Need Help! Blu-Ray or HD Dvd?


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I bought a brand new LG 47' HDTV LCD Flat Panel TV (Mostly for gaming XBox 360 + GoW 2 Oh yeah!)BUT I also would like to watch movies on it but idk if I should start a HD DVD collection (Cheaper but not sure if it is worth investing money in) Blu-Ray looks good but cost so much damn money. So someone come make up my mind for me! (lol)
Seeing as how HD DVD's are being discontinued, I would go with Blu Ray. You will get a better deal with HD DVD's, but it also won't last you as they have stopped making them. You will have to buy a Blu Ray eventually, so you might as well get one of those soon.

The PS3 also makes a great Blueray player and a great game system.
Just go Blu-ray. I know HD-DVD is cheaper, but will end up having the larger selection in the end.
Most people are going to say Blu-Ray and tell you how HD-DVD is dead, and they'd be right.

HD-DVD is still an option though. The players and movies are both very cheap. For a couple hundred dollars you can get a player and quite a collection of movies. Of course, you won't get any new releases and the list of titles is limited, but there's still some great ones to be had and the quality is the same as what you'd get on Blu-Ray. It's a good way to enjoy HD movies on a budget until Blu-Ray comes down in price.
Go blu-ray. Just bite the bullet and get blu-ray.

It's starting to get a bit harder to find deals on hd-dvd and some of the better stuff like transformers is harder to find and not droped in price as much as some of the other stuff.
HD-DVD is still a great option for high-def movies. Judging by your first post, I am guessing you already have a 360, so you can pick up the add-on for less than $50. Hell, you even get a standalone for less than $100. And there are tons of great movies for less than $10, something you simply can't find on Blu-ray right now.
If you're a CAG, HD-DVD is the way to go to get a great collection of catalog titles (some with HD-DVD exclusive features) for great prices. Get an HD-DVD drive and a bunch of movies for the price of 5 blu rays.

On another note, has anyone else noticed that since HD was killed off, the blu-ray deals have sucked. I haven't bought a single blu-ray since february. Can't justify $22-$35 for a flick.
Don't need to give the Blu-Ray deals, anyone hardcore enough into high def will buy them and they have no competition now. Although I wouldn't be surprised to see some this holiday to try and get more adopters.

I say if you already have a 360 then get the HD DVD drive and wait for a good deal on a PS3/Blu-Ray player. For the price of a PS3 you could pick up the 360 drive and literally dozens of HD DVDs
[quote name='aw004g']If you're a CAG, HD-DVD is the way to go to get a great collection of catalog titles (some with HD-DVD exclusive features) for great prices. Get an HD-DVD drive and a bunch of movies for the price of 5 blu rays.

On another note, has anyone else noticed that since HD was killed off, the blu-ray deals have sucked. I haven't bought a single blu-ray since february. Can't justify $22-$35 for a flick.[/quote]

It is quite easy justifying $22 for a flick, especially with ticket prices at $10.50. That is as much as going to see a movie twice in theatres!! Anyways, if you can't afford a Blu-ray player, just get the 360 HD-DVD add on and get a bunch of discs (my top HD-DVD choices would be Batman Begins, Transformers, 300). Of course, you'll be missing out on Iron Man, The Dark Knight, and Wall-E in HD (my three most anticipated Blu-ray releases of the year). Either way you'll end up okay. HD-DVD is a short term investment, but cheap (though not that cheap as Batman Begins on HD-DVD isn't that much cheaper than its Blu-ray brother on Amazon) while Blu-Ray is the long term investment but more expensive.
Personally I went with HD just because I found the HD drive for cheap and have found a lot of cheap HD deals (like DeepDiscountDVD's recent sale), but nothing else is coming out in it. If you have the drive, get some HDs until you get a ps3, then start getting Blu (that's what I'm going to do).
I've already started rebuying my 25 or so HD DVD titles in Blu Ray whenever I can find them < 15$

