Need Help! Blu-Ray or HD Dvd?


6 (100%)
I bought a brand new LG 47' HDTV LCD Flat Panel TV (Mostly for gaming XBox 360 + GoW 2 Oh yeah!)BUT I also would like to watch movies on it but idk if I should start a HD DVD collection (Cheaper but not sure if it is worth investing money in) Blu-Ray looks good but cost so much damn money. So someone come make up my mind for me! (lol)
[quote name='shrike4242']Even if I've rebought all my HD-DVD's to BR's, my XA-2 will still be one of the best DVD upscalers around.[/quote]

The XA-2 does have fantastic upscaling, but that's not necessairly a reason to go HD-DVD, since the PS3's upscaling is nearly on par for a full $1000 less.
[quote name='Ashground']Suggesting that someone pick up a player for a dead format just to pick up a small selection of momentarily cheap movies is bad advice. .[/QUOTE]

HD-DVD's US library is around 400 titles.

[quote name='Ashground']Any money you save right now will disappear the moment you have to buy a second player for Blu-Ray, not to mention repurchase your HD-DVD library when future players don't support the format (since HD-DVD is a discontinued format, there will be no forwards-compatability).[/QUOTE]


It's really simple. Buy a cheap player (sub $75)...which gives him access to a ton of cheap movies (that will forever be cheap)...which will hold the man over until Blu-Ray comes down in which point he can buy into Blu-Ray if he wants.

There would be no reason for him to repurchase the HD-DVDs he bought again on Blu-Ray because most of the time, they are the same transfer (or that the Blu version recieves a lossless audio track...which isn't worth the extra $$$)

If the player dies, guess what? Hit up eBay. Hell, you can still buy betamax players on eBay. I imagine that 10 years into the future you'll still be able to buy a replacement HD-DVD player if you really wanted to.
[quote name='Ashground']The XA-2 does have fantastic upscaling, but that's not necessairly a reason to go HD-DVD, since the PS3's upscaling is nearly on par for a full $1000 less.[/quote]I picked mine up as a refurb for $299, so I'm not in at the $1400 level for it.

I'm not saying I bought the XA-2 just for upscaling, I bought it because I wasn't pleased with the performance of my 360 add-on, and had enough investment with HD-DVD's to drop the money on the XA-2 at the price I found it at.

I just know that if I replace all my HD-DVD's with BR's, I'll have a fantastic DVD upscaler. The A30 and A35 are both great upscalers, though the A35's a bit hard to find these days. For about the price I'd pay for a good DVD upscaler, I could get a comparable HD-DVD player that also plays HD-DVD's.
[quote name='Sporadic']What?

It's really simple. Buy a cheap player (sub $75)...which gives him access to a ton of cheap movies (that will forever be cheap)...which will hold the man over until Blu-Ray comes down in which point he can buy into Blu-Ray if he wants.

There would be no reason for him to repurchase the HD-DVDs he bought again on Blu-Ray because most of the time, they are the same transfer (or that the Blu version recieves a lossless audio track...which isn't worth the extra $$$)

If the player dies, guess what? Hit up eBay. Hell, you can still buy betamax players on eBay. I imagine that 10 years into the future you'll still be able to buy a replacement HD-DVD player if you really wanted to.[/quote]I think you can also find laserdisc players there as well.
Exactly. I still see Laserdisc players on Craigslist and eBay all the time, and there you are talking about a format that never really caught on in North America. HD-DVD was on the market for some time, so there will be stuff floating around for years and years to come.
Okay, let me see...
But it's a bad investment, pure and simple. Your argument is that you can save money by buying HD-DVD now and Blu-Ray later. That means buying two players, as well as amassing a collection of movies that won't be supported by future players (in the same way that, on modern players, you can play DVDs but not laserdiscs).
Yes, I read over other people's suggestions, and I don't think I'm being disrespectful. I am, however, completely disagreeing. Suggesting that someone pick up a player for a dead format just to pick up a small selection of momentarily cheap movies is bad advice. Any money you save right now will disappear the moment you have to buy a second player for Blu-Ray, not to mention repurchase your HD-DVD library when future players don't support the format (since HD-DVD is a discontinued format, there will be no forwards-compatability).
This is all assumption. Laserdisc is not supported because it's so damn big.

