NBA 2k9 5's team


Do we have any NBA 2k9 fans out here?

Since this is the first time the NBA 2k series will have the 5v5 online play, I want to try and get a good 5's team. Mature enough people to play, not ball hoggers and people who just scream and bitch, looking for dedicated people who want to have fun casually and enjoy the game while at the same time learning to play together for some tourneys.

if you interested play reply if you had NBA 2k experience, whats your favorite team and what position you think you'd like to play.
hmmm, I have such a backlog of games I was going to pass on b-ball this year. But with 5v5 online play, I could be tempted. Haven't seen a demo though.

I've only had my PS3 since June so I haven't played 2k (or any b-ball outside of demos) on my PS3. I played 2k3 and 2k5 on my Xbox though.

My fav team is the Cavs and I'd love to be a Mark Price-style Point Guard.
I'm a big Bulls fan and considering buying an NBA game this year and starting up a CAG league (like how the NFL and NHL leagues work). However, although I've been buying 2K over the years, I'm leaning towards Live 09 right now due to some features. When a 2k9 demo comes, I might chance, but I really like some things Live 09 has.
I'm getting this game for sure, I can't wait for it. I'm interested to see how the team concept online works out.
If I get this game, I'm definitely want to play with you guys. After playing the live demo, I'm sure that this will be the B-ball game I pick up this year.
After playing the 2k9 demo, I'm going with Live 09. 2k's graphic engine just really doesn't work great on PS3, but the engine Live used looks identical on PS3/360. Also, I just found Live 09 way more fun this year (and NBA 365 is too freaking cool, as long as you buy a new copy).
[quote name='The Mana Knight']After playing the 2k9 demo, I'm going with Live 09. 2k's graphic engine just really doesn't work great on PS3, but the engine Live used looks identical on PS3/360. Also, I just found Live 09 way more fun this year (and NBA 365 is too freaking cool, as long as you buy a new copy).[/quote]

Are you serious? Live was completely atrocious.

Real bball fans play 2K. Arcade fans play Live. That's how its been for years. I think it looks fantastic on the PS3, so I definitely preordered 2k9.
Hi i would like to play in the 5 on 5s with you. My positions are PG im a distrabutor or i can Play PF. My favorite Team is the Miami heat and u can send me a freind request my Gamertag is Owen305. so feel free to request me im getting the game toomorow.
TMK... don't get live 09, its garbage, that Demo was not very good, and most of the new features have already been done... especially with the play calling and how you run the plays... its all from the
2k series.
bread's done