Need a bit of help with Metroid Prime

Arkay Firestar

9 (100%)
So I started playing again in anticipation of the copy of Prime 2 I snagged for 15 bucks from, and I think I know what I need to do now, but I just want some confirmation before I spend hours wandering around getting sick of the game.

I have all the weapons, all the visors, more than 50 percent of things scanned, and I have about half of the chozo artifacts. I've been to almost every part of the world, and killed about everything. So I think I ended up missing the other half of the chozo artifacts, because my current "hint" tells me to return the artifacts, and I've activated as many totems as I have artifacts for, so I think thats what I need to do now...follow the directions for the artifacts I don't have and go find them.

Am I wrong, or should I just go do what I think I need to do. The reason I'm asking and not just doing is because I've already done about 10 hours of aimless wandering in this game, and I don't know how much fun I'll have with Prime 2 if I spend another 10 hours trying to figure out what I need to do next.

Watch out though. Be prepared to get your ass handed to you after you get them all activated. I replayed to segment directly following totem activation for two weeks straight before I finally finished it.
[quote name='saber07']if you do not want to spend more hours wandering, you might just look at a FAQ[/QUOTE]

words of wisdom....the hints are kinda vague and you might as well just skip to the last part, cause it's hard as hell. but well worth it. also, go for at least 75% of the scans.
a) I've already found 2 more artifacts...a few more to go.

b) Going through old parts is not annoying yet...I missed a LOT of scanning...a few I'm afraid might have been major bosses, so those I can never get.

c) I don't get it...It says im only 50 percent done with the game...50 percent? I've gotten every item except the lava suit. Is there really that much more?

d) I don't like using FAQs/Walkthrus unless I'm genuinely stuck, which I'm not...not yet anyways.

Thanks for all the replies.
[quote name='Arkay Firestar']a) I've already found 2 more artifacts...a few more to go.

b) Going through old parts is not annoying yet...I missed a LOT of scanning...a few I'm afraid might have been major bosses, so those I can never get.

c) I don't get it...It says im only 50 percent done with the game...50 percent? I've gotten every item except the lava suit. Is there really that much more?

d) I don't like using FAQs/Walkthrus unless I'm genuinely stuck, which I'm not...not yet anyways.

Thanks for all the replies.[/QUOTE]

No, I'd say you're closer to 95% done. I think you just happen to only have 50% of things scanned.
[quote name='Arkay Firestar']a) I've already found 2 more artifacts...a few more to go.

b) Going through old parts is not annoying yet...I missed a LOT of scanning...a few I'm afraid might have been major bosses, so those I can never get.

c) I don't get it...It says im only 50 percent done with the game...50 percent? I've gotten every item except the lava suit. Is there really that much more?

d) I don't like using FAQs/Walkthrus unless I'm genuinely stuck, which I'm not...not yet anyways.

Thanks for all the replies.[/QUOTE]

a. okay

b. okay

c. you have 50% of the scans, you're almost done with the game. your ending depends on how many scans you have (75% or more to get the normal ending)

d. okay.
The percentage displayed at the menu is the amount of stuff you've collected, not the amount of stuff you've scanned...
[quote name='joeljermon']The percentage displayed at the menu is the amount of stuff you've collected, not the amount of stuff you've scanned...[/QUOTE]

Ah, you're right. Then I recommend finding some more missile expansions to the OP. You'll need them.
Finding the artifacts is like finding the Triforce pieces in LOZ:WW...Its just not fun....(Although it isnt AS bad now that I think about it, since it probably doesnt take as long as windwaker.)
Nah, the artifacts aren't so bad. You don't have to go to a middleman like you do in WW (tingle), you have fun fighting along the way, and the environments actually have some variety.
The only part I didn't like was the ridiculous ramp-up in difficulty in the endgame. I've still never even seen the final boss. Took me forever to beat the second-to-last boss and tried for another two weeks just to get to the last one.
[quote name='jclast']The only part I didn't like was the ridiculous ramp-up in difficulty in the endgame. I've still never even seen the final boss. Took me forever to beat the second-to-last boss and tried for another two weeks just to get to the last one.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I played it like 10 times in a row before I got it and I was definitely cursing it up :) for me, it wasn't the final boss, it was those damn splitter metroids right before...they took all my energy before I could get to the fight.
[quote name='jclast']The only part I didn't like was the ridiculous ramp-up in difficulty in the endgame. I've still never even seen the final boss. Took me forever to beat the second-to-last boss and tried for another two weeks just to get to the last one.[/QUOTE]

The next to last boss is a bitch, but once you figure out his pattern it isn't so bad. The last boss was also something of a bitch, until you figure out the simple trick to beating it. It's so obvious how you need to defeat the last boss, it's just somewhat tricky to actually figure out what you need to do to do it. If that makes any sense.

