Need some advice on a job matter, kinda long.-With Cliff NOTES


13 (100%)
I just had something happen to me last week and could use some advice here.


I work as an instructional assistant for special ed at my school (LD kids). Now when i first signed up for this job (interview and so on), they NEVER told me this was going to be special ed, just general I took it as I thought it would be good to get some experiances from the classroom while I get my requirements done from my licensure requirements. Walked in first day, and BAM, was told i was going to be an IA for special ed, and I told them i had NO training in special ed. So bait and switch :( Then they assign me to one teacher who was going on her materiaty leave so I would be working for a sub for 6 weeks.

The sub and I worked great and got a long and became friends. We had outstanding communications and no problems whatsoever. Anyways before the main teacher left, she said I would be trained and so on so it wouldn't be overwelming for me.. Never happened. Worked with the LD kids for 6 weeks got to know them. During those 6 weeks dozens of people throughout the school start telling me shit about the main teacher I am going to be working with, saying don't trust her, don't say anything about yourself to her and examples of the shit she does and most importaintly , protect your self by document EVERYTHING that you see her do.

She comes back and I keep my distance while keeping it professional. There is some fritction between us throughout the year and she starts setting me up to fail since she never trained me dispite several requests to do so. She not only has the balls to bad mouth me to the rest of the grade team but to also try to get me in deep shit with the admins and to top it off, she would have violent outbursts at her LD kids in our room. I have never witness such verbal abuse against children by an adult in my life. Anyways i finally get fed up with this shit and start taking it to the next level and start recording her violent outbursts for the last two months of school, while continuing to document her actions on paper.

I tried to keep it professional as possible and some people think as she was resigning from the county and moving to another one to teach, that she might just leave me alone, other said shes going to fuck me over so be ready.
I finally get an evaluation from the principal, and guess what? my boss tried to fuck me and I got a bad evaluation stating not recommened for basically im fired for next year.

Then it came for my chance to speak. I opened up my little carring case, and dropped a 10 page report infront of the principal giving a pretty much detailed summery of all the shit she did to the kids, including quotes of what she said to teh kids faces. Over the next 50 some mins, she went through all of it and was shocked that one of her favorite teachers was pulling this shit behind closed doors. At the end of the meeting she tells me that she has to read this over carefully and to talk to the teacher before she can reconsider my evaluation. I tell her i understand so we reschedual for the next day.

Later I call Human Resources to ask whats the next step since I've been given a bad evaluation, and they said they would call me back. They never did, so I called them 5 mins before they closed and HR told me that they talked to the principal and they said they got the feeling that I was going to be considered for rehire for next year. I was like cool.

Next day come in and meet with the principal. She informs me that she reread the papers, and spoke with the teacher and the teacher admitted that she said some of the stuff but not in the way I discribed it (liar) and denyed the rest. When she asked for documentation from that teacher and the Assistant principal about there talks with me, they had NOTHING to prove there case that I was a bad employee. She also informed me that if I wasn't going to come back that I should have been told in May and she also believed that I wasn't properly trained so bottom line is that she gave me a second chance. She reevaluated me, dropping all the negative marks on my evaluation from the first one, and rasing them to E(for effective) instead of N(for Needs improvement), except for one, which is to keep an eye on students during arrivals. She ripped up the old one but let me have the old one with the new one which i signed. At the end she stated that if I do come back to the school that she will be personally handeling the evaulation of me for next year. I said I would like to come back but to explore my options so I wanted to leave on good terms.

Everyone I talked to since that meeting said I am one lucky SOB to survive that with my skin in tact and my job back. I went from being fired to rehired in 3 hrs. :O They fucked up and I had documentation that proved that abuse was going on behind closed doors. My guess is that they decided to change there minds rather than to have an investigation because the principal was already under investigation from HR and other hire ups in the county for other violations.

As for the teacher, I don't know if shes going to get in trouble for this. I know she got a copy of my report. Do you think she will take me to court for slander? Remember I have documenation and audio recordings of her abuse towards children, so I don't think her case stands a chance if it came to that.
I do plan on finding a new job in the county and if she (the principal) blocks me, I guess HR and other department heads are going to have to listen to the tapes of the abuse. I have no desire to return to that school since 30 teachers transfered or quit and I don't want to do special ed.

