Name my soccer team

There are plenty of pics with them in straw hats. I googled this thing up good while I was working on it. Everything I could conceivably get a good shot on, I tried to emulate. Shoes were the hardest - I sort of just went with a simple design on 'em. I also went with suspenders in leui of a jacket.

The pipe is something I thought was common - especially of the corn cob variety - but that can be edited out if need be. I'll admit I don't seem to be finding pictures on that.
I always thought the corn cob pipe was a 'billy thing, and 'twixt your overalls, dark shirt, and straw hat, may have crossed stereotypes for a minute there.

Now, I don't know a great deal about the Amish, except that "pleasure" is evidently a one-way ticket to hell. Which means that I deduce they don't smoke. And, y'know, since barns burn the fuck up rather easily.
[quote name='snakelda']This reminds me of the movie of (Will Ferel or something like that) about a little youth league.Kicking and screaming[/QUOTE] The rest of us were trying to forget that one. Thanks. Thanks a lot. :shame: :cry: :lol:
The Fighting Amish is great, I wish I had checked back in time to catch that. We ultimately used the name Vanilla Gorillas after someone else decided to pick names by going with colors and animal names.

The logo is great by the way.
bread's done