Anyway, just look at the hints. They normally hide the name of the room it's in with synonyms of the words. I remember thinking it was stupid for the first 3 artifacts or so, but then it became kind of fun. Although, once you get the light suit, the game loses all danger and grows a little stale.

All in all, it was a good game, if a bit unfocussed and lacking the originality and flow of the first Metroid Prime. The environments sort of felt like
"Hmm what didn't we use in Metroid Prime? "
"Well we could do a swamp and a computerish area. "
" Sounds good to me, who cares if it makes no sense."
Lava suit?

Are you talking about the phazon suit? Because if you are I suggest highly going back to the phazon mines and looking around there.

As for the other posters, the fission metroids are actually pretty easy to deal with once you know what to do: one power beam takes out the whole lot of them.

Edit: took me a bit to get the first post but Prime's one of my favorite games and everyone should complete it at least once.
[quote name='jclast']The only part I didn't like was the ridiculous ramp-up in difficulty in the endgame. I've still never even seen the final boss. Took me forever to beat the second-to-last boss and tried for another two weeks just to get to the last one.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that is messed up how they made Ridley do hard, in all the other Metroid games Ridley was a pushover that you just spammed misses at until it died.

But if you think Ridley is tough, Metroid Prime is even harder!
i thought ridley wasn't that bad, but on hard mode... wow, took like 50 retrys. Anyways, if you thought metroid prime had a lot of wondering around mindlessly, metroid prime 2 will bore you to death.
Are you guys serious? The percentage isn't progress, its items? LAME. I'm only 15 hours in (spanning about 4 years)...

Wow...and I kept thinking there had to be a lot more to the game. Well, I assume that the artifact battle is not the final one, because I still don't have the lava suit. I guess I'll turn my GC on now and get over 75 percent and then get the last artifacts back to the artifact place.

Once again, LAME. I should have looked up what that percentage was earlier so I wouldnt be disappointed.
[quote name='daschrier']I quit when I got to collecting the's just not fun.[/QUOTE]

I had someone do it for me :p

He got them all really fast since he obviously knew where all of them were.
I liked the atmosphere of the game so much that I didn't mind collecting the artifacts, but I used a FAQ.
I have used no FAQs and im about to get the last one. It has been rather redundant, but at least I will get a rush of accomplishment for having done it all on my own. On the other hand, I hope to god they didnt reuse many textures in Prime 2, otherwise, I don't know if I could start it right away.
That's the way the percentage has always been in Metroid games. Anyway, if you do use a walkthrough the first time, the game is still a solid 20+ hours (the timer doesn't count cutscenes, and if you die, none of the time spent before that is counted).
[quote name='joeljermon']That's the way the percentage has always been in Metroid games. Anyway, if you do use a walkthrough the first time, the game is still a solid 20+ hours (the timer doesn't count cutscenes, and if you die, none of the time spent before that is counted).[/QUOTE]

I dunno, I'm getting the artifacts and haven't used a faq and I'm only 14hours 70% done.
Yea, no FAQ here...16 hours (and as I mentioned earlier, spanning over 3 years) and about 65-70 percent done. I won't take the artifacts till I get 75 percent, though I can't think of anything I forgot to scan.
If you are even slightly bored or frustrated with the collectathons (key items, not upgrades) in Metroid Prime, avoid Metroid Prime 2.

It is ten times worse.
Scanning doesn't count for the percentage displayed at the menu. It's only used to unlock image galleries. And as I said before, deaths and cutscenes add a lot to the timer the game shows you.
I finished Metroid Prime (normal mode) recently so everything is still fresh in my mind.

The hardest boss for me was Omega Pirate. I think I tried more than half dozen times before I could kill him.

Meta Ridley wasn't too bad. I died once and then I figured out to use wavebuster after he looses his wings. The wavebuster kept him stunned so he couldn't attack.

Fission metroids in the big cavern before the final boss is kinda tricky. But once you figure out which sequences of platforms to jump to get to the next room, it's pretty easy to run pass most fission metroids.

Final boss is Metroid Prime. It took me 3 tries to kill it. I think you need to read up on the FAQ on how to avoid his attacks and how to damage him. Otherwise, it'll take a bit more trial-and-error to defeat this monster.
Has anyone finished the game with 100%? I finished it with 97% so I didn't get the best ending. I'm just wondering what part of the ending I missed by not having 100% of items scanned.

At least I got to see Samus without her helmet. She's kinda good looking. :)
bread's done