Cheaper or not, I wouldn't invest in HD DVD at this point. especially if you have a receiver that can output HD-MA
As others have said, you already have a 360, so why not invest in the HD add-on right now and pick up a PS3 if there's ever a sale on one? There are still a lot of great HD movies to pick up for cheap (usually half the price of the BR version) that can hold you over. However, if you have enough money saved up already, stick with the PS3, but frequently visit this site to get some good deals, otherwise you're going to wind up getting frustrated buying BR movies.
If you want to amass a larger collection quickly, HD DVD is fine. Just be sure you know what you're getting into. Eventually you're going to want to get Blu-Ray as well.
I've been picking up HD-DVD's on the cheap, only because I already have an HD-DVD player.

Some of the HD-DVD's you'd purchase have BR equivalents, though possibly with better options, such as The Mummy movies and Transformers. Admittedly, price for HD-DVD is cheaper than BR, though again, it's a dying/dead format, so in theory, any HD-DVD will end up on BR at some point.

If you can find the 360 add-on, it'll do a passable job, though any standalone player would be a better investment, if you really want to go with HD-DVD. I have both discs and pick up HD-DVD on the cheap when I can, though go for BR when it's a movie I know won't be on HD-DVD or it'll be hard to find on HD-DVD.
Go buy a LG 200 or Samsung UP5000. They both play HD DVD and Blu-ray discs and can be had for $400 or less (the same price as many Blu-ray players). Best of BOTH worlds!
If money is an issue buy the HD DVD ad on now and movies for the cheap. By the time you get through all the titles you can get, the prices of BD players and movies will hopefully have dropped.

Seems like the proper CAG thing to do.
It really depends at how much "consuming" you do.

While Blu-ray has already won against HD-DVD, HD-DVDs are *easy* to find cheap (good searching will have them ~$5, bad search around $10), but these are also movies you will inevitably rebuy (outside of the highly unlikely scenario that the next format will be backwards compatible with HD-DVD).

Provided Blu-ray can realise greater capacities than 50GB, it will be around for quite some time. If not, however, by around 2015 you'll be re-buying what's on Blu-ray (although, Super Hi-Vision [4320p] should upscale 1080p very nicely).
I would say that you should just go blu now.

I have a HD-DVD player and had it before the format died. I have since added over 100 movies to my collection. I figure that by the time I watch all of them Blu will be cheaper and I will jump over to Blu. It could be another year by the time I go blu.

With getting torchwood season 1 for $30 and Star Trek (10 HD-DVD's) for $30 from I will have alot of discs to keep me busy.

but for you I would recommen going blu and slowly building your collection.

I found the 360 add on to be a worthwhile purchase if not merely to save the drive in the 360 some added stress. the picture is still good, and as everyone has said, HD DVD is cheap. however, whenever i run across a cheap bluray opportunity (few and far between), I buy the ones I want becuase I just bought a PS3. i figure, just keep being opportunistic :)
[quote name='DestroVega']

Cheaper or not, I wouldn't invest in HD DVD at this point. especially if you have a receiver that can output HD-MA[/quote]

That's like saying someone shouldn't invest in an NES, because he can get better graphics with the Wii.

If people are satisfied with what they receive, at the price they want to pay, they should get it.

I have both a PS3 and an HDDVD player, so I buy both. If I have an option, I try to buy Blu, but only if the price is worth it. (I bought the Matrix trilogy and won't buy the Blu because of the price)
I don't see how people think HD-DVD is a waste. You can get great HD movies for about $10 or less at a number of places with zero effort (DDD, iNetVideo, Frys)...or do a little shopping around on places like eBay or Craigslist and get even better deals.
Yeah, if you have a Xbox 360 already, the HD-DVD player add-on for less than $50 plus tons of existing HighDef HD-DVD movies for less than $10 each IS a great deal! BluRay is the new format but heck, you'll have to pay more than double for the collecting those movies now. Go CAGers!
There are great deals for hd dvd. If you can get a good deal, it will last you till blu ray gets a price drop
Think about it this way.

