Netflix or Blockbuster Online?


1 (100%)
I am tired of going to the local Blockbuster so I decided I will just sign up for an online service, it's just I don't know which one is better because they both offer the same prices.

For those who have tried both, which one do you prefer?

For me they are both appealing, Netflix having more International Movies and Blockbuster has those 2 Free Rentals each month.

Any comments will do,

I use Netflix (and we've never tried Blockbuster). We get all of our movies in about 3-4 days from the time we drop the DVD in the mail until our new one gets here.

I've never had any problems with DVD's getting lost, their customer service, monthly billing or having to wait for a movie. I've never had one not be in stock when I wanted it. I've had them be "short delay" on the queue, but by the time something gets back, they usually have one to send us.

We've been with them for nearly a year, and have noticed no change in quality of service over time (that I have heard about around here in the past).

Bottom line, no complaints. I don't think that the in store rentals at Blockbuster would be that useful. If you don't mind going to the video store, why sign up for the service anyway (except for games, which I never rent)?

Hope this helps.

[quote name='lnguyen831']I am tired of going to the local Blockbuster so I decided I will just sign up for an online service, it's just I don't know which one is better because they both offer the same prices.

For those who have tried both, which one do you prefer?

For me they are both appealing, Netflix having more International Movies and Blockbuster has those 2 Free Rentals each month.

Any comments will do,


I would say blockbuster because those coupons come in handy if you want to see a movie right away. Plus, they work on new releases. Just my 2 cents
I've tried both. Actually, I briefly left Netflix to try Blockbuster and was back within a month. Netflix is HUGEly better than Blockbuster in my experience. Netflix turnaround is a solid 3 days for me while Blockbusters varied wildly, ranging from 5 to about 8 depending on the movie. Netflix has a better selection with lots of obscure movies from what I've seen and had more new releases in stock, while several of the movies I wanted from blockbuster were on "Long Wait". I can also say that I've been a Netflix customer since 2003 and have not had a single lost or damaged disc during that whole time.

I think Blockbuster might be a dollar or two cheaper.
Neither. As my tastes are a bit more eclectic, I use Greencine but for most movies I suppose I'd go w/ Netflix.
Netflix is on a league of its own when it comes to Online DVD rentals. Their selection of DVDs is huge.. Animes, Independent, Foreign films that Blockbuster dont carry. They are also faster, for me anyway, 1 day return .. 1 day to get DVD to me, there has been RARE occasion that it took 2 days. Ive tried Blockbuster, takes anywhere from 1-4 days to get DVD to me sometime longer.. only advantage is their 2 B&M coupon but thats worthless now since it cant be used for game rentals.
I've had both good and not-so-good with both. Was with Netflix for 4 years, average ship time was 3 days round trip, though there were some flukes. Went to BBO when NF raised their prices on me, and the first 3 months were bad, but they have greatly improved, 2-3 day turnaround.

At first the inventory levels werehorrible, something like 40-70 percent of my queue was in a 'wait' status. But after a month or so, it got a lot better.
The two in-store coupons are why I'm sticking with them, at least till my price goes up [I'm at 14.99/mo now.] Two game rentals are 16 dollars, it's like I'm renting two games [for almost two weeks each] and getting free unlimited dvd rentals to boot.
They're both good, and it has been reported that both will throttle you if you're a real heavy renter.
The only thing about BBO is that you are more likely to get stuff that's not at the top of the queue--they try to ship stuff from the distro center closest to you, so it takes less time to get to/from you. It's a tradeoff, and I can see benefits doing it either way. They also ship from actual stores now, the disk I got today is from a BB store three hours from me.
I will admit, BBO's website and queue management are not as robust as Netflix's [at least based on my memory]. I don't need the 'share with a friend' features, but I would like a little more flexibility on the website.

There's no contract or obligation, pick one and try it. For the first few months with either one, I kept a spreadsheet of 'sent/received/sentback/checked in' to track speed, and I noticed a distinct improvement with BBO after 1.5 months [I also joined at Christmas, so holiday mail and holiday rush might have affected my service].

My coupons are still usable on games, although I have heard they are phasing them out [and that would cause me to revisit my loyalty to BBO]. When I signed up with BBO, there were maybe 3 titles out of 150 NF had that BBO didn't, but BBO had a few NF didn't as well.
My vote is for Netflix. My service level has been very consistent (I send movies back.. next day they get them and ship... next day I get movies.)

The way Blockbuster treated me over the years (sent to collections for the smallest amounts - I mean serious - I can understand if it's $20.. but 3 :censored: dollars and seventy nine cents. kiss my ass.

And then there was the untrue campaign of "no more late fees" to compete with Netflix, except with Netflix it was true and BBuster would make you BUY the movie if it was too late (with not much of a grace period).

Until Netflix becomes the evil corporation that Blockbuster was and is, Netflix all the way baby.
Another vote for Netflix here. They have a great selection and their shipments never took more than a day to get here. The Blockbuster warehouse was in the same district and it took 2-3 days. You should find where your nearest shipping center for both is.

I'd only consider BB if their two free rentals were still good for games, but alas, they're no more.
I just recently dumped for Netflix for one simple reason, turn-around time. With Netflilx it's been 2-3 days between discs, where as with it's been all over the place, somtimes as long as a week. The two free instore rental coupons, along with third coupon that's good for PV movies are nice, but all in all I still felt like I was getting screwed by
I don't like Blockbuster EXCEPT for BB online. It's been better for me and i've had both. With BB online my turn around time was great, it was almost always a 3 day total time and that includes your mailing and recieving day! Plus you get 2 free B&M rentals a month and you can rent games with those!

Netflix has a bigger selection but they are slower, at least here in the midwest, and you don't get the 2 free in store rentals a month.

I usually sign up for a month then cancel and let stuff build up for a while that I wanna see then sign up again. :)


So BB online coupons are no longer good for game rentals? Now that I think about it, I wouldn't rent anything with them anyway. They have that new policy with 360 games about requiring a CC and not a debit card.......

There is a BB distribution center about 2.5 hours from my house, is there a list of Netflix distribution centers anywhere? It's been awhile since I was a member, maybe they've gotten better... I really dislike BB so if Netflix is quick I'd change.
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