Name a TV show you hope gets cancelled and why.

Here's a suggestion. Stop watching TV. IF you have basic cable, then check out the history channel once in a while. That's it.

Play your videogames, or an instrument or better yourself by learning something useful, don't waste your time with the crap on TV, even CNN. Get your news from the internet and various sources, not that biased stuff.
fox likes to cancel my favorite shows, dark angel, family guy, futurama, undeclared...

I cant agree more Fox sucks for doing that
That new show my super sweet sixteen on mtv needs tobe cancelled immediatly. I dont want to see rich people whine about not having the right band play at their birthday
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']Cheat and Judgement Day.[/quote]

I like judgement day better than x-play. cheat is kinda stupid though, that could go
Shows I'd like to see axed:
All reality crap - especially "American Idol."
"The Simpsons" (since its well past its prime)
Nearly the entire UPN lineup except "Enterprise." Perhaps they could move it to the WB, which at least is a bit more of a serious network.
"Joey" because its related to that god aweful "Friends"

Shows I'm glad that are axed/done with:
"The X-Files" only because it should of ended a few seasons sooner.

Shows that I wish never got axed:
"Space: Above And Beyond"
"Harsh Realm"
"The Critic"

Shows I'm glad that are still on:
"TNA Impact"
"Family Guy"

And UFC needs a bigger push into the mainstream. :D
'Freaks and Geeks' and 'Firefly' should never have gotten the axe. Sadly, I'm agreeing with the statement on The Simpsons. The writings been real stale as of late.
the oc, its not funny..its weird, brings out the worst in ppl ( alot of ppl i kno wanna act like the characters on it)..and its just it brought about a string of shows that are the same *north shore..that one about the mountain, and i think theres sumthing else :p )
[quote name='jlarlee'][quote name='Brad906'][quote name='zewone']American Idol
Reality TV shows
The O.C.

i HATE you, 24 is by far my favorit show, and CSI is interesting....however, i do agree OC needs to be cancelled, and the reality shows are getting out of hand[/quote]

Have you guys ever watched the OC? Or are you grading it by what you think it is. The show is actually written pretty well and is hilarious at times. It pokes a lot of fun at the teen soap genre[/quote]

The OC like that? Nah it aint like that. It's about spoiled rich white kids that whine when something doesnt go their way. BTW orange county(that's what people that live in orange county say) aint nothin like that stupid show. We actually a whole mix of minorities, but you know racist Fox is.
I like the new apprentice... am I weird?

BTW, this is alot like my topic, Wish should did you wish never got cancelled.
[quote name='opatlion']The Ashlee Simpson Show, because I don't like her. The reason anyone likes her is because of her sister.[/quote]

you sure about that? :lol:
bread's done