Cliff Notes:

-Got assigned to a teacher with mental problems
-Witness various forms of verbal abuse
-Was informed about her "rep"
-stayed away from her best I could
-Friction between us
-Documented EVERYTHING throughout the year
-recorded two months of her verbal abuse towards students
-Got bad evaluation
-Got fired for next year
-Presented the report of the abuse (without the recordings)
-Got evaluation changed from bad to good.
-Got rehired for next year
-planning to leave anyways to another position when i get it
-have the recordings ready in case there is trouble.

For those who wonder why didn't i say anything well, that teacher was good in getting people on her side including administrators into believing teh shit that comes out of her mouth. Plus admins at my school didn't do shit when students would make threats towards me. So admins were useless. The report was used as a last resort. Audio recordings will be used as a last resort. What do you guys think?
What's the question? Will she take you to court for slander?

Slander would be her burden to prove, and in my opinion it doesn't sound like anything you said was slanderous - it was merely observation. I doubt she'd have much of a case against you. I wouldn't be worried.
I don't know what advice I can give or anyone else, you've seemed to have played it out most of the way and you've made up you mind to leave. That's pretty much it and there's no way a court case would fly far enough if you simply described things as they were, you even have the recordings.

My only advice would be don't stop here, at least for the good of those kids. If the adminstration at the school was that bad, then go above them to their supervisors, the local school board, or pretty much anyone that will listen. There's little reason any kid, especially ones with learning disabilities should have to take abuse, verbally or physically from a teacher, you'll only enable this teacher further by not resolving the situation. I would see this out to it's total completion if I was you, for the benefit of any kid that gets her as a teacher in the future. If what've you've done so far didn't get her in some hot water, bring forth the rest of what you have, whether you're at that school or not, and see if any thing good comes of it. She clearly shouldn't be teaching in her state and I know I wouldn't want my kid in her class and I doubt you would either.
Sounds like you played it out the best you could have. I commend you for that.

Try to get out of there. It sounds like you want to anyway, so do the best you can.

I would also makes many many many copies of everything you have as far as that teacher's actions (i.e. all your written and recorded documentation) and forward it to the local school board, the town government, the prosecutor's office, the governor's office, the senator's office, the state attorney general, the state school board, and ESPECIALLY the parents of the students that she has had. Yeah, it will take a lot of paper and audio tapes or whatever, but it will be worth it. No kid should have to put up with that shit, and no person should have to cover for her shit.

Remember, she tried to screw you over big time when you were doing what was right. I'm sure if you talk to some parents that they will get behind you BIG TIME.
I have never witness such verbal abuse against children by an adult in my life.

Come and work with me for a day. I'll put that old bitch to shame.
[quote name='JimmieMac']I have never witness such verbal abuse against children by an adult in my life.

Come and work with me for a day. I'll put that old bitch to shame.[/QUOTE]

now was that nessasary?
legally what does this make me, a witness to a crime? an acomplis? since I didn't say anything during the year (most likely due to retalation by her admin friends)

Morally yes I should take this to the next step. I am suprised the kids never say a fucken thing to there parents about this. what the fuck is wrong with these kids??
No, I wouldn't say you are liable for anything. I'm not sure if there is anything illegal going on (unless she actually physically hits the kids). But it's definately shouldn't be allowed in the school system.

But I seriously doubt anyone will hold you responsible for anything. Especially since you were warned about her and told to stay out of her way, and because you weren't ever properly trained.

And about the kids, you never know, they may have said something to their parents, but the parents just don't believe them.

With teaching it's really hard for the teacher, because either the parent won't pay attention to the kid on anything he/she says, or the parent will listen and believe EVERYTHING the kid says and when you try and tell them the truth, the parent will tell you that you are a liar because their 3rd grader says otherwise.
[quote name='JimmieMac']I have never witness such verbal abuse against children by an adult in my life.

Come and work with me for a day. I'll put that old bitch to shame.[/quote]
And, seriously, c'mon.

Teachers are supposed to be trusted with kids.

If someone brings their kids to you, they're just begging for them to be scarred for life. :)
[quote name='GuyWithGun']No, I wouldn't say you are liable for anything. I'm not sure if there is anything illegal going on (unless she actually physically hits the kids). But it's definately shouldn't be allowed in the school system.

But I seriously doubt anyone will hold you responsible for anything. Especially since you were warned about her and told to stay out of her way, and because you weren't ever properly trained.

And about the kids, you never know, they may have said something to their parents, but the parents just don't believe them.

