Netflix No disc update?


CAG Veteran
Anyone have any info on the update for Ps3 with Netflix?
When is it coming out?
I read it might require a firmware update and other sources stated it would be a download.
When they originally released the disk they said it would take them about a year... So I guess we could get an announcement at E3.
I thought I read that Microsoft has an exclusive deal with netflix until late 2010 that disallows a non-disc solution for competitors, so I'd expect an update once that contract expires.

In other words, its not a matter of being able to develop a solution so much as being free to implement it.
[quote name='m_d_amore']i think play on lets you use it from the xmb[/QUOTE]
Which isn't as good as the disc. Hoping to hear about a download or fw update at E3 for Netflix.
I hope soon. I was excited when I bought my PS3 today and it says Netflix Ready on the box. That was about the only thing I used my 360 that I just traded in for.
[quote name='zenprime']Which isn't as good as the disc. Hoping to hear about a download or fw update at E3 for Netflix.[/QUOTE]

Sounds about right, IMO.

BTW, your squid/girl thingy is both revolting and mezmorizing.
Hopefully, along with other big changes to the PS3 firmware, we'll hear something at E3. I haven't used my PS3 for Netflix more than a couple times, but I would certainly be inclined to do so more if I didn't have to worry about the disc.

On my Wii, which is hacked, I created a channel for the Netflix disc to launch it off an SD card so I don't have to worry about leaving the disc in the drive. Sometimes, hacking can be used for good!
also agree that it would be nice to not use the disc...probably go the route they did with give some more options for searching for movies
[quote name='punklivz']would b nice. i hate having to use a disk :/[/QUOTE]

This. I know it sounds lazy, but getting drinks and popcorn ready and plopping down on the couch, only to realize you need to get back up to put the disc in sucks.
[quote name='blitz6speed']Ive heard november firmware upgrade for xmb built in netflix icon.[/QUOTE]

I think this is when Microsoft's contract expires, so we should see built-in Netflix for at least the PS3, and maybe as a Wii channel then. If the Hulu rumor pans out, then that might be MS's new entertainment exclusive. Though, I always assumed it would be Sony getting Hulu first since there are conflicting reports on it being built into the Google TV product which Sony is putting into some TVs this fall.

I guess we'll find out in a week.
Woo hoo. More shitty icons for my XMB that I'll never use but I'll have to download with the rest of the sheeple who beg/whine/cry for every stupid mini app under the sun and Sony obliges, by making them mandatory for everybody.

fuck Netflix. fuck cross game chat. fuck the rest of this garbage(sparkly background, 4+ PSN Store icons, etc, etc). Give me a stable game console to play my games w/o having to update w/ useless crap every so many weeks/months and allow me to get online to PSN w/o having to d/l this useless shit or at least allow me to delete the crap I don't want.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Have you decided to step up your trolling game since your pal got silenced, Cheapest?[/QUOTE]

Can't you read?

He speaks his mind.

[quote name='SEH']This. I know it sounds lazy, but getting drinks and popcorn ready and plopping down on the couch, only to realize you need to get back up to put the disc in sucks.[/QUOTE]

It's not lazy, it's annoying! I also seem to have to enter my damn code in on my ps3 routinely, I sure hope this update would fix that. I've never had to re-enter it on my xbox. I hope we hear a date on this update soon.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Have you decided to step up your trolling game since your pal got silenced, Cheapest?[/QUOTE]
And which pal is this? Like I said before, I'm 100% ok with bug fixes, but this shit should be optional or able to be completely deleted from my PS3 if I don't want it.
A update to not use the disc anymore would be great. It's not too bad having to remember to put in the disc but I still enjoy the layout netflix has on the 360 so thats where I watch my movies. I'd love to see an update to stream movies on the psp though.
How funny, I was actually looking around for the answer to the same question as OP and recently signed up for Netflix last night. Like everyone else here, I'm hoping they announce something at this years E3, and perhaps add Hulu to the mix.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']And which pal is this? Like I said before, I'm 100% ok with bug fixes, but this shit should be optional or able to be completely deleted from my PS3 if I don't want it.[/QUOTE]
Your pal DP, who is the only person on CAG that hates updates more than you, but he wasn't as good at derailing threads as you are. I noticed that he's been upgraded from silenced to banned, so you might want to diversify your opinions and not post the same rants in every thread you can find.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Your pal DP, who is the only person on CAG that hates updates more than you, but he wasn't as good at derailing threads as you are. I noticed that he's been upgraded from silenced to banned, so you might want to diversify your opinions and not post the same rants in every thread you can find.[/QUOTE]
Every thread I can find, huh? Overexaggerate much? All I really want is for Sony to allow me to delete the junk files they keep adding that serve no purpose on my GAME machine.

