NDS Lite Screen Protectors (Hori knockoff) $1.50 shipped @ DealExtreme


62 (100%)
First things first, they're not the Hori brand. They look like it, but they're just a close copy.

That said, I ordered a few items from DX a couple weeks ago, and figured I'd toss in a few cheap screen protectors too for the hell of it. I've bought the Hori brand before and loved them, but for a buck fifty, I couldn't pass these up.

They arrived today, and to my surprise, they're pretty damn slick. Almost identical to the actual Hori brand (even down to the Hori logos), and they fit perfectly.

Anyhoo, if you're looking for a solid set of screen protectors for your DS, these might be worth checking out. They're $1.50 shipped, so you're really not losing much. DX does sell the actual Hori brand for $7.43 shipped for the more distinguished CAG, but for the true cheapasses, these are a great substitute.

Hori Wannabe NDS Lite Screen Protectors - $1.50 shipped

Hori Brand NDS Lite Screen Protectors - $7.43 shipped
DX has already been posted around here, starting (I believe) with these screen protectors before they acknowledged the fact that they were knockoffs.

But I suppose a reminder doesn't hurt.
Sweet! Just what I was looking for...screen protectors for cheap! Now I feel a little better, after missing a good deal on a mouse on sellout.woot.com a couple days ago. Thanks, JJSP.

Edit: just found a comparison video
...which is somewhat useless :\

Question: I probably already know the answer to this based on the big gigantic '2' on the picture, but just to be sure, it comes with 2 screen protectors, right?
[quote name='mayamayouidiot']Question: I probably already know the answer to this based on the big gigantic '2' on the picture, but just to be sure, it comes with 2 screen protectors, right?[/quote]

One set, with one protector for each screen, yes.
[quote name='Rocko']One set, with one protector for each screen, yes.[/quote]

OK, thanks. And I guess I should've looked at at the other pictures too, heh.;)
I have never tried the hori ones, but these are quite good. The bottom screen protector is slightly smaller than the screen, but the texture is pretty much the same as the touch screen.
You can buy these with confidence. I've been using them with my DS Lite since day one and I can honestly tell from fresh memory after just getting done playing a bit of Phoenix Wright: Justice For All like 3 minutes ago that my screens (as well as the protectors) remain in excellent condition.
I can third the screen protectors from Dealextreme. I order there all the time. Granted, shipping isn't speedy, coming from outside the U.S., but the quality of their items is generally quite good.
Do u really need screen protectors for the DS touch screen? Does the touch screen take that much abuse?

I'm curious as a new DS owner if I really need to spend the money.
[quote name='donssword']Do u really need screen protectors for the DS touch screen? Does the touch screen take that much abuse?

I'm curious as a new DS owner if I really need to spend the money.[/quote]

It's $1.50. It certainly doesn't hurt, and you won't miss that $1.50 if for some reason you don't like them.
[quote name='Rocko']It's $1.50. It certainly doesn't hurt, and you won't miss that $1.50 if for some reason you don't like them.[/quote]

I'm with Rocko. For $1.50, it's an investment you won't miss. Getting scratches on your DS screen is easier than you would think, and once there, they can detract from playability.
[quote name='donssword']Do u really need screen protectors for the DS touch screen? Does the touch screen take that much abuse?

I'm curious as a new DS owner if I really need to spend the money.[/quote]

I personally wouldn't know as I litterally refrained from playing my DS Lite until I got a screen protector for it. I don't know what the general feedback is in terms of durability of a naked touch screen, but I'd be very surprised if its quite scratch resistant.

For what its worth, i've seen DS Lite kiosks in stores like Target and Circuit City with touch screen very apparently scratched up. You can take that with a grain of salt considering they are public demo units and who knows how many people come in there and just abuse the screen. But I personally wouldn't take a chance if you really care about the condition of your touch screen holding up over time. Protectors are not expensive, and like I above, you can buy these with confidence because these are actually the protectors I waited to come in before playing my DS and my screens as well as the protectors are in excellent condition.
Went ahead and ordered 6 -- that should last for quite a while. And for $1.50, I figured I might as well buy a few.
[quote name='zegota']Went ahead and ordered 6 -- that should last for quite a while. And for $1.50, I figured I might as well buy a few.[/quote]

I really can't imagine ever needing so many. As long as I had my last DS, I left the screen protectors on. More than a year, at any rate. They seem to survive well, needing a wipe-down sometimes, but nevertheless sturdy and low-maintenance. 6 is a bit overkill, but I'm sure Dealextreme appreciates.
[quote name='VWarrior']I personally wouldn't know as I litterally refrained from playing my DS Lite until I got a screen protector for it. I don't know what the general feedback is in terms of durability of a naked touch screen, but I'd be very surprised if its quite scratch resistant.

For what its worth, i've seen DS Lite kiosks in stores like Target and Circuit City with touch screen very apparently scratched up. You can take that with a grain of salt considering they are public demo units and who knows how many people come in there and just abuse the screen. But I personally wouldn't take a chance if you really care about the condition of your touch screen holding up over time. Protectors are not expensive, and like I above, you can buy these with confidence because these are actually the protectors I waited to come in before playing my DS and my screens as well as the protectors are in excellent condition.[/quote]

To be honest, they hold up very well and screen protectors are not truly necessary. My original DS I had for over a year, and it only had a very small amount of scratches that could only be seen under the right light, from Meteos. Demo units are unbelievably battered and are not what your DS will look like, at all, even a little bit, unless you're five years old and use a knife instead of a stylus. Hard.

However, when I bought my DS Lite I figured I may as well keep my touch screen safe from the get-go, and ordered some protectors. As I said earlier, they certainly don't hurt.
In case there are people here who haven't ordered from DealExtreme before, please keep in mind they do take forever to ship - it's roughly two weeks as they're located in Hong Kong and the shipping is free. ;)
I used to have a HP pocket PC and one day I used my stylus on it as usual and somehow some fucking dust or fine particle caught in the way, and left a lasting, long scratch behind. From then onwards, I'm using screen protectors on my devices.
I ordered these before. They say Hori on them but they are good knockoffs. Mine have been on my DS Lite Onyx since Dec 2006 and haven't had the need to change them yet.
Isn't it worth the little extra to get a sure brand name? Crappy screen protectors can leave hard to clean residues that require alcohol or solvents to get rid of. People seem to be vouching for these...but you can get a HORI brand name set from Fry's for 6 bucks...
Just got my package today. (I ordered Sunday of last week. They actually sent me 2 sets, when I only ordered one, yay)

They seem pretty good so far. I tried them out with Elite Beat Agents, and my one complaint (and I don't think anyone's mentioned this yet) is that they make the touch screen a bit more slippery.
bread's done