need Help deciding if I should get a Xbox!


4 (100%)
I need some Help deciding if I should get a Xbox or not, I all ready own a GameCube and a PS2. I buy most of my games for my GameCube and truth be told with the exception of Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy I rarely touch my PS2. When a game comes out that is multi-console I always buy the GameCube version.

I was originally thinking of getting a Xbox for Sudeki but after the really mix bag of reviews and lack of reviews I decided to rethink it.

Anyway I was hoping you guys might be able to mention some titles that are worth getting a Xbox for.
I do want to state, that graphics mean nothing to me and even if I did own a Xbox I would still be getting the GameCube version over the Xbox version.
Also I have a really good Gaming PC so games that also come out on the PC like Halo, KotoR, Fable, Doom3 and Riddick are Not Xbox selling features for me. I also hate console FPS I prefer playing FPS on my PC. Also I have a really crap Internet connection so Xbox Live is also not a selling feature for me.

After all thats been said, are there any games still worth buying for it?
Or should I take the $100 and go out and buy some other games for my PS2 and GameCube?
I was in the exact same boat as you. However my cousin gave me his for free, so luckily I didn't have to make the decision. For me it basically came down to these games as selling points: Panzer Dragoon Orta, Fable, Ninja Gaiden, Conker Live and Reloaded, and Metal Slug 3. Bloodwake is pretty fun too.
After you said games like Halo and KotoR aren't selling features then there really isn't a reason to invest in the Xbox. To me those are the only games really worth purchasing the system for and since you already have a GCN and PS2 you're not going to miss any third party games.
Only get it if you can really afford it and can name at least 7 games that you actually want to play, otherwise wait and wait and eventually it'll be like 100 bucks.
um, modding it is fun another "bad" story.

moving on, games i like to play and mention

kungfu chaos (w/ friends)
DOA: XBV (fun by yourself, yea)
ralisport 2, pgr 2

espn 2k5, or another sports title, i think its more fun on the xbox then ps2, because i like the control you have on football games. im still hooked on nba inside drive 2003. wont by newer ones because older ones still rock.

marvel vs capcom 2
hunter the reckoning 2
metal slug 3
spliter cell : PT
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']I would say don't get it. Especially considering you just wrote a good sized rant about how you hate it and would never play it.[/quote]
I never said I hated it or I would never play it. I was saying that these aren't selling features for me. If i would never buy one why would I even bring this up?

[quote name='jputahraptor']Only get it if you can really afford it and can name at least 7 games that you actually want to play, otherwise wait and wait and eventually it'll be like 100 bucks.[/quote]

Ya thats why I did this topic, sinces I really don't follow the Xbox that much I was hoping people would be able to recomend a handfull of games that could turn the tables for me. As I said Sudeki was going to be the selling feature but that backfired. I hope to be able to put together a list of some games so I could try them out and see if their worth it.
and Right now I do have the chance to get a Xbox for $100.

Fable looks really cool and I do all ready have the PC version reserved.

Oh I did forget to mention that I do also have a DreamCast. =P
[quote name='CapAmerica']

Fable looks really cool and I do all ready have the PC version reserved.

Oh I did forget to mention that I do also have a DreamCast. =P[/quote]

Fable is comming out for PC?
Fable will sell a few XBoxes. You don't really have a huge reason to get it. I sold my PS2 and solely invested in an XBox, best move i've made in a while.. XBox Live with my cousin rocks. Before, i'd see him like.. MAYBE once every two or three months and talk to him MAYBE three times a week on aim.. now I can game with him all day long. It rocks.
yes it is the one of the best systems

all 3 are tied for 1st place because if someone says one console is inferior to another we will have a flame going.
Personally, I've become a pretty big fan of the Xbox. Cross-platform games are generally always better - barring MGS2 - since the Xbox uses normal DVDs and doesn't have to compress so much data (never mind the actual processing power). That having been said: Ninja Gaiden, Otogi, Panzer Dragoon Orta, Jet Set Radio Future, and KOTOR were all big points for me. Full Spectrum Warrior's great, too (though it only lasts a weekend), and once you've tacked on all the releases that are coming out this year, it gets kind of hard to pass up.
Personally, my Xbox is my favorite of the bunch, and I own all three. But it all comes down to the type of game you want to play. If you're into Western RPGs, console FPS, Action, Adventure, Racing... then the Xbox really comes through. If you don't like any of its big genres, its probably a waste.

