Need a good LCD for PC gaming:


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Im looking to build a new desktop in the next couple months, and I need a new monitor.

I had a massive 23" viewsonic CRT, but alas it finally died on me.

Now Im a hardcore FPS type, and I had that giant CRT cos LCD's have a slow response time, which leads to blurring when you turn left/right quickly in a FPS.

But the apt I live in now is much smaller that my old apts, and having a giant CRT is no longer feasible.

So can anyone recommend a good LCD with a low response time (4ms or less preferred)?

Im looking for something at least 19" but I dont wanna break the bank. $500 would be the most Im looking to spend. I dont care if its widescreen or not. If it had connections to hookup a console, that would be a nice extra but its not necessary.

Thanks in advance!
My advice is to go down to frys or best buy and check out all the monitors they have. Theres a huge difference between brands.
I have a Samsung and love it to death. The colors are bright, vivid, and clear. The screen is adjustable and its not fugly. Im sure with a 500 budget you can get a nice 20 " plus
I know some people recommend the dell ultrasharps or whatever their top of the line is , but I havent seen any in person to judge.
Just make sure you see the monitor in person before you buy it.
I have the gateway 22 inch, it's been pretty good for me, I haven't noticed any blurring or anything, I would suggest checking it out for yourself.
[quote name='munch']I'm about to order this one from Newegg. It has good reviews and a great price.[/quote]

Thats a GREAT price for that moniter, but the 5ms response time kills it for me.

And thanks to everyone for your tips/advice. Im gonna take a trip to Best Buy this week and take a good look at all the PC monitors and try to get a better idea of size/price and brand quality.

2ms, is that fast enough for you?

It's kinda pricey for a 4:3 19" LCD but you pay for the performance. Plus, it's got a 2000:1 contrast ratio which should prove for some amazing colors.

I really don't see how you notice ghosting on these LCDs. My LCD has 8ms but I never noticed any ghosting of the short in any FPS. Maybe I just have bad eyes. And according to this article, very high response times can cause ghosting for LCDs...
My 19 inch CRT is giving me problems so I'm looking for a new monitor too. I have always stayed away from LCDs because of the response time (potential) issue. Also they have a native resolution that will either force me into a specific resolution or have a blurry image in at my desired resolution. Has this been an issue with anyone?
Thanks. So far its a different model Samsung thats in the lead with me right now. The 931BF. Its also 2ms response, with only a 700:1 contrast ratio, but the reviews say its awesome for gaming. I can get shipped from Amazon for $252.xx. I saw it in Best Buy today and it looked sweet. But Im wondering about that 2000:1 ratio on the monitor you linked to, that does seem sweet, and the price is comparable to the 931BF.

I do notice ghosting on LCD's. I see it on my wifes lcd when she plays Warcrack. Granted her lcd is at least 3-4 years old and probably has a response time around 24ms, but I do notice it.

Ive decided not to spend too much on a new LCD, cos if I find ghosting to be a problem, Im gonna return/sell it and go back to CRT. So these sub $300 monitors definitely fit the bill.

[quote name='Vinny']

2ms, is that fast enough for you?

It's kinda pricey for a 4:3 19" LCD but you pay for the performance. Plus, it's got a 2000:1 contrast ratio which should prove for some amazing colors.

I really don't see how you notice ghosting on these LCDs. My LCD has 8ms but I never noticed any ghosting of the short in any FPS. Maybe I just have bad eyes. And according to this article, very high response times can cause ghosting for LCDs...[/quote]
[quote name='cheapfrag']My 19 inch CRT is giving me problems so I'm looking for a new monitor too. I have always stayed away from LCDs because of the response time (potential) issue. Also they have a native resolution that will either force me into a specific resolution or have a blurry image in at my desired resolution. Has this been an issue with anyone?[/quote]

The native resolution on LCD's, combined with the ghosting issue, is what has kept me away for all these years.

The trick with a gaming use LCD i think, it to get one with a low resolution. With LCD's you pretty much have to use them at their native res, especially for gaming. So if you buy the newest wondermonitor that has a 3000 x 2000 resolution, you now have to invest in a videocard that can push games at that high res with acceptable framerates. So in essence, the higher res monitor you get, the nicer the vid card you need.

The Samsungs Im looking at are 1200x1000 native, which means I dont need the newest uber graphics card to be able to play HL2, and Unreal engine games.
Have you actually played a game on a LCD monitor made in the past couple years? Ghosting and native resolution are pretty much issues of the past unless you buy a poorly made LCD.
I have that monitor and am very happy with it. I play plently of games on it and watch plenty of movies and never once have I noticed ghosting even though it has a "horrible" response time of 8ms.
[quote name='doomlv20']Have you actually played a game on a LCD monitor made in the past couple years? Ghosting and native resolution are pretty much issues of the past unless you buy a poorly made LCD.
I have that monitor and am very happy with it. I play plently of games on it and watch plenty of movies and never once have I noticed ghosting even though it has a "horrible" response time of 8ms.[/quote]

Not really no, thats why I started this thread. :D

Good to hear tho that those lcd 'issues' are mainly a thing of the past. I dont think 8ms is horrible, I remember the last time I researched LCDs and the average response time was like 24ms +, and a 'good' gaming monitor was 12-10ms.

Being as that I am designing my new PC mainly to play games, I want to make sure I get a monitor thats known to be great with games. I dont care about dvd playback or anything else really. If I dont see ghosting at all, I'll be happy.
I got the Samsung 931BW (widescreen) on Black Friday, and it's great. The 2000:1 contrast and the 2 ms response makes everything much sharper. Currently, I'm looking for another one so I can dual.

If you have a relatively big and deep desk, I would say get a bigger size monitor.

I picked up the Samsung 931BF from Best Buy for $288 after tax. Its not widescreen, but its got the 2ms response time, and the 2000:1 contrast ratio.

I freakin LOVE IT! I got my cruddy old desktop running on it and I was able to play some Counterstrike finally after not playing for like a year. Man that felt good. And I dont notice any blurring, the game plays perfectly.

It was still sad when i had to carry my 200 pound CRT out to the trash, but I am totally in love with my new monitor. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions and info. :D
[quote name='Noodle Pirate!']lol you could have disposed of it at an electronics recycler : ([/quote]

Hmm... I put it in with the recyclables, its plastic and glass so I figured they will recycle it.
Do you guys think the HDCP compliant monitors are a big deal? I need a new monitor since my old dell 2001fp is a ghosting nightmare. I was looking at the dell 22" widescreen with HDCP compliance at $296.
I agree with the comments in this thread, you have to look at a monitor before you buy it.

As a production geek, I generally can tell people in about 3 seconds whether a TV is good quality or not (visually, not in terms of anything else). Once you've got a trained eye for small errors, you'll never want a subpar TV again.
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