[laserdisc next to dvd]
HD-DVD and Blu-Ray are the same size as DVD's, and use the same laser as each other, so incorporating backwards compatibility is not hard, and I foresee a future with plenty of those types of players. I suppose it might make development costs higher since I know the requirements for each format are a bit different, but I don't think it would be out of the question. As I said previously, DVD-A and SACD are still around, two competing formats, and both can easily be found on many dvd players, and yet neither became very popular. It's a bullet point. And I can't find data on the number of total HD-DVD players sold, but you can bet there are a large chunk of people with HD-DVD equipment right now (well, assuming they didn't just ebay them :p) So when all of these people need new players, they'll just have to throw their discs away? No. Someone will step up and release a cheap dual-format player, probably multiple companies (there is already a dual format player, but it's still pretty expensive from what I gather.)

HD-DVD's don't just stop working because BD won, and companies aren't going to just ignore the people that HD-DVD. Some will, definitly Sony, but then some won't, and they will release dual-format players to get those people that want both, and can't get it from Sony. But this is all assumption on MY part.

Now, the facts are these:
HD-DVD is dead; BD won,
HD-DVD is cheap; BD is expensive,
HD-DVD won't just stop working.

The problem does lie in not knowing what will be the future formats included for players, but I think we have a greater chance of seeing it included than not. So I still think getting HD-DVD now and BD later is the best choice, with getting both now being second best choice.
[quote name='Mr.Swagga']I see everyones points that is why I am having so much trouble trying to make up my mind. But I think I am going to give in and grab a PS3 this Friday even thought there are probably one or two exclusives that only seem to be worth buying[/quote]

you don't have a 360?
[quote name='von551']you don't have a 360?[/quote]

Yeah I have a 360 just didnt wanna waste cash on something I thought might become useless.
Well, here's a suggestion. A number of people over in the Sears clearance thread were reporting the add-on drive for between $25 and $30. One even said there was a rebate available. If you can find one at a local Sears for that cheap, I'd go for it. Considering you'll get King Kong and the media remote, the drive is pretty much free. Yeah, the add-on isn't nearly as a good as a standalone player, but you won't be making much of a commitment, so if you decide HD-DVD is a waste, you aren't really out much.
[quote name='shadowrage']If you're a good Cheapass you can find BD titles for no more than $15.[/quote]

Not the movies I want...
[quote name='oasisboy']Not the movies I want...[/quote]

It is quite difficult to find decent Blu-rays for under $15. Frys had a good sale back around May or June, and I picked up a number of quality titles. But ever since the fall of HD-DVD, there really haven't been that many great Blu-ray deals, simply because there isn't any need for them, anymore, from a marketing perspective.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']It is quite difficult to find decent Blu-rays for under $15. Frys had a good sale back around May or June, and I picked up a number of quality titles. But ever since the fall of HD-DVD, there really haven't been that many great Blu-ray deals, simply because there isn't any need for them, anymore, from a marketing perspective.[/quote]Only times I manage a BR for $15 or under is normally at a B1G1 sale when they're $30 each.

Sometimes, you'll find them on the cheaper end, such as from J&, and, though normally, $15 is a hard point to get a BR at. Sometimes, if you pick the right movies on for the B2G1, you'll luck out at $15 or less.

