Need Beer Money so come buy my junk (DS Bundle Inside)


14 (100%)
Well college is approaching and I have no money in the bank for beer so I am selling my games and systems. I am open to certain trades like maybe a PSP system but I prefer money. All proceeds are going to a good cause so feel free to spend all your hard earned money on me. If you have any questions please contact me by PM. Well here is what I could find to sell.


Call of Duty
Call of Duty United Offensive
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30
Doom 3
Battlefield Vietnam
LOTR: Battle for Middle-Earth
Far Cry (Cds only game with 6800)
Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield (Cds only)
Halo (Cds only)
Star Wars Jedi Knight Jedi Academy (Cds only)
Warcraft 3
Civilization III
Unreal Tournament 2004


Aggressive Inline
Beyond Good and Evil (1 Sealed and 1 mint)
Shadow Hearts Covenant (Sealed)
Madden 2005 CE
Champions of Norrath
NBA Street
FIFA 2004
Final Fantasy X-2
MVP 2005
FIFA 2003
GTA Vice City
Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal
GTA San Andreas


StarFox Adventures
Metroid Prime


Burnout 3
Halo 2
Soul Calibur 2
Tao Feng
Prince of Persia SoT
Midtown Madness 3
007 Everything or Nothing
PH* Mechassault
X-men Legends
Crimson Skies
Grabbed by the Ghoulies
Splinter Cell
ESPN 2k5
Project Gotham Racing 2
FIFA 2005
Fight Night Round 2
PH* Oddoworld Munch’s Oddysee


Dragon Warrior VII


Silver DS system with Metroid Demo (complete with manuals and box)
Goldeneye DS
Meteos DS




2 Gamegear Systems with cases
NHL Hockey
F-15 Strike Eagle
World Series Baseball
Primal Rage
Asterix and the Greate Rescue
Streets of Rage
Star Wars
NFL 95
Fatal Fury Special
The Majors Pro Baseball
Joe Montana Football
World Cup Soccer
Sonic 2 (2 copies)


Family Guy The Freakin Sweet Collection
Sealab Season 1
Sealab Season 2 (sealed)
SpongeBob Complete First Season
Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Special Edition

haha i know..ill be a senior and eventual graduate *gulp* next year so this is my last year to go out with a bang so i need tons of the only systems i have for sale are my xbox and DS..i live in a house with 3 others and one of them has an xbox so there is no need for mine

I replied to all PMs
Free bump because I just started working at a liquor store so I can feel for ya

Oh, and how much for Shadow Hearts and Ico? Individual prices please, and is Ico complete?
[quote name='bmac1632']Well college is approaching and I have no money in the bank for beer so I am selling my games and systems. I am open to certain trades like maybe a PSP system but I prefer money. All proceeds are going to a good cause so feel free to spend all your hard earned money on me. [/QUOTE]

Let's see...give you my hard-earned money so you can become an alcoholic and kill someone while driving home from boozing it up with your friends? I'd hardly call that a good cause. Furthermore, it's almost pathetic that you're selling all of that stuff just to down a few beers. You'll have nothing to show for it but a bunch of hangovers and missed classes.

I'll buy from someone with more common sense, thanks.
[quote name='Maverick CRV']Let's see...give you my hard-earned money so you can become an alcoholic and kill someone while driving home from boozing it up with your friends? I'd hardly call that a good cause. Furthermore, it's almost pathetic that you're selling all of that stuff just to down a few beers. You'll have nothing to show for it but a bunch of hangovers and missed classes.

I'll buy from someone with more common sense, thanks.[/QUOTE]

lol ok mom..sheesh just because i like to go out with my friends and have a few drinks you gonna call me an alcoholic..go badger someone else

there are such things as responsible people in the world that learned that driving drunk is not a good i dont even own a car you idiot..i live in NYC so i use the subway or a taxi to get around

and the cause is to help a senior to have a fun last year in college before i start my career..and when i do start my career i wont have time playing games anyway so i might as well sell them now and use that money to have a kickass last year in college

ps all this money is not going towards beer (like this idiot thought)...actually going skydiving this fall which if you dont know costs quite a bit of change and if you got a probelm with that go F yourself and get the F out
[quote name='bmac1632']lol ok mom..sheesh just because i like to go out with my friends and have a few drinks you gonna call me an alcoholic..go badger someone else[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I heard the same thing from the guy who killed my best friend last year in a head-on collision. During the trial (and after he got out of the hospital with minor injuries), he testified that he was a "responsible driver" and that he was having some "harmless fun that got out of hand." He showed little to no remorse and didn't ever apologize to my friend's family.