I have no problems with anyone who uses their system for streaming movies, music or whatever. But the functions are not necessary on my system and take up space.

At least if they truly detailed what the firmware that's jumbled in with what I consider junkware(everything you guys seem to find 'useful')does and gave me the option from moment one to opt out of Netflix/sparkly background/etc, I would be happy.

Of course, if they also actually did extensive QC testing on in house systems rather than letting the early adopters of the new FW be the guinea pigs and possibly suffer untold issues(clock issue recently)because someone along the way in the code monkey lab missed a line of code that made it work across ALL systems with no errors, that would also make me happy.

Until Sony does those things, their firmware is an unwanted intrusion into my gaming time.
If you dont like what sony is doing, sell your system and look for an alternative. They owe you nothing. Don't like it? Get out. Seriously, im tired of your garbage cheapest. No one gives a crap. Hopefully you do get banned and we'll never have to deal with someone like you again.

DP being gone is great news tho.
A troll only succeeds if you add fuel to his growing fire. I'm not saying cheapest is trolling because I don't know him that well. He does bring up a valid point that you should be able to opt out of the extra features that Sony may bundle with the new firmware. Does he have to reply to the thread the way he does no but you also don't have to read his post and then reply to it. Case in point lets just get back to the discussion of hoping Sony will release a firmware update to cancel the use of the disc for netflix.
To get things back on-topic; considering the number of devices that support Netflix these days, I don't mind waiting. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait for it to be built into the XMB. For now, I'll use my 360/PC for Instant Watch.
[quote name='blitz6speed']If you dont like what sony is doing, sell your system and look for an alternative. They owe you nothing. Don't like it? Get out. Seriously, im tired of your garbage cheapest. No one gives a crap. Hopefully you do get banned and we'll never have to deal with someone like you again.

DP being gone is great news tho.[/QUOTE]
So if you don't like what I'm saying(because it's a differing opinion than yours), why not put me on ignore then? What I have to say is 'garbage' because it doesn't mesh with what you believe about the PS3?

I've tried responding to Sony's lovely blog, that does nothing and my comments disappear even though they are not expletive laden and rude. I've tried suggesting they allow us to opt out of junk we don't want, but my topic on their blog to suggest things for the PS3 never even gets posted.

Apparently they like people to beg for stupid crap that just bogs down the system.

As for me selling the system, we've been over this time and time again. I won't sell it unless I can get close to what I have invested in it right now out of it in a sale.

As for being banned, I have to ask 'for what'? Having a differing opinion than some of you? Everyone isn't going to agree about everything. It's called discussion. But on the PS3 board I keep forgetting that Sony=100% right all the time and saying anything to the contrary is a lynchable offense.

Anyway, have fun with your topic. I'm done.
It's one thing to discuss. It's another to spam the same idea/opinions constantly...just saying.

On-topic, supposedly you can get Netflix (1 DVD + Unlimited Streaming) for $7.xx from BestBuy and Bing Cashback. It's on slickdeals.
Touche. But like I said, Sony essentially censors the hell out of me and deletes my posts on their blog pages, so there's no chance in hell of getting anything out via an 'official' channel there.

But if you like the streaming stuff, that's your thing. I do apologize for derailing your thread, but I have a feeling that Sony is gonna make it an across the board download, which is a waste of my time.
Eh, cheapest isn't a troll, he just has to have the last word. And people keep on responding and then he keeps responding. Well anyway cheapest, just do the firmware and live w/it. All the systems now days (except for Wii) are trying to be more than a game machine, so I doubt Sony is going to divide their user base and make things optional (plus, each time they make things optional, they have to do double the testing, which costs more money).
If we at least had like 24 hours advance warning of a fw update, then I would just turn the system on and go upstairs and watch tv while it downloads. But they always seem to release these updates at 10-11pm EST which is right when I want to just pop on and play a game.
:lol: And this is why I always end up responding, since someone has to make a snide remark. Yet I guess I am a hypocrite in another way, since I always laugh at people who don't want to wait longer than 5 minutes at a store for an employee to show up for a price check.

But now I admit I value my time and I would prefer to not have to wait for stuff to dl.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Every thread I can find, huh? Overexaggerate much? All I really want is for Sony to allow me to delete the junk files they keep adding that serve no purpose on my GAME machine.