No issues when they were selling at $20-$28 on with B1G1's. Though, not any more.
[quote name='Mr.Swagga']Yeah I have a 360 just didnt wanna waste cash on something I thought might become useless.[/quote]

well, like i said, i have a $155 HD DVD collection as opposed to $750 Blu, I'll always keep it because it looks so good and maybe consider Blu if it gets way cheaper, but by then it'll probably be getting replaced by something else. PS3 is a useless game console, but great Blu-Ray player if you're willing to spend at least a grand on a decent collection.
[quote name='shadowrage']If you're a good Cheapass you can find BD titles for no more than $15.[/quote]

Don't get me wrong, the only BD that was purchased at full price was Blade Runner (it was given to me as a gift by my wife). I bought almost all of mine at Amazon when they were really cheap or used at Gamestop.
[quote name='Mr.Swagga']My gamestop dont have used BDs. I got shitty old busted up DVDs lol[/quote]

Don't feel bad. The most my local GS ever had was copies of Spiderman 3 BD and King Kong HD-DVD.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']It is quite difficult to find decent Blu-rays for under $15. Frys had a good sale back around May or June, and I picked up a number of quality titles. But ever since the fall of HD-DVD, there really haven't been that many great Blu-ray deals, simply because there isn't any need for them, anymore, from a marketing perspective.[/QUOTE]

That's the main thing that bugs me. People were real happy that BR won the format war. As a owner of both formats I thought the end of the war sucked. As now we see the BR prices are not as good as they were during the war.

I am very amused by the comments of some of these people on how you should not buy into HD DVD. Too funny. This is the BEST time to get into HD DVD if you want some cheap hi-def movies. I buy as many HD-DVD movies as I can right now because they're sooo cheap. Why would I want to pay double to get it on BR for the same quality? Pretty dumb.
LG BH 200 (Plays Blu-ray + HD DVD). Profile 1.1 (2.0 maybe at a later date). Internally decodes TrueHD. Bitstreams DTS MA. USB slot.

$339 right now at Best Buy!

Couple that with a 10 or 12% off coupon and its like $325 out of the door for something that better then most BD players to date.
[quote name='cybersteve00']That's the main thing that bugs me. People were real happy that BR won the format war. As a owner of both formats I thought the end of the war sucked. As now we see the BR prices are not as good as they were during the war.

I am very amused by the comments of some of these people on how you should not buy into HD DVD. Too funny. This is the BEST time to get into HD DVD if you want some cheap hi-def movies. I buy as many HD-DVD movies as I can right now because they're sooo cheap. Why would I want to pay double to get it on BR for the same quality? Pretty dumb.[/quote]

I'm with you. I didn't want the war to end especially with all the sales on both sides. I embraced both formats but the last 10 or so HD films I've purchased have all been HD DVDs. The last BD I bought was on sale on Amazon for a really low price, but not lower than any of my HD DVDs. Yes the war is over, yes HD DVD is 'dead' but my disks don't vanish and neither does my player. My A2 plays all my HD DVDs and DVDs, my PS3 only BDs for gaming and film. You'll always read many comments on many boards preaching BDs advantage, and usually it's a PS3 owner making ridiculous comments like preaching lossless audio with TV speakers or 1080P24 with an SD TV. It is what it is. Shop smart I always say. You'll find deals for Blu, but you'll find far more deals on red. Example, Matrix collection can be had for $30-40 but new it's slated to be almost $130+ on Blu. If you only watch the films, why spend the extra? Being neutral is great :D
"I still see Laserdisc players on Craigslist and eBay all the time, and there you are talking about a format that never really caught on in North America."

Penetration was supposedly about a million households in the US. It lasted as a format for 15 years.
[quote name='heghei555']"I still see Laserdisc players on Craigslist and eBay all the time, and there you are talking about a format that never really caught on in North America."

Penetration was supposedly about a million households in the US. It lasted as a format for 15 years.[/quote]

Laserdisc never caught on in America, period. Outside of schools and some extreme niche markets, who owned a Laserdisc player? When was the format pushed?
[quote name='heghei555']"I still see Laserdisc players on Craigslist and eBay all the time, and there you are talking about a format that never really caught on in North America."