With teaching it's really hard for the teacher, because either the parent won't pay attention to the kid on anything he/she says, or the parent will listen and believe EVERYTHING the kid says and when you try and tell them the truth, the parent will tell you that you are a liar because their 3rd grader says otherwise.[/QUOTE]

yes i agree with you here, two of our kids told there parents i wasn't helping them enough (15 LD kids to 1 untrained SE IA=not good),and they bitched to that teacher and an admin. To make matters worse, that sneaky little bitch (my boss) started bribing the kids with candies, parties and gift certifcates to fast food joints if they did there work. I on the other hand never gave out such briberies as I don't believe in it nor do I have the money to do so. She knew this and took advantage of it. Stupid fuck had no idea i was recording her the last two months.. too bad I didn't get that one abuse where she kicked out a student , told him he's on her shit list and shoved a desk that hit him in the rear end :O
I believe with slander that the Plaintiff must prove the falsity of the Defendant's statements, so I wouldn't worry.
Even if they say you are comming back don't nessicarly believe it, and if you really like it there it may take some major ass kissing.

I speak form experieance i was an IA in special ed for close to three years, started it was going to be general ed, but they needed special ed so i eneded up in an all special ed school. I loved it there, great people to work w/, but my "teacher" was a first year teacher w/o a degree and she was not so good, she tried, but alot of her failures got blamed on me. Her contract was not renewed at the end of our first year (mine and hers). I was told I would have a job the next comming year and was offered an addition job over the summer (i coudln't take it was having surgery). So two weeks before school starts for the second year, I call, why havn't i recieved start up info? Oh, well we ran out of funding so we can't hire you. So, me being a decent person and w/ nothing to do tell i get some answers back form resumes go into the school to volunteer. I almost crapped myself when I saw that people w/ less seniority than me had been hired back. I was told they didn't need any volunteers today as attendance was down that first day of school, but they would get in touch w/ me. I went home and one hour later they called me one of the people w/ less seniority had thought she coudl just not come to work 2 days a week so she could go to college (vry important i realize, but not allowed w/ this kind of job). So by like 1 in the afternoon i suddenly have a job again and ended up w/ a diff teacher, and great reviews that second year and when I had to move for hubbys work they were vry sad to see me go lots of recomendations and what not.

Any way, in the end it all worked out, the first teacher tried to screw me I explained myself was backed up by coworkers, still didn't get taken back and then by being the better person and caring more about the students and my friends working there than money I got my job back (btw had 3 job offers w/in 2 days after agreeing to go back for that second year and turned them down..)

pls pardon spelling errors and grammer, etc. it's quite late
i do have the audio recordings though..she can always say I NEVER SAID THAT AND THAT I AM LYING..just insert the cd, pick a file/day and ask "Is this your voice verbaly abusing the kids???" You know that someone has issues when they they get pissy with there students over glue sticks like she did awhile back saying that she wants her glue sticks back from the students and later finding the glue sticks in a container that was next to her in the first place, but with there caps off and the sticks dried and her saying they suck behind there back lol.
a little update,

I obtained a documentation to the principal stating that my report "should not be taken seriously, stating it has no merit or proof....unless the boy was *taperecording conversations*, there is no way to quote"..."and that MOST of statements are just opinions or facts"..." "He was just pulling for something to say.."

this was sent about a week after the last day of school. Sounds like shes worrying about it a bit that it made her write that to the principal... I still have the documentations and the audio recordings.
I agree with the above poster. Someone like that shouldn't be around kids at all, let alone LD kids. Turn the tapes over to the current admins and, if her next job is also teaching, to that school's admins.
I would turn the tapes over, after having made copies. And truthfully, aside from this awful teacher, the shuffling, lack of training, etc. is just your welcome to the wonderful world of public education, where teachers are paid less than garbage men and respected even less.

FYI, there is not the possessive form, as in "I argued their issues" unlike "go over there to study". If you're going to teach (or hand in reports) please look at grammar.
I don't think you have to worry about slander/libel it wasn't published. And the best defense against libel/slander is the truth. Plus with your recordings the last thing they are going to want is a public case of this.
[quote name='browneyedgal68']FYI, there is not the possessive form, as in "I argued their issues" unlike "go over there to study". If you're going to teach (or hand in reports) please look at grammar.[/QUOTE]How was that important to the matter at hand?
bread's done