I have no problems with anyone who uses their system for streaming movies, music or whatever. But the functions are not necessary on my system and take up space.

At least if they truly detailed what the firmware that's jumbled in with what I consider junkware(everything you guys seem to find 'useful')does and gave me the option from moment one to opt out of Netflix/sparkly background/etc, I would be happy.

Of course, if they also actually did extensive QC testing on in house systems rather than letting the early adopters of the new FW be the guinea pigs and possibly suffer untold issues(clock issue recently)because someone along the way in the code monkey lab missed a line of code that made it work across ALL systems with no errors, that would also make me happy.

Until Sony does those things, their firmware is an unwanted intrusion into my gaming time.[/QUOTE]
The fact that you ranted in here shows that you were looking for another place to post the same crap again. Any thread that has a hint of the word "firmware update" in it gets the Cheapest treatment, which has been going on for a long time now. You even got the old firmware update thread shut down for a new thread because of all the complaining you do that derailed the most appropriate thread for your complaints, which was because you just repost the same crap over and over again. That is why you're at risk for being banned if the DP ban is any indication, though I'd give you credit that you're not dumb enough to troll Cheapy in his own thread to get that kind of attention. Also, quit with the claims that you're the victim ("Sony's out to get me on their blog and CAG is trying to keep me down, too").

It is nice to be recognized for over exaggeration by the king. The number of PS Store icons changes every time you complain about it, which was 11 billion the last time I checked.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']If we at least had like 24 hours advance warning of a fw update, then I would just turn the system on and go upstairs and watch tv while it downloads. But they always seem to release these updates at 10-11pm EST which is right when I want to just pop on and play a game.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']As for turning on my PS3 early, I only usually turn it on right when I'm going to play a game, since I do other things for my entertainment besides gaming and I don't like the idea of keeping the power running to something I'm not using.[/QUOTE]

Hypocrite much? At least be consistent with your bitching and complaining...
I find it funny that my panasonic bluray player cant play netflix instant watch but my two game machines can. Netflix on the wii is better for me cause i hardly play games on my wii and i play a ton of games on my ps3. My ps3 also broke shortly after i started playing netflix instant watch on it. These stupid little updates should be optional and if someone keeps posting stuff you don't wanna read then don't read there posts.
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[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The fact that you ranted in here shows that you were looking for another place to post the same crap again. Any thread that has a hint of the word "firmware update" in it gets the Cheapest treatment, which has been going on for a long time now. You even got the old firmware update thread shut down for a new thread because of all the complaining you do that derailed the most appropriate thread for your complaints, which was because you just repost the same crap over and over again. That is why you're at risk for being banned if the DP ban is any indication, though I'd give you credit that you're not dumb enough to troll Cheapy in his own thread to get that kind of attention. Also, quit with the claims that you're the victim ("Sony's out to get me on their blog and CAG is trying to keep me down, too").

It is nice to be recognized for over exaggeration by the king. The number of PS Store icons changes every time you complain about it, which was 11 billion the last time I checked.[/QUOTE]
So when someone rants and raves how everything Sony does is sooooooo good, it's ok. But when I post something anti Sony, it's 'crap'. That is the epitome of a double standard, if ever there was one.

As for the '11 billion' PS Store icons and my own over exaggeration, it was over exaggeration to make a point. Sony already had ONE PS Store icon and that was all that was necessary. But I guess maybe they felt the 10-12 year olds who keep begging for cross game chat and other junk wouldn't be able to find that one icon to buy some overpriced crap that should've been included with each of those games to begin with.

As to the firmware thread being shut down due to MY comments, I think it was due to all of the arguing directed at me because how DARE I blaspheme Sony and their great system and it's firmware. It seems like any time I comment about the firmware, I'm 'wrong' and I should sell my system if I don't like anything about it and it degrades into namecalling, which is very mature.:roll:

The only thing Sony has done right this gen is made a decent piece of hardware. That's the only thing I'll give Sony this gen. Although judging by the number of YLOD topics I'm seeing nowadays, it seems like that good hardware thing might be a thing of the past too.
[quote name='SynGamer']Hypocrite much? At least be consistent with your bitching and complaining...[/QUOTE]
Actually, I decided that if Sony could give us a reasonable time frame in which to expect a new firmware update, that I could then turn on the system and leave it be while it downloads. But it seems that every time they plop the updates online it's 10-11pm and aside from a possible note in the firmware thread, no one seems to know when it'll go live.