Penetration was supposedly about a million households in the US. It lasted as a format for 15 years.[/quote]

I think "limped along" for some time would be more accurate, but that's another discussion. This thread isn't about Laserdisc. The point is, just because a format failed, that doesn't mean the product is suddenly going to vanish into mid-air. There has been enough HD-DVD product put out there to keep a second-hand market going for years to come. As of December of last year, more than 750,000 units had been sold. So, I wouldn't worry about a player breaking and then suddenly not being able to find a replacement. You can still find products that failed, failed even worse than HD-DVD, on the second-hand market.
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I used to use my 360 and hd dvd add on drive but last year I got RROD and earlier this year my 360 had to be sent to MS for disc read errors. So I've had some experience already with being unable to play my hd dvd discs. I did opt to buy an hd-d3 because Costco had their deal going on and it essentially cost me nothing, plus I got 7 movies out of the deal (even if they were all crap or I already owned it). Thats why to me, its just not worth spending money on hd dvd. I don't want to be beholden to a format that has no future, just so I can keep playing my ~20 discs.
[quote name='GizmoGC']LG BH 200 (Plays Blu-ray + HD DVD). Profile 1.1 (2.0 maybe at a later date). Internally decodes TrueHD. Bitstreams DTS MA. USB slot.

$339 right now at Best Buy!

Couple that with a 10 or 12% off coupon and its like $325 out of the door for something that better then most BD players to date.[/QUOTE]

:lol: keep pimping that! No one is listening to ya brother.
Anyone telling you to go HD DVD is just trying to suck you into their sadness. Skip the dead worthless format, go Blu-ray and never look back. If the costs of discs is the issue, buy a PS3 and get a netflix account, done. A lot of HD DVD supporters are die hards even after the format has been dead and buried, like Gizmo who is a shill for HD DVD on every forum he visits and is the laughing stock of movie fans on many forums.

Do not spend good money on a bad format that you will not be able to get 1 dollar for soon.
[quote name='h0mi']I used to use my 360 and hd dvd add on drive but last year I got RROD and earlier this year my 360 had to be sent to MS for disc read errors. So I've had some experience already with being unable to play my hd dvd discs. I did opt to buy an hd-d3 because Costco had their deal going on and it essentially cost me nothing, plus I got 7 movies out of the deal (even if they were all crap or I already owned it). Thats why to me, its just not worth spending money on hd dvd. I don't want to be beholden to a format that has no future, just so I can keep playing my ~20 discs.[/quote]

You can find drivers for the HD-DVD drive to work on your PC.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Anyone telling you to go HD DVD is just trying to suck you into their sadness. Skip the dead worthless format, go Blu-ray and never look back. If the costs of discs is the issue, buy a PS3 and get a netflix account, done. A lot of HD DVD supporters are die hards even after the format has been dead and buried, like Gizmo who is a shill for HD DVD on every forum he visits and is the laughing stock of movie fans on many forums.

Do not spend good money on a bad format that you will not be able to get 1 dollar for soon.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like you are the one who can't stop carrying the fanboy torch, not Gizmo.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Anyone telling you to go HD DVD is just trying to suck you into their sadness. Skip the dead worthless format, go Blu-ray and never look back. If the costs of discs is the issue, buy a PS3 and get a netflix account, done. A lot of HD DVD supporters are die hards even after the format has been dead and buried, like Gizmo who is a shill for HD DVD on every forum he visits and is the laughing stock of movie fans on many forums.

Do not spend good money on a bad format that you will not be able to get 1 dollar for soon.[/QUOTE]

Yes, you will not get no new movies for the format. But when you have 500+ domestic movies to choose from and lots of imports that you can get for 50% or more less than their BD counterparts its an incredible fucking value no matter how you cut it.

Certain titles who are just now getting the BluRay treatment can be had on HD DVD have better PQ or equal.