[quote name='bmac1632']there are such things as responsible people in the world that learned that driving drunk is not a good i dont even own a car you idiot..i live in NYC so i use the subway or a taxi to get around[/QUOTE]

Point conceded.

[quote name='bmac1632']and the cause is to help a senior to have a fun last year in college before i start my career..and when i do start my career i wont have time playing games anyway so i might as well sell them now and use that money to have a kickass last year in college[/QUOTE]

Wah. Life sucks, doesn't it? Ever heard of something called a part-time job? People get them during college so that they can afford to buy things instead of asking others for money.

[quote name='bmac1632']ps all this money is not going towards beer (like this idiot thought)...actually going skydiving this fall which if you dont know costs quite a bit of change and if you got a probelm with that go F yourself and get the F out[/QUOTE]

When you post a topic title that says "Need beer money," and explicitly state in the first post that you're going to use all of the proceeds towards beer, people are going to assume that's what you're going to do. So thanks for informing us all, in this very post, that you were using it towards other things such as skydiving.

And in all honesty, I hope you do have fun while it lasts. Once you attempt to submit a resume' with the same horrid spelling and grammar errors you've displayed here, your potential employers are going to tell you "Go F yourself and get the F out," since you obviously didn't learn anything in college. Then life's going to suck.
Maverick, you need to chill out. Seriously. The dude doesn't drive a friggin car. The only danger this guy poses being drunk with no car is making an ass out of himself and exposing everyone to it. It's his last year before reality sets in and has to join the workforce. And maybe just maybe he wants to spend that free time not working but studying (and relaxing between tests).

While I sympathise with you on losing a loved one by a Drunk Driver, (my cousin was killed by one; decapitated no less), the man is not driving drunk so he poses no danger behind the wheel because he's not behind one.
dude if you want to preach about drinking and driving then please do so in your own separate thread..please do not come to mine and crap all over it and pass judgement on my character when you do not even know me

i actually do have a part-time job (inventory at best buy) but majority of my money earned goes into my investment portfolio..i actually have very little spending money so things that I buy for myself like electronics, i end up reselling on ebay or here for extra spending cash...if i lived at home instead of renting an apartment in the city i would not need to resort to this since i would save 850 dollars a month in rent

"instead of asking others for money"..excuse me but im not begging people for money..i am doing what everyone else does here seeing if someone wants to do a trade..i just prefer cash instead of games in return

i am sorry that you lost your best friend but you are an ass..i would go on but whats the point of arguing over the internet no one ever please go crap on someone elses thread
[quote name='bmac1632']dude if you want to preach about drinking and driving then please do so in your own separate thread..please do not come to mine and crap all over it and pass judgement on my character when you do not even know me

i actually do have a part-time job (inventory at best buy) but majority of my money earned goes into my investment portfolio..i actually have very little spending money so things that I buy for myself like electronics, i end up reselling on ebay or here for extra spending cash...if i lived at home instead of renting an apartment in the city i would not need to resort to this since i would save 850 dollars a month in rent

"instead of asking others for money"..excuse me but im not begging people for money..i am doing what everyone else does here seeing if someone wants to do a trade..i just prefer cash instead of games in return

i am sorry that you lost your best friend but you are an ass..i would go on but whats the point of arguing over the internet no one ever please go crap on someone elses thread[/QUOTE]

Ok, well it seems I owe you an apology. And I do apologize. To be honest, I think my grief is a little misplaced tonight. You see, it's been exactly a year since my friend lost his life, and thanks to the fact that he was killed by a drunk driver...I kind of flip out everytime I hear someone say they're going to go drinking and partying.

And I'm sorry to have misjudged your character. I didn't know you didn't own a car, nor did I know you already had a part-time job. What you do with your money is your business anyway, and I have no right to butt in.

Anyway...sorry I crapped on your thread. I guess you have every right to call me an ass after how I overreacted. All I request is that you be responsible, please. I wouldn't want anyone to go through what my friend's family went through.
If you intrested in selling everything here, I will offer you $600 for everything except the DVD's. I did not take the time to add everything up, but that seemed responable. PM me if you intrested.
its cool..i really never thought an innocent thread about "beer money" would offend someone otherwise i would have choosen a different method to attract people to my thread

back on topic, I replied to everyone's PM

Follandboy..while the offer is tempting, I will pass since trying to ship that all at once will be a hasle for me in the city
bread's done