I play games mainly later at night because I'm usually busy during the day, so when I get on to play a game I want to be able to play a game and not have to suffer through some stupid update. Is that so wrong?
definitely the first time I've seen someone COMPLETELY lose their shit over Netflix of all things. :lol:

I don't think I've ever heard someone say they're not happy with netflix, let alone blow up a goddamn thread over it.
I don't even have Netflix. If I want to see a movie, I either A) see it in theaters/drive-in OR B)buy it from the local game/movie shop when some crackhead trades it in 2 days after it's released on DVD and own it for $4 at most.

Only reason I 'blew up' this thread was cuz I figured the Netflix update(whenever it happens) will be across ALL PS3's and not be optional and thus waste even MORE of my gaming time downloading something I don't want/need.
I think a firmware update for no disc for netflix would be awesome! I currently use my wii right now to stream movies. I'm all paranoid ever since I burned my fat PS2 from watching to many movies.

This thread is like a soap opera, sounds like someone has sand in there vag.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I don't even have Netflix. If I want to see a movie, I either A) see it in theaters/drive-in OR B)buy it from the local game/movie shop when some crackhead trades it in 2 days after it's released on DVD and own it for $4 at most.

Only reason I 'blew up' this thread was cuz I figured the Netflix update(whenever it happens) will be across ALL PS3's and not be optional and thus waste even MORE of my gaming time downloading something I don't want/need.[/QUOTE]

Movie at the theater is what -- $10 to $12? $8 matinee? and $4 for a movie at the video store?

Versus $9.99 a month unlimited netflix streaming??? You are NOT the cheapest gamer. NOT BY A LONGSHOT.
[quote name='ninja dog']Movie at the theater is what -- $10 to $12? $8 matinee? and $4 for a movie at the video store?

Versus $9.99 a month unlimited netflix streaming??? You are NOT the cheapest gamer. NOT BY A LONGSHOT.[/QUOTE]
Actually, I usually wait till a friend treats me to a movie in the theaters, but it's like $7 for TWO movies at the drive-in($3.50 each) AND you can bring in your own snackage/drinks from home. So then you're just paying the $3.50 a movie.:D

Besides which, there haven't been any movies within the last 2-3 years I've wanted to pay anywhere near full price to see. The ones that I have bought copies of, I waited till a Blockbuster/HWV store closing. Then once I was done with them I traded them to the local game/movie shop for $1-2 each(paid $3 each).
It's probably coming this fall because of an exclusivity deal with Microsoft. I doubt it'll come to Wii know, it's the Wii.

I hope they spruce up the interface and the upscaling for Netflix on PS3, though.
You can't beat the deal with netflix. It's amazing how many movies they have on there, and tv shows. They have documentaries, mocumentaries, foreign movies, and thousands to chose from. I don't really like going to see a movie in the theater, unless it's a huge movie I'm waiting for... which I haven't even wanted to see a movie in the theater since Aqua Teen Hunger Force's movie :)... My husbands parents buy like every new release and they let us borrow any we are interested in. You do get to have a DVD out at a time, so you can get new releases from them too. If you were to rent even the old movies @ blockbuster it would still be way more expensive. You may be the cheapest gamer, but you are not the cheapest movie watcher ;) lol just sayin'
[quote name='punklivz']You can't beat the deal with netflix. It's amazing how many movies they have on there, and tv shows. They have documentaries, mocumentaries, foreign movies, and thousands to chose from. I don't really like going to see a movie in the theater, unless it's a huge movie I'm waiting for... which I haven't even wanted to see a movie in the theater since Aqua Teen Hunger Force's movie :)... My husbands parents buy like every new release and they let us borrow any we are interested in. You do get to have a DVD out at a time, so you can get new releases from them too. If you were to rent even the old movies @ blockbuster it would still be way more expensive. You may be the cheapest gamer, but you are not the cheapest movie watcher ;) lol just sayin'[/QUOTE]
I watch tv on an SDtv(too cheap to 'upgrade' to an HDtv unless there's one at retail for $200 in the 20-25" size), I listen to terrestrial radio(ie free shit when I'm in the car) and I only buy movies I REALLY wanna own(Transformers 1986 animated one, Aqua Teen movie, very few others).

Otherwise, I wait for sales/clearances or hit up the local shop. I couldn't tell you the last time I rented a movie from Blockbuster. They have mainly been my place to trade games and use the credit to buy games to flip back to Gamestop.:lol::razz:
bread's done