Just as a side note, you must be the only person I've ever seen that gets all multi-consoles on Gamecube. No offense, but most games dont control as well on GCN if nothing else. (Of course no internet play sorta tweaks my nipples too).
[quote name='jimbodan'][quote name='CapAmerica']

Fable looks really cool and I do all ready have the PC version reserved.

Oh I did forget to mention that I do also have a DreamCast. =P[/quote]

Fable is comming out for PC?[/quote]

No, no its not. Fable is Xbox only. There was a Fable for PC released in 1997, it was a pure adventure game and had nothing to do with the current Fable or Peter Molyneux.
Get Xbox for Xbox Live, period. I know you have a computer but PCs don't have Project Gotham 2, Top Spin, Links 2004, or ESPN 2k5 (at least, I don't think they have ESPN).

And playing a game on your PC online is just so not fun compared to sitting on your couch relaxing and playing a game.

Besides, if you have a Dolby surround system and an HDTV the Xbox is the way to go - I believe it is the only console that supports in game dolby digital AND HDTV 480 +.
Yeah, I would say pass. Already sounds like you pissed on XBOX anyways. Sounds like you like RPG's and that's about it. Yes, XBOX has a few...but you said you would rather play them on the PC, so just stick with that.
I own all three, and XBOX is my favorite. Surround sound support, custom soundtracks and the hard drive are all great to have. Also, the controller is the best of the bunch. Games: Splinter Cell: PT, Rainbow Six 3, both Ghost Recons, PGR 2...
All consoles are inferior.

(Hmm, if I say that I said that to see if someone would start a flame war, but then they read this message and thought to themselves, hey this person wants me to start a flame war so I'm not going to, and then does not start the flame war, then perhaps people could just cut and past this statement in brackets as a preimtive strike against all future flame wars because the flamers would not flame because that is what they think we want, when we don't which causes the flamer to do an infinite loop.)
[quote name='"friedram"']All consoles are inferior.
Since obviously the majority of gamers here are console gamers. How about just avoiding any comment like that? It just makes you look like a troll.
For the people who said I should get it for Xbox live

Also I have a really crap Internet connection so Xbox Live is also not a selling feature for me

I uses AOL and I don't have Cable or DSL and I don't see myself getting it any time soon =(

Fable is coming out for the PC, but sadly its like 3 or 4 months after the Xbox release. I was able to pre-order it at the EB in my town, so I hope I'm actually going to get it other wise I'm going to be pretty pissed at them. 1 for lieing to me 2. for getting my hopes up and 3. for taking my money.

[quote name='Cornfedwb']Just as a side note, you must be the only person I've ever seen that gets all multi-consoles on Gamecube. No offense, but most games dont control as well on GCN if nothing else. (Of course no internet play sorta tweaks my nipples too).[/quote]

I like the GameCube controler over all of them, it's a great design that molds right into my hands and I find it to be much easier to uses then any of the others. I love it.

I'm also not a fan of online games having AOL has put somewhat of a damper on that, but also I just don't find them all that fun. I've played online games over friend's houses and I just don't see the apeal. truthfully I perfer playing Solo. and when I do want to play with others I like having them in the same room and not talking over a headset. Its much more fun to rub it in their face when they are sitting right next to you. =P

I should have mentioned I'm not a sports fan too.

[quote name='mmn']Besides, if you have a Dolby surround system and an HDTV the Xbox is the way to go - I believe it is the only console that supports in game dolby digital AND HDTV 480 +.[/quote]
I don't have a HDTV, and by the time I dio get one the Next Gen will be out =P
GameCube does suports both and damn F-Zero looks amazing on a HDTV.
PS2 on the other hand doesn't them.

Well lets see so far I have on my list:
1. Sudeki (I still want it =P )
2. Fable (If there is not going to be a PC version then I'll get it for the Xbox and burn down my EB.)
3. Otogi (is it really that good? the guys at my GameStop didn't like it and their a bunch of Xbox fanboys (no offence))
4. Panzer Dragoon Orta (Same as above)
5. Metal Slug 3 (I loved SNK games and the other Metal Slug games rocked)
6. Ninja Gaiden (Demo was pretty good)

I guess thats a good list, thanks guys!
No, I wouldn't get it if I were you. You sound like you're trying too hard to want to like it, but if you aren't using it for what it can do (Xbox Live, in particular) then there's no point in owning one.

