need help with essay


Im trying to transfer into UT, but I gotta write this essay:
"Many students expand their view of the world during their time in college. Such growth often results from encounters between students who have lived different cultural, economical, or acedemic experiences. With your future growth in mind, describe a potential classmate that you believe you could learn from either within or outside a formal classroom environment."
I'm stumped, does anyone have any clue what all this means, or has done this one before? we can negotiate
i understand, but ive never been good at essays. should I mention the student's race? what is something that i can learn from him THAT THE ADMISSION WILL LIKE is what i really need
Well, what are your beliefs? What would happen if you either met somebody who totally agrees with you, or totally disagrees?

In addition, what would you learn from somebody who comes from a place you've never been to? More questions should pop up, just write and whittle it down.
You shouldn't mention race but you should mention background and cultural differences throughout the entire essay.

So for instance you wouldn't talk about muslims ethnically but rather culturaly. So I suggest you write a big load of crap on how meeting a muslim would better help you understand the middle-east and all the sides involved in the Iraq war and toss in a paragraph or 2 on how important cultural diversity is.

Or you can simply go with a specific personality type you've never met before, but that route is much more difficult plus colleges love this cultural diversity crap.
thanks for advice so far,I think i have some idea now, Ill write that I wish i could meet a muslim hater that only believes what he sees on tv, maybe wants to go to the army. and I would want to teach him the real islam to help stop the hatred, and maybe help stop the war. so more money can be spent on learning about cultures/relgions instead of fighting with revenge.
but I don't know if the admission will like me sounding too confident about islam, probably won't mention that the profecy says that this war will happen anyway
[quote name='fanskad']Bi-Sexual Chicks.

Lots of them.

You can talk about playing games to expand your horizons. You know, making sandwiches.[/QUOTE]

Nah dude, he should want to meet lesbian chicks and turn them bisexual. But only the hollywood lipstick lesbians, like a young Jennifer Tilly or Anne Heche (reality need not apply...)
you should be honest, if the college is right for you, they'll appreciate that as opposed to the thousands of forcefeed and cookie cutter answers they get.
bread's done