If your frugal with your money HD DVD is a great alternative at this time for the price alone.

Onkyo 805. WIth discounts it van be had for less than $260. This machine is equal to a Toshiba XA2 which are currently going for around $400+.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Anyone telling you to go HD DVD is just trying to suck you into their sadness.[/quote]

Anyone? Really? That's odd, because I bought the 360 add-on after the format was dead. So, I guess, you're wrong. I'm not too sad about getting $5 and $10 quality high-def movies...not Beer League and The Curse of King Tut's Tomb.

A lot of HD DVD supporters are die hards even after the format has been dead and buried, like Gizmo who is a shill for HD DVD on every forum he visits and is the laughing stock of movie fans on many forums.
Yes, because personal attacks really make your post look unbiased and useful.

Do not spend good money on a bad format that you will not be able to get 1 dollar for soon.
How is it a bad format? The movies are the same quality as Blu-ray. As the other poster said, you're the one still waving the fanboy flag. Also, who cares how much one can get for the stuff in the future? We aren't talking about reselling. We're talking about buying movies to actually watch and enjoy.
[quote name='DX']Yes, you will not get no new movies for the format. But when you have 500+ domestic movies to choose from and lots of imports that you can get for 50% or more less than their BD counterparts its an incredible fucking value no matter how you cut it.

Certain titles who are just now getting the BluRay treatment can be had on HD DVD have better PQ or equal.

If your frugal with your money HD DVD is a great alternative at this time for the price alone.

Onkyo 805. WIth discounts it van be had for less than $260. This machine is equal to a Toshiba XA2 which are currently going for around $400+.[/quote]


I shopped around for a spare HD DVD player and REALLY wanted the XA2 or the Onkyo 805... I think I just got sold! Where can you get additional discounts though?

[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Anyone? Really? That's odd, because I bought the 360 add-on after the format was dead. So, I guess, you're wrong. I'm not too sad about getting $5 and $10 quality high-def movies...not Beer League and The Curse of King Tut's Tomb.

Yes, because personal attacks really make your post look unbiased and useful.

How is it a bad format? The movies are the same quality as Blu-ray. As the other poster said, you're the one still waving the fanboy flag. Also, who cares how much one can get for the stuff in the future? We aren't talking about reselling. We're talking about buying movies to actually watch and enjoy.[/quote]

Pay no attention... If you look on any HDM board, even gaming boards, the majority still spewing crap are the elite PS3 zealots who forgot the war is over. The major advantage to go Bluray is that it is here to stay and new releases can be had but if you don't mind saving yourself a good amount of $ on what's available now HD DVD still is a fine product with over 400 titles available in the NA region and with some imports being BETTER than their Bluray counterparts. Sadly most waving the flags own 2-3 Blurays and only preach it because of their beloved console. They tend to be the elite that have their systems connected via composite to an SDTV parading lossless audio with TV speakers ;)
It's your money, let the fanboys preach what they want. I really wished the format war was still going on. My collection of both formats would be a LOT larger due to great sales but war being over means neither side have to win the public's heart as much :cool:

You'll still score some great deals on Bluray but even better on HD DVD even if the format is 'dead'. How many here honestly have more than 50 DVDs in their collection?
[quote name='cuco33']Pay no attention... If you look on any HDM board, even gaming boards, the majority still spewing crap are the elite PS3 zealots who forgot the war is over.


Sadly most waving the flags own 2-3 Blurays and only preach it because of their beloved console. [/QUOTE]

Kind of off topic but that's one of the sad things I noticed.

A majority of the people who use to fight with me tooth and nail for pages and pages saying that Blu-Ray was the "superior" format in the old format war thread, never actually post in the Blu-Ray discussion thread now that it's won or own more than 20 discs.