Might as well wait until the next gen of consoles and get an Xbox for like $50 then.
I'd get it. If only to play Halo as it should be played. I have it for the Xbox and have played it on a very high quality PC, and the Xbox trounced the PC. I believe it has the best non-Nintendo made console-exclusive games.
Truth be told, I didn't care much for Halo, on PC, Mac or Xbox.
It didn't live up to the Greatness of the Marathon Trilogy. and I guess the hype had a bad effect with me and I was expecting something much more. =/

I might pick it up just cause, but its no a must have title for me.

I almost forgot the DoA series. I love thos games (minus DoA:XV *grumble*)
Way back in August of 2002, when just about the only good games I could find were Halo, Deathrow, and Morrowind, I was a little disappointed. But lately, I think the Xbox is finally making a decent surge. My platform of choice is still the PS2 by a longshot, but I'm VERY happy that I have the Xbox as a secondary console. The list of great titles is actually more lengthy than some believe:

Chronicles of Riddick (IMO, the best game on the system)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Ninja Gaiden
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Project Gotham Racing 2
Otogi: Myth of Demons
Grand Theft Auto: Double Pack
Crimson Skies
Top Spin
Splinter Cell/SC: Pandora Tomorrow

Now, it may lack in good platformers, fighters, RPG's, and strategy games (the system's diversity is not all that great), but it's got Fable coming out, and if it's as great as they say, coupled with KotoR, you'll have some good RPG options. You can also take solace in the fact that 95% of multi-platform games look best on Xbox, with the exception of some EA games that were specifically designed for the PS2 (MoH: Frontline, NFS: HP 2). Personally, I think it's very well worth owning, with or without Live.
I've been following Fable (and Project-Ego) since day one. I searched high and low online today about a PC version. I'm pretty safe saying there is not a PC version in the mix right now.
okay acording the the guys at EB Fable is getting a PC release, but they are not promoting it because it would hurt Xbox sales. (kind of like what they did with Riddick.) It makes scense to do it that way.
They said they got the info from their manager and IGN.

I'm not sure if I should beleave this or not.
But then again they didn't lie to me when they said Riddick was coming out for the PC.

Thou right now its not going to be that Big of a deal, I'm most likely going to be getting a Xbox this weekend ^_^

Thanks for your help!
[quote name='CapAmerica']okay acording the the guys at EB Fable is getting a PC release, but they are not promoting it because it would hurt Xbox sales. (kind of like what they did with Riddick.) It makes scense to do it that way.
They said they got the info from their manager and IGN.

I'm not sure if I should beleave this or not.
But then again they didn't lie to me when they said Riddick was coming out for the PC.

Thou right now its not going to be that Big of a deal, I'm most likely going to be getting a Xbox this weekend ^_^

Thanks for your help![/quote]

I checked Big Blue Box, (official site) and Lion Heart's website. Not a single one had a little bitty mention about a PC release. If it was to come out in a few months, they'd have to start promoting it. EB is wrong. Also, no website (EB, gamestop, etc) has Fable PC listed on their website.

I did find a few articles from November, 2003 stating that Lionheart was in discussion with MS about bringing Fable to PC. However, the articles said MS wasn't very interested in the idea (and why should they be, this will sell major numbers of Xboxes). And there's not a single mention I could find on the web since that time.
I wouldn't be overly suprised to see a PC release maybe at the end of next year. It would have sold most of the Xbox copies it would sell, it would be near the end of life of this generation Xbox.. and if they added an expansion pack or something, they could still sell a goodly amount of PC editions. But get your reserve money back from EB, they're ripping you off someway or another. (Or you reserved the Xbox version and the clerk is an idiot)
[quote name='snotknocker']trade in the p2 w/games and get a used x-box. Buy a couple of cheapass games and give it a test drive[/quote]

I would never trade in my PS2 or Games. I Love Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts waaaaaaaay to much to ever do that. I got a PS2 sololy for Final Fantasy. I'm a real diehard Final Fantasy Fan.

[quote name='Cornfedwb']But get your reserve money back from EB, they're ripping you off someway or another. (Or you reserved the Xbox version and the clerk is an idiot)[/quote]

ya I did that while I was down there.
Its getting to the point where you can't trust the game stores any more. :?
I lost all faith in GameStop when they were telling me Nintendo was dropping out of the Console Biz and that Microsoft was buying up all the licences to the Nintendo series.
And now EB might be lieing to me to get me to reserve games that don't even exist. :evil:
bread's done