Netflix on ps3?


I was wondering if the movies selection for the netflix online stream is good? Do they have alot of new releases or just old ones?

Do you recommend it for the ps3? or should I just stick with starz service on cable.

Thanks in advance.
Very seldom do they ever have new releases, maybe one non-major studio release a week. I still use when i need a bad Troma movie fix or something I dont have on dvd. Strangely i get the best stream through my Wii.
I just started using the service and have been pretty impressed so far. Most of the selections are for older titles, while the newest stuff seems to be coming from Starz Play (or whatever it's called). Availability of HD selections is an issue for me, those seem to be few and randomly selected from older titles.
yeah the streaming netflix is ok....mostly good for watching a bad movie and getting some good laughs...if your really wanting something worthwhile you should just rent the good ones
They're expanding their selection all the time. Bad movies? NO WAY! We're talking classic 90s Action flicks that were AAA titles in their time. New releases? Not so much - 2012 & Surrogates just became available... but titles like those are rare.

The real value? TV SHOWS!!! Old stuff like A-Team, newer stuff like Bones & other stuff I wouldn't know if is good or not (I don't watch the newer stuff on TV), along with classic cartoons like Rocko's Modern Life (added recently), Ren & Stimpy, etc.

You can also catch about every season of South Park and a lot of good comedy specials from Comedy Central. EDIT: Oh, Chappelle Show. A lot of people are into that, so I should mention it's available.

The service is good for watching random stuff you would never bother renting a physical copy of. And you'll probably find some "crappy" title you actually end up enjoying a lot.

I just wish their Anime section wasn't so piss-poor!
I've watched a lot of good movies, they just aren't new releases. Like Royal Tenenbaums, Let the Right One In, Usual Suspects. Plus all of the TV shows available make it worthwhile.
I have it for all 3 consoles, mostly I use it to catch up on tv shows or older movies I might've missed out on. Sometimes it does have cool bonuses like that's how I discovered Archer & Merlin.
I use it a ton, but I'm a movie buff so I watch more than just recent Hollywood movies. And those I watch with the disc rentals. Which after all is what the Netflix fee goes toward since the streaming was a free add on (plans cost the same as they did before the streaming option was added).

But the streaming does have a good selection of older movies--not just classics, but anything 5-10 years or older, TV series, foreign films and documentaries if you're into those.
My wife and I have been burning through all the seasons of X-Files! I've never watched it until recently and it's pretty good stuff! Along with Rocko's Modern Life, Ahhh! Real Monsters and other classics. 200+ episodes of Comedy Central Presents is BOSS.

Zombieland was a pretty new movie that I added to Instant Watch.
Yeah, Girl with the Dragon Tatoo just came out and that's on there as well--though they have always tended to get new release foreign films pretty often.
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