While HD-DVD "zealots" like me, Gizmo and LinkinPrime have already bought Blu-Ray players, own more discs than them in a shorter amount of time and dominate most of the Blu-Ray discussion thread while the people who were "hardcore Blu-Ray fans" completely fell off the map. Seems like they were more in love with the idea of a format war.
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[quote name='blitz6speed']Anyone telling you to go HD DVD is just trying to suck you into their sadness. Skip the dead worthless format, go Blu-ray and never look back. If the costs of discs is the issue, buy a PS3 and get a netflix account, done. A lot of HD DVD supporters are die hards even after the format has been dead and buried, like Gizmo who is a shill for HD DVD on every forum he visits and is the laughing stock of movie fans on many forums.

Do not spend good money on a bad format that you will not be able to get 1 dollar for soon.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the laugh. Apparently I'm a shill yet I have well over 100 Blu-ray movies...been supporting that format since January 2007. Yeah, makes sense. If you are reffering to HDD, that site in itself is a joke. I love going over there to stir the pop with the fanboys. Post one negative BD comment and *boom* thread derailed. Keeps me busy during the long days of work.

While you pay $20 for a catalog title on Blu-ray I pay $5 and typically get better audio (take a look at Paramount and Warner releases. They typically have DD5.1 on BD and DD+ or TrueHD on HD).

Remember, you own Blu-ray because you bought a PS3. Since its dead in the console wars you, the fanboys, have to be fighting and bragging about something right? Now you are all BD experts :lol:

Thanks for the Love!
[quote name='Sporadic']Kind of off topic but that's one of the sad things I noticed.

A majority of the people who use to fight with me tooth and nail for pages and pages saying that Blu-Ray was the "superior" format in the old format war thread, never actually post in the Blu-Ray discussion thread or own more than 20 discs.

While HD-DVD "zealots" like me, Gizmo and LinkinPrime have already bought Blu-Ray players, own more discs than them in a shorter amount of time and dominate most of the Blu-Ray discussion thread while the people who were "hardcore Blu-Ray fans" completely fell off the map. Seems like they were more in love with the idea of a format war.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, its an odd time to see you, Linkin and myself discussing Blu-ray when all the old BD supporters just disappeared. I know Myke posts from time to time...but where is everyone else that fought so hard for BD to win?
[quote name='Deadpool']:lol: keep pimping that! No one is listening to ya brother.[/QUOTE]

Check out AVS and HDD forums...tons of people are buying them right now. I just returned my S350 because this play is much nicer (plus it can play any region Blu-ray, any region DVD & PAL DVDs)
[quote name='GizmoGC']Yeah, its an odd time to see you, Linkin and myself discussing Blu-ray when all the old BD supporters just disappeared. I know Myke posts from time to time...but where is everyone else that fought so hard for BD to win?[/quote]This is irrelevant, but I'm loving how when the format war ended everybody preached we'd get no more deals or low prices on Blu-ray, but for me it's been the exact opposite. Retailers are showing major support now, and releases on BD are retailing for cheaper than when they were released on HD-DVD (Heroes for example).

2008 would've been a great (well shitty for anybody who isn't neutral) year for the format war, it's a shame they couldn't hold out longer. Iron Man, the Hulk, the Dark Knight, then October's catalog releases, man it would've been crazy. I'm just happy my collection has puffed up so much, it helped having an HD-DVD supporter friend that sold me all of his HD-DVD exclusives dirt cheap and other buddies I can trade BDs with.
[quote name='TimPV3']This is irrelevant, but I'm loving how when the format war ended everybody preached we'd get no more deals or low prices on Blu-ray, but for me it's been the exact opposite. Retailers are showing major support now, and releases on BD are retailing for cheaper than when they were released on HD-DVD (Heroes for example). [/QUOTE]

Really? While HD-DVD was around, there were Blu-Ray BOGOs every other week, sales and free movies with player purchase.

