Need savegames for Batman,Valkyria,Overlord


1 (100%)
Hi people...

I have, sadly lost all my savegames due to overconfidence in a HD cloning tool. For most games I dont really care; but Batman, Valkyria and Overlord: Raisinh Hell... I was going through their storylines...

Anyone have some Batman and Valkyria Chronicles saves somewhere in the middle of the stories, I would appreciate if you could send me (I found some around the web, but they are all at the end of the games...)
I believe I was around chapter 7 or 8 of Valkyria (just after the kidnapping of the princess) and in Batman, I wasnt too far but my brother was.. I dont know exacly where in the game he was but I know he had passed through the second scarecrow level. For Overlord, any save with all 4 creatures are appreciated, preferably with at least the second forge.
Again, ANY saves AROUND (doesnt matter if its a little before or a little after) those areas would be greatly appreciated...
PM me or contact me in my nick at

Thanks a lot!
I've got a VC save around level 4 I think and Batman I just started the Croc in the sewers level. If you use my save, I'm pretty sure you can't get trophies (if you care about that sort of thing).

Backup your saves people! Sony put a backup utility in there for a reason. Or just use a USB stick and do it manually!
Cool Barnolde! Those would be great! Really appreciated. Sent u a PM. Thanks a lot!

Anyway, about the backup utility; sony screwed up the backup utility... it shouldnt backup EVERYTHING; should ASK what I wanna backup... I would have picked settings, users and savegames; that way I could have backed up to my 8gb flash drive, instead of my 160gb hard drive which I made myself the favor of accidentally deleting the backup files (well, I didnt delete, I just canceled by accident when moving the files to my desktop HD, I still have the xx2 files, but those contain the games and game data, not the savegames, savegames are in the xx1 files (which windows made the favor of copying alphabetically backwards, so the 1's werent copied))

Could Sony have helped me not lose my files by making a less absurd backup tool? Yes. But that doesn't take the blame off me... it IS my fault for beeing careless.
From now on, I'll backup my saves to flash drive separately every now and then.
LFLFM, if you want saves, the easiest way is to go to Gamefaqs. Gives you save files in 2 seconds, no subscribing or anything and all you need is a usb to pass the files to your ps3 and done. Go to and search for WHATEVER game you want and get the saves there (although most saves are complete, but there is variety). I have done this on a couple fo games, it takes 4 minute tops. Trophies do NOT pass so you will have to do everything yourself, but its a good place to start.
Yeh I had a look in gamefaqs (and a couple of other sites) before posting here... I could only find like games at 95%, 100%, etc... I dont want a finished game... in batman, I dont know where I was but it wasnt far; my brother was around 50-55% I think.
In overlord I was probably around the middle but it doesnt tell me the %. Valkyria I also dont know how many chapters there are (dont tell me!), but I was in the 7th; which, by the stuff that I had, I could only guess it was less than 50%.

I actually got a few spoilers just from reading the savegames descriptions! The less completed one I found was a batman on expert diff on 84%... hehehe thats really no good. :whistle2:D

Thanks for the suggestion though :)
bread's done