they only paid the shipping costs and they didn't have to pay more than what the other person paid, but what about the gamers that came in later that day and wanted a game and it was sold out cause someone hogged all of the merchandise just so they could get more stuff for their friends online whom they've never met. it's the same thing....
[quote name='NesHavok']Blah blah blah[/QUOTE]

So, you're a cockhead. Thanks for sharing. Before typing poorly spelled nonsensical messages from behind your mom's AOL account, you should make sure that what you have to say is at least courteous of the feelings of others.
Wow, some people are so filled with anger and resentment . . . no wonder the Republicans have such broad support in America (confused, mean, angry, and lashing out at anyone . . . maybe Nes will find "God" and become pres some day) :applause: :)

Anyway, great find OP!

I go both ways on this and don't judge others either way . . . sometimes I go for some ebay profit . . . other times I leave things behind.

BTW, Goodwill is my favorite store but I only find gaming items about 15% of visits . . . but I've had some great scores. NES and Intellivision systems in box for $10 each!
i am courteous of others, and I only retaliated when someone scorched my find for profit, and im 23 i am married and dont live with my mother, and aol sucks ass
[quote name='NesHavok']any by the way i sold it on ebay, it sold for 30.00 yay!!!![/QUOTE]

You're still a whore. Congratulations on your $30 trick. :D
[quote name='urzishra14']sorry.. we don't buy for ebay sales no matter how good they are. She left it there for someone who has a SNES and wants to play an amazing game for an amazing price.[/QUOTE]
where do u live?
bread's done