Getting the PS3 is biting the bullet for BD. But, you'd have the flexibility of playing games for it as well as the inevitability of falling BD prices in the future as well.
[quote name='shadowrage']If you're a good Cheapass you can find BD titles for no more than $15.[/quote]

I have 22 hd dvds and 18 blu-rays. Factoring in the free titles I got and costs I paid for the titles I own, I paid far more for my hd-dvds than my blu-rays on average. Even if I bought 10 hd-dvds at $5 a piece, I'd still have paid more for the HD-DVDs than blu-rays. (And I got Matrix for $20). This just goes to show how expensive HD DVD was when it was a viable format and what sort of good deals I'd managed to find this year on blu-rays.

My real advice to the OP... blu-ray. Go blu-ray. Any money you spend on HD DVD is wasted money on a format that is dead, and every dollar you spent could've gone towards a blu-ray player. You can rent blu-rays from hollywood video or blockbuster very easily. Or netflix. You can't easily rent HD DVDs. Buy HD DVDs? Why? So you can amass a collection of discs you can't share or play anywhere else? So you can have 20 discs in your collection that are coasters when your player dies? So you can run out and spend even more money on a "backup" player? Or a replacement just to play those same 20 discs?

Not worth it IMO. If price is an issue, you'lre probably renting discs since there hasn't been much recently in the way of good blu-ray sales, and the best sales are in the fall anyway.
Well i know Blu-Ray won the war, but do you think future Blu-Ray players will also play HD-DVDs? The reason I ask is because I just ordered the HD-DVD add-on for the 360 and if this breaks I still want to be able to watch my HD-DVDs in the future.
Just do the math. Let's say you go HD-DVD. Add the cost of the player to however many movies you want now times $10 (since that's about what they are going for). Also, think about how much money you saved buying the HD-DVD versions vs. the Blu-Ray versions, which comes out to about $12-20 per title. Then, whatever you have saved, you can put that towards a PS3. There is absolutely no need to double dip on Blu-Ray titles that you can get on HD-DVD. If you buy enough HD-DVDs at a low price, you might be able to come up with a difference that is big enough to buy a ps3 with.
If you're concerned with taking advantage of HD movies immediately, and like to get them when they come out, get the PS3 for movies. If you can wait find a decent upconverting DVD player for now and work on buying DVDs that won't really get improved by the transition to Blu-Ray (the source material for older movies means there won't be a real difference).