Now that HD-DVD is dead. No more BOGOs, no more free movies with player purchase and sales seem to be limited to "same old 10 Warner/Sony/Anchor Bay movies" over and over again. Now an awesome deal is getting Men In Black for $15 or Batman Begins for $18
Yeah, while you might see a dollar or two shaved off regular prices, we aren't getting any really good Blu-ray sales, anymore. Damn, it seemed like there was a BOGO on Amazon all the time. Those was basically the only source of my first handful of Blu-rays films. Now, all you get is the B2G1 deals where Amazon raises the prices of each movie a few bucks right before the sale, thus basically negating most of your savings.
[quote name='TimPV3']This is irrelevant, but I'm loving how when the format war ended everybody preached we'd get no more deals or low prices on Blu-ray, but for me it's been the exact opposite. Retailers are showing major support now, and releases on BD are retailing for cheaper than when they were released on HD-DVD (Heroes for example).

2008 would've been a great (well shitty for anybody who isn't neutral) year for the format war, it's a shame they couldn't hold out longer. Iron Man, the Hulk, the Dark Knight, then October's catalog releases, man it would've been crazy. I'm just happy my collection has puffed up so much, it helped having an HD-DVD supporter friend that sold me all of his HD-DVD exclusives dirt cheap and other buddies I can trade BDs with.[/QUOTE] more BOGOs, free movies with players etc. Pretty much what Sporadic said.

As for Heroes...Season 1 BD is $80 at most retail stores, where are you getting it was cheaper than the HD DVD version when it was released? Keep in mind the BD of Season 1 dropped 3 special features as well as coming in a cheaper cardboard package (but does have DTS MA).

Edit: Amazon shows the original MSRP for both sets at $99.95. I got the HD DVD version from Amazon release week for $55 or $65 (I'd have to check), the BD is $69.95 "on sale".
[quote name='GizmoGC']Check out AVS and HDD forums...tons of people are buying them right now. I just returned my S350 because this play is much nicer (plus it can play any region Blu-ray, any region DVD & PAL DVDs)[/QUOTE]

Shit... I might have to break down and get one then, didn't know there was a region free Blu player. Sucks i already have 2 HD DVD players and my PS3 though...
[quote name='Deadpool']Shit... I might have to break down and get one then, didn't know there was a region free Blu player. Sucks i already have 2 HD DVD players and my PS3 though...[/QUOTE]

Its region free with a little hacking :)

Took me about 2 minutes to do, but at the moment I do not have any titles that require it so I switched it back. Its a software hack...just need to press a few buttons on the remote.

I was skeptical of it at first...but wound up buying two of them I was so impressed. Beaitiful design, everything plays perfect, and the little 'ping' noise it makes when touching the buttons...mmmm. Firmware updates are done either by ethernet or USB stick. Profile 1.1 (with 2.0 coming eventually). Its seriously one of the best BD players available (besides the PS3)
[quote name='GizmoGC']Yeah, its an odd time to see you, Linkin and myself discussing Blu-ray when all the old BD supporters just disappeared. I know Myke posts from time to time...but where is everyone else that fought so hard for BD to win?[/quote]

They are playing games, now that the PS3 has them (iz a joke! :D) but you guys feel me. I lurk more than I post on here and recently for the past few months have been sidetracked with work. I love HDM, love film, love games. Not specific consoles nor formats. I'm still amazed a lot of places that do carry HD DVD sometimes have them listed for $12+. Where do you guys get yours? My last 10 came from inetvideo

I want an Amazon Bluray BOGO but WITHOUT them raising the prices on the BDs in the sale lol
I just bought an A2 + 37 movies (tons of boxsets) for $100 off of Craiglist... :)