You'll need to get blu-ray eventually though if you want to watch most HD movies.
HD-DVD all the way! i got my 360 add-on for $30 came with King Kong and have bought all my movies for under $15 (most $10). the way i see it, by the time i'm ready for the newest HD movies, Blu will be on the way out as well. I've bought Planet Earth series for $30, Galapagos , V for Vendetta, and Blue Planet series for $11, Batman Begins $12, 300, transformers, serenity, aeon flux, and italian job for less than $10. There's still a few I'd like to get, but if you run HDMI from your 360, all your DVD's will be upconverted to HD, so getting a blu-ray is a moot point then. I can't see paying $30 for a movie, that's not the CAG way. lol. $155 for a HD player with 11 movies ain't bad IMO, compared to the $750 the same amount of items could of cost me going Blu.
I see everyones points that is why I am having so much trouble trying to make up my mind. But I think I am going to give in and grab a PS3 this Friday even thought there are probably one or two exclusives that only seem to be worth buying
Why not both? Get a blu-ray because that is the way to go moving forward, but you should be able to pick up HD-DVD stuff dirt cheap as well.
I know this is a pricey option, but I went ahead and built a Home Theater PC for about $600 (you could do better than that though, I'm sure), and it has an HD-DVD/BD drive in it. I really lean towards HD-DVD since it is cheaper right now, and I just don't see Blu dropping prices for a while.
I think a couple people speculated (or at least asked about) HD-DVD futureproofness and if it will be available in future standalones, and I think so. Most DVD players play everything: mp3, jpeg, dvd-a, SACD. How many of these features are ever used? SACD and DVD-A didn't really take off, but they are great little bullet points on a box. My understanding is that BD and HD-DVD both use the same laser, and so implementing HD-DVD support in future BD players would be simple and make sense. It might be a while but, well, maybe that will be the time the old HD-DVD player breaks and you need a replacement. Don't see why you wouldn't see some companies with HD-DVD support.
And micro makes an excellent point that you can get both, cause HD-DVD is just that cheap right now. I love my HD-DVD's, and it's because they are what got me into High Def movies and they are what's kept me into it, first with a format war that made both sides have some awesome sales, and now in death it is lower priced than ever. BD, on the other hand, has always seemed like it really wanted to be expensive if it hadn't been for those meddling kids and their dog, and now that HD-DVD is dead, BD IS really expensive, nearly all the time. Yeah I can get BD for about $15, but that is way too much for me; it just looks cheap compared to the MSRP of $40. :p
My longwinded two cents.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Go buy a LG 200 or Samsung UP5000. They both play HD DVD and Blu-ray discs and can be had for $400 or less (the same price as many Blu-ray players). Best of BOTH worlds![/QUOTE]

I'm going to re-quote this for you. Do this.

Why spend $20 on Casino Blu-ray when the HD DVD is $5?
Why spend $70 on Planet Earth Blu-ray when the HD DVD is $25.

But you can't play new that's where Blu-ray comes in.
[quote name='GizmoGC']I'm going to re-quote this for you. Do this.

Why spend $20 on Casino Blu-ray when the HD DVD is $5?
Why spend $70 on Planet Earth Blu-ray when the HD DVD is $25.

But you can't play new that's where Blu-ray comes in.[/quote]

Indeed. There is a lot of stuff that is cheaper on HD-DVD or simply not yet available on Blu-ray. If you plan on buying a lot of movies in the near future, finding a way to be in the HD-DVD game is a smart option.

I've had my PS3 since January of '07. I got my 360 add-on over a year later in February of this year. Yet, I have twice as many HD-DVDs.
"If you can wait find a decent upconverting DVD player for now and work on buying DVDs that won't really get improved by the transition to Blu-Ray (the source material for older movies means there won't be a real difference)"

This is wrong. While old video source material will not, anything with a film source will find improvement on an HD format.
I can't believe how many people are recommending buying HD-DVD. It's a dead format -- the reason everything is so cheap now is because everything is being liquidated. In a couple months, they'll be off store shelves and out of production, making them neither available nor cheap.

If you're serious about going HD, Blu-Ray is your only choice, period. It's the only HD format things are going to be released on from now on. Buying into HD-DVD now is like buying into lazerdiscs shortly after they were discontined -- sure, it's cheap, but the twenty movies you buy now will likely be the only twenty you ever own.
[quote name='Ashground']I can't believe how many people are recommending buying HD-DVD. It's a dead format -- the reason everything is so cheap now is because everything is being liquidated. In a couple months, they'll be off store shelves and out of production, making them neither available nor cheap.

If you're serious about going HD, Blu-Ray is your only choice, period. It's the only HD format things are going to be released on from now on. Buying into HD-DVD now is like buying into lazerdiscs shortly after they were discontined -- sure, it's cheap, but the twenty movies you buy now will likely be the only twenty you ever own.[/quote]

Do you even bother to read the recommendations people give? Or do you just barrel ahead with your own, while also disrespecting those others? Because if you actually read what people wrote, you would realize why they are suggesting HD-DVD. Do you also understand that you can buy HD-DVDs...and get this...and Blu-rays! Yes, I know, it's craziness, but it's also true. I don't think one person in this thread seriously suggested HD-DVD as a long time solution.

But right now, HD-DVD is not a bad thing to get into, if you want a lot of cheap, high-def movies quickly. If you can't see that, it's your problem. With about $100 in your pocket, you can get an HD-DVD player and a bunch of movies. What can $100 do for you in the Blu-ray category? It can't even get you a player, and with the way prices are, you'll be lucky to walk away with five movies.
[quote name='Ashground']I can't believe how many people are recommending buying HD-DVD. It's a dead format -- the reason everything is so cheap now is because everything is being liquidated. In a couple months, they'll be off store shelves and out of production, making them neither available nor cheap.

If you're serious about going HD, Blu-Ray is your only choice, period. It's the only HD format things are going to be released on from now on. Buying into HD-DVD now is like buying into lazerdiscs shortly after they were discontined -- sure, it's cheap, but the twenty movies you buy now will likely be the only twenty you ever own.[/quote]

Yeah. If you don't already have an investment in it, I say it's best to avoid it all together.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']But right now, HD-DVD is not a bad thing to get into, if you want a lot of cheap, high-def movies quickly. If you can't see that, it's your problem. With about $100 in your pocket, you can get an HD-DVD player and a bunch of movies. What can $100 do for you in the Blu-ray category? It can't even get you a player, and with the way prices are, you'll be lucky to walk away with five movies.[/quote]

But it's a bad investment, pure and simple. Your argument is that you can save money by buying HD-DVD now and Blu-Ray later. That means buying two players, as well as amassing a collection of movies that won't be supported by future players (in the same way that, on modern players, you can play DVDs but not laserdiscs).

Yes, I read over other people's suggestions, and I don't think I'm being disrespectful. I am, however, completely disagreeing. Suggesting that someone pick up a player for a dead format just to pick up a small selection of momentarily cheap movies is bad advice. Any money you save right now will disappear the moment you have to buy a second player for Blu-Ray, not to mention repurchase your HD-DVD library when future players don't support the format (since HD-DVD is a discontinued format, there will be no forwards-compatability).
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[quote name='Ashground']But it's a bad investment, pure and simple. Your argument is that you can save money by buying HD-DVD now and Blu-Ray later. That means buying two players, as well as amassing a collection of movies that won't be supported by future players (in the same way that, on modern players, you can play DVDs but not laserdiscs).

Yes, I read over other people's suggestions, and I don't think I'm being disrespectful. I am, however, completely disagreeing. Suggesting that someone pick up a player for a dead format just to pick up a small selection of momentarily cheap movies is bad advice. Any money you save right now will disappear the moment you have to buy a second player for Blu-Ray, not to mention repurchase your HD-DVD library when future players don't support the format (since HD-DVD is a discontinued format, there will be no forwards-compatibility).[/quote]Even if I've rebought all my HD-DVD's to BR's, my XA-2 will still be one of the best DVD upscalers around.

Plus, Toshiba's supporting them with parts until 2016, so getting them repaired/replaced is still possible for quite some time to come.

I picked up my HD-DVD add-on after my PS3, and eventually bought an XA-2 at a great price right as the bubble burst. It does a damn good job on DVD upscaling. Plus, from what I've seen, most of the BR versions of HD-DVD's that I picked up on the cheap, are either the same as I have on HD-DVD or no real changes to make me think about double-dipping.

For the moment, I have 82 HD-DVD's and 97 BR's. When I can find HD-DVD's on the cheap that is a movie I want and it is a worthwhile upgrade from DVD, I'll pick it up. For the BR version in the same situation, I'm paying more, without question. In most cases, it's the same movie on both platforms, with possibly some minor differences in added content.

If I was starting fresh, I'd learn towards BR, though it is a much more expensive point of entry than HD-DVD at this time.
+1 for ps3

seriously, if you don't own a HD-DVD player already then it's not a really smart investment unless you can find one really cheap.
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