Otherwise, eBay, Fry's, Wal-Mart (Canada),...
[quote name='Methadon']You can find drivers for the HD-DVD drive to work on your PC.[/quote]
Just wanted to point this out since it got sorta lost in the shuffle. I went this route since I don't have a 360 yet. It works pretty well, but do note that unless you use a program like Slysoft AnyDVD, which removes region/DRM protection, you will need both an HDCP compliant video card and monitor. In fact, I've found that even though I have those things I sometimes need AnyDVD anyway, cause DRM still incorrectly locks me up sometimes and says my stuff is incompatible (sometimes this is fixed by an update of the video card drivers).
[quote name='GizmoGC']I was skeptical of it at first...but wound up buying two of them I was so impressed. Beaitiful design, everything plays perfect, and the little 'ping' noise it makes when touching the buttons...mmmm. Firmware updates are done either by ethernet or USB stick. Profile 1.1 (with 2.0 coming eventually). Its seriously one of the best BD players available (besides the PS3)[/QUOTE]

My only complaint with the BH-200 is there being no option to play 4x3 SD-DVDs pillarboxed. Other then that its a fine player. Worth owning if one wants an player that handles both HD-DVD and Bluray. Especially with so many cheap HD-DVDs out there that one can easily build a nice HD disc collection just from those alone. :D
I fixed that by just changing the asepct ratio when I put in a SD DVD that is 4:3. Though that also entails my South Park Seasons, Family Guy, Super Mario Cartoons and Unsolved no huge biggie for me.
[quote name='GizmoGC']I just bought an A2 + 37 movies (tons of boxsets) for $100 off of Craiglist... :)[/QUOTE]
you... whore...
[quote name='Methadon']You can find drivers for the HD-DVD drive to work on your PC.[/quote]

The software used to play the movies is not free. I can read the discs but cant do anything with them.
[quote name='Sporadic']Really? While HD-DVD was around, there were Blu-Ray BOGOs every other week, sales and free movies with player purchase.

Now that HD-DVD is dead. No more BOGOs, no more free movies with player purchase and sales seem to be limited to "same old 10 Warner/Sony/Anchor Bay movies" over and over again. Now an awesome deal is getting Men In Black for $15 or Batman Begins for $18[/quote]

There've been at least 3 bogos at Best Buy and Target this year already. Amazon is the one not doing any bogos and they haven't done a b2g1 deal recently. Most of the blu-ray bogos were in the 4th quarter last year which... hasn't happened yet.

I've bought about 8 blu-rays this year and paid >$15 for only 2 titles- Pan's labyrinth and Bladerunner (which were titles that were never discounted last year).
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[quote name='h0mi']The software used to play the movies is not free. I can read the discs but cant do anything with them.[/QUOTE]

Of course there are less than legal ways to get software but the license for the legit stuff is only $80 and it will also play Blu-Rays. Grab a $120 Blu drive and you got yourself a $200 combo player :cool:

[quote name='h0mi']There've been at least 3 bogos at Best Buy and Target this year already. Amazon is the one not doing any bogos and they haven't done a b2g1 deal recently. Most of the blu-ray bogos were in the 4th quarter last year which... hasn't happened yet.

I've bought about 8 blu-rays this year and paid >$15 for only 2 titles- Pan's labyrinth and Bladerunner (which were titles that were never discounted last year).[/QUOTE]

Hooray, BOGO off MSRP :roll: I meant no more BOGOs worth a damn. Remember when there were BOGOs with 100+ titles at $19.95 each?
[quote name='Sporadic']Of course there are less than legal ways to get software but the license for the legit stuff is only $80 and it will also play Blu-Rays. Grab a $120 Blu drive and you got yourself a $200 combo player :cool:

Not worth it to me. It would give me another avenue to watch HD DVDs or blu-rays but I'd rather watch them on my tv. I have no plans to build an HTPC.

Hooray, BOGO off MSRP :roll: I meant no more BOGOs worth a damn. Remember when there were BOGOs with 100+ titles at $19.95 each?

Yeah, they all took place during 4th quarter of last year... the amazon BOGOs. There've been more bogos this year than last; its just Amazon hasn't done any which makes them more attractive when they're combined with up to 50% off as well.
bread's done